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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    On an other note I really think that along with MM, the time that Vala spent in the Ori galaxy was very important in regards to her "growing up" and her and Daniel's relationship. It allowed her to "mature" to get closer to a place where she could allow herself a real relationship with Daniel, instead of the fling that it might have ended up being had she not had this chance to emotionally evolve? making sense? (Good job on TPTB's part )...
    I agree!

    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    OT- I'm beginning to see S/C more and more.
    Welcome to the dark side Isa... ^_^

    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
    NOW my only fear is... the end of Continuum...and I'll say no more on that topic
    What's your fear LC? Are you afraid that Daniel and Vala
    won't get together?
    I'm not afraid of that because I think that good things come to those who wait, and I'm willing to wait and bask in fandom till good things come...

    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Excellent All must follow the path of Cam/Sam!
    I'll say. ^_^

    Originally posted by djay View Post
    Spoilers for Unending:


    I love how they reference this episode in Unending!

    VALA: Being stuck on this ship is worse than being stuck at the SGC.
    I tell you, the last time I was this bored, I took hostages!

    DANIEL: I was there.

    Oh, I love the continuity too....

    Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
    After stubbornly championing only Daniel/Sha'uri for nearly ten years, I'm finding myself getting slowly sucked into Daniel/Vala 'ship-dom. The more SG-1 I watch, the more I see it... so here I am. Hi, everyone! New convert here.
    Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
    |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


      Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
      After stubbornly championing only Daniel/Sha'uri for nearly ten years, I'm finding myself getting slowly sucked into Daniel/Vala 'ship-dom. The more SG-1 I watch, the more I see it... so here I am. Hi, everyone! New convert here.
      Welcome to the dark and fully awesome side!
      banner by Stef


        *feels luffed* Thanks for the welcome, everyone!

        Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
        Look at it this way Sha're would want Daniel to find love again and would want him to be happy.
        My thoughts exactly. I mean, it has been seven years––it's high time he found someone. And Vala is just perfect for him.

        Hmm... plot bunny...

        Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


          Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
          Welcome to the ship!!!

          Look at it this way Sha're would want Daniel to find love again and would want him to be happy.
          ....and all the better if it's with a feisty vixen like Vala...

          Made by Me!


            Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
            Welcome to the dark side Isa... ^_^

            Oh, I love the continuity too....
            It's a nice side to be on

            Continuity makes the show. On other shows it's my biggest pet peeve.... not a problem here though.

            Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
            *feels luffed* Thanks for the welcome, everyone!

            My thoughts exactly. I mean, it has been seven years––it's high time he found someone. And Vala is just perfect for him.

            Hmm... plot bunny...
            ITA, they are perfect for each other and Sha're would want Daniel to be happy.

            Plot bunny? *feeds bunny* Gotta let them grow!
            Last edited by isabelqc; 06 May 2007, 06:08 PM.
            banner by Stef


              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              This is just your speculation, right?

              Yes, I do want to hear. Worse thing?
              ....they all die!

              I guess my imagination isn't as good as yours

              Yes all speculation on my part, but based on my old cynicism about writers and relationships and something I read earlier in the year...and also thinking/over-analyzing too much(my husband has always said I think too much)
              Okay here goes...and I hope and pray that I'm wrong.
              No they aren't going to kill everybody off...doesn't make any sense then they'd have nobody left for any other DVDs...unless of course THEY ALL ASCENDED and then got booted out for arguing...lolololol...okay that's too funny for words.

              Vala dies by the end of Continuum. Why? Well because she's not part of the original team and her story arc has come to an end. Yeah, yeah I know what about her and Daniel?...Well it's been resolved...enough for the writers anyway.
              I read a snippet earlier in the year from someone ...don't remember who...hmmm...maybe even Michael...anyway can't remember now...anyway the comment was something about the last episode(that would be "Unending")that we would see what Daniel and Vala could be if life were I thought at the time "huh, what does that mean...geez if their lives were normal they would have never met"...but in thinking about what their lives were like in "Unending' the one thing that stood out was they were not threatened by anything...'cept boredom of course'...unlike in their real lives where their lives are threatened constantly.
              Also Daniel's pain and angst over Shau'ri has been a major impetus for most of the series...let's face it we(females) like a tragic, angst-ridden hero...and it's tough to keep selling that hero if he falls passionately in it has been done...can have major angst if the hero is separated from his lover/wife(thinking of BJ in MASH...two of the most touching episodes are where he's struggling with an attraction to someone while his wife is at home in US)...and I personally would love it if the writers went that route...I could definitely live with Daniel continuing to go off-world and having to cope with being separately from Vala(altho I really can't see Vala becoming the stay-at-home wife,lol)...being separately from Vala could also be because the 'frat regs' force them to work on different teams.
              I'm sure there was some other point that I had been thinking about too, but my neck/shoulder is starting to give me problems again so I'm gonna go(yep I know you've heard that one before.)
              So I repeat this is only my cynical nature and sheer speculation on my part...I truly don't want this to happen, but we gotta be prepared for it.



              My Fiction:


                I am a little nervous about the movies too but stay positive and positive things will happen. I can be a cynic too so I know what you mean.

                For the 2nd movie what I am hoping for speculation and spoilers for Continuum

                I am hoping that they have D&V married in the beginnings so when they set the time back from Baal manipulations they will still be together I don't think they will kill Vala if these are the last we see of SG-1 they will make it a happy ending. Daniel already lost 1 wife they won't do it again they love writing for Vala so I don't think they will kill her. I can't see Vala being a house wife either I think she will work but what she does remains to be seen
                My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                  Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                  Yes all speculation on my part, but based on my old cynicism about writers and relationships and something I read earlier in the year...and also thinking/over-analyzing too much(my husband has always said I think too much)
                  Okay here goes...and I hope and pray that I'm wrong.
                  No they aren't going to kill everybody off...doesn't make any sense then they'd have nobody left for any other DVDs...unless of course THEY ALL ASCENDED and then got booted out for arguing...lolololol...okay that's too funny for words.

                  Vala dies by the end of Continuum. Why? Well because she's not part of the original team and her story arc has come to an end. Yeah, yeah I know what about her and Daniel?...Well it's been resolved...enough for the writers anyway.
                  I read a snippet earlier in the year from someone ...don't remember who...hmmm...maybe even Michael...anyway can't remember now...anyway the comment was something about the last episode(that would be "Unending")that we would see what Daniel and Vala could be if life were I thought at the time "huh, what does that mean...geez if their lives were normal they would have never met"...but in thinking about what their lives were like in "Unending' the one thing that stood out was they were not threatened by anything...'cept boredom of course'...unlike in their real lives where their lives are threatened constantly.
                  Also Daniel's pain and angst over Shau'ri has been a major impetus for most of the series...let's face it we(females) like a tragic, angst-ridden hero...and it's tough to keep selling that hero if he falls passionately in it has been done...can have major angst if the hero is separated from his lover/wife(thinking of BJ in MASH...two of the most touching episodes are where he's struggling with an attraction to someone while his wife is at home in US)...and I personally would love it if the writers went that route...I could definitely live with Daniel continuing to go off-world and having to cope with being separately from Vala(altho I really can't see Vala becoming the stay-at-home wife,lol)...being separately from Vala could also be because the 'frat regs' force them to work on different teams.
                  I'm sure there was some other point that I had been thinking about too, but my neck/shoulder is starting to give me problems again so I'm gonna go(yep I know you've heard that one before.)
                  So I repeat this is only my cynical nature and sheer speculation on my part...I truly don't want this to happen, but we gotta be prepared for it.

                  My fear as well, and you just mentioned all the points that I've thought about too. I tend to be quite cynical too.

                  "If their lives were normal they would have never met"- lol and so true. But that's in a way what Unending was, it did show us what their lives would be like if the Ori and the constant peril they face in the galaxy was taken out of the picture. It was a "normal" as they were gonna get.

                  Hopefully, they don't wrap up Vala's arch like that. I mean yes, she isn;t part of the original team, but in her time with them she has integrated herself so fully (if we remember Jonas, who I like, he always felt like an outsider, he never felt fully comfortable in the group. Vala is the complete opposite. She is in- completely), that it would be wrong and imo kinda stupid to take her out. She's works so well with each member in a context totally separate with her relationship with Daniel. She's gives Sam a female to interact with. She adds to Teal'c is no longer the only alien fully associated with the SGC/Tau'ri. She balances Cam newness to the team out. She's the ying to Daniel's yang. In a way they've made her a perfect foil for all off them, all in completely different ways. Of course in the opposite point of view, it also makes her the easiest to get rid off, because they already have her certain of her qualities in other team members.

                  Still, she adds to the dynamic. She is surprisingly practical, and resourceful. If we think about it, they use a LOT of her idea and plans to work things out. "Beachhead"- she warned them about Nerus and figured out how to slow the problem before even Sam. "CoT"- she got them the ship and she made the hyperdrive work (though you could argue luck), "The Quest"- she puts the riddles in the terms that allow the others to figure them out, she tells Sam that the maze is "deceptively simple"..., "Unending"- the reversal of time in a localized field was her idea. There's might be more that I know I'm missing. She's clever. And adds that extra something.

                  And while I agree with the tragic hero concept, and how the writer's might have that as a pull to kill of Vala, I hope they don't. She works so much better alive. Also, while in "Unending" they got together after 3 months, now they are able to extend that UST for much (though not too much) longer, because of all the other stuff going on. Vala is still married and while they'll deal with that in the "Ark of Truth", Daniel will probably feel guilt and sorry for her and not even try at a relationship because she will be mourning her husband (If they kill Tomin- you don't even wanna know my fears for the AoT). And Vala will mourn. So yeah, they'll have that to get through, plus all their own issues with family and trust. And lest not forget TPTB like keeping us in shippy suspense. *eyes them* But they also obviously ship D/V, so yay!

                  If they do give us resolution I don't think that Vala would be the stay at home type either, but since they are both civilians I'm sure they'll be able to stay on the team, hopefully, plus can't you just imagine the missions. Hee! Arguing about where to spend their anniversary over weapons fire- gold!

                  *steps of the soapbox I didn't even realize I stepped on*

                  And, this got to be way too long, but...yeah... I'm clearly a realist, that's actually an optimist, who hides behind cynicism/pessimism .
                  banner by Stef


                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    My fear as well, and you just mentioned all the points that I've thought about too. I tend to be quite cynical too.

                    "If their lives were normal they would have never met"- lol and so true. But that's in a way what Unending was, it did show us what their lives would be like if the Ori and the constant peril they face in the galaxy was taken out of the picture. It was a "normal" as they were gonna get.

                    Hopefully, they don't wrap up Vala's arch like that. I mean yes, she isn;t part of the original team, but in her time with them she has integrated herself so fully (if we remember Jonas, who I like, he always felt like an outsider, he never felt fully comfortable in the group. Vala is the complete opposite. She is in- completely), that it would be wrong and imo kinda stupid to take her out. She's works so well with each member in a context totally separate with her relationship with Daniel. She's gives Sam a female to interact with. She adds to Teal'c is no longer the only alien fully associated with the SGC/Tau'ri. She balances Cam newness to the team out. She's the ying to Daniel's yang. In a way they've made her a perfect foil for all off them, all in completely different ways. Of course in the opposite point of view, it also makes her the easiest to get rid off, because they already have her certain of her qualities in other team members.

                    Still, she adds to the dynamic. She is surprisingly practical, and resourceful. If we think about it, they use a LOT of her idea and plans to work things out. "Beachhead"- she warned them about Nerus and figured out how to slow the problem before even Sam. "CoT"- she got them the ship and she made the hyperdrive work (though you could argue luck), "The Quest"- she puts the riddles in the terms that allow the others to figure them out, she tells Sam that the maze is "deceptively simple"..., "Unending"- the reversal of time in a localized field was her idea. There's might be more that I know I'm missing. She's clever. And adds that extra something.

                    And while I agree with the tragic hero concept, and how the writer's might have that as a pull to kill of Vala, I hope they don't. She works so much better alive. Also, while in "Unending" they got together after 3 months, now they are able to extend that UST for much (though not too much) longer, because of all the other stuff going on. Vala is still married and while they'll deal with that in the "Ark of Truth", Daniel will probably feel guilt and sorry for her and not even try at a relationship because she will be mourning her husband (If they kill Tomin- you don't even wanna know my fears for the AoT). And Vala will mourn. So yeah, they'll have that to get through, plus all their own issues with family and trust. And lest not forget TPTB like keeping us in shippy suspense. *eyes them* But they also obviously ship D/V, so yay!

                    If they do give us resolution I don't think that Vala would be the stay at home type either, but since they are both civilians I'm sure they'll be able to stay on the team, hopefully, plus can't you just imagine the missions. Hee! Arguing about where to spend their anniversary over weapons fire- gold!

                    *steps of the soapbox I didn't even realize I stepped on*

                    And, this got to be way too long, but...yeah... I'm clearly a realist, that's actually an optimist, who hides behind cynicism/pessimism .
                    Yep agree on every single point(oh big surprise that I'm still here eh,lol)...'cept for Ark of Truth.
                    you have misgivings? really do tell...'cuz I don't. I think Tomin will be gone by the end...TPTB have said that 'Ark' closes the Ori storyline and Tomin is part of that storyline BUT I wonder just how angsty his death will be???...Tomin dies saving Daniel from Adria????...Daniel has to kill Tomin for some reason????

                    "not even try at a relationship because she will be mourning her husband"
                    Wow, this is been reading my mind

                    Okay I really am going bed.
                    see ya'll in the morning...and I make a little prayer that Kales will be back amongst us tomorrow...'cuz I really miss her fiction, Isabel's and getting my own stuff betaed.


                    My Fiction:


                      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                      Plot bunny? *feeds bunny* Gotta let them grow!
                      What did you feed the bunny, Miracle-Gro?

                      Short but complete: my first Daniel/Vala fic.

                      Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                        Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
                        What did you feed the bunny, Miracle-Gro?

                        Short but complete: my first Daniel/Vala fic.
                        just read and reviewed great start
                        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                          Hello to y'all!!
                          LC, I don't think either that they will go that direction. For me it's highly unlikely. We all know that Vala and Dala are new toy's of TPTB. The writers love writing Vala and she still has so many things to explore because of being a new team member and viceversa.
                          And even if there is fanbashing to her and Anti-Dala people on the Net,(I mean online interactive wievers) I strongly believe in general, people like Vala and her interaction with Daniel. (Of course, I don't live in USA so I can't be sure but I'm feeling just that way.)

                          So if MGM wants to contunie the franchise with DVD movies --I believe that they do-- there is no chance in hell that they'll kill her. Besides, movies are a lot of different than TV series. In movies they need romance, granted they're for DVDs like Star Trek and it's different than normal movies(I swear there's another word for that type of movies, ya know in cinemas etc, but can't remember now;P, anyway..)but stil they need it, and after Sam's Atlantis news, I think they might want to play that side of Dala relationship.

                          I hope...

                          Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
                          After stubbornly championing only Daniel/Sha'uri for nearly ten years, I'm finding myself getting slowly sucked into Daniel/Vala 'ship-dom. The more SG-1 I watch, the more I see it... so here I am. Hi, everyone! New convert here.
                          Welcome aboard!!!

                          Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
                          What did you feed the bunny, Miracle-Gro?

                          Short but complete: my first Daniel/Vala fic.
                          I'm off to read it.

                          Btw, thanks for all the feedback, guys.
                          Banner made by Stef

                          Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                            Yes all speculation on my part, but based on my old cynicism about writers and relationships and something I read earlier in the year...and also thinking/over-analyzing too much(my husband has always said I think too much)
                            Okay here goes...and I hope and pray that I'm wrong.
                            No they aren't going to kill everybody off...doesn't make any sense then they'd have nobody left for any other DVDs...unless of course THEY ALL ASCENDED and then got booted out for arguing...lolololol...okay that's too funny for words.

                            Vala dies by the end of Continuum. Why? Well because she's not part of the original team and her story arc has come to an end. Yeah, yeah I know what about her and Daniel?...Well it's been resolved...enough for the writers anyway.
                            I read a snippet earlier in the year from someone ...don't remember who...hmmm...maybe even Michael...anyway can't remember now...anyway the comment was something about the last episode(that would be "Unending")that we would see what Daniel and Vala could be if life were I thought at the time "huh, what does that mean...geez if their lives were normal they would have never met"...but in thinking about what their lives were like in "Unending' the one thing that stood out was they were not threatened by anything...'cept boredom of course'...unlike in their real lives where their lives are threatened constantly.
                            Also Daniel's pain and angst over Shau'ri has been a major impetus for most of the series...let's face it we(females) like a tragic, angst-ridden hero...and it's tough to keep selling that hero if he falls passionately in it has been done...can have major angst if the hero is separated from his lover/wife(thinking of BJ in MASH...two of the most touching episodes are where he's struggling with an attraction to someone while his wife is at home in US)...and I personally would love it if the writers went that route...I could definitely live with Daniel continuing to go off-world and having to cope with being separately from Vala(altho I really can't see Vala becoming the stay-at-home wife,lol)...being separately from Vala could also be because the 'frat regs' force them to work on different teams.
                            I'm sure there was some other point that I had been thinking about too, but my neck/shoulder is starting to give me problems again so I'm gonna go(yep I know you've heard that one before.)
                            So I repeat this is only my cynical nature and sheer speculation on my part...I truly don't want this to happen, but we gotta be prepared for it.

                            Interesting interpretation. I guess I am just an optimist because...
                            ...I don't see them killing off Vala, in any way, shape, or form. It's not even a thought that has ever crossed my mind. These are the reasons why I personally don't think they'd go there:

                            A) She's a favorite character for the writers to write, and they LOVE CB and the energy she's brought to the show. Plus, we have a lot of TPTB that are DV shippers. They screwed up S/J, do you really think they'd screw over another ship like that?

                            B) She adds humor, and everyone from RCC to JM have said they like the different aspect she has brought to the show. I mean, they praise her and BB for bringing SG-1 back to it would seem strange that they would kill off one of the characters/actors that they credit for the last two seasons' success. Besides, they just spent a whole season trying to make Vala a part of the team...would they really make that all for nothing by just killing her off simply to provide more drama? Are there not other characters whose deaths would have a bigger impact? With the g'oauld storyline over, I'd say Teal'c would be a stronger candidate for death. His death would provide a bigger impact for fans.

                            C) This movie is supposed to be a stand-alone, a way of allowing non-fans to get into the show/franchise. Kiling off a character in the movie would be a little off-putting, especially since there will have been no connection to that character (since she'll be Qetesh the whole time). If she were to die in ANY movie, it would be The Ark of Truth since it's Vala-heavy. Unless they plan on giving Vala some sort of significant character arc in this movie, I don't think they'd kill her off.

                            D) Daniel has already lost one woman he loves. That's the thing that really makes me doubt this. Writers, as much as they love drama, would not do that to Daniel again....especially not after they showed Daniel saying how hard it's been for him to move on these past ten years. That statement says to me that Vala is supposed to be an almost redemption for Daniel...a chance for him to find love again. For them to kill Vala off would just send him back to that place he was in before he met her, it would be a regression in his character rather than a progression. So I really can't see the writers doing that to Daniel again.

                            The thing about Sha're's death was that it created a driving force for Daniel to join SG-1 again, what would Vala's death really accomplish other than create angst for another movie that they're not even sure they're going to be making at this point? The writers have written DV in a very cyclical way. Daniel started out the show losing his wife, only to end it finding a new love again. So, I see Continuum being a way of Daniel finally being able to do something he was never able to do before, save the woman he loves. I think that if they killed Vala off, that would just show how little the writers have matured....that they are still using the same tropes from 8 years ago to create drama.

                            Just my take on things I hope what I said makes sense....and maybe offers some hope

                            Last edited by Stef; 06 May 2007, 11:30 PM.

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                              Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
                              What did you feed the bunny, Miracle-Gro?

                              Short but complete: my first Daniel/Vala fic.
                              Loved it. that is so what I feel Sha're would be saying to Daniel if she could.
                              thanks Stef

                              Thanks Wendy


                                CeeKay, loved it much.
                                liked how Sha're saw the difference between her Dan-yel and the Daniel we know now. Even if in deep down he's still our Daniel, he's changed much along ten years, which is why i like him that much in the first place. I hate when a character in a tv show, doesn't show any progress and stay in the same way all the time. It's just plain boring and not so natural, people change all the time and I like to see it onscreen. Sometimes I wonder If this sceptical Daniel would have loved Sha're if they had met at S9-S10. But I believe no, he couldn't have. He might have found her a little plain.. anyway, i don't know, i'm fanwanking here.
                                Banner made by Stef

                                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1

