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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Hello shippers Wonko wednsday well scene from Unending

    I am going to go crazy and I am taking you with me Vala to Daniel too funny

    I have to go to class bye
    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl



      Can someone please post the part when he picks her up and carries her down the hallway

      *sends positive D/V thoughts*


      sig by chlex


        Originally posted by cute_az_can_be View Post

        Can someone please post the part when he picks her up and carries her down the hallway

        *sends positive D/V thoughts*


        Sig made by me


          *cheers* thank you thank you thank you!!!!


          sig by chlex


            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            Hello Shippers!

            Will have to do some digging for our theme pics today...
            Yes!!! Bring them!!lol!! I'm demanding, amn't I?

            Originally posted by Kales View Post
            I just first drafted the 13th chapter of Domino, and I have never been happier with a scene in my life. I just had to say it. I have actually never been happier with the way it's gone from a scene that blisters through my skull and I can see it to the way it's written on the page. I didn't think it would work on the page, but it does. I'm so tempted to do a triple update, just to get to this point in the story, but I need to edit chapter 12.

            Just had to say it, and to *wave* - I'm heading out, but I shall be back by 11 or 12 (as if I have a curfew, lol), to post the 11th chapter.
            Kales, update!! update!!
            Is not already 11, well it's somewhere

            Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
            Hello shippers Wonko wednsday well scene from Unending

            I am going to go crazy and I am taking you with me Vala to Daniel too funny
            These are the definition of Wonko
            Banner made by Stef

            Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


              Okay, I think these count towards the theme....

              Sig made by me


                Banner made by Stef

                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                  VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                    I guess such a sceptic expression fits Wonko Wednesday. Just.

                    VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                      UG! Having a BAD day. I feel like dog is sick and keeps throwing up which is the last thing I want to clean up right now. Am to sick to go to classes which always makes me feel like a useless scrub. Plus keeps saying error everytime I try to upload a document and YT doesn't have any season 10 eps anymore for me to wallow in. And VCR won't record when they do air here so I have to wait to see any ep (except for Unending) until the DVD's come out. Which on a day like today makes me want to cry.

                      And on that depressing note...catch up for me...

                      Why Vala came back in season 9...I'm so in the it was all for Daniel group. Well...the treasure did make it better, but I'm sure she could have found a way to it without Daniel. Daniel was the perfect sundae and the treasure was the whip cream!

                      Judicial spoilers just in case someone missed it
                      LOVED the irish accent. GAW! Despite all lifetimes movies being crap...he made this one worth it. And I'm sorry, but HELLO! Do not drink something that has been alone with a man you just met. Even if he does look like MS. Is it bad that he was so hot in that movie I didn't mind the prostitue thing or feel bad when he died? I was sad when he died. most of that movie I threw out any values in myself and thought...I would pay for that man. (bad kami bad! your a good girl...he's a bad man...a very very...spankable bad man) oops...gutter here I am.

                      Syd loved both vids! Great job!

                      Kales Fic chapter was great, gut that ending! Arg...when is the next one out???
                      by: SerenaSerenity


                        Originally posted by djay View Post
                        They're pulling the vids quickly over at You Tube now. A new Michelle Branch one has gone after only a day.
                        For those who don't have access to that scene, it's been uploaded again for the moment anyhow. Plus a few other Unending scenes.


                        I know- its gone already *cries* Dala only has like 30 videos when we had like 33 yesterday...

                        Originally posted by Hybridbabe View Post
                        *shakes head* they just don't know good advertising when they see it.
                        No, they don't!

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Hey guys, haven't posted a lot today....been very tired

                        Anyway, commented on your fic, Kales. Read my comments on FF and LJ for my enthusiastic responses, right now I can barely keep my eyes open.

                        Oh, and it seems as if the haters are out in force over at Stargate: Solutions. Take a minute and vote for what you thought about season 10. Right now, "all great" + "mostly great" are leading....but there is a large portion of "bleh." Honestly...why do some of these people watch. Sometimes I think that they just like having something to complain about

                        Whatever. I think I will head off to bed at....11pm!!! What has the world come to?!


                        Poor Stef... I know I had the most HORRIBLE sleep last night- I was up every freaking hour and I should have come down or something but I was just too sleepy... as for Stargate solutions- I went and voted for all great because I felt that the entirity of Season 10 has been great! How people can say it was blech is beyond me completly....

                        Originally posted by Kales View Post
                        Gioia and this thread: you make me feel this loved (important unspoilery announcement, bc you should ALL know this):

                        Like I have a warm, happy glow of zen around me.

                        Like if I wanted to dance, you would too, just so I wouldn't be alone and silly on the dance floor.

                        Like you'll tell me, honestly and nicely, if I'm being stupid or rubbish, and help me improve...

                        ... And you'll make me smile if I'm down...

                        ...Whether it's in the gutter, looking at these pretty stars...

                        ...Or by serious, balanced, discussion or PG picspam, because...

                        Daniel & Vala is my happy place. And it owes a lot of that to the fact that...

                        You all make it that way! You're that brilliant. And you should know it.

                        My parents just left. So despite being 19, I am feeling a little forlorn and sappy.
                        Deliberate re-post. OMG Kales, this was great!

                        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                        Okay, I think these count towards the theme....

                        Yes, totally!
                        Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                        |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                          Folks, could you please help Vala & Teal'c in Couples pics awwww game?


                            Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                            UG! Having a BAD day. I feel like dog is sick and keeps throwing up which is the last thing I want to clean up right now. Am to sick to go to classes which always makes me feel like a useless scrub. Plus keeps saying error everytime I try to upload a document and YT doesn't have any season 10 eps anymore for me to wallow in. And VCR won't record when they do air here so I have to wait to see any ep (except for Unending) until the DVD's come out. Which on a day like today makes me want to cry.

                            And on that depressing note...catch up for me...

                            Why Vala came back in season 9...I'm so in the it was all for Daniel group. Well...the treasure did make it better, but I'm sure she could have found a way to it without Daniel. Daniel was the perfect sundae and the treasure was the whip cream!

                            Judicial spoilers just in case someone missed it
                            LOVED the irish accent. GAW! Despite all lifetimes movies being crap...he made this one worth it. And I'm sorry, but HELLO! Do not drink something that has been alone with a man you just met. Even if he does look like MS. Is it bad that he was so hot in that movie I didn't mind the prostitue thing or feel bad when he died? I was sad when he died. most of that movie I threw out any values in myself and thought...I would pay for that man. (bad kami bad! your a good girl...he's a bad man...a very very...spankable bad man) oops...gutter here I am.

                            Syd loved both vids! Great job!

                            Kales Fic chapter was great, gut that ending! Arg...when is the next one out???
                            First of all, ((((Kami))))!! Sorry you are not feeling well and having a poopy day! It is raining something fierce out there today and I just can't wait to go home and cuddle up with one of my clones, I mean blankets, and watch tv the rest of the night!!

                            Secondly, JI
                            MS was so dang hot in that movie *fanning self* He needs to do more roles where he is evil or bad You are not alone in your thoughts because I was thinking the same thing about being willing to pay for him, creepy and all...hehehe

                            D: You're a Fruitcake!

                            That little scene always makes me feel better, so I am sending it your way
                            Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                              UG! Having a BAD day. I feel like dog is sick and keeps throwing up which is the last thing I want to clean up right now. Am to sick to go to classes which always makes me feel like a useless scrub. Plus keeps saying error everytime I try to upload a document and YT doesn't have any season 10 eps anymore for me to wallow in. And VCR won't record when they do air here so I have to wait to see any ep (except for Unending) until the DVD's come out. Which on a day like today makes me want to cry.
                              *hugs* I hope we made you feeling a little more better with all the fic, vid, pic and ship talking

                              Why Vala came back in season 9...I'm so in the it was all for Daniel group. Well...the treasure did make it better, but I'm sure she could have found a way to it without Daniel. Daniel was the perfect sundae and the treasure was the whip cream!
                              I'm not quite sure about that but I like your opinion better
                              Maybe she was totally in Daniel but didn't know it in that times..Yeah, probably..

                              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

                              D: You're a Fruitcake![/CENTER]
                              Another Wonko scene and It's hot kissing!!
                              You're great DJgirl
                              Last edited by gioia; 11 April 2007, 10:13 AM.
                              Banner made by Stef

                              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                                Thanks Djgirl and gioia! There is a reason no matter what I am doing...I'm not closing this browser page. Its a big ray of sunshine.

                                Courtesy of Ronja...who is a wonderful pic dealer

                                Vala: Do your ears hang low? Do they tumble to and fro?
                                by: SerenaSerenity

