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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
    SPACE was running the episode today about Jacob blending with Selmak..and something occurred to me about Continuum and whether we ever see the Tok'ra again.
    ...wonder if they'll show up again because it is our Vala that is Quetesh and once again the Tok'ra have to remove the symbiote...gasp...OMG...that could be when....okay I'm not going any farther with that thought..................
    Interesting thought, but I was under the impression that....
    ....the team was going to save Vala and Teal'c by going back in time and stopping Ba'al from stealing the Stargate in the first place So that would make the Tok'ra kind of useless.

    I don't think they'd go down the route you're talking about because that would mean that the world is still messed up. For Vala to still be Qetesh, it would mean that Earth never found the Stargate! It would also nullify the past 10 years for Teal'c and Vala.....I really don't see the writers starting from scratch with both characters again.

    Just for practicalility, I also don't think they'd do it because you're tying the movie too much to one of the more complicated issues of the show. They are ending the Ori storyline because they want to make things more stand-alone and simple, so that newbies will be able to understand. If they bring in the Tok'ra and how the symbiote functions in the host, they're going to have the explain that.....and do they really have time for that in a 2hour movie?

    Sorry, I keep going against your assessments But at least we're creating a nice balance between pessimism and optimism here!

    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
    I found the WP Hastie did say it was snurchable...

    Great job hastie!!!!!
    Thanks so much for posting. Yum!!

    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    Tell me about it... and she's had a kid, too... hot mom there... *sigh* The world knows no justice....
    When I first saw CB in that S&M gettup, I was jealous of her arms. Then I saw her in TPTB and I was in awe of her abs. But you know, she had years to work on both, and she was always toned on "Farscape." My real problem came when I saw her after she had had her baby. That's when I realized how unfair life really is.


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      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Interesting thought, but I was under the impression that....
      ....the team was going to save Vala and Teal'c by going back in time and stopping Ba'al from stealing the Stargate in the first place So that would make the Tok'ra kind of useless.

      I don't think they'd go down the route you're talking about because that would mean that the world is still messed up. For Vala to still be Qetesh, it would mean that Earth never found the Stargate! It would also nullify the past 10 years for Teal'c and Vala.....I really don't see the writers starting from scratch with both characters again.

      Just for practicalility, I also don't think they'd do it because you're tying the movie too much to one of the more complicated issues of the show. They are ending the Ori storyline because they want to make things more stand-alone and simple, so that newbies will be able to understand. If they bring in the Tok'ra and how the symbiote functions in the host, they're going to have the explain that.....and do they really have time for that in a 2hour movie?

      Sorry, I keep going against your assessments But at least we're creating a nice balance between pessimism and optimism here!


      OH please, shoot down my thoughts as much as you want...I would thrilled if anyone can convince me that I am completely wrong.

      My Fiction:


        Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
        What did you feed the bunny, Miracle-Gro?

        Short but complete: my first Daniel/Vala fic.
        I loved this fic. Keep on writing.



          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          Yes all speculation on my part, but based on my old cynicism about writers and relationships and something I read earlier in the year...and also thinking/over-analyzing too much(my husband has always said I think too much)
          Okay here goes...and I hope and pray that I'm wrong.
          No they aren't going to kill everybody off...doesn't make any sense then they'd have nobody left for any other DVDs...unless of course THEY ALL ASCENDED and then got booted out for arguing...lolololol...okay that's too funny for words.

          Vala dies by the end of Continuum. Why? Well because she's not part of the original team and her story arc has come to an end. Yeah, yeah I know what about her and Daniel?...Well it's been resolved...enough for the writers anyway.
          I read a snippet earlier in the year from someone ...don't remember who...hmmm...maybe even Michael...anyway can't remember now...anyway the comment was something about the last episode(that would be "Unending")that we would see what Daniel and Vala could be if life were I thought at the time "huh, what does that mean...geez if their lives were normal they would have never met"...but in thinking about what their lives were like in "Unending' the one thing that stood out was they were not threatened by anything...'cept boredom of course'...unlike in their real lives where their lives are threatened constantly.
          Also Daniel's pain and angst over Shau'ri has been a major impetus for most of the series...let's face it we(females) like a tragic, angst-ridden hero...and it's tough to keep selling that hero if he falls passionately in it has been done...can have major angst if the hero is separated from his lover/wife(thinking of BJ in MASH...two of the most touching episodes are where he's struggling with an attraction to someone while his wife is at home in US)...and I personally would love it if the writers went that route...I could definitely live with Daniel continuing to go off-world and having to cope with being separately from Vala(altho I really can't see Vala becoming the stay-at-home wife,lol)...being separately from Vala could also be because the 'frat regs' force them to work on different teams.
          I'm sure there was some other point that I had been thinking about too, but my neck/shoulder is starting to give me problems again so I'm gonna go(yep I know you've heard that one before.)
          So I repeat this is only my cynical nature and sheer speculation on my part...I truly don't want this to happen, but we gotta be prepared for it.

          ......I hope nothing like that doesn't happen... and I doubt that it will happen- I don't have any concrete proof... but I don't think that it will happen.

          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          "not even try at a relationship because she will be mourning her husband" Wow, this is been reading my mind
          I don't think that will happen because I think that Vala already considered
          Tomin to be dead at the end of LitS. And she only married him to save her own skin, and while she cares for him, she doesn't love him the way Daniel loved Shar'e
          So, I'm positve that things will turn out alright in the end....
          Last edited by Anjirika; 08 May 2007, 11:12 AM.
          Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
            I'm working on it, but I need to actually figure it out .... All I have is "Vala walks in wearing quite possibly the shortest pair of shorts he's ever seen and the already stifling room feels impossibly hotter..." and BLANK!
            Hey, it's a great start! My brain is going about a million different places from there... none of which are fit to print... *joins gioia in the gutter* *SPLASH*

            Originally posted by Racheski View Post
            I loved this fic. Keep on writing.

            Thank you! I love playing with perspectives when I write.

            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


              Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard View Post
              Hey, it's a great start! My brain is going about a million different places from there... none of which are fit to print... *joins gioia in the gutter* *SPLASH*
              Mine too! So much so it evolved!!! It supposed to be Vala walking into the room and making Daniel into goo, now I have Vala turning Daniel into goo with introspection and ust and sultry-ness...and why do I do this to myself? Why couldn't they just get the smex on?.... Le sigh!
              banner by Stef


                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                Mine too! So much so it evolved!!! It supposed to be Vala walking into the room and making Daniel into goo, now I have Vala turning Daniel into goo with introspection and ust and sultry-ness...and why do I do this to myself? Why couldn't they just get the smex on?.... Le sigh!
                Well, I don't know about most people, but I'd much rather read introspection and UST. Any couple can have sex, but a character's thoughts are theirs alone.

                Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                  I come bearing fic:
                  thanks Stef

                  Thanks Wendy


                    Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                    Nice job––I like the way Vala reacted to Daniel's story.

                    Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                      Thanks. I enjoy writing them conversing about Daniel's past.=)
                      thanks Stef

                      Thanks Wendy


                        Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                        cute fic read and commented. I liked the tender moment between them.
                        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                          So do I. Glad you liked it. =)
                          thanks Stef

                          Thanks Wendy


                            It's not done yet but I thought I preview wouldn't hurt:

                            Vala walks in wearing quite possibly the shortest pair of shorts he's ever seen and the already stifling room feels hotter...

                            Enjoy. This is because/for you guys.
                            banner by Stef


                              Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                              It's not done yet but I thought I preview wouldn't hurt:

                              Vala walks in wearing quite possibly the shortest pair of shorts he's ever seen and the already stifling room feels hotter...

                              Enjoy. This is because/for you guys.
                              Ooh, hot. (No pun intended...) Great beginning!

                              Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                                Mine too! So much so it evolved!!! It supposed to be Vala walking into the room and making Daniel into goo, now I have Vala turning Daniel into goo with introspection and ust and sultry-ness...and why do I do this to myself? Why couldn't they just get the smex on?.... Le sigh!
                                Ohh!! that's one of my main problems in writing too. Daniel and Vala never do what i want them to do When i start to write some scene, it turns out a hell of different than what I planned

                                Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                                *bouncing around* I read it, read it, read it!!!
                                I'm so hiperactive today

                                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                                It's not done yet but I thought I preview wouldn't hurt:

                                Vala walks in wearing quite possibly the shortest pair of shorts he's ever seen and the already stifling room feels hotter...

                                Enjoy. This is because/for you guys.
                                you made my morning, girl!!
                                Banner made by Stef

                                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1

