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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    I'm watching The Painted Veil right now but I'll stop in to get things started and then when it's over I'll do the whole discussion thing


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      Okay, let the discussion begin for...


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        Originally posted by Toomi View Post
        Adlibed by Ben. Apparently he was really surprised (as was everyone else) when the network kept it in.
        Lol, I love it when they adlib. (ie. CB's tortoise remark or MS with the Scooby Doo joke in the high school reunion episode)

        Originally posted by Stef View Post

        Discuss Line in the Sand? Yes or No

        YES Definitely. Tomin was important.


        Vala: I love jam!
        Last edited by Odakota_Rose; 30 August 2007, 08:05 PM.
        Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

        Sig by Odakota_Rose


          I liked these scenes..where Vala talk about marriage...I absolutely love Daniel face...

          Sig made by slizzie1986


            Tomin was an idiot.... sorry -not too much - ...Back in topic
            Obviously, I adore this moment...Thanks God I never watched Farscape...

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              Favorite quote:
              Teal'c: You are most transparent O'Neill.
              Jack: Oh. Funny.
              Teal'c: I can see right through you.
              Jack: Don't push it.

              Daniel: Okay one, that's Star Trek, two, it's ridiculous!

              Teal'c: I do not understand why everything in this script must inevitably explode.

              Favorite scene:

              Sam: Sir, are you in here?
              Jack: Nope.

              And of course the Farscape scene *dies giggling*

              Favorite pics:

              Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

              Sig by Odakota_Rose


                Stef, is so nice to see you on the Pond! Today on the Pond is Blue Friday - in Italy is already Friday- Have you some good Blue Daniel for us?

                Sig made by slizzie1986


                  Okay, just finished The Painted Veil. I really liked it, even if it is just a wee bit depressing. *sigh* I love Edward Norton...I love Edward Norton even more with a british accent Back on topic...

                  Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
                  Obviously, I adore this moment...Thanks God I never watched Farscape...

                  Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
                  Stef, is so nice to see you on the Pond! Today on the Pond is Blue Friday - in Italy is already Friday- Have you some good Blue Daniel for us?
                  Wow, it totally doesn't feel like Friday! I was thinking it was Wednesday Oops.


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                    Okay, just finished watching it all through and I've sprained both cheeks laughing so hard

                    I'll be back with my faves in a minute but I just wanted to propose another kind of post. Can everyone post the jabs at the show/writers/producers/actors they've found?? I've found plenty and I'll post them too but I just know I must be missing some and I want in on the jokes

                    Oooh, also, the Farscape scene: #1-Hilarious! #2- It always struck me as odd that they'd keep Vala as Aeryn but not Cam as John until I realized it was a not-so-subtle hint. By changing just MS and BB, they're giving a huge wink to all D/V shippers! Yay for Fruitcakes!

                    And not that I'm a fan myself but I soooo loved the writers for giving the Jack/Daniel slashers a crumb (in the wedding scene), I thought it was really sweet of them
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                      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                      Okay, just finished watching it all through and I've sprained both cheeks laughing so hard

                      I'll be back with my faves in a minute but I just wanted to propose another kind of post. Can everyone post the jabs at the show/writers/producers/actors they've found?? I've found plenty and I'll post them too but I just know I must be missing some and I want in on the jokes

                      Oooh, also, the Farscape scene: #1-Hilarious! #2- It always struck me as odd that they'd keep Vala as Aeryn but not Cam as John until I realized it was a not-so-subtle hint. By changing just MS and BB, they're giving a huge wink to all D/V shippers! Yay for Fruitcakes!

                      And not that I'm a fan myself but I soooo loved the writers for giving the Jack/Daniel slashers a crumb (in the wedding scene), I thought it was really sweet of them

                      I was rolling all over the place laughing at this one, I love how completely irreverent it is and I lost track of all the jabs, there seem to be hundreds in here

                      YES! They threw us a bone there, definitely. I think it was a last minute thing that MS and BB decided to switch places, and I love it.
                      Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                      Sig by Odakota_Rose


                        Favourite Quote

                        Martin: That's the Wizard of Oz.
                        Vala:'ve seen that one.
                        Martin: Uh yeah...oh *picks up phone* that's my phone. Martin Lloyd.
                        Vala: Heh, I didn't hear it ring.
                        Martin walking away: It's on...vibrate.

                        Favourite Scene

                        BY FAR the "Jack O'Neill is my daddy" segment...okay not by far, it's really tied with the Farscape sequence.

                        Favourite Pic


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                          Okay, time for my favorites...

                          FAVORITE SCENE:

                          Young SG-1....(many pictures)

                          T-TEALC: Yo dog, what'cha do that for?

                          T-CAM: Dude, that hot chick was so totally a Goa'uld.
                          T-TEALC: Duh, but I was still gonna tap that.
                          T-CAM: You don't appreciate me, do you?

                          T-SAM: I think you're so totally awesome.

                          T-CAM: Now that's what I'm talkin' about (ha! nice little reference back to his "catch-phrase").

                          T-TEALC: Yo, Wonderbread, you got that address figured out yet?

                          T-DANIEL: Chill T, I'm like translating as fast as I can.

                          T-VALA: I'm so sick of being treated like some object to be worshiped. I'm a real person with real feelings.

                          T-DANIEL: You know, I don't think Mitchell likes me anymore.

                          T-VALA: I'm pregnant.

                          I just think that whole segment is hilarious. The over-exaggerated teen lingo and then everyone making out with each other. I got some C/S and some D/V. That final line "I'm pregnant" and Teen Daniel's expression is priceless.

                          FAVORITE QUOTE:

                          Teen Vala: I'm so sick of being treated like some object to be worshiped. I'm a real person with real feelings! (you know, as opposed to a fake person with fake feelings)

                          FAVORITE PICTURE:


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                            I could be mistaken because I don't remember where I heard this but wasn't it BB's idea to switch, his reasoning being that it would make more sense for Daniel to be Vala's vision of Crichton rather than Mitchell?

                            There really were so many hilarious moments and lines that I love. I especially like how they poke fun of themselves and the network and reference other shows Makes the sf geek in me happy!


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                              Sam: It makes the characters look stupid. I mean do you really think the best way to introduce the heroes of the story is to show them causing a massive catastrophe?
                              Cam: It's realistic.

                              ---Either a jab at the fact that they're always meddling with and destroying societies and their order, or a jab at Children of the Gods (I think that's the name of the first ep of season 1) where they started a massive revolution.

                              Sam: You know the really unbelievable part is that anyone would consider spending millions of dollars on this thing. I mean seriously, all these writers and they couldn't come up with anything better?

                              ---Jab at the writers...from themselves

                              Martin: Our Lead backed out. How am I supposed to tell a story without my lead character?
                              Cam: Easy, just bring in a character to replace him.
                              All give him weird warning glances
                              Cam: What?

                              ---Jab, of course, at the insertion of Cameron Mitchell to replace Jack O'Neill

                              Martin: You guys have to help me. I mean, how can I keep the main character in the story without actually having the actor who plays him?
                              Sam: Well, you could have the other characters refer to him all the time. Maybe, get him on the phone once in a while.
                              Martin sarcastic: Oh yeah, right.

                              ---Jab at how they handled Jack's departure
                              Last edited by Milena_D; 30 August 2007, 09:24 PM.
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                                JABS CON'T

                                In Martin's escape scene (the impossible one) where SG-1 is running from the replicators and encounter a valley of Jaffa.
                                Sam: We gotta go, we've got 10 seconds before the time dilation field is activated. If we don't make it through the gate we'll be stuck here forever!

                                ---Might just be me but I took this as a hint of Unending

                                Cam: Even if the valley wasn't filled with Jaffa we could never have made it to the gate and dialled out in under 10 seconds.
                                Martin: Good, see, that's why we're here. So what do you think? 30 seconds? Maybe...maybe not such a round number, how about...38!

                                ---Jab at how they got to the maximum time the stargate wormhole can stay active? 38 minutes?

                                Daniel: What difference does it make? It's not like you're going to have an actual ticking clock on the screen.
                                Martin: That's brilliant!
                                Daniel: That's ridiculous

                                ---Jab at MS's role on 24?
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