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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sydney2325 View Post
    i sure that daniel is a very sexy performer,
    Have we all seen the muscles on this man? And the way CB can kick ass? I think they could pull this off Haha, it's like a missing scene from the ep 200 - Daniel and Vala do Dirty Dancing: "No one puts my Daniel in a corner"

    Haha I'm sooo glad someone said the Dirty Dancing one, can't believe I didn't think of that... On the Patrick Swayze theme, "Unchained Melody." Or... Not on the Patrick theme (my mother's such a fan) ... "We Have All the Time In the World" - bizarrely one of my favourite songs ever, right up there with.... oh oh oh, let's see what you make of this one... The Buzzcocks, "Ever Fallen in love (with someone you shouldn't have)" I'm so tempted to attempt a Dala vid of that song, but I have no idea how *hint HINT hint at talented among us *

    Okay, I come bearing fanfiction ... not my own, which I'm still writing ... but one I'm really enjoying. Give it a chance, I know the first chapter can seem a little stilted, but it gets dramatically better.


    kay x


      I hate Dala! Sound like a damn girls name!

      Ahh just had to get that out of my system.. feel a little better now


        Originally posted by Ronja View Post
        I hate Dala! Sound like a damn girls name!

        Ahh just had to get that out of my system.. feel a little better now
        Sorrry .... Lol I like it. It plays up to my laziness and the fact that I can't be bothered typing Daniel/Vala every time. But I'll intersperse with DVs if that makes you happier, Ronja...

        kay x


          Originally posted by Parthenos View Post
          Ok felt the need to share this . . . about the Shroud

          I showed my mother the last scene in the infirmary, mom is a big fan of RDA but doesn't watch SG1, anyway she looks at me after the end of the show and goes, "Are those two together?" So even people who know nothing about the show and see a three minute clip think Dala is a couple!!!

          On a side note about the last scene he was totally touching her in some way, either holding hands or patting her leg. IMO

          Just found the rating button and rated Dala, off the charts.

          Hey there Parthenos!! Thanks for the rating and WELCOME!!!

          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          It's from "Beachhead" right before they go into the gate (when Vala does her little speach )
          Ah but of course... thanks!

          And I must say I loved the wallapapers! Expecially the top one

          Originally posted by Padfoot_001 View Post

          And OMG "Bounty" no matter what way it goes down I will be so happy! Lol, sounds like a fun eppy, and I'm a big Farscape fan too, so YAY! But as for Danny and Vala in it, sounds like we do have a chance for some good scenes ..
          especially if Vala's in trouble, even if it is Cam thats escentually in trouble, shes still dragged into it, hopefully daniel comes flying like batman, or maybe on a horse, or something heroic and saves the day, ha ha. One can only hope. But sooooo excited:

          Vala: Help me someone... please!

          Tomin: Noone can save you now ... Goodbye.

          Vala: Batman will come for me!

          Tomin: B-Batman you say?

          BatDan: Vala needs me!

          BatDan: Saved the day again!
          Vala: I love BatDan but, where's Robin?

          Vala: oh much better.
          Robcam: Who da man!
          BatDan: I am BatMAN!

          (sorry for crap pics, photobucket doesnt work, lol. Can't use paint properly, I think it makes it funnier though, ha ha.)

          I apologise, it's been a long day and I'm feeling silly again.
          Love it keep em coming!! haha

          Originally posted by sydney2325 View Post

          Warning spoiler

          The spoiler say that psy test daniel's integrity so i imagine at the beginning of the episode, vala say at daniel that cameron invite her a a reunion.
          imagine daniel's head
          That's really interesting info thank for sharing! Havent heard about that

          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
          "Up where we belong" Wasn't that originally in An Officer and A Gentleman. GREAT CHOICE!!!!!
          Ooooooooo.... I have to watch that movie again sooon .... i love it so! Richard Gere.... in a uniform... *swoons* *THUD!*

          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
          I've Had the Time of My Life (can't you just picture Vala and Daniel doing the big dance from Dirty Dancing...hehehehe)
          No not really no *giggles* snort*

          I love all the songs mentioned above... Ah teh great films of the 80's!


            Originally posted by Kales View Post
            Sorrry .... Lol I like it. It plays up to my laziness and the fact that I can't be bothered typing Daniel/Vala every time. But I'll intersperse with DVs if that makes you happier, Ronja...

            kay x
            I like DanDoran better if any.. or just D/V is fine too

            Oh btw thanks so much for the fics! Gonna read it later yay


              Can't wait for Bounty I think this ep will be good discussion for us.
              My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
              poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                Hey there Parthenos!! Thanks for the rating and WELCOME!!!

                Ah but of course... thanks!

                And I must say I loved the wallapapers! Expecially the top one

                Love it keep em coming!! haha

                That's really interesting info thank for sharing! Havent heard about that

                now i hope that this spoiler is true .
                i think that it's will be logical if daniel pass test to see his integrity


                  Originally posted by sydney2325 View Post
                  now i hope that this spoiler is true .
                  i think that it's will be logical if daniel pass test to see his integrity
                  I agree, Sydney and WELCOME btw, I haven't said that to you yet - *how rude *

                  I think after the big deal they made of the IOA


                  wanting to kill Daniel and doubting him, they have to now pay it off by showing him having to almost earn back that trust. Especially since, honestly, all they have to show for the events in the Shroud is several more Ori ships in the Milky Way, an open Supergate and a maybe/maybe chance that we destroyed the Ori.

                  And oh my, I've dug out an old power ballad complilation. The things you do to me

                  kay x

                  ps. fanfic is getting close to completion. Anyone going to be online later and willing to do a quick email exchange-beta?


                    Yeah I am looking forward to it too - admittedly more for other reasons (as I'm sure Stef might know from the C/V ship thread ) but I am wondering what will happen in that scene where
                    some woman hits on Daniel at that museum or whatever it was... MS talked about that in an interview and said that Daniel pushes her away. Something about a running theme going on since S9 that Daniel gets these women flirting with him or getting close to him and he pushes them away, lol

                    And I am also crossing my fingers for some Sam/Daniel/Teal'c interaction


                      Originally posted by Kales View Post
                      I agree, Sydney and WELCOME btw, I haven't said that to you yet - *how rude *

                      I think after the big deal they made of the IOA


                      wanting to kill Daniel and doubting him, they have to now pay it off by showing him having to almost earn back that trust. Especially since, honestly, all they have to show for the events in the Shroud is several more Ori ships in the Milky Way, an open Supergate and a maybe/maybe chance that we destroyed the Ori.
                      Hmm I'm not sure what u mean...? Don't u mean the other way around?
                      They could always trust him... Daniel never lied. Woolsey should be the one taking the test... or even better kicked of the IOA for wanting to kill Daniel right away and without proof no less...


                        Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                        Hmm I'm not sure what u mean...? Don't u mean the other way around?
                        They could always trust him... Daniel never lied. Woolsey should be the one taking the test... or even better kicked of the IOA for wanting to kill Daniel right away and without proof no less...
                        thank you for this welcome,
                        I adore daniel and vala since season 9 when vala in the first episode burns and daniel cry.....

                        and but i don't know if this spoiler is true (daniel's test )or no and at the same time a find that in wikimedia

                        Mitchell arrives in Kansas for a high school reunion in honor of the Class of 1987, Vala in tow. They meet Mitchell’s old high school friend, Darrell Grimes, and Mitchell shares stories of old pranks with him, to Vala’s confusion. The the beautiful Amy Vanderberg arrives, and she and Mitchell have an awkward encounter, after which Vala claims that Amy clearly likes Mitchell. While Darrell begins to fall for Vala, Mitchell chats with Amy, who is recently divorced, telling her he had a serious crush on her in high school but didn’t have the courage to act on it. She admits she had a crush on him as well and watched all of his football games. Their reminiscing is interrupted by a cell phone call from General Landry, who manages to tell Mitchell through a poor cell connection that Carter and Teal’c have been attacked, and that Mitchell might be the next target.

                        In fact, Teal’c has been attacked on a Jaffa planet. He is not seriously injured, but asks that word be put out that he is gravely wounded, perhaps to put whoever attacked him off their guard.

                        Elsewhere in a Museum of Antiquities, Daniel consults huge ancient texts late into the evening.

                        While Mitchell begins to react to the news from Landry, alien bounty hunter Odai Ventrell makes his way into the reunion party impersonating another classmate, ex-football player Phil. Brandishing an energy weapon, he corners Mitchell and tells him he is just bait for a bigger prize: SG-1 itself. Ventrell takes Mitchell’s phone and tells Landry, in Mitchell’s voice, that he needs assistance. Ventrell promises not to hurt anyone as long as Mitchell waits without resisting for the rest of SG-1 to come to Mitchell’s aid. Mitchell questions the assumption that SG-1 will come, telling Ventrell that Teal’c isn’t even on Earth. But Ventrell shows Mitchell a hand-held device that is tracking all the members of SG-1: they are all in North America.

                        What Ventrell doesn’t know is that the SGC is onto him, and that Vala, who also has a price on her head, is elsewhere at the reunion. While Landry, Carter, Teal’c, and Daniel mobilize a rescue, Ventrell and Vala inevitably collide.

                        Last edited by sydney2325; 04 February 2007, 09:33 AM.


                          Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                          Hmm I'm not sure what u mean...? Don't u mean the other way around?
                          They could always trust him... Daniel never lied. Woolsey should be the one taking the test... or even better kicked of the IOA for wanting to kill Daniel right away and without proof no less...
                          Clarifying the IOA/Daniel bit...

                          What I mean is that there's very little to show for shutting down the Supergate, as Daniel said they should - at least in the short term, which is how you can expect the IOA (Idiots Over Aptitude) to see it. And although the team trust him, he's going to have to - and this is where my word choice sucked - prove he's really himself for the people who don't know him. So it's not fair or right that he has to, he just will for the sake of the stargate 'verse Powers That Be. I'll be expecting disgruntled!Team at this point, who believe it's unnecessary and resigned!Landry who doesn't have much of a choice...

                          It's also a neat plot device for TPTB in Bounty - it provides a sensible B story to the A bounty hunter/reunion one (like in morpheus - A, WeCan'tSleep!!! and B, Vala's testing), meaning that the whole ep isn't two characters. And it provides a little humour/seriousness balance while giving Daniel adequate screen time to 'recover' from his prior!Ness so it's not too immediate.

                          kay x


                            Originally posted by sydney2325 View Post
                            thank you for this welcome,
                            I adore daniel and vala since season 9 when vala in the first episode burns and daniel cry.....

                            and but i don't know if this spoiler is true (daniel's test )or no and at the same time a find that in this french site

                            Mitchell se rend au Kansas pour une réunion d’anciens élèves de lycée de la promotion de 1987, accompagné de Vala. Ils rencontrent un ancien ami de Mitchell, Darrell Grimes. La belle Amy Vanderberg arrive, elle et Mitchell ont une rencontre maladroite, après quoi Vala déclare qu'Amy aime clairement Mitchell. Tandis que Darrell commence ?* s’intéresser ?* Vala, Mitchell discute avec Amy, qui est récemment divorcée, lui disant qu'il a eu de sérieux sentiments pour elle au lycée mais n'a pas eu le courage de lui avouer. Elle admet qu'elle a eu aussi des sentiments pour lui et a suivi tous ses matchs de football. Leur discussion est interrompu par un appel du Général Landry sur son téléphone portable, celui-ci parvient ?* dire ?* Mitchell que Carter et Teal'c ont été attaqués et que Mitchell pourrait être la prochaine cible.

                            En fait, Teal'c a été attaqué sur une planète Jaffa. Il n'a pas été sérieusement blessé, mais ne sachant pas qui l’a attaqué il fait croire qu'il a été gravement blessé, pour tromper leur ennemi.

                            Ailleurs dans un musée d’antiquités, Daniel consulte de longs textes anciens tard dans la soirée.

                            Alors que Mitchell commence ?* réagir aux nouvelles que lui a appris Landry, le chasseur de prime Odai Ventrell change sa façon d’opérer et se rend donc ?* la réunion des anciens élèves. Il prend l’apparence d’un autre camarade de classe, Phil un ancien joueur de football. Brandissant une arme ?* énergie, il attaque Mitchell et lui dit qu'il va seulement l’utiliser pour attraper SG-1 au complet. Ventrell prend le téléphone de Mitchell et indique ?* Landry, avec la voix de Mitchell, qu'il a besoin d'aide. Ventrell promet de ne blesser personne tant que Mitchell attend sans résister le reste de SG-1. Mitchell remet en cause l’arrivé de SG-1 puisque que Teal'c n'est pas même sur terre. Mais Ventrell montre ?* Mitchell un dispositif qui piste tous les membres de SG-1 : ils sont tous en Amérique du Nord.

                            Ventrell ne sait pas que le SGC est ?* sa poursuite, et que Vala, qui a aussi sa tête mise ?* prix, est ?* la réunion. Tandis que Landry, Carter, Teal’c, et Daniel préparent un plan pour sortir Mitchell de l?*, Ventrell et Vala se rencontrent inévitablement.

                            L’épisode “Bounty”, qui devrait être le 12ème de la saison 10 de Stargate SG-1, a été écrit par Damian Kindler et dirigé par Peter DeLuise.

                            In english, they said that mitchell at the reunion meet a ex friend ( and he surely in love with this friend), a man Darrel get off vala ( interesting) .
                            Landry call Cameron and reveals him that sam and Teal was attacked . But the man (VENTRELL)that attack sam and teal attack Cameron and take his voice in order to attrack sg1.

                            daniel reads in a museum.
                            Sg1 (daniel vala teal) and landry organize a plan to delivrate Cameron and vala. but ventrell ignore that vala is here UNTIL ventrell meet her...

                            sOURCE :

                            Wow my french is not good anymore. Hehe. I so need to start reading French websites again - it's gotten embarassing. Thanks for this though. Although maybe, Syndey, could you use the spoiler tags for people who don't want to know? I know we're mostly spoiler friendly on here, but just in case's either the button with the [!] on it in the reply window or if you type [ SPOILERS ] at the beginning of the spoiler and [ /SPOILERS ](without the spaces) at the end.

                            EDIT: Ooh, nice. Translated. Wicked, thanks!

                            kay x
                            Last edited by Kales; 04 February 2007, 08:59 AM. Reason: noted the edit by Sydney


                              Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                              I like DanDoran better if any.. or just D/V is fine too

                              Oh btw thanks so much for the fics! Gonna read it later yay
                              DanDoran....I like that one too!!! I might start using that. Plays right into my 80s obsession...LOL
                              Sig made by me


                                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                                Clarifying the IOA/Daniel bit...

                                What I mean is that there's very little to show for shutting down the Supergate, as Daniel said they should - at least in the short term, which is how you can expect the IOA (Idiots Over Aptitude) to see it. And although the team trust him, he's going to have to - and this is where my word choice sucked - prove he's really himself for the people who don't know him. So it's not fair or right that he has to, he just will for the sake of the stargate 'verse Powers That Be. I'll be expecting disgruntled!Team at this point, who believe it's unnecessary and resigned!Landry who doesn't have much of a choice...

                                It's also a neat plot device for TPTB in Bounty - it provides a sensible B story to the A bounty hunter/reunion one (like in morpheus - A, WeCan'tSleep!!! and B, Vala's testing), meaning that the whole ep isn't two characters. And it provides a little humour/seriousness balance while giving Daniel adequate screen time to 'recover' from his prior!Ness so it's not too immediate.

                                kay x
                                Oh okay yes that makes sense I agree, thanks for clarifying! (love the "tru" meaning of IOA)

                                And mhm that would make a good sidestory me think too!!

                                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                                DanDoran....I like that one too!!! I might start using that. Plays right into my 80s obsession...LOL

                                Thanks for the info Sydney wish I had paid more attention in school during my french lessons

