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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by MerryK View Post
    I love that the thread is active...but for people like me whose jobs are internet-lacking, it's a love/hate relationship waiting until after work to read all 3 pages.

    So, I was thinking about that scene in Unending today. And well, I'm a dialogue Nazi, and can't think of a single book or movie that didn't have at least one line of dialogue that I would rewrite. The first time I saw Daniel's rant to Vala, I was so caught up with the emotion and everything felt just right for the situation. However, since then, I've migrated a little towards the "wow, that's harsh" opinion, though definitely not all the way.

    So my challenge to the Fruitcakes is: how would you have written that scene? Given the scenario, what would you have had Daniel say and how would he have said it? I have a good idea of how I'd rewrite it, but I'm curious to see other's ideas before submitting my own.
    How about this Merry:

    Vala: 'Try saying that without your teeth, scumbag!" Crunch.



      Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
      How about this Merry:

      Vala: 'Try saying that without your teeth, scumbag!" Crunch.

      So you think Daniel's part was totally okay, it was just Vala's reaction that was wrong?

      ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
      ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


        In regards to the "Unending" question, if I could "redo" it....

        ...I don't know how much I would have changed in the way it was written....but I would have had MS take it down a notch, tone down the hand gestures a little. As for specifics, let me see...

        I mean, I can't even imagine what a—what a relationship with you would be like! I mean, yes, you've proven yourself to be…trustworthy on a professional level, and for that I am very proud of you, but on a personal level? Vala, come on, give me a break!

        I would omit that last line. I might bring up what she's been doing while aboard the ship for the proving herself on a personal level. Cause I think she had over the course of season 10, but this is Daniel airing his frustrations over her in this I think he would need to focus more on that and use that as his examples of that immature part of her.

        I mean, at best, you're an emotional, unstable wreck! I'm not saying I'm much better. I'm not saying I'm much better. There was a time when I thought I would never get over my wife. I mean, the idea of…being hurt that way again. But I've finally gotten to the place. I've finally, for the first time in a long time, have gotten to the place where I actually feel I could get close to somebody again.

        LOOOOVE the ending bits of this, but I would totally change the first line. I like Daniel acknowledging that him and Vala are both kinda messed up, but I don't think Vala is an "emotional, unstable wreck." If anything, she tends to hide her real feelings from Daniel and the rest of the team (Counterstrike/Dominion). I would probably just have it be Daniel admitting that they are both too screwed up to ever make anything work...and then have him go into the "There was a time..."

        But not in a million years, a million, million years, would I ever possibly consider that person being you! I mean, we are so completely opposite and wrong for each other, it's not even funny! And the worst part, the worst part about that is, you know that! And this whole flirty sexual thing that you do, that's just your way of having a laugh at my expense. So I'm so sorry if I'm not more appreciative of that and I'm so sorry that you're bored. But don't you pretend it's anything else!

        HAAATE the "million, million, million years" thing. I like the sentiment behind this part of the rant...and I like that it's clearly showing Daniel trying to lie to himself, but it was a little extreme for my taste. Maybe take out the millions and say something like "But I never considered that person to be you." The rest of it works great...cause again it's more Daniel denial...and then Daniel finally revealing the real reason why he's so angry - that he thinks Vala is using him for her own fun. That's actually my favorite part of the scene, when Daniel says "And this whole flirty sexual thing that you do, that's just your way of having a laugh at my expense." It recalls the early Vala who actually was doing it for that very reason, and the current Vala who's goals and motivations had entirely changed. Plus, it shows Daniel's own insecurities and vulnerabilities in a scene that he is mostly the aggressor in.

        Wow, I got a little crazy with that one As for Vala...part of me wants her to b*tch back at him...but a larger part finds this scene so perfectly paralleled with TTTB that I don't want her to say anything so as to make the contrast clearer.


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          Throwing this question out here because its come up while I'm writing, and I've already gotten a different response than my original assumption.

          Just how far do you believe Merlin-Daniel and Adria's relationship went (physically) while he was in the Ori galaxy?

          I have my own thoughts, but I'm going to keep quiet for now, since it does concern what I'm currently writing.
          Live Journal |


            Originally posted by MerryK View Post
            I love that the thread is active...but for people like me whose jobs are internet-lacking, it's a love/hate relationship waiting until after work to read all 3 pages.

            So, I was thinking about that scene in Unending today. And well, I'm a dialogue Nazi, and can't think of a single book or movie that didn't have at least one line of dialogue that I would rewrite. The first time I saw Daniel's rant to Vala, I was so caught up with the emotion and everything felt just right for the situation. However, since then, I've migrated a little towards the "wow, that's harsh" opinion, though definitely not all the way.

            So my challenge to the Fruitcakes is: how would you have written that scene? Given the scenario, what would you have had Daniel say and how would he have said it? I have a good idea of how I'd rewrite it, but I'm curious to see other's ideas before submitting my own.

            I really don't think any of it should be changed. Granted yeah, Daniel felt kinda over the top to us but that was how MS and CB thought it should be done...and who else understands the characters better? If Vala had reacted with anger then she would have still be in 'defense mechanism' mode and nothing between them would have changed. He had to see her cry to understand how much he could hurt her and that her feelings for him were genuine.


            My Fiction:


              Okay, so here's how I'd rewrite the "rant" scene (and boy, did this sound better in my head!):

              Vala: Unless you really don't find me attractive.

              Daniel: Do you want an honest answer to that question? No, seriously, you started this? What do you expect me to say, Vala? We work together! I mean—yes, you've proven yourself on a professional level, and for that I am very proud of you. But on a personal level? Vala, ever since you've come into my life, I've been nothing more to you than your personal toy! And even if you wanted something more, you looked to the wrong guy. I don't do the mindless sex, Vala, and you know that. I mean, for years, I thought I would never get over the death of my wife—the thought of being hurt like that again... But finally, finally, I have come to a place where I feel like I might be able to get close to someone again, to trust in someone...and you think that would be you? Vala, seriously, look at yourself! I know you've been through a lot, and I know about your defenses, but you've played the game so long that I don't even know what's really you. And even now, even now, this whole flirty sexy thing is nothing more than another piece of your own amusement! So I'm sorry if I'm not playing along, and I'm sorry your bored, but I can't take it anymore!

              Vala: *has been backing off and suppressing tears through the speech*

              Daniel: *sighs* Don't play me, Vala, please...

              Vala: *swallows and turns away*

              Daniel: *looks at her, confused* Vala?

              Vala: *brokenly* Just a minute...

              Daniel: *walks over slowly and puts his hand on her shoulder*

              Vala: *pushes his hand off and walks a step away* It's all right, I'm leaving, Daniel.

              Daniel: Wait...

              Vala: *turns to face him bitterly* What, Daniel? See something now? Maybe if you hadn't been so self-absorbed in your precious little world, it wouldn't have escaped your notice! You've been playing the martyr so much, you actually believe it, don't you? That you're the only one who gets hurt, the only one who understands how to feel. Well, I'm so sorry if I upset your expectations again—next time you might try not basing them on old standards. *starts to walk off and leave*

              Daniel: *puts out a hand to keep her from leaving* Wait, Vala... *he looks at her face closely, and she turns her face aside to wipe a stray tear* I... *he trails off, face softening, and leans in for a gentle kiss*

              Vala: *doesn't draw away or jump him, just gives in a little*

              Daniel: *pulls away and looks into Vala's eyes again* You weren't messing with me?

              Vala: *looks hurt and starts to turn away*

              Daniel: *softly, breathlessly* Oh god, I'm so sorry... *wraps her in his arms for a much longer, more tender kiss*

              Vala: *gives in, melting into him as the kiss deepens*

              *Camera fades to black*

              ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
              ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                Nice re-writes everyone
                Gioia that sucks about your story. I myself have just gotten VIsta and am so freaking careful to save every file in compatibility mode it is not funny.

                Banner by Stef
                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                  Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                  Okay, so here's how I'd rewrite the "rant" scene (and boy, did this sound better in my head!):

                  Vala: Unless you really don't find me attractive.

                  Daniel: Do you want an honest answer to that question? No, seriously, you started this? What do you expect me to say, Vala? We work together! I mean—yes, you've proven yourself on a professional level, and for that I am very proud of you. But on a personal level? Vala, ever since you've come into my life, I've been nothing more to you than your personal toy! And even if you wanted something more, you looked to the wrong guy. I don't do the mindless sex, Vala, and you know that. I mean, for years, I thought I would never get over the death of my wife—the thought of being hurt like that again... But finally, finally, I have come to a place where I feel like I might be able to get close to someone again, to trust in someone...and you think that would be you? Vala, seriously, look at yourself! I know you've been through a lot, and I know about your defenses, but you've played the game so long that I don't even know what's really you. And even now, even now, this whole flirty sexy thing is nothing more than another piece of your own amusement! So I'm sorry if I'm not playing along, and I'm sorry your bored, but I can't take it anymore!

                  Vala: *has been backing off and suppressing tears through the speech*

                  Daniel: *sighs* Don't play me, Vala, please...

                  Vala: *swallows and turns away*

                  Daniel: *looks at her, confused* Vala?

                  Vala: *brokenly* Just a minute...

                  Daniel: *walks over slowly and puts his hand on her shoulder*

                  Vala: *pushes his hand off and walks a step away* It's all right, I'm leaving, Daniel.

                  Daniel: Wait...

                  Vala: *turns to face him bitterly* What, Daniel? See something now? Maybe if you hadn't been so self-absorbed in your precious little world, it wouldn't have escaped your notice! You've been playing the martyr so much, you actually believe it, don't you? That you're the only one who gets hurt, the only one who understands how to feel. Well, I'm so sorry if I upset your expectations again—next time you might try not basing them on old standards. *starts to walk off and leave*

                  Daniel: *puts out a hand to keep her from leaving* Wait, Vala... *he looks at her face closely, and she turns her face aside to wipe a stray tear* I... *he trails off, face softening, and leans in for a gentle kiss*

                  Vala: *doesn't draw away or jump him, just gives in a little*

                  Daniel: *pulls away and looks into Vala's eyes again* You weren't messing with me?

                  Vala: *looks hurt and starts to turn away*

                  Daniel: *softly, breathlessly* Oh god, I'm so sorry... *wraps her in his arms for a much longer, more tender kiss*

                  Vala: *gives in, melting into him as the kiss deepens*

                  *Camera fades to black*
                  Oh, I love this reinterpretation of the scene! Wonderful job!

                  Click here daily to give free mammograms

                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                    *pets list* I think I have a list fetish Or just a general fetish for organizing Not planning mind you, just organizing.
                    Yeah me too! OH!! And I come up with some great ideas too! LOL

                    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                    good nite! and I agree... Daniel always looks best with/around/looking at Vala. Must be fate!
                    Always wondered if MS had botox....face looked a little too "tight" there for a while. and as for poor Teal'c & makeup- I always thought it was to make him look "alien" but it only made him look like an undecided drag queen!
                    Thanks! I had to clean soda off of my monitor. Seriously... thanks for that.

                    Originally posted by Leech10 View Post
                    Sam's with Jack.


                    Daniel and Vala at Cedar Point? (Sandusky, Ohio if you don't know where that is)

                    Why yes, yes Sam is with Jack....

                    I know where Cedar Point is! I haven't been there in ages though!

                    Originally posted by gioia View Post
                    I'm feeling so much down.
                    I've been writing a Continnuum fic for four hours and then I said okay for tonight and tried to save it but something happened it was saved as a .tmp file, and got lost. and .tmp file is all rubbish now.

                    I FREAKING HATE VISTA!! Those kind of things had never happened to me with XP or 2000.

                    I'm about to cry, really.
                    I SO feel your pain! I was writing my version of the Great American Novel, and saved it to a corrupted flash drive...

                    50,000+ words.... *poof*

                    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                    I really don't think any of it should be changed. Granted yeah, Daniel felt kinda over the top to us but that was how MS and CB thought it should be done...and who else understands the characters better? If Vala had reacted with anger then she would have still be in 'defense mechanism' mode and nothing between them would have changed. He had to see her cry to understand how much he could hurt her and that her feelings for him were genuine.
                    I agree with this. I mean... Daniel wanted to... um... yeah... from the first moment (At least in my eyes that is the way I saw it) but the possiblity of being stuck... until Sam could figure stuff out... I am sure was super super overwhelming.

                    I think then when Vala *did* start to cry, he realized that he hurt her so...

                    I just think it fit.

                    OH!! I wanted to say too:

                    Thanks for the recs on fics... I have them bookmarked I do... and I will read once I get my hot little hands on Continuum.
                    Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
                    You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                      Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                      So you think Daniel's part was totally okay, it was just Vala's reaction that was wrong?
                      I thought the Unending scene was very refreshing Merry because it showed Daniel desperately trying to shore up his defences. He started off very comfortable with her sitting there on the bed listening to him lament the Asgard. Then she does the switch and he's stunned for a moment. He's a bit slow to protect his trousers.

                      Silence was a good choice for Vala, she's in shock at his reaction. He doesn't throw her out, he gives it to her with both barrells. I think, like Stef the million, million years was cruel but Daniel is being cruel because he thinks she's making fun of him. She does deny the need for depth of feeling in the encounter, defensive herself, to Daniel's remark about 'strong feelings.'

                      Again, I agree with Stef Vala disguises her emotions. The fact she can't, speaks volumes. I wouldn't change a thing. But I think she might have something to say later in the day or the next morning. And so would Daniel.


                      I'm sorry you're giving up the page Sue who else will put things on for me? See you're needed!!!!
                      Last edited by Magnecite; 09 July 2008, 10:51 PM.


                        *Collapses under the weight of the angst*

                        Well, I (sorta) wrote a fic in (sorta) a day... Going to probably take another day or two of revision yet, but I'll get it up as soon as I can...
                        Live Journal |


                          Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                          I thought the Unending scene was very refreshing Merry because it showed Daniel desperately trying to shore up his defences. He started off very comfortable with her sitting there on the bed listening to him lament the Asgard. Then she does the switch and he's stunned for a moment. He's a bit slow to protect his trousers.

                          Silence was a good choice for Vala, she's in shock at his reaction. He doesn't throw her out, he gives it to her with both barrells. I think, like Stef the million, million years was cruel but Daniel is being cruel because he thinks she's making fun of him. She does deny the need for depth of feeling in the encounter, defensive herself, to Daniel's remark about 'strong feelings.'

                          Again, I agree with Stef Vala disguises her emotions. The fact she can't, speaks volumes. I wouldn't change a thing. But I think she might have something to say later in the day or the next morning. And so would Daniel.


                          I'm sorry you're giving up the page Sue who else will put things on for me? See you're needed!!!!
                          Yep...I pretty much agree with you. The scene was great for the characters, it was just shocking for the fans IMO. But I'm just one of those people who can always see improvements that could be made...

                          ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                          ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                            good afternoon ladys and gentlemen
                            looks like i'm currently the only one here, at least i can quietly read the post now

                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            Exactly. Those boys have probably been living like monks for who knows how long...introduce another woman (an attainable woman) and they'd probably become horny frat boys Oh, you know what I just thought....what if Vala hadn't been matured by her marriage and pregnancy and had remained good ole flirty, seductress S9 Vala and Adria had brought her back to her ship? Oh, could you just imagine? I think Vala would be trying to get a rise out of the know, like people do to the guards at Buckingham Palace

                            what a great question!
                            I could imagine she wouldve tried to seduce the ori-guards to get off the ship and maybe snatch a few "treasures" on the way out

                            Originally posted by gioia View Post
                            I'm feeling so much down.
                            I've been writing a Continnuum fic for four hours and then I said okay for tonight and tried to save it but something happened it was saved as a .tmp file, and got lost. and .tmp file is all rubbish now.

                            I FREAKING HATE VISTA!! Those kind of things had never happened to me with XP or 2000.

                            I'm about to cry, really.
                            aww that sucks! *hugs*
                            if you saved it as a temp file it still has to be on the computer, probably in the temp folder in windows explorer. i hope you find it!!
                            i have vista too but not voluntarly, it was just pre-installed when i bought my laptop. i wanted to install vista again, but my dad wouldnt lend me the xp-cds to install *hmpf*
                            i think i've grown to vista now, some things i miss from xp but some things i really like from vista, like the games, i'm a mahjong addict

                            Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                            So my challenge to the Fruitcakes is: how would you have written that scene? Given the scenario, what would you have had Daniel say and how would he have said it? I have a good idea of how I'd rewrite it, but I'm curious to see other's ideas before submitting my own.
                            i'll think about that later, right now my mind is blank.

                            Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                            How about this Merry:

                            Vala: 'Try saying that without your teeth, scumbag!" Crunch.

                            good one lol

                            Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                            Okay, so here's how I'd rewrite the "rant" scene (and boy, did this sound better in my head!):


                            *Camera fades to black*
                            thats wonderful rewritten! i love it

                            Originally posted by Risti View Post
                            Throwing this question out here because its come up while I'm writing, and I've already gotten a different response than my original assumption.

                            Just how far do you believe Merlin-Daniel and Adria's relationship went (physically) while he was in the Ori galaxy?

                            I have my own thoughts, but I'm going to keep quiet for now, since it does concern what I'm currently writing.
                            I always thought of Merlin/Daniel being an Advisor to Adria, she comes to him when she needs advice and talks with him about what she's going to do. In my mind they didnt have more then this advisor-orici relationsship. Adria clearly had something for him, but i dont think Daniel played along more then this kiss, that turned him into the prior.
                            Last edited by sg-daniel; 10 July 2008, 06:25 AM.


                              The creative juices seem to be flowing at the moment! Ok that sounded way less gross in my head
                              By the way Mag wanted to thank you for reviewing the chapter on my fic, just saw it now and it was helpful thanks!

                              Banner by Stef
                              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                                Help Needed:

                                Wanted: One person to take over FruitcakesAnonymous Youtube Page.

                                Salary: None but plenty of free videos to watch and add.

                                Other skills needed: answer mail (have had a total of about 2 ever). Can play with the look of the page. , Add new videos to playlist. oh, I am behind on this one. oops. Sorry.

                                There will be plenty of hugs from me.


                                i can do it Susan just PM me the password and such. i just won't be able to play around with it until I get back from Disney (i'm leaving tomorrow). I come back on the 25, so I'l be able to start with it then.

                                Yay! I'm almost done with one of my D/V one-shots as well, and i should have it up tonight!!
                                thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!

