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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
    Ohhh...NICE pic Kris!...yep, pretty much supports what I said last night about him already being in love with her.

    My Fiction:


      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
      Ohhh...NICE pic Kris!...yep, pretty much supports what I said last night about him already being in love with her.
      He just doesn't know it!

      Actually its more like he can't let himself accept to himself that he might care for her in a more than friendly way because to do so would be opening doors that he's kept tightly shut for years. And the fact that she's gotten under his skin (and pretty fast at that), well, for Daniel who needs to understand ever angle of his feelings before going forward with it, it's only natural to push it back until he wishes to explore it further - if he would ever choose too.
      banner by Stef


        Originally posted by LC_ View Post
        Ohhh...NICE pic Kris!...yep, pretty much supports what I said last night about him already being in love with her.
        Daniel's experience of love is being given a woman in marriage when he was a dorky geek and being appreciative that some attractive woman would have sex with him. It's a bit like an arranged marriage when if you get a good deal you're rather happy. Works for the socially inadequate.

        Vala, is a totally different cup of tea. She's sexually experienced and just likes the look of him. She pursues when she discovers he's not the normal deal of quick gratification. He is stunned with Vala when he first meets her and I'm guessing they're both curious after PU.



          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

          Look at that! Elizabeth ships them too.
          Who is saddened by the TH news? *pouts* I do get it, but still, I wanted my Lizzie back! *clings*
          After the treatment she got from TPTB I'm not surprised she showed them a middle finger. Kicking her out to make room for AT was the most stupid thing they could do.
          Looking at these pics, I think it would be great to see these three (Claudia, Michael and Torri) in a movie together.


            Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
            Did you forget? I fic. You vid. Do you need me to clear that up for you, sunshine?

            However, on that note. I would like to learn, but fear my four year old laptop with teeny memory might go a bit wonko on me if I try...but I suppose it couldn't hurt to make the attempt anyway... so when I finish my fic (which will hopefully be before AoT is released), I will PM you, oh Yoda of vid making, and cry and wail for your much needed advisement when I take on your challenge. So get your pillow fort ready. For when that time arrives... you will be receiving a bombardment of questions.

            *smirk* Look at've created more work for yourself to look forward too. Not only must you continue to vid...but now you must instruct vidding...

            I don't think it is the age of the computer that matters as much as how much RAM you have. I made my first vid on a five year old computer with 256 MB of RAM. Not an easy task. It is a miracle I am still sane and the computer didn't meet a dastardly end. Thankfully I now have a new system and 1GB of RAM. WMM is stil frustrating but at least now it is faster.

            Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


              Originally posted by natalia View Post
              YO things are...well pretty loud here in the ...south end? (i live on south street so...that's my guess lol)...since you know...i'm at a university on a saturday night
              of course im doing homework instead of having fun. as always. HOWEVER next weekend I shall be out and having fun with the rest of the university population - it is my light at the end of the tunnel.

              So goes the vidding?

              and Kris....


              *runs off to read fic update*
              I used to live in the South End. I know how noisy Uni students can be.

              Does Spring Break start next week? Any exciting plans, like sleeping in and partying all night?

              Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post
                I don't think it is the age of the computer that matters as much as how much RAM you have. I made my first vid on a five year old computer with 256 MB of RAM. Not an easy task. It is a miracle I am still sane and the computer didn't meet a dastardly end. Thankfully I now have a new system and 1GB of RAM. WMM is stil frustrating but at least now it is faster.

                RAM and CPU. 1 GB is not enough, for multimedia you need 2 GB and a strong CPU. I've changed mine recently into Core 2 Duo 2,66 GHz and the improvement is just great


                  Originally posted by ObsessiveShip View Post
                  Popping in with a new's the first I've ever made, so I'm anxious to see what people think (see, STEF, you have managed to make vid people out of some of us...)

                  Link to YouTube

                  Love Just Is

                  hopefully I'll have a download page for it soon
                  What a sweet vid.

                  I think you match the scenes and the lyrics quite nicely. I think the theme of the song really fits Daniel & Vala.
                  Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                    Ohhh...NICE pic Kris!...yep, pretty much supports what I said last night about him already being in love with her.
           noticed the sly way I included this pic, did you LC? *g* Yeah...I'm sneaky that way.

                    As far as the love goes... I think I buy that he may have been in love with her by BH. Like Isa so eloquently put it, he's just so busy analyzing every 'angle of his feelings before going forward' that more often than not, these particular emotions get stored away for another day of self reflection. Which, might I say, UGH! I'd appreciate if he'd move beyond the self-reflection part and get a move on already!! Us fruitcakes are getting restless for some real action that will not result in a time rewind that only our shippy friend, Teal'c, knows about

                    ~My FanFiction~


                      Teensy expert from my oh so random LJ post, but its DV related, so it's valid.

                      Dude, my brain is tried. Feet too. Good news, 22 of CoF is finally under way after the devil that was 21 finally decided to work with me. Bad new, I ended up writing it at 3am on my bed in my unofficially dubbed "Chains Notebook or Plot Madness", so now I have to transfer it all from paper into my doc. Le sigh.

                      I love how it looks like Daniel is looking straight at you!
                      banner by Stef


                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        He just doesn't know it!

                        Actually its more like he can't let himself accept to himself that he might care for her in a more than friendly way because to do so would be opening doors that he's kept tightly shut for years. And the fact that she's gotten under his skin (and pretty fast at that), well, for Daniel who needs to understand ever angle of his feelings before going forward with it, it's only natural to push it back until he wishes to explore it further - if he would ever choose too.
                        I'm not sure that it's a case of being afraid to open those doors...I think it's more of a case of being afraid to open those doors to this particular he said in 'Unending', she is(seemingly)so totally opposite and wrong for him. His experience with love with Shau'ri was probably pretty calming and easy. Vala's isn't calming and neither are they going to be easy together.

                        Plus I can't think of a persona that an archeologist would find more offensive than a thief...after all the whole archeological profession more or less originated from tomb-robbers.

                        And then there's the fact that she generates lust in him...and being a 'professor' who lives in his mind, lust is something that should be beneath him.
                        So I'd say that the possibility that he's in love with her is just not acceptable to him...morally or ethically...nor logically either...there's no scientific logic/proof to 'love at first sight'
                        So to admit it he has to find someway of making it acceptable to himself...which is why he keeps offering her ways to prove and improve herself.
                        If it was strictly lust he felt for her then he'd simply ignore it, because it would be beneath him.
                        Like I said last to Kris last night, I'm beginning to agree with Darryl, that for Daniel it was 'love at first sight'...I can't think of another reason why he would be automatically protective of her when Cam is fighting the Black Knight. Daniel knows she's perfectly capable of looking after herself and he certainly wouldn't feel the need to protect Sam like that.
                        I do however still believe that for Vala, it was 'intrigued at first sight'
                        And I also agree if he had given into her the first time she appeared in his bed, she wouldn't have stayed around...he woulda been just like all the others.
                        And now that I've shared my pearls of wisdom, I'm off to clean my house.


                        My Fiction:


                          Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
                 noticed the sly way I included this pic, did you LC? *g* Yeah...I'm sneaky that way.

                          As far as the love goes... I think I buy that he may have been in love with her by BH. Like Isa so eloquently put it, he's just so busy analyzing every 'angle of his feelings before going forward' that more often than not, these particular emotions get stored away for another day of self reflection. Which, might I say, UGH! I'd appreciate if he'd move beyond the self-reflection part and get a move on already!! Us fruitcakes are getting restless for some real action that will not result in a time rewind that only our shippy friend, Teal'c, knows about
                          Hmmm? Beachhead - no. Mr Cautious was right on key in Unending and I think we have to thank MS for that. I'm quite sure, Daniel explained her away as an improvement project, a testimony to those he's known that weren't saved. I think he's reluctantly fond of her and even more reluctantly attracted. Totally, in denial and quite happy living there. Just my opinion, not meant to be bossy.



                            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                            ..., so now I have to transfer it all from paper into my doc. Le sigh.
                            Geez Isa, this is the way I work all the time. All my initial writing is done in long hand...have always worked like that...I think it's a tactile thing...something about the flowing motion of my hand stimulates my thoughts to flow. I just can't work strictly on the keyboard.
                            And Yay for this the one where they go off on their own little ship?
                            (ya'll saw what I sent you?)


                            My Fiction:


                              Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                              I'm not sure that it's a case of being afraid to open those doors...I think it's more of a case of being afraid to open those doors to this particular he said in 'Unending', she is(seemingly)so totally opposite and wrong for him. His experience with love with Shau'ri was probably pretty calming and easy. Vala's isn't calming and neither are they going to be easy together.

                              Plus I can't think of a persona that an archeologist would find more offensive than a thief...after all the whole archeological profession more or less originated from tomb-robbers.
                              I do agree that Vala herself, and her own character/personality in general has a lot to do with it to. But also with Sha're it was a question he didn't even know he was married at first, not to say that he doesn't love her deeply, because he does, but unlike Vala his whole relationship with Sha're skipped the pre-marriage everything stage. He was married to Sha're before he even realised he love her, which in a way is SO Daniel.

                              *giggles* but again SO TRUE! *pets Daniel*

                              And then there's the fact that she generates lust in him...and being a 'professor' who lives in his mind, lust is something that should be beneath him.
                              So I'd say that the possibility that he's in love with her is just not acceptable to him...morally or ethically...nor logically either...there's no scientific logic/proof to 'love at first sight'
                              So to admit it he has to find someway of making it acceptable to himself...which is why he keeps offering her ways to prove and improve herself.
                              If it was strictly lust he felt for her then he'd simply ignore it, because it would be beneath him.
                              Like I said last to Kris last night, I'm beginning to agree with Darryl, that for Daniel it was 'love at first sight'...I can't think of another reason why he would be automatically protective of her when Cam is fighting the Black Knight. Daniel knows she's perfectly capable of looking after herself and he certainly wouldn't feel the need to protect Sam like that.
                              I do however still believe that for Vala, it was 'intrigued at first sight'
                              And I also agree if he had given into her the first time she appeared in his bed, she wouldn't have stayed around...he woulda been just like all the others.
                              And now that I've shared my pearls of wisdom, I'm off to clean my house.
                              Intrigued at first sight for Vala, definitely.

                              Love at first sight for Daniel, I'm honestly I little iffy about, not that it's not entirely plausible, but more because of what I bolded. There is no tactile proof of "love at first sight", so right there, he won't let himself even consider it a possibility. But then again this is *Daniel* and he misses quite a bit living in his mind all the time. For Daniel, I honestly think it was more curiosity at first sight. He's never really met someone like Vala before and he couldn't properly quantify her and his reactions to her, so yeah, Daniel makes my head hurt. The protective thing. Hee! I know! He's just totally crushing on her! (Sorry, the fruitcake fangirl took over) But he definitely feels something. That is so no in question.

                              Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                              Geez Isa, this is the way I work all the time. All my initial writing is done in long hand...have always worked like that...I think it's a tactile thing...something about the flowing motion of my hand stimulates my thoughts to flow. I just can't work strictly on the keyboard.
                              And Yay for this the one where they go off on their own little ship?
                              (ya'll saw what I sent you?)
                              *giggles* Well that's how all my stories begin. Notes upon notes in the "Black Book of Fics" (Chains is about 3/5 of it) then everything gets transferred into my "Chains of Freedom" Folder on my HD - full with character bios, backgrounds, Verse History, future scenes, deleted scenes, Teal'c's eyebrow chart, lines, summary of chapters. ie, brain hurts.

                              Nope, that one is already written and getting looked over before being sent of to beta. CoF22 is where we learn of our next stop in this quest.

                              EDIT: I did see!
                              Last edited by isabelqc; 10 February 2008, 11:12 AM.
                              banner by Stef


                                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                                Plus I can't think of a persona that an archeologist would find more offensive than a thief...after all the whole archeological profession more or less originated from tomb-robbers.

                                And then there's the fact that she generates lust in him...and being a 'professor' who lives in his mind, lust is something that should be beneath him.
                                So I'd say that the possibility that he's in love with her is just not acceptable to him...morally or ethically...nor logically either...there's no scientific logic/proof to 'love at first sight'
                                So to admit it he has to find someway of making it acceptable to himself...which is why he keeps offering her ways to prove and improve herself.
                                If it was strictly lust he felt for her then he'd simply ignore it, because it would be beneath him.
                                I love this...all the reasons Daniel is trying to convince himself why he shouldn't love Vala. I can definately picture him reasoning to himself this way. The point about the archaeologist and the thief, and the professor especially good. So true!

                                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                                Like I said last to Kris last night, I'm beginning to agree with Darryl, that for Daniel it was 'love at first sight'...I can't think of another reason why he would be automatically protective of her when Cam is fighting the Black Knight. Daniel knows she's perfectly capable of looking after herself and he certainly wouldn't feel the need to protect Sam like that.
                                I do however still believe that for Vala, it was 'intrigued at first sight'
                                However, on this point, I still don't know if I can support 'love at first sight' deal with Daniel. While my opinion on this is no doubt directly connected to my adverseness to the idea in general, I still don't think unexpected emotions and feelings of protectiveness equate with love. I think after time they can grow into that, but I don't know if I believe it's something that can spontaneously happen.

                                The thought, however, does intrigue me. If 'love at first sight' is true, of all people to experience this instant emotion, Daniel is the guilty party? How ironic is that. The one who is the most emotionally closed off because of past experiences is the one to experience the most heavy duty emotion in the whole emotional spectrum. He is just one big knotted up kitty ball of emotion, isn't he? Of course, it's always the logical, sensical ones that fall the hardest.

                                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                                And now that I've shared my pearls of wisdom, I'm off to clean my house.
                                Oh! What pearls they were too. Thanks, LC

                                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                                Hmmm? Beachhead - no. Mr Cautious was right on key in Unending and I think we have to thank MS for that. I'm quite sure, Daniel explained her away as an improvement project, a testimony to those he's known that weren't saved. I think he's reluctantly fond of her and even more reluctantly attracted. Totally, in denial and quite happy living there. Just my opinion, not meant to be bossy.

                                Oh yes, Mag, denial is definately Daniel's happy place. But just out of curiosity, if you didn't think he loved her by BH, when did he start loving her? At this point I haven't been convinced with the 'love at first sight' idea (or that it started the moment they met in PU), but I can't pinpoint it for myself either. I suppose we could open this question up to the whole Oven...

                                So what do you think, Fruitcakes? What is your opinion on this whole 'love' thing. When do you believe Daniel started to love Vala? Or vice versa? We haven't really talked about her side of things too much either...

                                And with that little gem presented, I've now realized it's halfway through the afternoon and I have spent too much precious time this weekend NOT working on fic. So I bid you all goodbye to attempt to work on Lost. Be back later
                                Last edited by fluffypigeon; 10 February 2008, 11:32 AM.

                                ~My FanFiction~

