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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by gioia View Post
    *sighs* *then remembers it's a PG forum*
    himm, no comment other than God bless America.

    And I'm not even american!!!!!!!
    *waves flag proudly* And shouldn't we also recognize Canada for it's ability to share their hot men with us. Does anyone know the Canadian Anthem? I know it starts with

    "O Canada... ..."

    Yep. That's it. That's all I got. *shakes head in shame* I've watched enough hockey. You'd think I'd know more.

    ~My FanFiction~


      I'm leaving now. I have a bit more to write and I'm not coming back because you're being too distracting and I'm thinking about how many smilies I could get on a page.

      Mag. Showing strength and resistance to smilies.

      Stop it!


        Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
        I'm leaving now. I have a bit more to write and I'm not coming back because you're being too distracting and I'm thinking about how many smilies I could get on a page.

        Mag. Showing strength and resistance to smilies.

        Stop it!
        LOL! Good luck, Mag! We'll keep the smilie monster at bay until you return. Then he's all yours!

        ~My FanFiction~


          Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
          *waves flag proudly* And shouldn't we also recognize Canada for it's ability to share their hot men with us. Does anyone know the Canadian Anthem? I know it starts with

          "O Canada... ..."

          Yep. That's it. That's all I got. *shakes head in shame* I've watched enough hockey. You'd think I'd know more.
          O Canada!

          Our home and native land!
          True patriot love in all thy sons command.

          With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
          The True North strong and free!

          From far and wide,
          O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

          God keep our land glorious and free!
          O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

          O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

          EDIT: watchin hockey might not help you if you don't speak french since the recent convention has become to sing it half in english and half in french

          ....I mean...i'm working not lurking...
          Last edited by natalia; 27 January 2008, 02:12 PM.
          My Fic: LJ &


            Originally posted by natalia View Post
            O Canada!

            Our home and native land!
            True patriot love in all thy sons command.

            With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
            The True North strong and free!

            From far and wide,
            O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

            God keep our land glorious and free!
            O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

            O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

            EDIT: watchin hockey might not help you if you don't speak french since the recent convention has become to sing it half in english and half in french

            ....I mean...i'm working not lurking...
            Yes! That's it. I knew that....sorta...I live close to the border, so totally should have known it. *blushes*

            Thanks, Nat! I thought I saw you lurking...actually as far as the hockey games go. I'm speaking of past experience only, where in our games around here, the song is sung in English. Now whether that is going to change here...I have no clue.

            Sorry to interrupt...get back to work, hun. While we miss you, school work is soooo much more important. Or at least the rest of the world tells us it is *smiles* They clearly have not been schooled in DV.

            ~My FanFiction~


              Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
              Yes! That's it. I knew that....sorta...I live close to the border, so totally should have known it. *blushes*

              Thanks, Nat! I thought I saw you lurking...actually as far as the hockey games go. I'm speaking of past experience only, where in our games around here, the song is sung in English. Now whether that is going to change here...I have no clue.

              Sorry to interrupt...get back to work, hun. While we miss you, school work is soooo much more important. Or at least the rest of the world tells us it is *smiles* They clearly have not been schooled in DV.
              *sigh* yes I suppose i'll be signing out. I miss all my fruitcakes though
              silly university. who needs a job anyways. I shall instead start a circus - and having no talent I shall be the popcorn salesperson. who would like to be in my circus? no takers? yeah. i figured

              ciao bellas

              My Fic: LJ &


                Originally posted by gioia View Post

                Alright then, guys, do tell when the first time you realized that you ship Daniel and Vala?
                From the first time I sat through a full episode.

                For me it was during a Season 9 mini-marathon on SciFi, they were repeating the first few episodes of the 9th season and I just caught the tail-end of Avalon part 1 and wanted to see how they managed to stop from being squished and went onto Avalon Part 2. I immediatly loved Vala from the begining (I didn't get to see Promethus Unbound until around two Christmas' later when I recieved Season 7, 8 and and 9 for Christmas 2006!) I loved the way they just clicked, especially when they found themselves stranded in another galaxy and not in their own bodies. But what really got to me was Daniel reactions to the thought of Vala being burned alive trying to the villagers grips on him as he struggled to get to Vala.

                I knew that Vala had the hots for Daniel (no pun meant!) but the way Daniel reacted showed me that his feeling for Vala weren't always exasperation, irritation and annoyance. There was actually something in Daniel that liked her, either as a friend or as something else. Oh, the Daniel had finally made his way up to the ara (the altar)to release Vala now unrecognizingly burned to death, doing something he hadn't been allowed to do earlier, freeing her. And surprising even myself when he too her burnt body into his arms, cradling it to himself ignoring the villagers, administrator, and Prior until the Prior walked up to them.

                I was still basically in shock myself after those events when the Prior started to heal her, her (or Sallis' if you want to get techinical) body slowly healing and waking from Death only to realize she was in Daniel's arms as he carefully gently asked her if she was alright, being just as careful with his touches and looks as he was with his words. Now that is what sealed Daniel/Vala for me.

                Everything else afterwards between those two just fanned the flames of their oftentimes almost love/hate relationship. And I', been a fan of their ever since.

                Wow I didn't mean be so verbose there, heh. So to make up for that here are some PromUn promo shots Thumbnailed, click for larger images, and spoilered for size. (seeing as I refuse to post the full-sized versions for consideration of anyone here who has dial-up)

                now for the rest

                If anyone wants to see the full-versions, you can always click the pics.
                Puppet Hammond: Sergeant, make it spin.
                Puppet Walter: Spin? Sir, it doesn't spin.
                Puppet Hammond: What? It has to spin--it's round. Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the General, I want it to spin. Now.



                  Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
                  From the first time I sat through a full episode.

                  For me it was during a Season 9 mini-marathon on SciFi, they were repeating the first few episodes of the 9th season and I just caught the tail-end of Avalon part 1 and wanted to see how they managed to stop from being squished and went onto Avalon Part 2. I immediatly loved Vala from the begining (I didn't get to see Promethus Unbound until around two Christmas' later when I recieved Season 7, 8 and and 9 for Christmas 2006!) I loved the way they just clicked, especially when they found themselves stranded in another galaxy and not in their own bodies. But what really got to me was Daniel reactions to the thought of Vala being burned alive trying to the villagers grips on him as he struggled to get to Vala.

                  I knew that Vala had the hots for Daniel (no pun meant!) but the way Daniel reacted showed me that his feeling for Vala weren't always exasperation, irritation and annoyance. There was actually something in Daniel that liked her, either as a friend or as something else. Oh, the Daniel had finally made his way up to the ara (the altar)to release Vala now unrecognizingly burned to death, doing something he hadn't been allowed to do earlier, freeing her. And surprising even myself when he too her burnt body into his arms, cradling it to himself ignoring the villagers, administrator, and Prior until the Prior walked up to them.

                  I was still basically in shock myself after those events when the Prior started to heal her, her (or Sallis' if you want to get techinical) body slowly healing and waking from Death only to realize she was in Daniel's arms as he carefully gently asked her if she was alright, being just as careful with his touches and looks as he was with his words. Now that is what sealed Daniel/Vala for me.

                  Everything else afterwards between those two just fanned the flames of their oftentimes almost love/hate relationship. And I', been a fan of their ever since.

                  Wow I didn't mean be so verbose there, heh. So to make up for that here are some PromUn promo shots Thumbnailed, click for larger images, and spoilered for size. (seeing as I refuse to post the full-sized versions for consideration of anyone here who has dial-up)

                  now for the rest

                  If anyone wants to see the full-versions, you can always click the pics.
                  oohhh... nice... thankies


                  Click on the image to go to my fanfics.


                    Originally posted by natalia View Post
                    O Canada!

                    Our home and native land!
                    True patriot love in all thy sons command.

                    With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
                    The True North strong and free!

                    From far and wide,
                    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

                    God keep our land glorious and free!
                    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

                    O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

                    EDIT: watchin hockey might not help you if you don't speak french since the recent convention has become to sing it half in english and half in french

                    ....I mean...i'm working not lurking...
                    LOL...wondered if someone else was going to beat me to it!


                    My Fiction:


                      Originally posted by gioia View Post
                      Alright then, guys, do tell when the first time you realized that you ship Daniel and Vala?
                      From when I saw Prometheus Unbound. (During the summer, on DVD.)

                      My Fanfic


                        Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
                        From the first time I sat through a full episode.

                        For me it was during a Season 9 mini-marathon on SciFi, they were repeating the first few episodes of the 9th season and I just caught the tail-end of Avalon part 1 and wanted to see how they managed to stop from being squished and went onto Avalon Part 2. I immediatly loved Vala from the begining (I didn't get to see Promethus Unbound until around two Christmas' later when I recieved Season 7, 8 and and 9 for Christmas 2006!) I loved the way they just clicked, especially when they found themselves stranded in another galaxy and not in their own bodies. But what really got to me was Daniel reactions to the thought of Vala being burned alive trying to the villagers grips on him as he struggled to get to Vala.

                        I knew that Vala had the hots for Daniel (no pun meant!) but the way Daniel reacted showed me that his feeling for Vala weren't always exasperation, irritation and annoyance. There was actually something in Daniel that liked her, either as a friend or as something else. Oh, the Daniel had finally made his way up to the ara (the altar)to release Vala now unrecognizingly burned to death, doing something he hadn't been allowed to do earlier, freeing her. And surprising even myself when he too her burnt body into his arms, cradling it to himself ignoring the villagers, administrator, and Prior until the Prior walked up to them.

                        I was still basically in shock myself after those events when the Prior started to heal her, her (or Sallis' if you want to get techinical) body slowly healing and waking from Death only to realize she was in Daniel's arms as he carefully gently asked her if she was alright, being just as careful with his touches and looks as he was with his words. Now that is what sealed Daniel/Vala for me.

                        Everything else afterwards between those two just fanned the flames of their oftentimes almost love/hate relationship. And I', been a fan of their ever since.

                        Wow I didn't mean be so verbose there, heh. So to make up for that here are some PromUn promo shots Thumbnailed, click for larger images, and spoilered for size. (seeing as I refuse to post the full-sized versions for consideration of anyone here who has dial-up)

                        now for the rest

                        If anyone wants to see the full-versions, you can always click the pics.
                        That was what totally solidified the d/v relationship for me too. I thought that vala just liked to jerk daniel's chain (get your minds out of the gutter! ) but she wasn't interested in more from him, then after those episodes I could see that she wanted stability and daniel was stability for her.


                          Originally posted by gioia View Post
                          Hello and Welcome aboard!!
                          We're having a really bunch of new people around here in these days. How sweet!!

                          Alright then, guys, do tell when the first time you realized that you ship Daniel and Vala?

                          For me from the very begining, I was enjoying from their interactions but when I first realized that they would actually work with a couple; and more importantly I wanted to see them as a couple must be Powers That Be.
                          I have shipped them since their first few moments on screen together in Prometheus Unbound. There was such instant chemistry that I remember telling my sister as soon as that episode was over, that I hoped they brought Vala back. I was so glad they did and even when Vala makes her grand re-enterance in Avalon 1, the sparks were flying whenever they were on screen together.
                          Sig made by me


                            i've shipped daniel and vala ever since i saw Avalon pt.1. the chemistry is undeniable between them!
                            thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                              I have shipped them since their first few moments on screen together in Prometheus Unbound. There was such instant chemistry that I remember telling my sister as soon as that episode was over, that I hoped they brought Vala back. I was so glad they did and even when Vala makes her grand re-enterance in Avalon 1, the sparks were flying whenever they were on screen together.
                              I had already watched Farscape, so I knew what we were getting re Ben Browder and Claudia Black. I did think it was a bit odd to get both of them. Then, I heard CB was being sort of paired with MS. Now my opinion of Daniel as pretty but rather wet changed with Prometheus Unbound. I laughed out loud at the fight scene. Loved it and the first six episodes of Season 9.

                              I think CB filled the gap left by Jack rather than Sam. Anyway, still love that sequence in PU where she wipes the floor with him but ofcourse, Daniel's intelligence rather than brawn, wins out



                                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post

                                Oh and today, I've been listening to the Vids on Y-tube fruitcakes, Cat's and Stefs, I really liked in the Dramatic vids playlist. I do this to get in the mood, so to speak, and I've read Lit Lit's update also on M in fanfic, which I adore.
                                And yesterday I read fluffy's, which I'm also impressed with. So it's not all about me. Not really.

                                I don't do vids so that'd be another cat

                                Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                                I had already watched Farscape, so I knew what we were getting re Ben Browder and Claudia Black. I did think it was a bit odd to get both of them. Then, I heard CB was being sort of paired with MS. Now my opinion of Daniel as pretty but rather wet changed with Prometheus Unbound. I laughed out loud at the fight scene. Loved it and the first six episodes of Season 9.

                                I think CB filled the gap left by Jack rather than Sam. Anyway, still love that sequence in PU where she wipes the floor with him but ofcourse, Daniel's intelligence rather than brawn, wins out

                                I totally agree actually I always thought that Vala was a little more Jack like rather than filling in for Sam. When did I start to ship them? As much as I'd like to say PU I honestly didn't start to until season nine. THen season ten came around (and MM) which really sealed the deal for me.

                                Banner by Stef
                                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2

