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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
    Evening All!!
    Evening sweetie!
    banner by Stef


      My stargateficrec for the day

      Speaking of Vala

      Why This Must Be Read: A nice little moment between Daniel and Vala that packs a punch, most probably in early season 10. It's a short conversation about one of the more ambiguous things in Stargate, Vala's past. Daniel learns a little more about Vala's past and a little more about how hosts are treated when captured by the 'good guys'. But it's Vala that shines through revealing hard truths about her past with a quick grin, fake, sharp and full of hidden depths.
      banner by Stef


        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
        Heh. All you teases with Roswell But *giggles* at Batman Returns because I so understand that. I love watching Gremlins during the holidays, and Ghostbusters... Odd, yes, I know. But the best Christmas movie is A Flintstones Christmas Okay, I don't really have Christmas movies, obviously, or at least I can't think of any at the moment.

        But A Devilish Christmas, that would be cute!
        I know, right? *cough*WRITE IT, Isa*cough*

        As for Christmas movies, I always watch It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street (90s version), A Muppet's Christmas Carol, While You Were Sleeping, and recently Love Actually.

        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        Evening All!!
        Evening as in you're going to bed, or evening as in you're going to stay up all night partying with us?

        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
        My stargateficrec for the day

        Speaking of Vala

        Why This Must Be Read: A nice little moment between Daniel and Vala that packs a punch, most probably in early season 10. It's a short conversation about one of the more ambiguous things in Stargate, Vala's past. Daniel learns a little more about Vala's past and a little more about how hosts are treated when captured by the 'good guys'. But it's Vala that shines through revealing hard truths about her past with a quick grin, fake, sharp and full of hidden depths.
        I'll bookmark that...but do you have any short fluffy ones? I am in such a fluffy mood lately!


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          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          I know, right? *cough*WRITE IT, Isa*cough*

          As for Christmas movies, I always watch It's a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 34th Street (90s version), A Muppet's Christmas Carol, While You Were Sleeping, and recently Love Actually.

          Evening as in you're going to bed, or evening as in you're going to stay up all night partying with us?

          I'll bookmark that...but do you have any short fluffy ones? I am in such a fluffy mood lately!

          Evening as in I am here for a little while.
          Sig made by me


            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            Evening as in I am here for a little while.

            What shall we discuss?

            For starters, why don't we each say the reason each of us enjoys DeVilish so much, why we decided to ship them.



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              Originally posted by Stef View Post

              What shall we discuss?

              For starters, why don't we each say the reason each of us enjoys DeVilish so much, why we decided to ship them.


              I have shipped them from the very first time I saw Prometheus Unbound. I saw immediate chemistry between MS and CB. I could tell right off the bat that Vala was a great compliment to Daniel. I thought her character was great, and if Daniel had to be with anyone, I wanted it to be her.

              After 5 years of Daniel not really having a relationship, it was time for him to be able to enjoy life again. When Vala came back in Avalon, you could just see the renewed life that both Daniel and MS had. Every episode they interacted, I liked them more and more and more. After I had been on GW about 2 months, I finally ventured out of the Pond and found the DV thread. I loved that there was a whole little space in cyber space that I could talk about my favorite couple.

              What about you Stef?
              Sig made by me


                Okay, so Steffy might be a little crazy, but I have an idea for discussions. It's in the vein of the episode discussions from a little while back, but more concentrated.

                We go through all of the DeVilish episodes, pick out the best moment from each (I can even make polls for people to vote on) and then we spend a day discussing that scene...why we like it (or don't like it), what it says about their relationship, it's significance....and we can post artwork, fics, etc that pertain to that moment.

                How does that sound? Am I just getting a little crazy in my desperate attempt to start focused discussions??


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                  Originally posted by Stef View Post

                  I'll bookmark that...but do you have any short fluffy ones? I am in such a fluffy mood lately!

                  Fluffy and short coming up!

                  Even as I wander
                  Ways Daniel proposes to Vala

                  And if you want to read some of mine there is always the Bijou Vignttes here: Bijou
                  banner by Stef


                    What about me?

                    Well, the reason why I like D/V sooo much is because of the humor they have. Yes, there is angst and drama, but they always have a nice playfullness that I appreciate. I also enjoy the kind of gender reversals in regards to that. What do I mean? Well, I guess that I am just so used to the man being the goof, the comedic partner and the woman always playing it straight that I found the D/V dynamic refreshing. More than that, I just love the banter and interplay. It's nowhere near as prominent as it was in season 9 (which was GREAT), but it's still there...but now with more maturity and care behind it. It's less antagonistic and more playful. That's what I love most about this couple.

                    As for why I decided to ship them...well, the above mentioned....but also because they turned me into a puddle of goo in MM Any couple that does that deserves my devotion.


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                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      Okay, so Steffy might be a little crazy, but I have an idea for discussions. It's in the vein of the episode discussions from a little while back, but more concentrated.

                      We go through all of the DeVilish episodes, pick out the best moment from each (I can even make polls for people to vote on) and then we spend a day discussing that scene...why we like it (or don't like it), what it says about their relationship, it's significance....and we can post artwork, fics, etc that pertain to that moment.

                      How does that sound? Am I just getting a little crazy in my desperate attempt to start focused discussions??

                      Sounds very interesting and I would be totally up for it, BUT I just don't know if we can spend 24 hours on one scene, but maybe that is just me. *shrugs*
                      Sig made by me


                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        Fluffy and short coming up!

                        Even as I wander
                        Ways Daniel proposes to Vala

                        And if you want to read some of mine there is always the Bijou Vignttes here: Bijou
                        Aw, Kay wins my respect for having Thornton and Margaret in her header But damn, I've already read a few of these...must discover which ones I haven't!

                        EDIT: Yup, read all of those before *sad sigh*

                        Last edited by Stef; 05 November 2007, 05:45 PM.

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                          Originally posted by Stef View Post

                          What shall we discuss?

                          For starters, why don't we each say the reason each of us enjoys DeVilish so much, why we decided to ship them.


                          Hmm, well I agree with most of what Wendy said. After so long of seeing Daniel being so sad and alone it was a joy to see him so alive when interacting with her. I adore them in PU and right off the bat I wanted them to give an excuse to bring CB. They just have amazing chemistry and they play off each other so well.

                          Plus it wasn't just lets give Daniel a hot bad ass alien babe, though there is no denying CB's hotness, but they gave him a female character that in ways was his equal. She wasn't a simpering female that fawned over him. She was strong and awesome. She can take care of herself, but she also allows him the opportunities to care about her. They gave her depth, even if they didn't always do them justice. Even in the beginning with the one line, "I used to be host", already they had given Vala layers that made her real. And in return Daniel's passion came back. It's a wonderful relationship because they look to bring out the best in each other and half the time not even purposefully.

                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Okay, so Steffy might be a little crazy, but I have an idea for discussions. It's in the vein of the episode discussions from a little while back, but more concentrated.

                          We go through all of the DeVilish episodes, pick out the best moment from each (I can even make polls for people to vote on) and then we spend a day discussing that scene...why we like it (or don't like it), what it says about their relationship, it's significance....and we can post artwork, fics, etc that pertain to that moment.

                          How does that sound? Am I just getting a little crazy in my desperate attempt to start focused discussions??

                          Oh I love the idea. I love discussions, even if I never quite seem able to bring them about or coherently approach them.
                          banner by Stef


                            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                            Oh I love the idea. I love discussions, even if I never quite seem able to bring them about or coherently approach them.
                            Hey, that's what crazy-Stef is for!

                            Oooh, if we get enough people to read Roswell, we could also have a discussion about that! Although, that might have to be off-board so we don't spoil non-readers...


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                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              Aw, Kay wins my respect for having Thornton and Margaret in her header But damn, I've already read a few of these...must discover which ones I haven't!

                              EDIT: Yup, read all of those before *sad sigh*

                              Sorry. I haven't found any new fluff! *must find fluff*

                              Originally posted by Stef View Post
                              What about me?

                              Well, the reason why I like D/V sooo much is because of the humor they have. Yes, there is angst and drama, but they always have a nice playfullness that I appreciate. I also enjoy the kind of gender reversals in regards to that. What do I mean? Well, I guess that I am just so used to the man being the goof, the comedic partner and the woman always playing it straight that I found the D/V dynamic refreshing. More than that, I just love the banter and interplay. It's nowhere near as prominent as it was in season 9 (which was GREAT), but it's still there...but now with more maturity and care behind it. It's less antagonistic and more playful. That's what I love most about this couple.

                              As for why I decided to ship them...well, the above mentioned....but also because they turned me into a puddle of goo in MM Any couple that does that deserves my devotion.

                              Dude, yes! For such a long time now writers have been writing many ships that way - man, goofy; woman, straight. Mostly (imho) because they fear 'demeaning' woman, which I find partly ridiculous but just because a woman is fun and playful and sexy doesn't mean she doesn't have depth, emotions and layers, which is why I love Vala. She not afraid to be woman. And I think part of the reason it even works this well for Vala is because of CB. Now I don't mean this towards about every female character, some times it is in the character personality to be straight, but I think some writers need to stop fear writing woman as woman. (makes sense I hope)

                              Oh and I love the playfulness they have, there is a reason we call them Devilish after all. Like I said before they just bring this light to each other. Loves Devilish.
                              banner by Stef



                                *sigh* I love the LOTR movies...I love Faramir....I love romantic stories....
                                so I was searching the web for stuff on Faramir/Eowyn and I came across a site that basically said that all of this Houses of Healing stuff had been filmed for them...including a KISS AND WEDDING!! And yet, neither of those bits appeared in my EE I want, I want! How can you tell me that that's out there, that someone has SEEN it, and yet not include it?! I don't care if it would make the movie 5 hours long! I mean, you could always make it a deleted scene!!

                                Speaking of those two, here's one of my favorite videos for them:



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