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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Toomi View Post
    Daniel/Carolyn... Never thought of that one before. I always loved that bit where Cam and Carolyn are coming out of the elevator and he's buttoning up his So BB spends 4 years kissing CB on Farscape then spends how long ribbing her about kissing MS, then he gets to flirt with MS's I'd have loved to be a fly on the wall for the jokes about that...
    Those jokes would be fun. I certainly is what amuses me about season 9.

    I think they may have implied something Daniel/Carolyn wise at the end of "Off the Grid" Sam and Teal'c found reasons to leave the gate room and Daniel says, "I think I'm going to find a doctor." I can't think of a reason for Daniel to need medical attention. Yes he's acting like he got punched in the cheek but it hasn't disclolored and he's talking fine. We've seen him not get treatment for worse injuries so I think he's just going to flirt with the pretty doctor.
    thanks Stef

    Thanks Wendy


      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
      Did you know that you guys are COMPLETELY INSANE?lol
      I didn't even try to catch up tonight!
      I know! Isn't it GREAT!!! *dances merrily to own tune*

      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
      Anyway...loved the last couple of "Noir" what two more or three?...and please, please, please tell us this ends well????????? I gotta horrible feeling........
      Only two more sadly and while I'll say nothing until it's posted laster, I will remind you all it was Noir for a reason

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post

      EDIT: Don't worry, Danielle, nobody's weird here Except the insane ones!
      And isn't that everybody!?!?!
      Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
      Honestly, I'm very fine with it. Darryl is a cool name, I rather like it and the fact you picked it.
      *waves* Hellooo Darryl!

      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      Hey all. I am back for just a bit. I see I missed Isa, too bad because I brought Kev with me.

      Kev: So where is this vixon at?
      Wendy: Sorry my evil sweetie, but I think she has already gone.
      Kev: Bummer, there were so many things I wanted to show her in my lair.
      Wendy: *smiles* I know. *gives a kiss* Maybe tomorrow.
      Kev: Okay, I should be around.
      ACK!!! *Runs back to post and snatches up Kevin!!!* Damn he's already gone!

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      See, I find FFN annoying because of the rulerbars and everything. Copying and pasting into LJ and alldaniel is much simpler for me, well LJ is the simplest and there's no rating-restrictions on there either.


      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      *puts on her co-queen of the DV gutter crown*Okay, who am I kidding, I never take the crown off

      Mature content? WOOHOO!!!!!!
      You know, I'm almost sadden that no one mentioned the epic that is The Monster, who rating is skyrocketing faster than I can type. *hears it calling*

      Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
      I remember you mentioning the rulerbars before - of what do you speak? I can't say I've encountered rulerbars...?

      Easy for you maybe...I never post less than 7,000 words in a chapter!!!
      Dude! Preaching to the choir! Preaching I tell you!

      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Aw, thanks for thinking about me guys. You all know me so well Yes, I can be very protective of my Norrie and soul-mate Mal If anyone had tried to take them, I'd have to come after them with some sort of sharp object.

      *runs after Kay with a VERY LARGE sickle, screaming madly and calling for blood*

      One way or the other, Kay, I WILL get Richard Armitage. There's just no around that. I guess the question then becomes, is he worth dying for?

      *looks nervously around for weapon to defend self and grabs stale bagette* Um, Stef, hun, wanna share Snape with s8!Daniel.... *points below*
      banner by Stef


        Originally posted by Stef View Post

        Whatever, I only have seasons 8-10. I might be persuaded to trade season 8 Daniel though....if the price is right.

        *pouts* I wanted her....but Isa lied to me and told me you had her. Oh, you'll pay for that one, Isa, you'll pay!!

        I didn't know! I don't know!! But I was very happy when I found out I was wrong!!! And I saved Mal for you! *cries* Stef, don't likey me anymore!!!!

        Originally posted by natalia View Post

        I already said this but I'm pimping Isa's Noir. Again. Amazing.

        I don't remember if I said this either but Erin I loved the new Kansas Chapter more please

        and ...Darryl? (we renamed him Darryl???? uh. ok ) i will be reading The Discovery this weekend. and I am psyched for it.
        Dude, yaay! I love being pimped... .. uh, crap that didn't come out right... but the sentiment still stands

        I read last night, I'm post comment today!!

        I will too!.... eventually (it totally moved up to #12 on the Isa To Do List!!)

        Originally posted by sg1cat View Post

        yeah, you're not a child of the eighties, are ya?
        I love the 80's!! Okay, though I was born in the late 80's I'm technically a child of the 90s but the 80s rule me!!!

        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        *waves hand like a jedi* You never saw me here, I was already in bed.

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        If it makes you feel any better, I'm one of the younger frequenters of this thread...but there are plenty of people who've got some years on me. Yes, I'm talking about all of you old people I mean, Wendy is like 3-4 years older than me! She's ancient!!


        Originally posted by Stef View Post

        Because it's made of awesome that way (damn you, Isa...I'm starting to talk like you now!). Goodnight again....maybe.
        Exssscellent *twiddle fingers*

        Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post

        Vala: *prettily emotes* But why are all the Fruitcakes gone?
        I'm BACK!!!!!! *bounces*
        banner by Stef


          Milena better be catching up, cuz I need somebody to play with.. I guess I'll have to occupy myself until she's done

          *takes out the Daniel and Vala that live in my head and makes them do kissy face at each other*
          banner by Stef


            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
            Milena better be catching up, cuz I need somebody to play with.. I guess I'll have to occupy myself until she's done

            *takes out the Daniel and Vala that live in my head and makes them do kissy face at each other*
            Did you read my fic? (I may have written it for Wendy but I intended everyone to read it. *wink*)

            thanks Stef

            Thanks Wendy


              Oooh! Fic! *waggles eyebrow*
              banner by Stef


                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                *looks nervously around for weapon to defend self and grabs stale bagette* Um, Stef, hun, wanna share Snape with s8!Daniel.... *points below*
                Hmmm.....alright. I'll take that deal. Honestly, Snape takes up a bit more of my heart than Danny (blasphemy, I know). Afterall, he started off my whole British men in black robes phase...wait, a phase implies it ends right? Alright...kicked off my obsession Right now, Mal, Norrington, and Snape are all fighting it out for #1 spot in my affections (at least in my head they are )....and Mr.Thornton is just watching and waiting for his moment.

                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                I didn't know! I don't know!! But I was very happy when I found out I was wrong!!! And I saved Mal for you! *cries* Stef, don't likey me anymore!!!!
       did save Mal. I suppose I can forgive you then. Apparently, I am quite the forgiving person! Of course, unless Kay hands over Mr.Thornton right away, I'm afraid that she will have to die. Let's all cross our fingers on that one!

                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                I love the 80's!! Okay, though I was born in the late 80's I'm technically a child of the 90s but the 80s rule me!!!
                Late 80s??? I thought you were near my age? I've been so mislead all of these months! Will the deception never end?!


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Night Fruitcakes. I'm going to bed.=) Have a good day!
                  thanks Stef

                  Thanks Wendy


                    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                    No sushi?!? That does suck.

                    and let me join in with you on the CURSES to RL. It can suck sometimes...

                    But then, that's why we gather here, making caps, vids, icons, and fics!!!
                    Indeed it is, indeed it is...

                    And I actually oppose sushi as a concept *frowns* It irks me that people eat it and think of California because it's a wasn't a fad in Japan... but then I get off my high horse and remember that I actually like sushi ...most of it anyway, and I'd be even dumber than the fad people to deny myself something I like to make a non-existant point... I was told by three people yesterday that I should go into politics or become a lawyer for my ranting abilities and I'd do it to...but I know myself and corruption would take me over like that *snaps fingers*

                    What was the question?

                    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                    Consider the thread voted on by this newb!
                    Score!! Thanks!

                    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                    Darryl, eh? Hrm... *thinks about it*
                    *pulls out sword*

                    *taps both shoulders*

                    You were scared for a minute there weren't you?

                    Arise...Darryl the Fic Writing Dragon...

                    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                    *Looks around, confused* wait a minute...named?!? When did this become final?? Last post I saw, I was asked, and I was gonna think about it, but, but, but...*sputters, then sighs*...oh, who am I kidding? I like the name, it works for me.
                    This is what happens when you leave the thread! *shakes head in disappointment* We are like soooooo not patient, if the person involved isn't around, we'll just decide for them That's why it's dangerous to leave the Oven for too long :

                    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                    I'd be more than happy to chat at length.

                    Only thing, we may want to use spolier tags, don't think everyone reading this thread has necessarily read the whole of The Discovery yet...

                    heavy spolier warning for The Discovery...

                    Very good points, and I'm not surprised by any of them. First, I need to clarify what I wrote a little. Obviously, you're talking about chapter 13 and 14, primarily. Here's the deal.

                    It's quite the opposite of what you perceived. Daniel did have the natural male reaction to Vala's nearness (not only in bed, but in a few other occasions). However, I've been running with a "Teen" rating on, because I wanted my story to appear on everyone's default filter. (If you set your story to Mature, it does not appear - the default filter is K->T).

                    So, I had to be very discrete when I wrote about the physical aspects of them being in bed together, so no one would complain that I wrote beyond the given maturity rating. For example, take particular note in c13 of where Vala's leg was described relative to Daniel and how he reacted to her moving her leg there.

                    You really do need to read between the lines.

                    I hope that answered your issue, if not, please don't hesitate to post further questions, I'll be glad to speak to no end about it!

                    Let me ask you a question - did you have an issue with the believability of him going to bed with her, yet not having sex? If so, I can speak to that too...

                    Oh, and as to your comment about perversion? Don't sweat it...I doubt anyone thinks your perverted, I certainly don't. Besides, I'd probably be a hypocrite to call you that, particularly since I'm taking The Discovery to a Mature rating in a few chapters...!
                    *frowns* Are you serious????? I've been defended the opposite side for like...ever! Sorry LC!

                    This does not bode well for my, not it does not...

                    Oh well *singing* creative liiiiiiicense */singing*

                    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                    Ahhhh...all is clear now...damn FF eh?...that's one of the reason I don't post there...when my work calls for an "R" rating I refuse to tone it down for the purposes of where I'm posting...that's why I post at 'alldaniel' cuz there's isn't a problem with the mature stuff.

                    And no I don't have a problem with him sleeping with her without's believable up to a point...1)because it's Daniel...and 2)I'm creating a similiar scenario myself,(well he's not actually sleeping with her, just putting her off for a bit) but it can't be carried on indefinitely because...well that would just be annoying and unless he really is a eunuch he won't be able to hold back once he decides her feelings are legitimate.
                    But please if you wish to speak on this topic, don't let me stop you...always enlightening to hear from the other side. And actually feel free to PM me on this could be helpful for my own work to hear from the other side.
                    And because I enjoy hearing from the other POV I'm really looking forward to reading what you've got for the Mature rating.

                    Thanks sg1cat or could do something completely unique and give us your real name.
                    (I was kidding about the perversion thing btw...I'm quite proud of being so,lol)
                    Keeping in mind LC that I posted NC-17 to and nobody ousted me

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Aw, thanks for thinking about me guys. You all know me so well Yes, I can be very protective of my Norrie and soul-mate Mal If anyone had tried to take them, I'd have to come after them with some sort of sharp object.
                    Anything for Stethorawnus

                    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                    *runs after Kay with a VERY LARGE sickle, screaming madly and calling for blood*

                    One way or the other, Kay, I WILL get Richard Armitage. There's just no around that. I guess the question then becomes, is he worth dying for?
                    I told her! You want Fluffy for the weekend?

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Aw, thanks! We can share him....and oh, what fun that will be I'm also calling Will Scarlett (O'Hara) from RH:MIT.
                    CURSES upon my own house!! I thought of snatching him up but I figure I wouldn't mention him cuz no one would know who he was and he'd be safe in my cage...


                    *goes to back room, opens cage*

                    Go on Will *tear* go to Stef *bawls*

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Yup, that's pretty much how I've always been envisioning you. It's uncanny!

                    You do realize that as written by local Oven folklore, we're twins separated at birth right? What, you're gonna go lame and say we're fraternal twins?

                    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                    Seriously, those are annoying. I haven't yet found (or tried to find) a way to get those lines from the source doc. For 18 chapters now, I've had to go back and put the lines back in (Word & Open Office use a Paragraph border setting to get the same's conversion software is apparently too f***ing stupid to understand this convention...!)
                    ...that's why I used 'o's Easy peasy! *sigh* I have to stop saying that...

                    Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
                    *eyebrow raise*

                    Does that mean I'm the oldest one here? *is unashamedly 32*
                    Nope! You're average You're probably close to the median-

                    *smacks head against wall*

                    NO! Math terms BEGONE!!!

                    Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post
                    Not so easy over here. We choose a pre-established course and stick to it, we don't choose our classes (only one or two, and they have to be pertinent to what we do - in my case, I chose linguistics-related classes).

                    The bureaucracy required to change one's major is massive, definitely not worth it. I can still decide to take a MA in linguistics after I'm done with comparative lits.
                    Wa! Not cool

                    Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post
                    I suppose a non-anglophone European can communicate in 2-3 different languages as average, their native tongue included. (and I mean basic communication, not mastery of the foreign language). But most of my friends can't even say two words in english, and I know other people that speak 4-5 languages fluently.
                    *nods* I just figured since I went out of my way to learn a bunch of languages in French-Ontario that I could probably have gotten like 20 languages under my belt in Europe *sighs again* Now I have to do it the hard way...

                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    Milena better be catching up, cuz I need somebody to play with.. I guess I'll have to occupy myself until she's done

                    *takes out the Daniel and Vala that live in my head and makes them do kissy face at each other*
                    Present!! Didja miss me? ^_~

                    Oh and Nat, you still on? I wanted to high-five you cuz we're the same age!! *high five*

                    And curses upon Cat who isn't online yet *grumbles*
                    ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                    Banner made by Stef!


                      Bidaily...semidaily? reminder

                      Oh btw, loved the pic runs marbleC!! Beautiful caps!
                      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                      Banner made by Stef!


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Hmmm.....alright. I'll take that deal. Honestly, Snape takes up a bit more of my heart than Danny (blasphemy, I know). Afterall, he started off my whole British men in black robes phase...wait, a phase implies it ends right? Alright...kicked off my obsession Right now, Mal, Norrington, and Snape are all fighting it out for #1 spot in my affections (at least in my head they are )....and Mr.Thornton is just watching and waiting for his moment.
                        Yay. Cool.

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
               did save Mal. I suppose I can forgive you then. Apparently, I am quite the forgiving person! Of course, unless Kay hands over Mr.Thornton right away, I'm afraid that she will have to die. Let's all cross our fingers on that one!
                        I did! I did!! *whew*

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Late 80s??? I thought you were near my age? I've been so mislead all of these months! Will the deception never end?!

                        LOL! 1986, baby!! That's really funny, cuz Kath thought I was older than I am too. ..... Do I sound particularly mature/older? cuz then I don't think we having the same conversation....

                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                        ...that's why I used 'o's Easy peasy! *sigh* I have to stop saying that...

                        Present!! Didja miss me? ^_~

                        And curses upon Cat who isn't online yet *grumbles*
                        I love easy peasy. Like okey dokey!

                        I did. *nods* I can't very well have crazy conversations with myself... Okay, I CAN, but then people just start to give me looks....

                        Ditto! *pouts/squinty eyes*

                        EDIT: Out slight boredom and curiosity I went and checked the Whose Posted.. and Holy Freakin Frak! Kales and Wendy better watch out, Fluffy is on their tail!!! I've said it before DETERMINED!
                        Last edited by isabelqc; 12 October 2007, 01:34 AM.
                        banner by Stef


                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                          I love easy peasy. Like okey dokey!

                          I did. *nods* I can't very well have crazy conversations with myself... Okay, I CAN, but then people just start to give me looks....

                          Ditto! *pouts/squinty eyes*
                          You can't, you can't no...

                          Then again...we can't actually see you to give you looks

                          What's up?

                          Ooooh Isa, you know what?? We have to write our fics

                          EDIT: Buuuuut not before I review Noir Going
                          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                          Banner made by Stef!


                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            You can't, you can't no...

                            Then again...we can't actually see you to give you looks

                            What's up?

                            Ooooh Isa, you know what?? We have to write our fics

                            EDIT: Buuuuut not before I review Noir Going
                            Dude, I know. *headdesk* I'm just focusing on finishing posting Noir this week, then I'll once again give my full attention to The Monster and all the WIPs, while also posting the Bijous and one shots in my HD....

                            And Kales might be happy b/c I'm getting all sorts of ideas for one of the AU vignettes....
                            banner by Stef


                              Dude! I was lurking the Sparky thread and the weirdes thing came into this mind of mine. Sparkles. Why? I don't know. I thought: Sparky. Spanky. Sparkles. J/E. R/T. D/V.

                              *facepalm/shakes head*
                              banner by Stef


                                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                                Bidaily...semidaily? reminder

                                H&H Best Hairdo

                                Oh btw, loved the pic runs marbleC!! Beautiful caps!

