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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by natalia View Post
    I haven't seen any D/V vids to that song. I have seen an AMAZING farscape vid for J/A with it (it's probably my favourite) But I would Love to see a DV vid hint hint
    And perhaps you have nailed the problem on the head right there. That must have been the reason why I backed off. That vid was so good that I didn't think I could do any better....(also the reason why I haven't chosen other songs). I'd just end up looking like a hack to everyone who's seen it


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      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      And perhaps you have nailed the problem on the head right there. That must have been the reason why I backed off. That vid was so good that I didn't think I could do any better....(also the reason why I haven't chosen other songs). I'd just end up looking like a hack to everyone who's seen it

      *rolls eyes* based on what i've seen of your work it would be dang hard for you to look like a hack.
      It's a different couple and i'm sure you could make a wicked vid out of it if you wanted to. no pressure though. anything you make i seem to enjoy!

      be back for the discussion tonight

      My Fic: LJ &


        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        As I ponder over my next vid...I ask you, has anyone made a D/V vid to Switchfoot's "On Fire." Not saying I'm going to use it (I already have many songs on my list) but I just wanted to know for future reference. I considered it awhile ago but dropped it for some reason...and I'm wondering if the reason i didn't use it was because someone else already had. Here's a link to a vid that employs the song to mediocre effect (feel free to ignore the visuals...although it's for a really good BBC mini-series called "North & South" that I'd HIGHLY recommend to everyone )--On Fire.

        Okay, now going to bed.

        That's such a beautiful vid, even though I have no idea who the characters are. I'm going to track this series has a happy ending right?

        Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
        IAh, it's finished! Now I can actually read it. I have a thing about not reading WIP's before there done, so now I've got a nice story to read after my exam on Thursday! Looking forward to it!
        I'm the same way, I much prefer to read a completed story...if I wasn't so starved for DV reads that's exactly what I'd be doing but I have no self-discipline I can't help but click on anything that says DV. I can't wait to hear what you think of it and good luck with your exam!!! Will you be done school after it?

        Originally posted by natalia View Post
        SIGH. Love this story. sad that it's over but since it IS SO GOOD it had to end sometime. still can't get over what a good writer you are!

        I haven't seen any D/V vids to that song. I have seen an AMAZING farscape vid for J/A with it (it's probably my favourite) But I would Love to see a DV vid hint hint
        Thanks so much Nat! *sigh* I'm still a little sad about it being over but all the great reviews (thanks btw! ) are helping me get really excited about finally moving forward with Perchance to Live!

        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        And perhaps you have nailed the problem on the head right there. That must have been the reason why I backed off. That vid was so good that I didn't think I could do any better....(also the reason why I haven't chosen other songs). I'd just end up looking like a hack to everyone who's seen it

        Hack Stef? ...HACK? *blinky* Are you insane? Sorry, I'm having fun with my smilies, but seriously! Stef it was a great vid for sure but you're like THE foremost D/V vidder, you're the one who brings shippy D/V to life, musico-visually anyway cuz I guess Unending brought it to life too I insist that you create a D/V vid with that song! please?

        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        [CENTER]Just capped Flesh and Blood last night.
        Awesome caps DJgirl! (my memory fails me...Wendy?) We should make a permanent list somewhere...or I could have just been intelligent and written them all down when we were posting them
        Last edited by Milena_D; 21 August 2007, 02:06 PM.
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          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          That's such a beautiful vid, even though I have no idea who the characters are. I'm going to track this series has a happy ending right?

          I'm the same way, I much prefer to read a completed story...if I wasn't so starved for DV reads that's exactly what I'd be doing but I have no self-discipline I can't help but click on anything that says DV. I can't wait to hear what you think of it and good luck with your exam!!! Will you be done school after it?

          Thanks so much Nat! *sigh* I'm still a little sad about it being over but all the great reviews (thanks btw! ) are helping me get really excited about finally moving forward with Perchance to Live!

          Hack Stef? ...HACK? *blinky* Are you insane? Sorry, I'm having fun with my smilies, but seriously! Stef it was a great vid for sure but you're like THE foremost D/V vidder, you're the one who brings shippy D/V to life, musico-visually anyway cuz I guess Unending brought it to life too I insist that you create a D/V vid with that song! please?

          Awesome caps DJgirl! (my memory fails me...Wendy?) We should make a permanent list somewhere...or I could have just been intelligent and written them all down with we were posting them
          Thanks and yes you were right about my name
          Sig made by me


            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Hopefully I'll also get to reading all of the fics that have been posted since the Avalon discussion (is it too much trouble to ask everyone who has posted a story/chapter in the last week to re-post their links?)...and work on my own story. Stuck at the moment, but hopefully I'll have a surge of creativity like I did in all of our previous discussions!
            Well, it just so happens, Fruitcakes, I have an update to my fic... HERE it is on my LJ.

            Have fun and talk to you later,


              Hiya. Back from the great outdoors!! What did I miss? I'm waaaay back on pg 78something. Is there another discussion tonight? What eps have been discussed? I was here for Avalon 1&2 and Origin.


                Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                Hiya. Back from the great outdoors!! What did I miss? I'm waaaay back on pg 78something. Is there another discussion tonight? What eps have been discussed? I was here for Avalon 1&2 and Origin.
                Welcome back Toomi!! ^_^ Hope you had fun camping!

                We really only discussed TTTB, we decided to postpone the TPTB discussion until tonight because a lot of people were absent and the rest were exhausted yesterday! ^_^

                3 hours until TPTB analysis!!
                ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                  Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                  Well, it just so happens, Fruitcakes, I have an update to my fic... HERE it is on my LJ.

                  Have fun and talk to you later,
                  Enjoyed that Erin, thanks
                  (btw, still craving something close are you going to get??????...I know I'm so bad,lol)


                  My Fiction:


                    I am finally getting around to reading all the fics posted in the last couple of days. I just got done with yours ErinB, I loved it

                    I am with LC, some NC-17 stuff would be great
                    Sig made by me


                      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                      Enjoyed that Erin, thanks
                      (btw, still craving something close are you going to get??????...I know I'm so bad,lol)
                      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                      I am finally getting around to reading all the fics posted in the last couple of days. I just got done with yours ErinB, I loved it

                      I am with LC, some NC-17 stuff would be great
                      Well, I'll see what I can do. I'm really glad you both like it so far.
                      I read a lot of romance novels, mostly historical romance, so I know how it's supposed to sound, sorta. But I think I'm only to the rated R level in my writing. It's sorta hard (no, wrong word) difficult to get there.

                      Alright, gotta get back to work, see ya later,


                        Ah, caught up. Watching TTTB right now, then onto TPTB so I can participate.
                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Ah, we've only got three pages of discussion so far tonight! That's less than last night!! Let's see, maybe if I put some questions to you...

                        1. Who looks better in leather: Cameron, Daniel, or Vala?

                        2. There's been some dispute over the Arlos/Vala connection (whether or not they actually had an "intimate" relationship). Supposedly, they shot a scene that made it clear Vala/Arlos were never that close...what do you think? Do you think Vala and Arlos had an affair? If so, why? Was it just for the bracelets and locket?

                        3. Why do you think the idea of sleeping with Vala is so "repulsive" to Daniel? Is it just because he doesn't want meaningless sex, or is it something else?

                        4. At the beginning, when Vala leaves, what do you think Daniel is feeling? Relief? Or do you think he's going to miss her?

                        1. Cam. Didn't have to think about that one... but CB looks fantastic in leather in Farscape... as does BB, but there's an entirely different thread for me to drool over that in... lol

                        2.Not entirely sure. Part of me wants to say yes, coz at that point in Vala's life, she would've had to do whatever was neccessary to get what she needed/wanted. She's already made it very clear that she uses her sexuality to get what she wants. Then again, Arlos' definition of 'intimate' might be one of many different ways of taking that word. Could mean a sharing of souls and nothing to do with sex.

                        3.Daniel has struck me as the kind of guy that wouldn't just have sex with anyone, even though I believe he did earlier in the series. (correct me if I'm wrong, and I'm not counting Sha're) I think he still sees Vala as an annoyance and doesn't look at her in that way. He's a guy and he can't ignore the fact that she's very attractive but I wonder if at this point he still... hmmm... can't quite word this right so I'm putting it in spoilers for a possible downer...

                        When I was a kid my mom died and my dad never thought he'd fall in love with anyone else. He convinced himself without realising that by falling for someone else he would be desecrating (sp?) the memory of my mother. As time went by, he made new friends and filled that empty spot with me and my sister, family, new friends and new activities, but never allowed himself to get close to anyone. Until a woman made him laugh, forget the stress and show him how to enjoy life again. It took time and he admits he wasn't thinking, that it crept up on him. But he did indeed fall in love again, and 15 years later are still married.

                        I think that Daniel is perhaps at that point where he still thinks he's in love with Sha're. He will probably always be in love with her, but there's so much love to give and be had that there's always room for more. (Oh, geez, that doesn't sound good does it? I don't mean that in the poligamist sense)
                        Enough babbling, I'll get to my point, if I can remember

                        I bet the thought of a sexual relationship (meaningless or not) with her hasn't entered his mind and while Vala teases him, he recognizes it as what he believes to be a survival skill and completely ignores the fact that she could be interested in him. Perhaps it's his own defense mechanism, not wanting to be hurt again...

                        4. Vala is someone he knows and even if he does find her irritating he's the kind of guy who would still want her to be ok. Knowing how she lives he's probably concerned that he'll never see her again, not that he desperatly wants to, but the fact that he doesnt' want her to die, or have anything bad happen to her.


                          Wow! Great analysis again, Toomi. You see their characters so well.



                            Thanks Erin! (is it ok to drop the B?) It took me ages to try and get comfy with Daniel's character, so much that I avoided writing him at all. Glad that I;m making progress!!!

                            Just finished TTTB. My favourite scene is the one at the end, where Teal'c leaves. After he hugs Daniel and Cam tells him not to be a stranger Teal'c turns slightly towards Vala and gives her a barely noticable head bow. She grins and gives him a wave back. The look on Daniel's face. He looks shocked/suprised. Kinda shows that Vala's warmed up to Teal'c and Daniel sees that she's giving a genuine smile and goodbye wave. In my little mind it shows that Vala's getting comfortable, almost trusting them and I think that Daniel wasn't expecting to see something so raw and honest.


                              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                              Well, I'll see what I can do. I'm really glad you both like it so far.
                              I read a lot of romance novels, mostly historical romance, so I know how it's supposed to sound, sorta. But I think I'm only to the rated R level in my writing. It's sorta hard (no, wrong word) difficult to get there.

                              Alright, gotta get back to work, see ya later,

                              Well geez Erin...if all you can manage is R then forget it,lol...tell ya the truth I'm not sure what the difference is...there's been some truly enjoyable 'dancing around it' lately...Milena's 'MoL' and 'BF' come to mind quickly but I'm don't wanna 'dance' anymore


                              My Fiction:


                                Yeah, you can drop the 'B'. I think there was already an 'Erin' on the board.

                                I agree with you on the last scene of TTTB also. It's almost like Vala, more than anything Cam does, 'gets the bad back together.' It could be cuz she lets the Ori know about our galaxy but why quibble.

                                Let's see, we've got an hour and a half before TPTB. Wonder if I can stay awake.

                                And hey Milena, have you checked your email? (I'm so pushy! )


