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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    How can you not like square-lensed, leather-clad Daniel??


    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      Well I do have that mental connection with Addy's Evil Daniel clone, maybe it is starting to spread. *evil cackle*
      Hmm, methinks I should visit EDaniel, I want funky powers too

      Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
      Hey hey hey, wait just one cottinpickin' minute there! You forgot that I'm GatePirate on FF.N and bijjy on livejournal! *primes zat* hehe
      Ooh, geez, Milena, she looks upset. Hey, Bijjy, it's okay, Milena probably didn't mean it, let's just all calm down, no need for zats (or stale french baguettes or humus or whipped cream pies)


      EDIT: Did anyone read my comment that the glasses were just a sexy accessory and not necessary at all? Sheesh, it's as if I'm not even here. Maybe invisibility is my super-power.


        Originally posted by ErinB View Post
        EDIT: Did anyone read my comment that the glasses were just a sexy accessory and not necessary at all? Sheesh, it's as if I'm not even here. Maybe invisibility is my super-power.
        Eh, I don't read people's posts. I just pick out one word and then form a hypothesis and response based on that.


        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


          Originally posted by ErinB View Post

          Ooh, geez, Milena, she looks upset. Hey, Bijjy, it's okay, Milena probably didn't mean it, let's just all calm down, no need for zats (or stale french baguettes or humus or whipped cream pies)

          *snickers* oops sorry about that, am a wee bit cranky after work..8 hours of boredom and hotness (the evil boiling kind not the MS kind heh) Maybe I'm just a wee bit piffed that my co-worker always gets off one hour before I do leaving me by my lonesome to do the whole job....maybe I should aim my zat at her instead? *eg*

          Also I adore Daniel's new glasses, there's just something about them that makes me drool over Danny-boy even more (although I do love him without them even more)

          As for why he wears them and not contacts?? I think Daniel has them as some sort of defense mechanism (don't ask me to explain that, I just see them that way), and only wears contacts when he wants to blend in on other planets or is under-cover.

          Michael goofing off as he takes a break from filming Continuum
          Last edited by PirateBijjy; 09 October 2007, 08:18 PM.
          Puppet Hammond: Sergeant, make it spin.
          Puppet Walter: Spin? Sir, it doesn't spin.
          Puppet Hammond: What? It has to spin--it's round. Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the General, I want it to spin. Now.



            Originally posted by natalia View Post
            let me know when you get it up i'm excited to read it!

            OT S/J
            awwww the backyard scene in threads I feel soooo bad for sam! "I've been sitting in your driveway for 10 minutes trying to work up the nerve to come an talk to you"..poor sam her face is heartbreaking when redhead chick comes out

            Edit: DJ WHY would you resist that urge?
            I was afraid people were getting sick of the pictures, but I can post some

            I really think he was outgrowing his other glasses. They just didn't seem to fit right anymore...

            I think the square glasses fit very nicely. *happy sigh*

            Sig made by me


              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
              EDIT: Did anyone read my comment that the glasses were just a sexy accessory and not necessary at all? Sheesh, it's as if I'm not even here. Maybe invisibility is my super-power.
              I see you I see you! you're not invisible....unless...*MY* superpower is to be able to SEE invisible!Erin. whoa.

              Edit: I ABSOLUTELY agree about the square glasses DJ! mmmm sexy.
              My Fic: LJ &


                Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                Hmm, methinks I should visit EDaniel, I want funky powers too

                Ooh, geez, Milena, she looks upset. Hey, Bijjy, it's okay, Milena probably didn't mean it, let's just all calm down, no need for zats (or stale french baguettes or humus or whipped cream pies)


                EDIT: Did anyone read my comment that the glasses were just a sexy accessory and not necessary at all? Sheesh, it's as if I'm not even here. Maybe invisibility is my super-power.
                EDaniel was being very mischievous the day I was infected with whatever he did to me, but it was a fun ten days spent in his bedroom Actually he is over visiting me right now. Addy has Darling, so I got EDaniel
                Sig made by me


                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Eh, I don't read people's posts. I just pick out one word and then form a hypothesis and response based on that.


                  Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
                  *snickers* oops sorry about that, am a wee bit cranky after work..8 hours of boredom and hotness (the evil boiling kind not the MS kind heh) Maybe I'm just a wee bit piffed that my co-worker always gets off one hour before I fdo leaving me by my lonesome to do the whole job....maybe I should aim my zat at her instead? *eg*
                  You know, I've often thought I should take up smoking cuz there's a girl at work that takes like 20 smoke breaks a day. Literally! I mean, I know we're allowed a paid 10 minute break but geez that's abusing the policy for sure.
                  (Really sorry if there are any smokers I've offended. I don't mind that she smokes, I mind that she takes like a billion smoke breaks a day, sorry )



                    Originally posted by natalia View Post
                    I see you I see you! you're not invisible....unless...*MY* superpower is to be able to SEE invisible!Erin. whoa.

                    Edit: I ABSOLUTELY agree about the square glasses DJ! mmmm sexy.
                    Sig made by me


                      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                      ok now you're just feeding my addiction
                      My Fic: LJ &


                        Here's some Vala, because I don't want to leave her out....

                        Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                 inbox is still empty....
                          Probably because that comment was aimed at Isa, check yours now.

                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          *witty retort*

                          *witty retort*

                          *witty retort*

                          That's my little secret

                          *witty retort*
                          *cunning banter*

                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          You know, I have two other names as well! I see you didn't include those, hmph!
                          Didn't include mine either, he just came out of hiding, you want to send him back???


                          Stef = Stethorawnus or Stef+Hathor+Shawn+Gus
                          Milena = Mangushawn or Milena+Anise+Gus+Shawn

                          If he runs I'm blaming you.

                          Originally posted by natalia View Post
                          whoohoo 99 points i almost have 2 squares

                          mmmm daniel arm porn (still watching threads...the the green shirt is still ugly)
                          Awww, I wanted to help you into your 2 squares but apparently I have to spread the green around first Sorry!

                          Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
                          Hey hey hey, wait just one cottinpickin' minute there! You forgot that I'm GatePirate on FF.N and bijjy on livejournal! *primes zat* hehe
                          Oops...Sorry!! If you updated you fic maybe I'd see your name on the board *hint hint* <--in case my previous shameless hints weren't enough

                          *hides behind Erin* Oooh, Erin, in lieu of a name for you (yet) I shall call you, The Iris! Cuz you're like a shield

                          I LIKE this naming thing!

                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Yes, but I think after 9 YEARS, Daniel should have gotten a new pair of frames Not sure which one I like better. I probably take him with square ones more seriously...they make him seem more manly somehow. Just my thoughts. Although, if I had my choice, he wouldn't have ANY glasses. Contact lenses, anyone?
                          Exactly!! After 10 years, contacts people!!!
                          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                          Banner made by Stef!


                            Originally posted by natalia View Post
                            ok now you're just feeding my addiction
                            Well I am part evil Nat!

                            Sig made by me



                              Not to put a downer on your gratuitous crush-enabling but please remember the poor dial-up Cakes whose pages will not load such hotness unless it's spoiled!!

                              And IT'S A NEW DAY!!! Votey votey, we will winny!

                              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                              Banner made by Stef!


                                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                                Not to put a downer on your gratuitous crush-enabling but please remember the poor dial-up Cakes whose pages will not load such hotness unless it's spoiled!!

                                And IT'S A NEW DAY!!! Votey votey, we will winny!

                                Thanks for the reminder of both Milena. Just voted.
                                Sig made by me

