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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    WELCOME CES!!!!!!!!

    As for those Ark spoilers....
    ...I'm actually kind of glad that the writers are bringing back Tomin.

    *ducks for cover*

    I think it would have been poor writing on their part to just ignore the fate of his character. I mean, we kind of got a hint as to what could have happened to him after "Line in the Sand" but nothing concrete. We also didn't get a proper goodbye. Her leaving Tomin aboard the Ori ship wasn't a final goodbye that ended their relationship....and I think we need that, I think Vala needs that before she can move on (with Daniel) completely.

    Say what you will about Vala/Tomin, but her time with him changed her, helped her mature. So as a character, I think he deserves a proper send-off. And Vala deserves to find closure to that relationship. I doubt that since these movies are all we're getting now, they'll drag out this relationship. If we had gotten a season 11, we might have seen Tomin in a few episodes but since we're just getting a movie, I think this is the writers' chance to wrap up the Vala's "other life" storyline (Tomin and Adria).

    Besides, from what we've been seeing, and what I'm speculating about for "Unending," TPTB are clearly in our corner. But just as Daniel had to deal with Sha're, we will have to deal with Tomin. In the end, I'm hoping that Daniel will be there for Vala (because I'm predicting that Tomin will die ).

    Okay, ranting done


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      Why? Because I can.


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        I decided to bring this thread back from the dead since I have seen Shippers going into the Anti thread to talk I know you still love them you just wanted to have a discussion with those who don't that's what this thread is for and before we kept it civil and there were no bitterness I know we can do it again.
        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


          Hey all I've calmed down now I know the TPTB will make it ok I know they like D&V I am just paranoid. I dug up the Pro/Con Thread of D&V for those who want to discuss with the other side it was cool before no bitterness.
          My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
          poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


            Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
            Hey all I've calmed down now I know the TPTB will make it ok I know they like D&V I am just paranoid. I dug up the Pro/Con Thread of D&V for those who want to discuss with the other side it was cool before no bitterness.
            I am not too worried about it after my initial reaction. I think next week's ep is going to be fantastic!! We are lucky to get movies and I am sure everything will turn out ok

            I am outta here for the night. Have a good night everyone!!
            Sig made by me


              Nice idea, poundpuppy! Although, I will say that I don't think it really matters which thread we talk in. The anti thread isn't only for people who disagree with the 'ship. That's why I named it "my reason for...", so I could discuss it with people. I don't want anyone to feel like they won't be welcome because it's an opposing thread. Everyone is welcome!

              Or, if everyone would rather talk here, that's fine too. It really doesn't matter. Whatever you all are more comfortable with.
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                second page can't have that "Bump" Can't wait for Unending I hope we get some good D&V like we think. 700 posts Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!
                My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                  My contribution for all the "Dominioneers" out there... Just something that literally began cooking in the back of my brain for quite a long time after I saw "the scene" in Dominion.

                  Title: Feeling Something More (episode filler for “Dominion”)
                  Fandom: Stargate SG-1
                  Pairing: Daniel/Vala
                  Rating: PG
                  Disclaimer: I own nothing!
                  Author’s Note: Something boiling in the back of my mind when I viewed a certain part the first (and second… and sixteenth) time. Enjoy.
                  Summary: Vala and Daniel both feel something… something more. (“Dominion” Spoilers)


                    CONGRATS ON 700 POSTS, POUNDPUPPY!!!


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                      Aw, such a cute scene, hybridbabe. If only that's how it had actually gone *sigh* Again, lovely


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                        Nice job on the fanfic, Hybridbabe

                        Thoughts on Unending
                        From the looks of that nightie Vala's wearing it looks like they are going for the comedy in that scene. I have a funny feeling we are going to get lots of short snippits of the 4o years on the ship, kind of like in 200. I would rather romance than laughter.

                        He's her Lobster!
                        LTS: Life's too short


                          Gonna go watch Dominion for the third time in 24 hours. Is that weird?
                          (Gee, I've been in a good mood all day though!)

                          He's her Lobster!
                          LTS: Life's too short


                            Originally posted by Ces View Post
                            sigh.. it makes me so sad hearing "the last episode of sg1" in the trailers. I've tried to ignore that this is the last season.. and now the final episode has come.. I'm gonna start crying.

                            And ironic is that I didn't become a "true" Daniel-Vala shipper until a few days ago (after watching all the s.9-10 episodes in a few days) and now it is "ending"

                            *will not read spoilers.. will not read spoilers*

                            and.. heya.. another one joining the club /wave

                            now.. I have a *lot* of pages to go through...

                            Welcome Ces. Youve had a big SG1 marathon then with 9 and 10 !! I loved the direction the show went in these seasons with the Arthurian/Ori/Adria arc. Im going to miss it so much. Im so sad too Still at least we know there are 2 films to come, so its not over yet.
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                              Originally posted by djay View Post
                              Gonna go watch Dominion for the third time in 24 hours. Is that weird?
                              (Gee, I've been in a good mood all day though!)

                              NO ! Its not wierd. Its such a great episode, it has to be watched many times
                              Please check out my Doctor Who forum at

                              There are boards for the classic series and new series and much more.


                                Thanks guys/girls

                                lovley scene Hybridbabe (why couldn't something like that really happen?)

                                Originally posted by JaneC View Post
                                Welcome Ces. Youve had a big SG1 marathon then with 9 and 10 !!
                                well.. I did skip a few episodes though, was making a music video, and needed the daniel-vala ineractions

                                ugh, waking up with a headache is not the greatest start on the day -_-
                                Last edited by Ces; 08 March 2007, 11:58 PM.

