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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Guess what?? Sociology?? SO not done!!! And while I am participating in Earth Hour, it'll be a cold day in hell before I'm taken away from my laptop Who else is living in darkness for the next 15 minutes?

    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Okay, now it's time for Steffy to ramble on about her shippiness...just to clarify things a smidge (this isn't aimed at anyone, it's just me trying to clear things up).

    First off, let me make it perfectly clear that Daniel/Vala = OTP (One True Pairing).

    When I say that, I mean that no matter who else I might "ship" Vala (or Daniel) with, my main objective is to see Daniel/Vala together.

    Now what about these other ships? Well, I love Vala. So it stands to reason that I would love Vala no matter who she's with, which is true. I think CB has amazing chemistry with everyone she it's made all the more easy for me to love any pairing thrown at me. Now when I see her with Cam and Teal'c (and possibly Jack), do I want to see her jump their bones? No, not at all. I want to see her interact with them on some level. I mostly view all of these relationships through a friendship lense, but if someone writes a romantic C/V fic or makes a J/V vid, I'm certainly not going to turn away.

    I truly don't believe that any of those pairings have a chance of ever coming to fruition in the way that I believe D/V could (and have). But the brilliance of vidding and ficcing is that people can change your minds. There is nothing more interesting to me than to have someone actually make a convincing argument as to why one of these pairings could actually be a romantic couple, whether it's through their writing or other means.

    The only exception to this is probably Tomin/Vala because they were actually written in a romantic context. Does that mean I would have liked AoT to have turned out differently for them? No. Would I have been heartbroken if it had? No. If I had gotten Tomin/Vala over Daniel/Vala I would have been a little disappointed since I think Daniel is a far better match for our dear ex-thief, but since my main priority has been to see Vala happy, if Tomin manages to do that then more power to him.

    And there's the rub. This has been the way I've functioned since I first started shipping oh so many years ago. I usually favor one character more in a pairing than another...and while I may love one particular ship over another, my main goal is to see the character I like matched well. While D/V have amazing chemistry and wonderful banter, Vala also has cute relationships with Cam and Teal'c that I thoroughly enjoy watching every time they're on-screen. They're both have different kinds of dynamics, each interesting in their own way.

    Now for Ba'al/Qetesh...yes, some of you may think I'm a twisted freak and that this goes against my previous "what's best for VALA" spiel. But what can I say? I'm shallow. I think they look pretty together. I think CB/CS have chemistry together. And I like hot evil couples working together to mess with people (when I watched soaps, I loved the villain-villain couples). I don't expect everyone to see what I do, nor do I expect them to support the pairing in any way. When I brought this up earlier I was merely trying to show the Vala/Qetesh aspect...because I believe that no matter what happens to Vala/Qetesh, it directly affects Daniel/Vala in some way since she is half of that pairing. I may have gotten carried away in my Ba'Qesh excitement, but that's my way

    Why did I write all of that? Well, I wanted to apologize to anyone who is either disturbed or merely annoyed by my constant comments in regards to whoring Vala out to other people. When I make these comments, I am not trying to dismiss D/V...they will always be the top of that food chain...I am just excited about seeing Vala have a role OUTSIDE of her relationship with Daniel, whether it's friendship or something more. I guess that I am a firm believer that the stronger they are as individuals, the stronger they'll be as a couple. And unfortunately Vala has been almost permanently attached at the hip to Daniel since she came on the show...and in my opinion, that hurt her character in some ways. We need to know that she is a character in and of herself...and to me, that means forming relationships with people who's names DON'T start with the letter "D"

    There, blah blah blah, I'm done. Did anyone actually read all of that?

    LoooL! I did! I'm looking forward to the Ba'Quesh, leaving Vala out of it...which isn't possible I know but what I mean to say is that I can't wait to see Ba'Quesh but I disassociate them from their hosts. So I'll be rooting for their interactions but be totally heartbroken for Vala.

    Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
    Sorry, Stef but I think: Guidance for the young and birthday girls.
    If there's anything graphic it's going to be of two little snake jaws and their little frilly bits fluttering.

    You wouldn't leave it alone and it's a relief to share. Don't read this on your birthday, Sue. It's a little disturbing. In my head, anyway.

    Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww Nice mental image, Mag! Thanks for that Aside from that, I don't really believe in the Goa'uld being capable of love. Obsession and possession and lust hellz yeah, but I don't see the snakies makin' on each other "just cuz they could " Just how I see things

    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    I have one thing to say to you:


    Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
    But often the writers write Daniel too snarky, I love his sarcasm, snarkiness and I know he never was a saint, thanks god, but he isn't so mean and insensitive with Vala, otherwise Vala would be really stupid to love him, and I repeat I wasn't talking about writers on this thread, but I don't like pointer a specific writers cause they can't defend their opinion since they aren't here.
    A lot of writers who write Daniel like that are usually setting their fics in the time period around Beachhead or Company of Thieves (or Unending for those who couldn't get over the first layer of ass-ishness during THAT scene) or they just can't get those episodes out of their heads. I hated how the writers went that far with Daniel being mean and an outright jerk but the fact of the matter is that they did take it that far, it is canon now. Daniel has issues and we all know it.
    ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

    Banner made by Stef!


      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
      Walter, thanks a bunch. Did you have a nice birthday a few days ago?
      Yup, I had a pretty nice time.


        And it's way late and I'm sorry but...

        Happy Birthday Walter!!!

        Happy Birthday Susan!!!

        I hope you both had a fabulous time!!
        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

        Banner made by Stef!


          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          Guess what?? Sociology?? SO not done!!! And while I am participating in Earth Hour, it'll be a cold day in hell before I'm taken away from my laptop Who else is living in darkness for the next 15 minutes?

          LoooL! I did! I'm looking forward to the Ba'Quesh, leaving Vala out of it...which isn't possible I know but what I mean to say is that I can't wait to see Ba'Quesh but I disassociate them from their hosts. So I'll be rooting for their interactions but be totally heartbroken for Vala.

          Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww Nice mental image, Mag! Thanks for that Aside from that, I don't really believe in the Goa'uld being capable of love. Obsession and possession and lust hellz yeah, but I don't see the snakies makin' on each other "just cuz they could " Just how I see things


          A lot of writers who write Daniel like that are usually setting their fics in the time period around Beachhead or Company of Thieves (or Unending for those who couldn't get over the first layer of ass-ishness during THAT scene) or they just can't get those episodes out of their heads. I hated how the writers went that far with Daniel being mean and an outright jerk but the fact of the matter is that they did take it that far, it is canon now. Daniel has issues and we all know it.

          Hi everyone, I'm a regular lurker on this thread so I hope it's ok to pop in and join the disussion .

          I pretty much ship Daniel with everyone I love Daniel/Vala, Daniel/Jack, Daniel/Cam, Daniel/Sam, Daniel/Teal'c...(well you get the picture ).

          The aspects I love the most about the Daniel/Vala relationship is that they both have their own faults and both are brutally honest with each other about them. Vala will have no qualms in telling Daniel that he's being boring or annoying in any way and Daniel in turn will tell Vala when she is slipping back into pirate theif mode or going to far in a situation. Sometimes it can seem they are being cuel to each other but I also think that honesty could be one of the foundations of their relationship. They respect the other becuase they won't pussy foot around and just tell the truth. There has got to be a comfort in knowing that there is someone around you who will always do that with you and that you also know that that someone cares for you and would give even give their lives for you (as we've seen Daniel and Vala do). I guess my point is they both have issues but 'maybe' thats one of the reasons they can be so close.
          Umm...sorry I hope that made some kind of sense I could well end up looking at it in another way a few days later and changing my mind lol.


            Originally posted by Sprinkles View Post
            Hi everyone, I'm a regular lurker on this thread so I hope it's ok to pop in and join the disussion .

            I pretty much ship Daniel with everyone I love Daniel/Vala, Daniel/Jack, Daniel/Cam, Daniel/Sam, Daniel/Teal'c...(well you get the picture ).

            The aspects I love the most about the Daniel/Vala relationship is that they both have their own faults and both are brutally honest with each other about them. Vala will have no qualms in telling Daniel that he's being boring or annoying in any way and Daniel in turn will tell Vala when she is slipping back into pirate theif mode or going to far in a situation. Sometimes it can seem they are being cuel to each other but I also think that honesty could be one of the foundations of their relationship. They respect the other becuase they won't pussy foot around and just tell the truth. There has got to be a comfort in knowing that there is someone around you who will always do that with you and that you also know that that someone cares for you and would give even give their lives for you (as we've seen Daniel and Vala do). I guess my point is they both have issues but 'maybe' thats one of the reasons they can be so close.
            Umm...sorry I hope that made some kind of sense I could well end up looking at it in another way a few days later and changing my mind lol.
            It's always okay, Sprinkles! Glad you de-lurked.

            Sig made by me


              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Okay, now it's time for Steffy to ramble on about her shippiness...just to clarify things a smidge (this isn't aimed at anyone, it's just me trying to clear things up).

              First off, let me make it perfectly clear that Daniel/Vala = OTP (One True Pairing).

              When I say that, I mean that no matter who else I might "ship" Vala (or Daniel) with, my main objective is to see Daniel/Vala together.

              Now what about these other ships? Well, I love Vala. So it stands to reason that I would love Vala no matter who she's with, which is true. I think CB has amazing chemistry with everyone she it's made all the more easy for me to love any pairing thrown at me. Now when I see her with Cam and Teal'c (and possibly Jack), do I want to see her jump their bones? No, not at all. I want to see her interact with them on some level. I mostly view all of these relationships through a friendship lense, but if someone writes a romantic C/V fic or makes a J/V vid, I'm certainly not going to turn away.

              I truly don't believe that any of those pairings have a chance of ever coming to fruition in the way that I believe D/V could (and have). But the brilliance of vidding and ficcing is that people can change your minds. There is nothing more interesting to me than to have someone actually make a convincing argument as to why one of these pairings could actually be a romantic couple, whether it's through their writing or other means.

              The only exception to this is probably Tomin/Vala because they were actually written in a romantic context. Does that mean I would have liked AoT to have turned out differently for them? No. Would I have been heartbroken if it had? No. If I had gotten Tomin/Vala over Daniel/Vala I would have been a little disappointed since I think Daniel is a far better match for our dear ex-thief, but since my main priority has been to see Vala happy, if Tomin manages to do that then more power to him.

              And there's the rub. This has been the way I've functioned since I first started shipping oh so many years ago. I usually favor one character more in a pairing than another...and while I may love one particular ship over another, my main goal is to see the character I like matched well. While D/V have amazing chemistry and wonderful banter, Vala also has cute relationships with Cam and Teal'c that I thoroughly enjoy watching every time they're on-screen. They're both have different kinds of dynamics, each interesting in their own way.

              Now for Ba'al/Qetesh...yes, some of you may think I'm a twisted freak and that this goes against my previous "what's best for VALA" spiel. But what can I say? I'm shallow. I think they look pretty together. I think CB/CS have chemistry together. And I like hot evil couples working together to mess with people (when I watched soaps, I loved the villain-villain couples). I don't expect everyone to see what I do, nor do I expect them to support the pairing in any way. When I brought this up earlier I was merely trying to show the Vala/Qetesh aspect...because I believe that no matter what happens to Vala/Qetesh, it directly affects Daniel/Vala in some way since she is half of that pairing. I may have gotten carried away in my Ba'Qesh excitement, but that's my way

              Why did I write all of that? Well, I wanted to apologize to anyone who is either disturbed or merely annoyed by my constant comments in regards to whoring Vala out to other people. When I make these comments, I am not trying to dismiss D/V...they will always be the top of that food chain...I am just excited about seeing Vala have a role OUTSIDE of her relationship with Daniel, whether it's friendship or something more. I guess that I am a firm believer that the stronger they are as individuals, the stronger they'll be as a couple. And unfortunately Vala has been almost permanently attached at the hip to Daniel since she came on the show...and in my opinion, that hurt her character in some ways. We need to know that she is a character in and of herself...and to me, that means forming relationships with people who's names DON'T start with the letter "D"

              There, blah blah blah, I'm done. Did anyone actually read all of that?

              I read it all, Stef Read it all and agreed. CB is such an amazing actress and has such chemistry with anyone she's put in a room with. *sigh* Yeah, I have a slight crush on her

              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
              Sorry, I take back the word 'pimping' it may have been a bit strong. You call it whoring so I thought it was all right. Enjoy want you want to enjoy. I just think Vala is overabused.

              Hmm...I think Vala's a little overabused, too I might get proverbially stoned for this but I think it might be nice to see her in a background supportive role instead of at the center of attention.



                Originally posted by Sprinkles View Post
                Hi everyone, I'm a regular lurker on this thread so I hope it's ok to pop in and join the disussion .

                I pretty much ship Daniel with everyone I love Daniel/Vala, Daniel/Jack, Daniel/Cam, Daniel/Sam, Daniel/Teal'c...(well you get the picture ).

                The aspects I love the most about the Daniel/Vala relationship is that they both have their own faults and both are brutally honest with each other about them. Vala will have no qualms in telling Daniel that he's being boring or annoying in any way and Daniel in turn will tell Vala when she is slipping back into pirate theif mode or going to far in a situation. Sometimes it can seem they are being cuel to each other but I also think that honesty could be one of the foundations of their relationship. They respect the other becuase they won't pussy foot around and just tell the truth. There has got to be a comfort in knowing that there is someone around you who will always do that with you and that you also know that that someone cares for you and would give even give their lives for you (as we've seen Daniel and Vala do). I guess my point is they both have issues but 'maybe' thats one of the reasons they can be so close.
                Umm...sorry I hope that made some kind of sense I could well end up looking at it in another way a few days later and changing my mind lol.
                Ooh, a Daniel-lover! And I like your user-name, very cute

                But anyway, I think you're right about this relationship. They are wonderfully honest with each other (to a point ) I suspect Daniel's still in denial about his feelings for Vala, but if AoT is any indication, he's getting used to the idea that she's way more than 'a friend and coworker,' at least I hope so

                So, anyway, it's great to have your insight, thanks for de-lurking and sharing



                  Originally posted by Sprinkles View Post
                  Hi everyone, I'm a regular lurker on this thread so I hope it's ok to pop in and join the disussion .

                  I pretty much ship Daniel with everyone I love Daniel/Vala, Daniel/Jack, Daniel/Cam, Daniel/Sam, Daniel/Teal'c...(well you get the picture ).

                  The aspects I love the most about the Daniel/Vala relationship is that they both have their own faults and both are brutally honest with each other about them. Vala will have no qualms in telling Daniel that he's being boring or annoying in any way and Daniel in turn will tell Vala when she is slipping back into pirate theif mode or going to far in a situation. Sometimes it can seem they are being cuel to each other but I also think that honesty could be one of the foundations of their relationship. They respect the other becuase they won't pussy foot around and just tell the truth. There has got to be a comfort in knowing that there is someone around you who will always do that with you and that you also know that that someone cares for you and would give even give their lives for you (as we've seen Daniel and Vala do). I guess my point is they both have issues but 'maybe' thats one of the reasons they can be so close.
                  Umm...sorry I hope that made some kind of sense I could well end up looking at it in another way a few days later and changing my mind lol.
                  Hello, are you new. I lurked for ages before I posted on here. I like your name almost as much as fluffy's, they both sound like rabbits. I think fluffy's is based on a rabbit.

                  Very few people start their relationship with an all out scrap:

                  Prometheous Unbound showed Daniel the piratical/survivalist side to Vala. Apart from his initial relief finding out she wasn't a Supersoldier with a crush, he was tortured, slapped about, lied to and manipulated. Her one redeeming feature, is that she's not as careless with other people's lives as she is with her own. He also got a lot of physical contact, some of which, he seemed to enjoy but there was no doubt that Vala uses her sensuality as a weapon. When it's not that, it's appetite. And if he's not going to play, bang, she head butts him. By the time, she disappears on the Al'kesh, he's had a pretty good introduction to Vala's less than desirable characteristics but still retains and inkling of respect for her tenacity and ingenuity. The 'she's good,' at the end shows that.

                  Daniel, sets himself up as the bewildered intellectual, who doesn't know anything about the ship. Deception. He gets the drop on her twice, three times if you count when he zats her at the end. Imprisons her, strips her and spoils her plans. He is loyal to his mission and his friends. Actually, gives her sob story some credence and then is disappointed by her lies. Is saved by his friends who have equal committment to him. So, mentally tough, loyal, with a soft heart that shows empathy for others and while that can be used against him, it saves them both at the end.

                  By the end of their scrap, they both have significant insight into each others character. Vala likes what she sees and comes back for more. She just has to work hard to get it. I think that's the basis of their relationship.

                  Last edited by Magnecite; 30 March 2008, 03:33 AM.


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Okay, now it's time for Steffy to ramble on about her shippiness...just to clarify things a smidge (this isn't aimed at anyone, it's just me trying to clear things up).

                    First off, let me make it perfectly clear that Daniel/Vala = OTP (One True Pairing).

                    When I say that, I mean that no matter who else I might "ship" Vala (or Daniel) with, my main objective is to see Daniel/Vala together.

                    Now what about these other ships? Well, I love Vala. So it stands to reason that I would love Vala no matter who she's with, which is true. I think CB has amazing chemistry with everyone she it's made all the more easy for me to love any pairing thrown at me. Now when I see her with Cam and Teal'c (and possibly Jack), do I want to see her jump their bones? No, not at all. I want to see her interact with them on some level. I mostly view all of these relationships through a friendship lense, but if someone writes a romantic C/V fic or makes a J/V vid, I'm certainly not going to turn away.

                    While D/V have amazing chemistry and wonderful banter, Vala also has cute relationships with Cam and Teal'c that I thoroughly enjoy watching every time they're on-screen. They're both have different kinds of dynamics, each interesting in their own way.

                    Completely agree with you on all counts, Stef.


                    I mean for pete's sake I ship both C/S and J/S. I think both are completely adorable in their own ways and would be thrilled if either were followed through on the show. The chemistry that can be found between characters gives everyone the right to ship for other couples and in no way has to harm the validity of your primary ship. And you're so right...CB has such a natural chemistry with anyone that crosses her path, that's it fun to see how ficcers, artists, and vidders play it out. I just read a CV ship the other day that I adored...*points to Erin's lj* Never once did I feel guilty about becoming enamored with the idea as I read her little piece. Because I knew ultimately where my heart belonged. Nothing wrong with enjoying a little AU ship. There are elements of many ships that I can appreciate...and if I see smidgeons of it in canon? Lovely!. If not...i'm perfectly happy reading fic from those who do share in an IC way.

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Now for Ba'al/Qetesh...yes, some of you may think I'm a twisted freak and that this goes against my previous "what's best for VALA" spiel. But what can I say? I'm shallow.
                    You? A twisted freak? You? Shallow? *stays silent*

                    As far as the B/Q thing goes, I apologize if I came off as flippant in an earlier post. In no way was I commenting negatively on other's shippy AU affections. Just my own I'm actually really intrigued and kind of excited to see the chemistry between those two that I keep hearing about. It's not a ship that I'm on the bandwagon for but I can appreciate and giggle at those who get hardcore At the same time I think I'm really anticipating the effect this ship will have on DV. I can't wait to see how both of them deal with it...or if they will have the opportunity to.

                    Originally posted by gioia View Post

                    I've never had any big problem with that episode but I remember discussing it with you back then

                    I love banter, snarky, less snarky, friendly, frankly don't make a different for me. I love when MS and CB acting when they banter with whatever contents. It keeps things alive for me.
                    Don't feel alone in your BH affections, gioia. I loved this episode. Yes, Daniel was a prick, as well as the rest of SG1, a good chunk of the time, but the fun that was obviously had between MS and CB completely won me over. And I really thought this whole episode showcased Vala's talents and brilliance beautifully. I loved how her saving the day at the end also kind of stuck it to him. And made him feel bad about how he treated her. i was like GOOD, feel guilty! Because you're going to miss her now that she's gone! *g*

                    Originally posted by Sprinkles View Post
                    Hi everyone, I'm a regular lurker on this thread so I hope it's ok to pop in and join the disussion .

                    I pretty much ship Daniel with everyone I love Daniel/Vala, Daniel/Jack, Daniel/Cam, Daniel/Sam, Daniel/Teal'c...(well you get the picture ).

                    The aspects I love the most about the Daniel/Vala relationship is that they both have their own faults and both are brutally honest with each other about them. Vala will have no qualms in telling Daniel that he's being boring or annoying in any way and Daniel in turn will tell Vala when she is slipping back into pirate theif mode or going to far in a situation. Sometimes it can seem they are being cuel to each other but I also think that honesty could be one of the foundations of their relationship. They respect the other becuase they won't pussy foot around and just tell the truth. There has got to be a comfort in knowing that there is someone around you who will always do that with you and that you also know that that someone cares for you and would give even give their lives for you (as we've seen Daniel and Vala do). I guess my point is they both have issues but 'maybe' thats one of the reasons they can be so close.
                    Umm...sorry I hope that made some kind of sense I could well end up looking at it in another way a few days later and changing my mind lol.
                    Sprinkles! You are SO right. That is what makes their relationship so strong. Their ability to be themselves around each other. Faults and all. Unfortunately, we are not always kind or sensitive to the people we love. We feel so comfortable being ourselves we don't always screen our actions or reactions. And sometimes that can lead to hurt feelings. Hence the big blow up scene with Vala and Daniel in Unending. A lot of their relationship had been leading to this. Daniel had always been really open and upfront with Ties...and not always in the most sensitive manner. And while frustrating in the moment to see him treat Vala that way, I think in retrospect it is only a reflection of how much he loves her. That he doesn't feel the need to have to pretend or screen himself. His brutal honesty and openness with her only shows how comfortable he is with her. How much he wants to show her who he really is and how he really feels about things...Sometimes I wondered too if his harsh words were see if he could knock down her walls and get her to be the same way with him.

                    Oh! And as far as you changing your mind in a couple of days *laugh* I'm the exact same way. My mind often does it's twisty roller coaster thing and I suddenly am not so solid in my original beliefs. Apparently that means I am easily persuaded.

                    *grin* just my two REALLY LONG cents.

                    ~My FanFiction~


                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post

                      Hmm...I think Vala's a little overabused, too I might get proverbially stoned for this but I think it might be nice to see her in a background supportive role instead of at the center of attention.

                      That's actually a really good point, Erin. I've heard plenty of nonVala fans talk about that in other threads. That Vala was too much the central point of many episodes in s10. And while I obviously don't have a problem with that. Hello! In fact I love it. I know that it put CB in a really low place that 10th season, because she was so sick and RCC wasn't able to lessen the work load for her. But in the end it comes down to her brilliance as an actress. She so captivating on screen it's hard not to want more of her...and to have the focus on her her. So understandably we all want that.

                      Though, really, in a supportive role you know she's still going to shine as bright. Sometimes it's the secondary characters that steal the show. I have no doubt she'll do it again in Continuum. She's just too good for her own good

                      Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                      Hello, are you new. I lurked for ages before I posted on here. I like your name almost as much as fluffy's, they both sound like rabbits. I think fluffy's is based on a rabbit.
                      *blushes and beams* Thanks Mag! What a lovely compliment!

                      And no *laughs* it is not based on a rabbit. A cat, actually. I have a black, long-haired, fluffy cat named Pigeon. Hence my user name. Just all be glad I don't call myself the The Great Fluffer...also a name by which my feline will come to me

                      Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                      Very few people start their relationship with an all out scrap:

                      Prometheous Unbound showed Daniel the piratical/survivalist side to Vala. Apart from his initial relief finding out she wasn't a Supersoldier with a crush, he was tortured, slapped about, lied to and manipulated. Her one redeeming feature, is that she's not as careless with other people's lives as she is with her own. He also got a lot of physical contact, some of which, he seemed to enjoy but there was no doubt that Vala uses her sensuality as a weapon. When it's not that, it's appetite. And if he's not going to play, bang, she head butts him. By the time, she disappears on the Al'kesh, he's had a pretty good introduction to Vala's less than desirable characteristics but still retains and inkling of respect for her tenacity and ingenuity. The 'she's good,' at the end shows that.

                      Daniel, sets himself up as the bewildered intellectual, who doesn't know anything about the ship. Deception. He gets the drop on her twice, three times if you count when he zats her at the end. Imprisons her, strips her and spoils her plans. He is loyal to his mission and his friends. Actually, gives her sob story some credence and then is disappointed by her lies. Is saved by his friends who have equal committment to him. So, mentally tough, loyal, with a soft heart that shows empathy for others and while that can be used against him, it saves them both at the end.

                      By the end of their scrap, they both have significant insight into each others character. Vala likes what she sees and comes back for more. She just has to work hard to get it. I think that's the basis of their relationship.

                      Beautifully stated Mag. The best PU summary/analysis I've ever read. i love that first quote...that feels so true...and it's so nice to think about how she's evolved from there. And your Daniel comment? *grin* So funny! You had me in stitches. Because I never thought of it that way. Him being all premeditated, and while I'm not sure that I would generally associate him with that kind of description, it's so fun to imagine him that way in PU.

                      Oh! And I'm so late for this bandwagon...

                      HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN!!

                      And I found you a pretty cake too

                      ~My FanFiction~


                        Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
                        As far as the B/Q thing goes, I apologize if I came off as flippant in an earlier post. In no way was I commenting negatively on other's shippy AU affections. Just my own I'm actually really intrigued and kind of excited to see the chemistry between those two that I keep hearing about. It's not a ship that I'm on the bandwagon for but I can appreciate and giggle at those who get hardcore At the same time I think I'm really anticipating the effect this ship will have on DV. I can't wait to see how both of them deal with it...or if they will have the opportunity to. [/SPOILERS]

                        Mag's response - in the box again, bum Yes, that would be my concern, it has excelent grounds for angst on both Vala and Daniel's part:
                        I could write the B/Q scene myself. I know exactly how it's going to turn out. I like Ba'al as a villain but the Ba'als gave me a headache. I can't see a love match. I can see two highly manipuative, power hungry egomaniacs doing a dance. That might be fun. I would guess they'll try to kill each other at some point. You never know, Ba'al's host might be released then he and Vala could go off hand in hand together. Just a thought for the AU fraternity. I think I'd prefer Tomin for the walking off into the sunset with AUnuther but each to their own.

                        Don't feel alone in your BH affections, gioia. I loved this episode. Yes, Daniel was a prick, as well as the rest of SG1, a good chunk of the time, but the fun that was obviously had between MS and CB completely won me over. And I really thought this whole episode showcased Vala's talents and brilliance beautifully. I loved how her saving the day at the end also kind of stuck it to him. And made him feel bad about how he treated her. i was like GOOD, feel guilty! Because you're going to miss her now that she's gone! *g*

                        Mag again!She'd led them a merry dance before Beachhead but I can understand why she felt left out of their little Stargating Club. I cheered when she saved the day.

                        Sprinkles! You are SO right. That is what makes their relationship so strong. Their ability to be themselves around each other. Faults and all. Unfortunately, we are not always kind or sensitive to the people we love. We feel so comfortable being ourselves we don't always screen our actions or reactions. And sometimes that can lead to hurt feelings. Hence the big blow up scene with Vala and Daniel in Unending. A lot of their relationship had been leading to this. Daniel had always been really open and upfront with Ties...and not always in the most sensitive manner. And while frustrating in the moment to see him treat Vala that way, I think in retrospect it is only a reflection of how much he loves her. That he doesn't feel the need to have to pretend or screen himself. His brutal honesty and openness with her only shows how comfortable he is with her. How much he wants to show her who he really is and how he really feels about things...Sometimes I wondered too if his harsh words were see if he could knock down her walls and get her to be the same way with him.
                        this is me not in the box Certainly knocking down her walls but, the harshness was a defence because his own were crumbling. I thought Unending scene was great and served a purpose, whereas Beachhead was a little mean spirited.


                        If my snake jokes caused any offence, I offer sincere apologies but they're not doing CGI for nothing in that scene, are they!
                        Sorry about the box infringement Fluffy, can't help it.
                        Last edited by Magnecite; 30 March 2008, 06:11 AM.


                          Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                          Hello, are you new. I lurked for ages before I posted on here. I like your name almost as much as fluffy's, they both sound like rabbits. I think fluffy's is based on a rabbit.

                          Very few people start their relationship with an all out scrap:

                          Prometheous Unbound showed Daniel the piratical/survivalist side to Vala. Apart from his initial relief finding out she wasn't a Supersoldier with a crush, he was tortured, slapped about, lied to and manipulated. Her one redeeming feature, is that she's not as careless with other people's lives as she is with her own. He also got a lot of physical contact, some of which, he seemed to enjoy but there was no doubt that Vala uses her sensuality as a weapon. When it's not that, it's appetite. And if he's not going to play, bang, she head butts him. By the time, she disappears on the Al'kesh, he's had a pretty good introduction to Vala's less than desirable characteristics but still retains and inkling of respect for her tenacity and ingenuity. The 'she's good,' at the end shows that.

                          Daniel, sets himself up as the bewildered intellectual, who doesn't know anything about the ship. Deception. He gets the drop on her twice, three times if you count when he zats her at the end. Imprisons her, strips her and spoils her plans. He is loyal to his mission and his friends. Actually, gives her sob story some credence and then is disappointed by her lies. Is saved by his friends who have equal committment to him. So, mentally tough, loyal, with a soft heart that shows empathy for others and while that can be used against him, it saves them both at the end.

                          By the end of their scrap, they both have significant insight into each others character. Vala likes what she sees and comes back for more. She just has to work hard to get it. I think that's the basis of their relationship.

                          You summed that up wonderfully! Brava!

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUSAN

                            After a long break from anything related to Stargate/video editing/websites I've started video editing and resurrected my old site... again
                            I'm trying to stop using AVI container so most of the videos from now on are going to be x264 in Matroska container with Vorbis (OGG) or MP3 audio
                            Also older videos for which I still have the source video are going to be encoded to x264

                            Without making the post too long here's a new video:
                            Only Vala... or it could be D/V if you really want to look it that way
                            Minor spoilers for AoT
                            Miss Impossible


                            Poets of the Fall - Miss Impossible

                            She can see about four satellites
                            Every minute of the hour,
                            And find a four leaf clover
                            Where you never saw a flower.
                            She's habitually paradoxical, a Parallel Perpendicular.

                            Barefoot in nightgowns, that's how she dances in the rain
                            Sundown to Sundown, like she was washing away her pain...

                            As she is beautiful, she's unpredictable;
                            Damned irresistible, is it plausible to hate her?
                            She is my common sense, revels on decadence,
                            But what's the difference? It's impossible to bait her.

                            She can really be a handful,
                            Like the brownies that she bakes you...
                            It can be a tad hysterical,
                            But never quite the breakthrough
                            She's some kind of an epitome, the sea of intranquility.

                            In flimsy nightgowns, barefoot she dances in the rain
                            Sundown to Sundown, like she was washing away her pain...

                            As she is beautiful, she's unpredictable,
                            Damned irresistible, is it plausible to hate her?
                            She is my common sense, revels on decadence,
                            But what's the difference? It's an impossible debate.

                            As she is beautiful...

                            Barefoot in nightgowns, that's how she dances in the rain
                            Sundown to Sundown, like she was washing away her pain...
                            In flimsy nightgowns, barefoot she dances in the rain
                            Sundown to Sundown, like she was washing away her pain...

                            As she is beautiful...

                            Video doesn't open / can't see video / can't hear audio?
                            Haali Media Splitter
                            Make sure OGG/Vorbis and x264/h264 is selected when installing ffdshow
                            or simply install VLC media player or mplayer

                            Also modified version of my older video:
                            Maybe Tomorrow is a Better Day
                            AviSynth script for this is here if someone wants to make their own version
                            Other videos can be found here
                            Not many videos currently, adding more when I get time to encode and upload

                            I was gonna reply to something from the previous pages but my reply got lost somewhere while I was typing
                            ...and I have a disturbing mental image of snakes now
                            Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...


                              Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                              It's always okay, Sprinkles! Glad you de-lurked.

                              Thank you Wendy *feels welcome* It's great to see fellow MS/DJ thunkers here too

                              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                              But anyway, I think you're right about this relationship. They are wonderfully honest with each other (to a point ) I suspect Daniel's still in denial about his feelings for Vala, but if AoT is any indication, he's getting used to the idea that she's way more than 'a friend and coworker,' at least I hope so

                              So, anyway, it's great to have your insight, thanks for de-lurking and sharing

                              Oh yes completley agree that he's in denial I've watched AoT and...
                              their banter scenes where a highlight for me. I also like the way the Vala and Tomin relationship was delat with, she obviously still dose care for Tomin but thinks she has found a home at the SGC. Someday I hope we see her go from thinking she has a home there to knowing it

                              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                              Ooh, a Daniel-lover! And I like your user-name, very cute
                              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                              Hello, are you new. I lurked for ages before I posted on here. I like your name almost as much as fluffy's, they both sound like rabbits. I think fluffy's is based on a rabbit.
                              Thank you! I wish I had a great reason for choosing it other than sitting and writing down the first thing that came into my head but the most I can say is if I had a rabbit thats what I would call it

                              I used to post on this thread a looong time ago and it was alot quieter than it is now, but it now has so many insightful posters I had to join in the fun again .

                              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                              Very few people start their relationship with an all out scrap:

                              Prometheous Unbound showed Daniel the piratical/survivalist side to Vala. Apart from his initial relief finding out she wasn't a Supersoldier with a crush, he was tortured, slapped about, lied to and manipulated. Her one redeeming feature, is that she's not as careless with other people's lives as she is with her own. He also got a lot of physical contact, some of which, he seemed to enjoy but there was no doubt that Vala uses her sensuality as a weapon. When it's not that, it's appetite. And if he's not going to play, bang, she head butts him. By the time, she disappears on the Al'kesh, he's had a pretty good introduction to Vala's less than desirable characteristics but still retains and inkling of respect for her tenacity and ingenuity. The 'she's good,' at the end shows that.

                              Daniel, sets himself up as the bewildered intellectual, who doesn't know anything about the ship. Deception. He gets the drop on her twice, three times if you count when he zats her at the end. Imprisons her, strips her and spoils her plans. He is loyal to his mission and his friends. Actually, gives her sob story some credence and then is disappointed by her lies. Is saved by his friends who have equal committment to him. So, mentally tough, loyal, with a soft heart that shows empathy for others and while that can be used against him, it saves them both at the end.

                              By the end of their scrap, they both have significant insight into each others character. Vala likes what she sees and comes back for more. She just has to work hard to get it. I think that's the basis of their relationship.

                              Wow, great analysis! Actually I think you've gotten both their motivations in that episode spot on. Daniel is often painted as nieve and innocent (especially in fan fiction) but he has his pirate side too
                              This episode was a great example of Danielgiving people the benefit of the doubt and a chance to prove themselves while maintaining some cuation and sceptisium (or what you siad )

                              Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
                              Sprinkles! You are SO right. That is what makes their relationship so strong. Their ability to be themselves around each other. Faults and all. Unfortunately, we are not always kind or sensitive to the people we love. We feel so comfortable being ourselves we don't always screen our actions or reactions. And sometimes that can lead to hurt feelings. Hence the big blow up scene with Vala and Daniel in Unending. A lot of their relationship had been leading to this. Daniel had always been really open and upfront with Ties...and not always in the most sensitive manner. And while frustrating in the moment to see him treat Vala that way, I think in retrospect it is only a reflection of how much he loves her. That he doesn't feel the need to have to pretend or screen himself. His brutal honesty and openness with her only shows how comfortable he is with her. How much he wants to show her who he really is and how he really feels about things...Sometimes I wondered too if his harsh words were see if he could knock down her walls and get her to be the same way with him.

                              Oh! And as far as you changing your mind in a couple of days *laugh* I'm the exact same way. My mind often does it's twisty roller coaster thing and I suddenly am not so solid in my original beliefs. Apparently that means I am easily persuaded.

                              *grin* just my two REALLY LONG cents.
                              Fluffy! you said what I was trying to say but much better lol and what a wonderful interpretation of Daniels feelings


                                Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                                I might get proverbially stoned for this but I think it might be nice to see her in a background supportive role instead of at the center of attention.

                                You don't really mean it, right?

