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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
    In the commentary they mentioned that quite a lot of the Mitchell getting sick scenes that had to be deleted. I'm guessing it also ended up on the cutting room floor.
    Yeah. Wasn't there supposed to have been some Cam/Carolyn interaction as well?? Either they were just planning it, or they shot it...but supposedly Cam/Carolyn were supposed to bond a little and then she's kind of upset when he falls ill. Take a look at when he wakes up and how she reacts. She still looks a little more than a detached doctor...especially considering how she treats everyone else.


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      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      After Vala "died" that kind of banter was significantly diminished. Part of that is because D/V reached a new level in their relationship, and also because Vala has matured some. The banter they have in F&B is good, just a smidge softer...which I also like. CoT is the closest we've gotten to that season 9 mentality...but I have some issues with that episode simply because it came after MM and I was expecting something else. That one wasn't that bad though because, again, Vala was an equal participant in the banter. That's my own real problem, when I feel like it's one person railing against the other with the other person just taking it. As long as they are BOTH participating, I have no problem with bantering (it's one of my favorite things about D/V).
      It's the same with the eps after The Quest II, I mean, after all that angst the team, and Vala especially, behave as nothing happened....even after The Shroud, after all that mess the IOA do nothing?

      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
      I like it for the most part. It's a neat little insight into Vala's childhood/growing up years. But there is a part that just doesn't sit right with me. It's the scene wear Vala's bringing in a box of... whatever... and she sets it down and says something like "That's the last of 'em"

      Then Daniel stops her and says something like "Sit down, wanna talk" in a completely non-comforting, fake-sympathetic way. In Dominion, he looks at her and touches her chin to get her to look at him. In Family Ties, he just sits there and looks up from his desk like, like, I don't even know how to describe it, it's just so ... off... I remember watching it and going "what the heck was that?"

      Hmm, I don't really believe I've explained myself at all, except to say that the scene is jarring, if that makes any sense.

      I bet someone else could explain it better. I'm getting sleepy.

      Again I don't think that Daniel behaviour it's odd, he want that Vala give one chance at his father, just like he give her a chance despite her past....However I hate this ep, I think it's been a waste of time and opportunity, plus the father is really annoying...I save just the scene between Daniel and Vala.
      Last edited by madaboutdanny; 29 August 2007, 09:26 PM.
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        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        You're going to need more flowers than that In all fairness, I also have the HD song from that D/V video in my head as well. I am just one big HD music machine *cringes*

        Okay, so as I was capping the episode, I realized that Sam smiles a lot around Vala (especially to things Vala says). Examples:

        Is this just me reaching for hints at a S/V friendship??

        The T/V is obviously there, love those two!!

        Actually, although I'm a huge fan of S/V friendship, I interpreted most of Sam's smiles so far (not done the episode) as kind of tight, more of a polite smile than actual humour, especially in the beginning of the episode. Sam reminded me a bit of herself in BH in the beginning, though that could just be because I saw that yesterday. Anyway, I'm almost at the end and her smiles seem more like she's trying to hide amusement now. I think spending all that time with just Vala and Teal'c forced a different dynamic and has loosened her up a bit. There's also the fact that toward the end, she's no longer in charge of the whole SGC so she can afford to relax more.

        EDIT: I can't remember which ep it was in but who else recalls the scene where Carolyn and Cameron walk out of an elevator together and run into General Landry? Carolyn starts talking whle Cameron, completely obviously, starts buttoning up his BDU's and General Landry listens while he roams his amused gaze from his daughter to the uncomfortable Colonel? I doubt they were doing anything in the elevator and buttoning himself up is probably more a thing of respect for the chain of command but the General eyeing them and Carolyn and Cam's tension speaks volumes. I keep that in mind every time Landry is toying with Cam, it makes it even funnier!
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          Landry: The last thing we need is for this place to turn into the O-K Corral.
          Cam: Or a vice presidential bird-hunt.

          I'd forgotten about that one hehe.
          Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

          Sig by Odakota_Rose


            Okay, someone posted this incredibly cute little fic on the DV LJ

            There Better Be Cake or Five Ways Vala Mal Doran Thought of Celebrating Daniel Jackson’s Birthday


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              By curious coincedence I'm writting an Uninvited rtelated fic (Don't get too excited it is the latest instalment in my Daniel/Buffy fic.)

              The only part I really like of Uninvited is Landry's bird call. That is pure comic gold. I have no idea how Browder managed to so straight faced durring that.=)
              thanks Stef

              Thanks Wendy


                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                Actually, although I'm a huge fan of S/V friendship, I interpreted most of Sam's smiles so far (not done the episode) as kind of tight, more of a polite smile than actual humour, especially in the beginning of the episode. Sam reminded me a bit of herself in BH in the beginning, though that could just be because I saw that yesterday. Anyway, I'm almost at the end and her smiles seem more like she's trying to hide amusement now. I think spending all that time with just Vala and Teal'c forced a different dynamic and has loosened her up a bit. There's also the fact that toward the end, she's no longer in charge of the whole SGC so she can afford to relax more.
                I partially agree. I think a couple of Sam's smiles are a little tighter at the beginning...but I still think she's genuinely finding Vala's comments/actions amusing. And I think they have a couple of cute beats between them where I definitely think it's an honest enjoyment of each other's company.

                Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
                It's the same with the eps after The Quest II, I mean, after all that angst the team, and Vala especially, behave as nothing happened....even after The Shroud, after all that mess the IOA do nothing?
                Continuity is clearly not one of their strongest areas because almost every episode after a major one completely ignores what just happened in the last one (Avalon2/Origin, TPTB/Beachhead, MM/CoT, TQ2/LITS). Some have theories about why that is...I just think someone didn't pay attention when writing them.

                Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
                Again I don't think that Daniel behaviour it's odd, he want that Vala give one chance at his father, just like he give her a chance despite her past....However I hate this ep, I think it's been a waste of time and opportunity, plus the father is really annoying...I save just the scene between Daniel and Vala.
                See, the thing about the scene is it's this weird mix of things. MS doesn't seem to know how to play it, so sometimes the inflection belies the words. And if you mute it and just watch the expressions, it does look like Daniel is trying to be sweet...but the words, tone, and image just don't seem to match up right throughout the scene. It's very odd.


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                  Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                  The only part I really like of Uninvited is Landry's bird call. That is pure comic gold. I have no idea how Browder managed to so straight faced durring that.=)
                  That's what makes it so funny. I wouldn't have been able to keep myself from laughing every time. I wonder how many takes of that one they had to do


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                    Favorite Scene: One word: POKER

                    Favorite Quote: from the poker scene...
                    I think it's unlikely that there's a third creature, sir.
                    Care to place odds on that?
                    Ha. I'm not much of a gambler.
                    That is obvious.
                    [Carter gives him a surprised look.]
                    Oooh. Okay.

                    Ahh, teamy goodness.
                    Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                    Sig by Odakota_Rose


                      Ooh, speaking of the poker's my favorite bit:

                      VALA: (pleased, swaying back and forth) King of spades. Possible royal marriage or King Kong in the works.
                      MITCHELL: Way too much poker channel going on here.


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                        Yay Done! And Stef I agree, I too think that Sam really enjoys Vala's company.

                        In this episode, please feel free to gasp and faint in shock, Vala rubs me the wrong way with her imposing of advice for capturing the beasts. But it's okay!! My total admiration of her character is undiminished because I've put in some effort into figuring out why she's being annoying

                        Well at first it's because she wants things done her way to guarantee the possibility of turning this problem into a profit --> so ressourceful

                        But afterwards, when she knows it's a radioactive mutant and Sam has already laid out their plan, she still pushes her own way and it totally makes sense! For (as we tried to calculate) around 10 years she's been all by her lonesome, only partnering up with people for deals and presumably to track down wild and rare prey (because I doubt she'd play Crocodile Hunter by herself...loved that guy btw). So, on her own, she'd only have her own opinion to take and it would invariably be uncontested, but when she'd partner up, unless she knew the other person had more experience or knowledge, she'd have to push her own ways on them to make sure the job was done right.

                        So in the end, in her mind, since she's now the more experienced one, her ways should be followed to successfully take down the beast efficiently...but the US Air Force and its chain of command would really disagree And to her it must be infuriating because if ever Sam's opinion was disregarded because someone of a higher rank thought differently, she'd be pissed too, especially if she believed she was right. It would just be more obvious if it happened to Sam (which it has, remember that evil General they had for awhile who refused to listen to her warnings?) because she's never had an ulterior motive

                        Favourite Quote
                        Sam: So you're sure you're okay?
                        Teal'c: I am fine, Col. Carter.
                        Vala: No headaches? No nausea? Nothing that might indicate early symptoms of sudden onset monster-ism?

                        Vala: The Sodan were using these devices for hundreds of years, you'd think there'd at least be a label on the side in bold print that says "Beware, may cause deadly, extra-dimensional, radio-active monster causing creature to appear." Or at least "Danger." would have been nice.

                        Favourite Scene
                        Definitely has to be the poker scene. Everyone is relaxed (except for Mitchell) and happy. And Sam's little pokerface match with Teal'c is hilarious!

                        Favourite Pic
                        Uhhhh...the one I think Stef had up of Teal'c on top of Vala Too lazy to find it and PB it and copy it here
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                          Oh, I completely understand where Vala's coming from, so I guess I don't find her nor anyone's reactions to her annoying. She's had experience with this, so why wouldn't they listen to her, right? Thing is, the military doesn't exactly do elaborate plans when things are on the loose killing her ideas are rejected, or as Mitchell put it, relegated to Plan B. I just think it's funny in the scene where everyone is gathered around the map and she's trying to form a plan...but then Mitchell gives her this little look and motions to Landry. I don't think Vala quite understands what the "chain of command" is (and no, it's not the chain I go get and beat you with... for all you Firefly fans). Mitchell and Sam are always very respectful and even afraid of the general...look how neither one of them can ever get the nerve to sit in his chair while Vala just plops herself down in it.

                          What was the point of all that? Um...I think they were all coming from valid POVs so I'm okay with everyone in this episode


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                            Ohh..I love Uninvited much even though Daniel isn't in it, it's a fun episode. We see a badass Vala which is my favorite and teamy goodness. Even if story itself is a little off, strange and lame, there is a lot of good scene and diaologs so for me it's ok. Besides, it also deals with Mitchell's leaderships problems.

                            The scenes I like:
                            First: While Vala is sitting General Landry's chair. It's pure hilarisim. I don't recall how the dialog exactly is but I remembered lol'ed when Vala said that she thought that it was time a woman's butt sat on the chair. And when Sam replied that Dr.Weir was sitting on it all time while she was there, her answer was also hilarious. 'Good for her.' It's all about mimics, they played that scene pretty well.

                            Second one: Vala's obvious content with herself when they realized she was about the creature's number. One or two debate. Cam and Vala were so good in that scene.

                            My favorite picture:
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                            Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                              Okay, so coming in 5th in the D/V Greatest Moments Game....

                              The confrontation with Adria, Vala being dragged away.

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                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                Oh, I completely understand where Vala's coming from, so I guess I don't find her nor anyone's reactions to her annoying. She's had experience with this, so why wouldn't they listen to her, right? Thing is, the military doesn't exactly do elaborate plans when things are on the loose killing her ideas are rejected, or as Mitchell put it, relegated to Plan B. I just think it's funny in the scene where everyone is gathered around the map and she's trying to form a plan...but then Mitchell gives her this little look and motions to Landry. I don't think Vala quite understands what the "chain of command" is (and no, it's not the chain I go get and beat you with... for all you Firefly fans). Mitchell and Sam are always very respectful and even afraid of the general...look how neither one of them can ever get the nerve to sit in his chair while Vala just plops herself down in it.

                                What was the point of all that? Um...I think they were all coming from valid POVs so I'm okay with everyone in this episode


                                Me too anyway And I was cheering (a little too loudly) when Vala was right about there being a second beast!! Funny how it didn't show up on their sensors but I can ignore little discrepancies like nobody's business!
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