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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
    Ba'al, Cliff Simon
    He got to keep the boots from the movie and wore them for us. I thought that was nice of the costume people. I know I would love to have those boots.

    Introduced himself as a real African American, being from South Africa. He loves America. He says he would rather live in the bad part of LA then a million dollar house surrounded by electric fence in Africa any day of the week.

    He loved the clones because he said guest stars get killed all the time and when he read about the clones "Ha, they can't get rid of me now."

    As for the clones, he said he has never died so many times in his life.

    Movie spoiler:
    His favorite death scene for himself is in the movie and involves Qu'tesh!!! He wouldn't say much more except once we see it we will know that is the one he meant.

    When asked if the real Ba'al gets killed...he said maybe...with a smile.

    We will see a side of Ba'al of how he was before he even got on the show...early Ba'al. And hinted about something being revealed about the host of Ba'al.

    He loves Ba'al because "a hero is only as good as the villian" And vice versa.

    Liked Dominion because he loves women in cages and putting women in cages. Ha!

    When someone asked about the host of Ba'al he said there should be a Ba'al tv show about the host and early Ba'al years.

    The punch from Sam in the Quest: Amanda wanted to do more takes. There was a take where Teal'c smiles and hands Ba'al a tissue, but they didn't use it. He thought the punch was fitting and that Ba'al deserved it. He said Chris Judge enjoyed those takes very much.

    Cliff loves to work with Claudia. He called her a complete professional and the fact that she always wanted to run lines set her apart from some other actors.

    The Quest is one of his fav eps because he got to work with the whole cast for more than 2 days.

    If he could have a Ba'al episode it would go like this:
    Teaser: Punch and knock out O'Neill.
    The rest of the ep would have a twosome with Qu'tesh and maybe Carter...I didn't hear the second name. But he said lots of lovemaking. Then Qu'tesh and Ba'al would turn into two huge symbiotes and make more love.
    Tag: He would stand on and break Daniel's glasses.

    Dr. Carson Beckett, Paul Mcgillion
    He had never hugged so many women in his life. He liked it. (By the way ladies...he does the side hug with both arms around you and his cheek against yours in photo op. I recommend this. One of the best 15 sec. of my life!)

    Told some family stories. His brother helps him with medical jargon and how to say it with a scottish accent. The parent story which he has told before and because it is long and he tells it the same way here is a link. Plus he tells another funny parent story there that he didn't tell us.

    Phantoms in season 3: Joe Flannigan thought it would be funny since Paul And David Hewlitt had to carry this stretcher to tell the director to put the biggest extra they had in it. Not only that but through the day Joe kept putting roks in Carson's backpack. Funny tidbit.

    David Hewlitt as a kisser..."lips like sandpaper."

    Spoilers for Atlantis season 4
    Someone asked if Paul would return like MS did...ascending and coming back naked and such. Paul said (jokingly) "yes, they put my head on Cliff's body."

    When he returned to the set of Atlantis he got a standing ovation from crew and cast. Aww!!!

    A kid, who bless his heart could not articulate his question, kept saying (he said it like 5 times!) "you know when you were blown up" so Paul said 'Are you trying to hurt my feelings?" He messed with the kid a bit so he game him a little gift and asked his name, age and if he was single. He was 12 and single so Paul asked if there was any 12 yo girls in the audience. There was so he gave the boy another gift to give to her. The boy quickly gave her the gift and tried to leave. Paul stopped him and said "you have to try man. Introduce yourself." The boy did and quickly went back to his seat. It was funny and sweet.

    Since the "my wee turtles" ep he keeps getting turtles. A fan gave him one here and he said "another bloody turtle". (I kinda felt bad for her, she probably thought she was original. But if you watch his interviews, and read about con reports with him you know he gets A LOT) So since he is living with his brother he puts the turtles in weird places for him to find. He was putting this one in his bros pillow case.

    He went in and out of the scottish accent by the way. *swoon*

    Dr. Daniel Jackson, Michael Shanks
    First off the pictures don't lie. He has the best smile and his eyes sparkle when he does. He also looks GREAT in a white tee and jeans.

    I'm afraid to say my notes here aren't as good. I asked a question myself and so had to wait a minute till he got to me and walk to and from my seat. So missed a bit there. I also got so into staring and listening I forgot to take notes. (I took notes you ask? Yes, as the half blood sci-fi geek I am I took notes.) Stef posted my question but to state his exact answer which is burned into my brain. He thought a minute and looked at the audience with a smirk. Then said " In fifty years...having been married for four years I have to say yes."

    Judicial Indiscretion. People kept trying to get him to do the accent, but he said he forgot how and ended up not being able to do it. But promised to work on it. The funny thing about that movie is they told him they recommended him for the part because of the christmas movie he did. The christmas movie being wholesome and fmaily oriented... "So I'm just wondering...what in that movie made them think I'd be good for this one?"

    How many times has he kissed someone rehearsals included. A little girl asked this so it was cute! The audience helped him try to count, but when we got to Lexa we had to give up. He said theyhad to play people who hardly know each other in a scene and then be all smootchie in between takes. So the final answer: A LOT!

    Lexa was the answer for a couple of questions. Best kisser. and an add on to the next question...

    Who was his favorite actor to work with. RDA and Claudia Black. Recently more Claudia cause he's been workin with her. Claudia pushes him to go further and did so in the scene in Unending. And then ended with "Oh and my wife...always play it safe."

    Told the story of how Claudia and him were not okay with the Unending scene and they changed it to fit the characters. He doesn't really believe he took it to far. He and Claudia felt the level it went to was appropriate,

    He did a short form of the famous "Puff and Ruffle". Amanda Tapping and Teryl Rothery tell people the men act differently when hot special guest stars are on the show. The name comes from a peacock going from nonchalant to "oh look...the opposite sex of my species" with a puff out of the chest and the tail feathers...would straighten up. Michael then did an impression of a peacock doing this. (Stef, DJgirl got a good pic of this? I would pay you for it!). That they are over intentive of them and Amanda and Teryl cease to exist. He states they exagerate. Plus Amanda does the "wounded lamb". He does this by looking innocent, glances at imaginary man, slightly smiles and then looks back down playing coy.

    On 24: He was naked a lot. He watched it with lexa and was a little weary of it. He asked her what she thought and she said he was hot.

    If I remember anymore I will post it. My camera sucks, but I will post some pics eventually. I am definitly getting a better one if mom and I go to Vancouver in April (My mother has turned into a convention monster)

    Kami, you are my hero!!!!!! I am so glad that you took notes. I have already forgotten a couple of those things already. I know I took pictures of the Puff and Ruffle, I am still in the editing process so if I find them, I will post them
    Sig made by me


      Wow, guys, that was great!!! Thanks kami for taking notes! Can't wait for the pictures, Wendy! I hope your weekend wasn't completely ruined, Stef

      I'm so jealous. But I'm so glad you all had an awesome time meeting each other, and seeing MS and company.



        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
        Kami, you are my hero!!!!!! I am so glad that you took notes. I have already forgotten a couple of those things already. I know I took pictures of the Puff and Ruffle, I am still in the editing process so if I find them, I will post them
        I'm glad! I sat next to this rude kid, who seemed to think my seat was his as well, kept snirking at me. This from the kid whose father didn't do anything or listen to the actors because he was reading a math book. So I felt dumb, but I wanted to remember everything! So we'll trade. My notews to your superior pics.

        A few more tidbits now that I think of it...

        Paul Mcgillion- There was a cut scene in Tao of Rodney where Rodney made dinner for Carson for his goodbye. It didn't even get taped. (For those who don't watch, but might care...Rodney thinks he is dying...does something nice or says something nice for everyone as a goodbye...EXCEPT Carson) So it was nice to know it existed.

        Morena Baccarin- Favorite ep is Out of Gas for Firefly.

        Cliff Simon- Had a call back for a CBS show today where he will star if gets tha part. So fingers crossed! He said the character was perfect for him.

        Michael Shanks- If he could play any bad guy it would probably be someone Alan Rickman played. Not that he could do it better. He just likes the villians he played. He mentioned Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

        The Men of Sci-fi calendar is not getting anywhere at the moment and they get to many emails about who should be in it. But some days they get like 1 email and the next day they get 45 wanting Paul Mcgillion in it.

        He would love to do theatre, but wants to wait till his kids are older to do a longer gig like that where the family wouldn't move with him.

        If he could do a musical he would like to play John Travolta's role in Hairspray which he had just seen with his daughter. He said he wouldn't sing from that, but did sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" like someone whose name escapes me.

        Megasnake. He apologized to the two people who had watched it. Explained the story line with an obvious 'could it be any more corny' look on his face. I always wondered if they knew how dumb these movies were. I'm glad they do and just use it as a paycheck, cause sci-fi originals...suck lately.

        Rage of Angels has a green light, but nothing will happen till March 08. Said Chris Judge pulled him in because his name was a bigger pull. That made him feel special.

        Okay I really think that is it. To those who might or do not care...I apologize for the mega postage that have almost nothing to do with Daniel/Vala.

        EDITED TO SAY: Erin you are welcome as well!
        by: SerenaSerenity


          Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
          I'm glad! I sat next to this rude kid, who seemed to think my seat was his as well, kept snirking at me. This from the kid whose father didn't do anything or listen to the actors because he was reading a math book. So I felt dumb, but I wanted to remember everything! So we'll trade. My notews to your superior pics.

          A few more tidbits now that I think of it...

          Paul Mcgillion- There was a cut scene in Tao of Rodney where Rodney made dinner for Carson for his goodbye. It didn't even get taped. (For those who don't watch, but might care...Rodney thinks he is dying...does something nice or says something nice for everyone as a goodbye...EXCEPT Carson) So it was nice to know it existed.

          Morena Baccarin- Favorite ep is Out of Gas for Firefly.

          Cliff Simon- Had a call back for a CBS show today where he will star if gets tha part. So fingers crossed! He said the character was perfect for him.

          Michael Shanks- If he could play any bad guy it would probably be someone Alan Rickman played. Not that he could do it better. He just likes the villians he played. He mentioned Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.

          The Men of Sci-fi calendar is not getting anywhere at the moment and they get to many emails about who should be in it. But some days they get like 1 email and the next day they get 45 wanting Paul Mcgillion in it.

          He would love to do theatre, but wants to wait till his kids are older to do a longer gig like that where the family wouldn't move with him.

          If he could do a musical he would like to play John Travolta's role in Hairspray which he had just seen with his daughter. He said he wouldn't sing from that, but did sing "Row Row Row Your Boat" like someone whose name escapes me.

          Megasnake. He apologized to the two people who had watched it. Explained the story line with an obvious 'could it be any more corny' look on his face. I always wondered if they knew how dumb these movies were. I'm glad they do and just use it as a paycheck, cause sci-fi originals...suck lately.

          Rage of Angels has a green light, but nothing will happen till March 08. Said Chris Judge pulled him in because his name was a bigger pull. That made him feel special.

          Okay I really think that is it. To those who might or do not care...I apologize for the mega postage that have almost nothing to do with Daniel/Vala.

          EDITED TO SAY: Erin you are welcome as well!
          Sounds like a fair trade to me

          I think this is from the Puff and Ruffle. I was on the wrong side of the stage at the time, but it is still fun poses

          And this was part of his impression of how the girls act when handsome guest actors come on set...

          Last edited by DJgirl; 27 August 2007, 05:19 PM.
          Sig made by me


            *sigh* The high from Sunday's events have been almost completely ruined...what with the fight with my friend and now the complete and utter crap that are my pictures from the Con...and Dairie Queen ran out of chocolate ice cream Could this day get any worse? I'm seriously on the verge of tears right now (that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea). But all of these pictures and recaps are cheering me up If it's not a problem, could I just snurch some of your pics and print them off and tell myself they're mine, Wendy? Yours are sooo good! I promise I won't post them anywhere or profit from them...well, my mood and psyche will but that can't really be measured monetarily

            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            Kami, you are my hero!!!!!! I am so glad that you took notes. I have already forgotten a couple of those things already. I know I took pictures of the Puff and Ruffle, I am still in the editing process so if I find them, I will post them
            Same here. GREAT recap, Kami! I forgot most of that Do you remember anything about what MS said specifically about the movies? The only thing I remember him saying was that there was hope...and that they had some nice scenes together. I really should have written that one down.

            Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
            Megasnake. He apologized to the two people who had watched it. Explained the story line with an obvious 'could it be any more corny' look on his face. I always wondered if they knew how dumb these movies were. I'm glad they do and just use it as a paycheck, cause sci-fi originals...suck lately.
            Yeah, this was pretty funny. His "enthusiasm" for the project was palpable

            Okay, so to cure my mood I have decided to at least exert some control over my life and have now started creating a Daniel/Vala trailer. It's really just because I heard this great music from a trailer the other day and I've been trying to make one for D/V for awhile now. We'll see if it ever sees the light of day though...

            So I'm thinking that we should continue to discuss "The Pegasus Project" tonight. I saw some discussion, but I think we can do better!


            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              *sigh* The high from Sunday's events have been almost completely ruined...what with the fight with my friend and now the complete and utter crap that are my pictures from the Con...and Dairie Queen ran out of chocolate ice cream Could this day get any worse? I'm seriously on the verge of tears right now (that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea). But all of these pictures and recaps are cheering me up If it's not a problem, could I just snurch some of your pics and print them off and tell myself they're mine, Wendy? Yours are sooo good! I promise I won't post them anywhere or profit from them...well, my mood and psyche will but that can't really be measured monetarily

              Same here. GREAT recap, Kami! I forgot most of that Do you remember anything about what MS said specifically about the movies? The only thing I remember him saying was that there was hope...and that they had some nice scenes together. I really should have written that one down.

              Yeah, this was pretty funny. His "enthusiasm" for the project was palpable

              Okay, so to cure my mood I have decided to at least exert some control over my life and have now started creating a Daniel/Vala trailer. It's really just because I heard this great music from a trailer the other day and I've been trying to make one for D/V for awhile now. We'll see if it ever sees the light of day though...

              So I'm thinking that we should continue to discuss "The Pegasus Project" tonight. I saw some discussion, but I think we can do better!


              Of course you can snurch my pics. I know you won't sell them or anything

              I am done with Michael, Cliff and Steve. They each have their own album in here: Chicago Con. I am almost done with Paul!
              Sig made by me


                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                *sigh* The high from Sunday's events have been almost completely ruined...what with the fight with my friend and now the complete and utter crap that are my pictures from the Con...and Dairie Queen ran out of chocolate ice cream Could this day get any worse? I'm seriously on the verge of tears right now (that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea).

                Same here. GREAT recap, Kami! I forgot most of that Do you remember anything about what MS said specifically about the movies? The only thing I remember him saying was that there was hope...and that they had some nice scenes together. I really should have written that one down.

                *hugs*! I'm sorry you've had a bad day. I went and got my pics today and most of them sucked with a few exceptions because with a flash they are dark and without a flash you have to have a really still hand which I dont. So yeah... dark and fuzzy is my outcome. DJgirl since you say it is okay I am going to print some of yours for my convention memory use. Definitly investing in a camera that specifically takes far off pics well.

                As for MS and the movies. That is where my notes get fuzzy. All I can remember is what you already said. The movie can give us hope.( I say 'can' because of the way he said it, though note he said it did) We get a couple scenes he said. But in an interview he said we don't get anything near Unending so I think his Joe M. impression might have been pretty direct. Joe almost never gives hints. Its always "maybe" like Michael ended with on that discussion. On the other hand, Michael is really good at shooting down a question about future non existent happenings. Usually a maybe from him means we are really close to something. So I don't know if he gave us a hint we are gonna be uber happy, or if I will be sending angry mail to Joe M for teaching Michael bad "maybe" habits. Michael didn't give a lot of movie spoilers as i recall. Sorry...if he wasn't so nice to look at I could answer this question better. Darn you white tee shirt!

                Wait a day or two and the more dedicated con report people will fill in all the holes.
                by: SerenaSerenity


                  Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                  Sorry...if he wasn't so nice to look at I could answer this question better. Darn you white tee shirt!
                  L(really loudly)OL



                    Yeah, didn't they have a complete transcript on the MS website from his last con?? It was a good while after it all happened, but I read it (or maybe that was another con, I have no idea).


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                      *hugs*! I'm sorry you've had a bad day. I went and got my pics today and most of them sucked with a few exceptions because with a flash they are dark and without a flash you have to have a really still hand which I dont. So yeah... dark and fuzzy is my outcome. DJgirl since you say it is okay I am going to print some of yours for my convention memory use. Definitly investing in a camera that specifically takes far off pics well.

                      As for MS and the movies. That is where my notes get fuzzy. All I can remember is what you already said. The movie can give us hope.( I say 'can' because of the way he said it, though note he said it did) We get a couple scenes he said. But in an interview he said we don't get anything near Unending so I think his Joe M. impression might have been pretty direct. Joe almost never gives hints. Its always "maybe" like Michael ended with on that discussion. On the other hand, Michael is really good at shooting down a question about future non existent happenings. Usually a maybe from him means we are really close to something. So I don't know if he gave us a hint we are gonna be uber happy, or if I will be sending angry mail to Joe M for teaching Michael bad "maybe" habits. Michael didn't give a lot of movie spoilers as i recall. Sorry...if he wasn't so nice to look at I could answer this question better. Darn you white tee shirt!

                      Wait a day or two and the more dedicated con report people will fill in all the holes.

                      Go for it Kami. Sorry to hear that your pics didn't turn out great. If it weren't for my sister, I never would have gotten the pics I did. It was nice of her to let me borrow her really good camera. That camera is totally coming with me the next time I go to one of these things.
                      Sig made by me


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post

                        Yeah, didn't they have a complete transcript on the MS website from his last con?? It was a good while after it all happened, but I read it (or maybe that was another con, I have no idea).

                        Yeah, and I am kind of hoping some of these people who ignore the no "video recording" rule were there and some of MS stuff will end up on YT.

                        Speaking of vids. Why didn't you send one of yours in Stef?

                        Well, if you discuss tonight I will make my notes tomorrow. Early exam. Blah. So to bed I go. Good night everyone!
                        by: SerenaSerenity


                          I just want everyone to know (in case you didn't already) that Wendy is the greatest human being to ever live. She is now my personal God. That is all.


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            First of all: THANKS SO MUCH to everyone for their pics and descriptions, I went into a happy-land coma for a bit after seeing them...and man can that guy wear t-shirts Wasn't CB supposed to be at that convention? I haven't read anything about her yet...

                            Second of all, I know I'm completely late to the game but I'm watching Morpheus now and I just have two comments so far.

                            Someone had mentioned Vala being helpful by passing Daniel his books in the briefing room and I couldn't remember the scene really so I just forgot about it but now that I'm watching it, it really hits me. She's being really helpful and quiet, she hasn't spoken a word since the show started, she's only smiled and stayed mostly against the wall or in the shadows. I just thought that was interesting, something I hadn't noticed the first time around.

                            Also, does anyone who's followed Teal'c's character more closely have a better understanding of the very first scene where he's coming down the ramp and informs Cam, Vala and Sam that the Ori soldiers are being led by a young woman of incredible power? I really love Teal'c and I love pairing him in friendship with Vala in fics but in this one scene it kind of looks like he's accusing Vala while he's describing Adria and that thought unsettles me, it seems OOC for him...anyone else have another thought on it?
                            ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                            Banner made by Stef!


                              Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                              Speaking of vids. Why didn't you send one of yours in Stef?

                              Well, if you discuss tonight I will make my notes tomorrow. Early exam. Blah. So to bed I go. Good night everyone!
                              Good that I was asking myself during the Con I was under the impression that it couldn't have little SF or SkyOne logos, which all my vids have. Clearly, I was wrong. I'm planning on sending one or two into the next Stargate Con...even though I won't be attending

                              Can't wait to see your thoughts on the episode!


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                I just want everyone to know (in case you didn't already) that Wendy is the greatest human being to ever live. She is now my personal God. That is all.

                                Sig made by me

