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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    And for those that don't frequent any of their threads or the Lounge, here are a couple pics of Cliff, Paul and Steve as well!!


    The boots he is showing off are apart of his costume from Continuum. He said it is the only thing he has ever wanted while working on SG-1.



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      Okay, another comment

      Daniel's speech and demeanor when he's trying to convince the General to let Vala come on the mission with them is possibly the most adorable and shippy moment (pre MM) of the entire series IMHO. The way he says her name made me pause because I don't think I've ever heard him saying it without irritation or yelling to come back etc, etc. I've watched this scene like 3 times now because he's so soft and gentle when talking about her (which doesn't really happen again until he's telling Cameron he can't stop hoping she's alright in MM). So aww.

      And Vala's response to Dr. Hutchinson's "How are you feeling?" ---> HILARIOUS!

      But still Vala's being very quiet when speaking to everyone, she's not even restraining herself or her energy, she just seems like she's very sad, somber and all of her words and smiles are more gentle and soft. It's not at all what I remember of Vala's personality (especially after the later episodes) but I love that they actually treaded on her recovery of everything that happened in the Ori galaxy. I actually love that she's not bouncing and chipper and flirty because it's proof that she's not untouchable, she does take a lot seriously. ^_^ Rambling...sorry...I'll stop now ^_^
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        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

        And for those that don't frequent any of their threads or the Lounge, here are a couple pics of Cliff, Paul and Steve as well!!


        The boots he is showing off are apart of his costume from Continuum. He said it is the only thing he has ever wanted while working on SG-1.



        I gotta agree with Stef, Wendy you soooooo totally rock!!! I've never seen CS in civies and dear god but he is gorgeous! *swoon*
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          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          First of all: THANKS SO MUCH to everyone for their pics and descriptions, I went into a happy-land coma for a bit after seeing them...and man can that guy wear t-shirts Wasn't CB supposed to be at that convention? I haven't read anything about her yet...
          No, she's going to be at the Dragon Con next weekend in...Georgia? I believe Ren (?) is going to that we'll have at least one person to report back on that one. No pressure on her

          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          Someone had mentioned Vala being helpful by passing Daniel his books in the briefing room and I couldn't remember the scene really so I just forgot about it but now that I'm watching it, it really hits me. She's being really helpful and quiet, she hasn't spoken a word since the show started, she's only smiled and stayed mostly against the wall or in the shadows. I just thought that was interesting, something I hadn't noticed the first time around.
          That's very true. You can really see how desperate Vala is to be a part of the team. I think it's so cute that for the first time, even if it bores her out of her mind, she's going through the books with Daniel and actually helping him with his presentation. And she looks so happy doing it That's what makes it all the more sad when Landry shuts her down. Of course, I think he was just looking for Daniel to come in and champion her. Because he says all of the things he supposed to say to Daniel in his office, but the fact that he gives in fairly easily suggests that as long as someone was willing to support her, he'd be okay with her joining the SGC/SG-1. Plus, that little smile he has after Daniel leaves was cute. Not sure what it means though. You think he knew something about D/V? I like to think so

          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          Also, does anyone who's followed Teal'c's character more closely have a better understanding of the very first scene where he's coming down the ramp and informs Cam, Vala and Sam that the Ori soldiers are being led by a young woman of incredible power? I really love Teal'c and I love pairing him in friendship with Vala in fics but in this one scene it kind of looks like he's accusing Vala while he's describing Adria and that thought unsettles me, it seems OOC for him...anyone else have another thought on it?
          You know, I get that feeling as well. It's strange because he usually doesn't act like that with was just a vibe I was getting from him. It's probably made the worse by the fact that Sam (and maybe Cam) look at her sympathetically.


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            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
            Second of all, I know I'm completely late to the game but I'm watching Morpheus now and I just have two comments so far.

            Someone had mentioned Vala being helpful by passing Daniel his books in the briefing room and I couldn't remember the scene really so I just forgot about it but now that I'm watching it, it really hits me. She's being really helpful and quiet, she hasn't spoken a word since the show started, she's only smiled and stayed mostly against the wall or in the shadows. I just thought that was interesting, something I hadn't noticed the first time around.
            *raises hand* I think that was me I was pretty tired that night, and I didn't really expand on my thoughts, I just kinda liked how she was helping. Also, this just occurred to me, she was trying to help in Beachhead, in a snarky kind of way, and no one listened... Is this her way of adapting? Being helpful but quiet?

            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
            Also, does anyone who's followed Teal'c's character more closely have a better understanding of the very first scene where he's coming down the ramp and informs Cam, Vala and Sam that the Ori soldiers are being led by a young woman of incredible power? I really love Teal'c and I love pairing him in friendship with Vala in fics but in this one scene it kind of looks like he's accusing Vala while he's describing Adria and that thought unsettles me, it seems OOC for him...anyone else have another thought on it?
            I totally thought he was accusing her too, but that could just be cuz his voice is so deep. It seemed off to me.

            Aaand, um.. oh yeah, the little Sam/Vala deleted scene on the DVD should sooooo be canon, I loved it.. (haven't watched it in a while, so I can't describe it, but it's good, trust me!)

            Aaaand, I had one more thing, oh yeah... I think I may have crossed over to the darkside everyone... I'd been noticing some C/V sparkage in the first few episodes and wrote a tag to "Origin" (it's on my LJ) Anyway, it made me kinda notice that Vala wears a lot of blue BDU pants and black tank tops in TTTB, TPTB, and Beachhead (when they're all not in civvies, leather, the same green uniforms off-world, or the black uniforms on the ship). My point is Cam wears the blue BDU's a lot. Now in Season 10, Vala sports the green BDU's like Daniel, and baggier, looser shirts instead of black tank tops (I think, just going from memory here)

            So what's the point, Erin?? Umm, she changed how she dressed a little bit. Yeah, nevermind, probably not significant. Ignore me, I'm a fruitcake



              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              No, she's going to be at the Dragon Con next weekend in...Georgia? I believe Ren (?) is going to that we'll have at least one person to report back on that one. No pressure on her

              Plus, that little smile he has after Daniel leaves was cute. Not sure what it means though. You think he knew something about D/V? I like to think so

              You know, I get that feeling as well. It's strange because he usually doesn't act like that with was just a vibe I was getting from him. It's probably made the worse by the fact that Sam (and maybe Cam) look at her sympathetically.
              Ooooh, okay Or is it Susan who's going? I know she lives in GA...

              I'm not sure what Landry's little smile means either, but when I think of alll the other possible meanings the only one that really makes sense is a kind of "that boy doesn't know what he's gotten himself into" in relation to D/V shippiness That thought makes my heart happy

              And I actually thought that Sam's sympathetic look actually contradicted Teal'c's, as opposed to making it worse. The way I saw it, I saw Teal'c being accusive (OOC IMO but whatever) and then Sam and Cam feeling more sorry that Vala's child really was the leader, you know like the last hope was dashed and they feel sorry for Vala? I'm rambling again


              A matter of opinion again: who thinks that Vala saw through Woolsey's 'spy' ruse and chose to go against it so that the SGC woud trust her? I think it's possible because Vala's very intelligent and obviously very capable at finding out other peoples' tricks (like she did with her father...granted she knew him better.)

              On the other hand, Vala does seem surprised when Woolsey appears at the end and Landry explains his involvement (if I'm remembering correctly, haven't gotten there yet). I'd like to think this was the answer because IMO Vala really does want to do the right thing most of the time but I just can't shake the feeling that she would really have been duped by Woolsey...

              And I feel bad for Vala because she's trying really hard to meet their highest expectations but then Landry all but chews her out for 'not taking the tests seriously' and she looks so frustrated and confused
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                Hey, Milena, I just noticed, but did anyone congratulate you on 100 posts yet? I thought it was sorta a milestone for me when I got there and just wanted to make sure you felt the love! CONGRATULATIONS!!!


                  Morpheus... I did the fave quote thing earlier...

                  DV stuff.

                  Ok, JM stated on his blog that between each ep there's an average of 2.5 weeks. Given that F&B happened right after the season 9 finale (Camelot??) it's likely that 5 weeks have passed until the beginning of Morpheus. That's given Vala some time to 'settle in' a bit, begin finding her 'niche'.

                  What has she been doing all of that time? Well I'd guess that there's a lot of meetings with various members of the SGC and perhaps IOC (? Would they be involved? She is an alien living on Earth so wouldn't the IOC have something to do with it?) and I bet she's not been allowed off base. I'm sure she pretty much exclusively hangs around with SG-1, Daniel more than anyone.

                  She's matured since Daniel last saw her and I like this calmer Vala at the beginning of Morpheus. I was surprised a little to see Vala in the briefing as she isn't a member of SG-1 and perhaps this was her own way of making sure she'd stay in the loop. By helping Daniel she's getting the information on what's going on and in the process showing Daniel that she's changed and is ready to be a part of the SGC.

                  I love that Daniel goes to speak to General Landry on behalf of Vala. I think that Daniel really wants to give a chance to Vala and only brings up the fact that the mother of the Orici is a good thing to keep on their side to try to convince General Landry of the possible tactical advantage they could have.

                  Vala takes the test seriously which has hilarious results for us. I love the lie detector part, think that has to be my fave scene. When General Landry watches Vala studying for her psych exam he smiles briefly and I think at that point he's accepting the fact that Vala wants to be there and help them out.

                  I love the team moment over coffee in Sam's lab at the end. I think it's great that some of the eps have moments like that in them showing how they interact on base and on the surface.

                  I love Daniel's smile when General Landry informs Vala that she passed the exam and when he congratulates her sincerely she looks as though she might burst into tears.

                  The scene at the very end where Cam tells Vala "Don't screw up" he looks back at Daniel. I never noticed this before but Daniel raises his eyebrows as if to say "Funny, but don't take it too far, Cam."

                  The loot comment is funny but Vala's never been on the surface correct? Is it possible that's how she assumes that everyone gets paid, how they purchase things etc.

                  Enought of my ramblings... PP is about to start lol.


                    Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                    *raises hand* I think that was me I was pretty tired that night, and I didn't really expand on my thoughts, I just kinda liked how she was helping. Also, this just occurred to me, she was trying to help in Beachhead, in a snarky kind of way, and no one listened... Is this her way of adapting? Being helpful but quiet?
                    Oooh, that's a good point. I mostly saw it as the backlash of everything she went through in F&B but it could be an adaptive technique to being heard too, nice catch Erin!

                    Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                    *Aaand, um.. oh yeah, the little Sam/Vala deleted scene on the DVD should sooooo be canon, I loved it.. (haven't watched it in a while, so I can't describe it, but it's good, trust me!)
                    ERIN!!! You can't just leave it at that!! What's this scene? What's it about? What are we missing? Pretty please tell me!

                    And I've just gotten to the part after Vala's polygraph test and I can't believe I didn't remember it before. You can see how shaken up she is that nobody's looking past her stealing/lying persona to see who she really is! That's a problem she's had the entire way through isn't it? I'd never really noticed before I know, I'm blind. But throughout the entire two seasons that she's more of a regular, it's like she's daring them to see who she really is, daring them to see past her earlier actions and they mostly refuse...that's so sad

                    She's saying to Woolsey now (still very quietly and now tearfully, not angry, just sad): I fail to see the point of that ridiculous exercise, unless its purpose was to thoroughly humiliate me. Those questions weren't intended to shed light on my character or delve deeply into my subconcious, they were merely little reminders as to exactly why I don't belong here.

                    That's the perfect description of her every struggle at the SGC isn't it? Aside from her inner struggle with the Adria situation I mean...
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                      I love taking Stargate 101 with guest lecturer, Toomi You really have such great insights.

                      And I had no idea that there was an average of 2.5 weeks between eps. That boggles the mind. What in the world do they all do in the in between time?!? Especially people like Cam, Teal'c and Vala that don't have work per se (am I even close to the correct spelling?) like Sam and Daniel!! Sheesh.



                        Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                        Hey, Milena, I just noticed, but did anyone congratulate you on 100 posts yet? I thought it was sorta a milestone for me when I got there and just wanted to make sure you felt the love! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
                        I got 100 posts????? Holy crud!!!! I'd like to thank the academy Thanks Erin!!
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                          Yay! Got to my favourite part, when Vala's telling off Dr. Hutchison!!

                          I love how she's the most emotionally healthy person of the whole group. That she won't apologize for having taken advantage of the people who tried to kill her and that she won't promise she'll never do it again. She's completely honest in some ways and so devious in others. I don't have much proof to back it up but isn't she most serious and honest about the things that have affected her most deeply? She only starts into her persona for the little things or as a defense strategy when someone attacks the things that have affected her deeply (ie Daniel when he questions the truth in Vala's sob story when she shows up in his bed, I still maintain that she was reaching out with the truth but when he accused her of lying she went with it.)

                          This is something that I took issue with during THAT scene. Nevermind the fact that Daniel was being pretty mean and his tone did nothing to help, he said "At best, you're an emotional wreck." ...the hell? As I said IMHO, Vala's the most emotionally stable one in the group, everyone else is repressing or denying something. Just my take on it
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                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                            ERIN!!! You can't just leave it at that!! What's this scene? What's it about? What are we missing? Pretty please tell me!
                            Okay, here's the Sam/Vala deleted scene from Morpheus...

                            Sam is calling to Vala through the halls of the SGC and Vala is holding a tray of food. Sam says she's been looking all over for Vala and Vala says "It was already broken when I picked it up" Sam goes "huh" and then Vala goes "were you talking about... (technobabble) multicolored thing that makes beeping noises?" and Sam goes "uh no" and Vala makes a squinty face like 'ooh, shouldn't have brought that up'

                            then Sam says she's noticed that Vala's kept to herself since she's come back, and that she's noticed Vala's more reserved, and that it's understandable given everything Vala's been through, and that if Vala ever wants to talk, Sam says "don't feel awkward about coming to me or to any of us for that matter. I just want you to know I'm here for you. And then Vala says "thanks Samantha, I'll bear that in mind" but you can tell she's trying to keep her emotions in check.

                            Oh and then they get back to the joke about the multicolored technothingy and then Vala hands her tray off to some airman dude and then it's the scene as Teal'c comes in thru the gate.

                            There you go, Milena!



                              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                              Aaaand, I had one more thing, oh yeah... I think I may have crossed over to the darkside everyone... I'd been noticing some C/V sparkage in the first few episodes and wrote a tag to "Origin" (it's on my LJ) Anyway, it made me kinda notice that Vala wears a lot of blue BDU pants and black tank tops in TTTB, TPTB, and Beachhead (when they're all not in civvies, leather, the same green uniforms off-world, or the black uniforms on the ship). My point is Cam wears the blue BDU's a lot. Now in Season 10, Vala sports the green BDU's like Daniel, and baggier, looser shirts instead of black tank tops (I think, just going from memory here)

                              So what's the point, Erin?? Umm, she changed how she dressed a little bit. Yeah, nevermind, probably not significant. Ignore me, I'm a fruitcake
                              Interesting point. In season 9, it could mean that Vala and Cam were the newbies so they wore the blues while the SG-1 color, green, was reserved for the remaining members, Daniel and Teal'c. But maybe they were trying to create more symmetry? Sam/Cam almost always dress in their blue BDUs when they're not on missions in season 10...while Daniel/Vala balance that out with the Green BDUs. I like to just imagine that TPTB color-coordinated the pairings...but that's just my shippy little mind at work. They probably just didn't want too much of one color...? Nice observation though.

                              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                              I'm not sure what Landry's little smile means either, but when I think of alll the other possible meanings the only one that really makes sense is a kind of "that boy doesn't know what he's gotten himself into" in relation to D/V shippiness That thought makes my heart happy
                              That's totally how I've always viewed it I like Landry, I think he's a lot more perceptive than people give him credit for. Plus, I think he's a more hands-on leader...even if he does spend most of his time behind a desk. The smiles he also shows later when Vala's preparing for the test and then again at the end suggests to me that he likes her. She may be a pain, may give him a headache sometimes but throughout season 10 I get the sense that there's a fondness for her on his part.

                              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                              And I actually thought that Sam's sympathetic look actually contradicted Teal'c's, as opposed to making it worse. The way I saw it, I saw Teal'c being accusive (OOC IMO but whatever) and then Sam and Cam feeling more sorry that Vala's child really was the leader, you know like the last hope was dashed and they feel sorry for Vala? I'm rambling again
                              Good point. Could be...I haven't really watched that scene in awhile, so I'll have to go back and see if I can figure anything out.

                              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                              A matter of opinion again: who thinks that Vala saw through Woolsey's 'spy' ruse and chose to go against it so that the SGC woud trust her? I think it's possible because Vala's very intelligent and obviously very capable at finding out other peoples' tricks (like she did with her father...granted she knew him better.)

                              On the other hand, Vala does seem surprised when Woolsey appears at the end and Landry explains his involvement (if I'm remembering correctly, haven't gotten there yet). I'd like to think this was the answer because IMO Vala really does want to do the right thing most of the time but I just can't shake the feeling that she would really have been duped by Woolsey...
                              I still think she didn't know. I think there might have been a moment where she was questioning his motives in their first encounter but I think he does a good job of blinding her with brining up the fact that this kind of behavior is consistent with "who she is." From there on I think she's kind of preoccupied with that comment. We see how upset she is after the polygraph test because she feels like once again people aren't giving her a chance. Plus, you can kind of see the wheels spinning in her head of a way to save face when Woolsey appears at the end (before she says "I knew that but were his sexual advances part of the test?").

                              Originally posted by Toomi View Post

                              The scene at the very end where Cam tells Vala "Don't screw up" he looks back at Daniel. I never noticed this before but Daniel raises his eyebrows as if to say "Funny, but don't take it too far, Cam."
                              Yeah, I always like that moment. That Daniel's kind of being protective and gets Cam to back off a bit

                              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                              And I've just gotten to the part after Vala's polygraph test and I can't believe I didn't remember it before. You can see how shaken up she is that nobody's looking past her stealing/lying persona to see who she really is! That's a problem she's had the entire way through isn't it? I'd never really noticed before I know, I'm blind. But throughout the entire two seasons that she's more of a regular, it's like she's daring them to see who she really is, daring them to see past her earlier actions and they mostly refuse...that's so sad
                              I don't know if that's entirely true. I think to some extent it is...I mean it's hard because the guys dealt with her at her worst in season 9, and first impressions are hard to get over. I think it makes sense that the team doesn't completely trust her in the beginning of season 10, they have no reason to trust her as a member of the team (team-work wasn't exactly her strongest suit). That's what I like about the Sam/Vala Morpheus scene, it shows that someone is looking deeper...and someone is trying to help Vala out. I think as we move towards TQ2, you begin to see a change in the way everyone perceives and treats Vala, once they've gotten to know her.


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                                Favourite Quote

                                Vala: I never liked you and I know you can hear me! Dial..the! Dial the Gate! Don't make me come up there! (shoves the guy trying to pull her off her crate) You stop it!

                                Vala: I'm a little overwhelmed but as my first official act, I'd like to report a rather disagreable little man.
                                Woolsey: That would be me.
                                Landry: Mr. Woolsey's offer was part of the test, we wanted to make sure that we could trust you.
                                Vala: I knew that...but were his sexual advances part of the test?
                                Woolsey stammering: What? That's...ha...General I-I can assure you...
                                Vala: Well I would have even considered playing along but some of his requests were, well, a little unusual even for me.
                                Woolsey wided eyed, following the General, shooting Vala an accusing glance

                                I love how Daniel was trying to hide his smile here, it's such a cute little moment. But then Cam goes off on his little power trip because he's no longer the 'rookie', I held severe dislike at his little bullying tactics but it did cause Daniel to warn him off and that feeds my shippy heart so I suppose this is a 'take the good with the bad' moment

                                And Daniel's little moment where he lets his head fall to his chest "Loot?" he says funnily. Adorable!

                                Okay, I'm done torturing you all with my thoughts on Morpheus, and just in time for the PP discussion, there's a whole bunch to talk about there! Some girls have already mentioned Daniel's newfound touchy-touchy habit, love it! And yaah! to those who noticed the Grade Five thing, though I'm taking it as a small homage to the place they filmed it all
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