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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Here is another great one by the same person on Youtube! He or she is really good at this!!! Ah, the film-makers of the future...



      I could literally sit and watch these two stare at each other for hours! If I worked with them I'd turn into Felger except instead of perving on Sam, I'd be watching for the looks and silently squeeing! (You know, minus the Barbie doll/Action Man SG-1 dolls, coz that's just weird)
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        well let me ask you guys this: which alternate reality /alternate timeline persona of Jack and Sam do you find yourself liking more than the other?



          FFN ----- AO3 ----------


            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            well let me ask you guys this: which alternate reality /alternate timeline persona of Jack and Sam do you find yourself liking more than the other?
            I don't like any of the AU/AT Jacks. They're too cold, clinical and downright cranky for me. Our Jack has the perfect mix of sarcasm, angst, humour, caring and alpha about him.

            Of the Sams, I prefer Dr Carter from POV.
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              Longest post ever people.

              Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
              I beg to differ. The Za'Tarc technology didn't reveal false memories. It merely showed that they were both suppressing (not mentioning) something that they didn't want to say - hell, to some extent they probably were afraid it would come out, which would mess with lie detectors pretty nicely too. Wasn't Anise asking "Are you sure you're telling me everything?"

              K... back to the point. I don't think it's unreasonable to assume that in that wordless scene, he realized that he was caring about her way too much. And from the way she's looking at him, it might have been, "Oh no... that's not good. He cares about me a lot more than he's supposed to."
              I admit, it's complete speculation - but the way the entire episode is built up, so is assuming that Carter said the same thing. I'm not saying she doesn't - and I'm not saying she did. Both is possible.

              Which is exactly why the 'memory' they officially reported would read as false. What they said completely belied what was really going on between them emotionally.

              It's like saying 'I got wet in the rain' when what I was actually doing was standing in a hurricane.

              In my mind there is no way someone watching the show consistently could interpret that scene as Sam suddenly coming to the realization that Jack cares about her and that she now finds that awkward.

              Too much happened between them before, as others have quite rightly mentioned.

              Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
              Kimberly, I can see your point with the dialogue, it's never said that Sam feels the same.

              However, I guess it's more the whole "Sir, there's no time... Sir, just go!" "No!" Scene. The way she's looking at him speaks volumes in my opinion.

              Sam misses him when he's missing on Edora, she won't go fishing with him initially and then changes her mind (if it were just two friends, surely it would be a simple yes or no answer?).

              I suppose if you think about it, we never really find out what she truly thinks until "Grace" when she admits in her head that she has romantic feelings towards him. Hell, she pretty much admitted she loved him during her hallucination ("I'd let you go right now if I knew" "that easy?" "I didn't say it would be easy").

              The one thing I loved about the Grace kiss was that there was no build-up over the season. There was a tiny bit of flirting and some pretty steamy looks (the gate room scene in front of her dad and half the SGC had me speechless, they're blatantly making eyes at each other and both grinning their asses off!) but I like the idea that Sam has naughty thoughts about Jack even if she can't admit or act on them. It makes her a bit more human.

              So do I

              I really really like that idea

              Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
              I'd also like to add Sam's plea in Frozen, her behaviour in the Gate Room in The Fifth man when Hammond refused her request to come back to the planet, her break down in Paradise Lost...
              So I don't think we didn't see her feelings until Grace.

              Originally posted by Kali View Post
              ^good post.

              Imo, the purpose of this episode is to make them both admit their feelings despite the fact that because of their rank, it would be inappropriate. They had to say it, not just feel it. Even in the scene when Jack refuses to leave Sam, it wasn't his refusal to leave that was inappropriate but rather the emotions he clearly felt during that decision.
              Actually I think Jack's refusal could also be seen as inappropriate and validates the reason for the regs in the first place.

              An active and instrumental first grade Colonel is willing to die, not because he has to, but he chooses to because he's in love with the Major who is trapped and going to die.

              Definitely not good for government business.

              The right military decision would have been to leave her and not sacrifice the whole for one.

              Just mho.

              Originally posted by IamDKScully View Post
              Now...has anyone noticed that Teal'c is SO in the know about Jack and Sam! Watch Metamorphosis and notice his head nod and then how he turns away as Sam lays her head on Jack's shoulder. Look at his face during Divide and Conquer during the Za'tarc test. And, he is there to comfort both Jack and Sam when the other is missing (Paradise Lost and Grace).

              Go, re-watch, observe...


              Teal'c aka The First Shipper

              Originally posted by fems View Post
              Oh and as far as indications of Sam's feelings for Jack go; don't forget Beneath the Surface, where they were a lot closer than normal friends would be and it seemed to indicate they were in a relationship. I also think the "Sir" moment at the end wasn't just Jack's disappointment and pain at having to go back to the status quo, Sam's tone/inflection/behavior expressed regret to me as well.

              Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
              Teal'c is the original shipper! Of course he is their protector and confidante in several episodes.

              Also I don't think that Jack is beyond being jealous. Yes, he was sad that she was infertile, but his "what does your dearly beloved ambassador say about all of this?" had more than an edge of jealousy about it.
              Yes. I think it speaks to the expectation they both shared at one point that they would be together in the end. Instead Sam's with Joe.

              I'd be pissed too

              Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
              Here is another great one by the same person on Youtube! He or she is really good at this!!! Ah, the film-makers of the future...
              These were done by DevilishMe; shipper, forum contributor and vid creator of excellence. (we've got a few of them on this thread **looks around for Chemmy**
              sig by Mada
              As a matter of FIC


                Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                well let me ask you guys this: which alternate reality /alternate timeline persona of Jack and Sam do you find yourself liking more than the other?
                I don't mind the Jack who ripped off some stuff from the Tolan. Doesn't phase me that he would screw the regs to get what they needed. Even though it was all an infiltration, setting that aside, cool to look out for ones self and makes for great story arc. Then again I'm a hopeless Maybourne fan so that could have something to do with it..

                Sam would have to be the replicator Sam. Again for the same reason.

                None are AU or AT but yeah still versions of them in some way.


                  Another adventure of the SGP - Carter gets an admirer...

                  Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                  If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                  Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                    I agree with Trinity. It's the feelings that cause the problem with the regs. If you have one person in a team who personally or emotionally means more to one team member than another then there's the potential for tactically wrong decisions to be made based on emotion. Not what you want in a military unit (and also the reason women can not be frontline marines in the UK).

                    So, technically Sam and Jack have been breaking the regs for years *and* with General Hammond and President Hayes' permission too!
                    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                    My fanfic


                      Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                      I agree with Trinity. It's the feelings that cause the problem with the regs. If you have one person in a team who personally or emotionally means more to one team member than another then there's the potential for tactically wrong decisions to be made based on emotion. Not what you want in a military unit (and also the reason women can not be frontline marines in the UK).

                      So, technically Sam and Jack have been breaking the regs for years *and* with General Hammond and President Hayes' permission too!
                      i think the whole team has 'technically' been breaking the regs!



                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        i think the whole team has 'technically' been breaking the regs!
                        "There were four in the bed and Daniel said 'Roll over'!" Lol, sorry, I'll leave the *very* disturbing gutter!

                        You're right though. They're all entirely too close for a military frontline unit, platonic or otherwise, they should have ALL been transferred years ago. But they just work. I *love* the team dynamic on SG-1. Obviously I crave shippy scenes, but I'm happiest watching them all interact. My favourite scenes are often the ones where they're just communicating with each other.
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                          Not what you want in a military unit (and also the reason women can not be frontline marines in the UK).
                          Oh, now that is just wrong! WTH! Solve the problem by create male-only and female-only teams, but completely exclude women? They're kickass soldiers, you know...

                          But then again, we can see what kind of problems the American military truly has behind the scenes. Has anybody of you ever seen the documentary "The Invisible War"? I think you can find it in parts on Youtube and they have a facebook site: It states that at least one quarter of women who are serving in the U.S. armed forces have been raped by their superior officers or fellow officers, and it is being covered up constantly.

                          To me that was really shocking, because even before Stargate I used to be into J.A.G. for years, which also features a strong female soldier character. And then of course there's Sam Carter. And the shows always portray everything so honorable and outstanding with everybody so strictly abiding by the rules, and the government really pushing to enforce them - and then you watch that documentary. I literally had tears streaming over my face when I watched that.

                          And then you hear politicians react to that, and basically blaming it all on the fact that women join the military. Just makes me sad... why can't real life be more like - well, Stargate?


                            Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                            You're right though. They're all entirely too close for a military frontline unit, platonic or otherwise, they should have ALL been transferred years ago. But they just work. I *love* the team dynamic on SG-1. Obviously I crave shippy scenes, but I'm happiest watching them all interact. My favourite scenes are often the ones where they're just communicating with each other.
                            Really, you're not allowed to become this close with your unit? Don't they often share bonds like brothers?

                            And I agree with you, the overall interaction is the best. I especially love the interactions between Daniel and Jack as well - then of course there's Teal'c and his famous eyebrow... There wasn't so much banter in the first few seasons, but the more the show progressed, the more it started to become almost a comedy in the banter parts, and that's something I really like about it.


                              Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                              "There were four in the bed and Daniel said 'Roll over'!" Lol, sorry, I'll leave the *very* disturbing gutter!

                              You're right though. They're all entirely too close for a military frontline unit, platonic or otherwise, they should have ALL been transferred years ago. But they just work. I *love* the team dynamic on SG-1. Obviously I crave shippy scenes, but I'm happiest watching them all interact. My favourite scenes are often the ones where they're just communicating with each other.
                              for years, the anti shippers would make comments about sam and jack breaking the regs (just eyeing each other in a certain way, etc), so i brought up the whole team's been iffy too.

                              funny how only certain parts of the regs would be adhered to by the writers, but others...



                                I think the theory goes for not allowing women on the front line is that men instinctively will try to protect women in their unit over the other guys. Also, to be a British Marine isn't like the US. British Marine Commandos are the strongest, toughest guys in the military and are an elite unit of power and strength' not just another branch of the military - most guys can't physically hack the intensive training (recently several died of exhaustion and dehydration doing the fitness and endurance tests and these were super-fit Army guys) and it would be hard to find a woman who was physically strong enough too. I'm sure there may be a few but probably not many being realistic about physiology. That's a purely biological viewpoint, not a sexist one.

                                As for the brotherhood thing, yes to an extent because you're all in it together and have to trust each other with your lives, but one unit rarely stays together more than a few years at most to prevent too-close relationships.
                                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                                My fanfic

