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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
    Here's my 'Complicated' drabble.

    It’s Complicated:

    Her watch ended through the blur of tears. Sam succumbed to the inevitable pain that hit like a punch to the gut, every year.

    Expecting her relief, she gave a precautionary glance in the Colonel’s direction.

    He knew something was wrong.


    Not up to diversionary tactics, Sam offered honesty.

    “My mom died today. It’s been years but I still get emotional. You’d think by now I’d........... it’s complicated.”

    Jack understood. He no longer cried; afraid he’d never stop.
    Breaking the invisible barrier of rank between them, Jack laced fingers into Sam’s.

    “It isn’t with me.”

    Now free, Sam simply held Jack’s hand and cried.
    what does he mean that it isn't with him? i've re-read and re-read.



      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
      what does he mean that it isn't with him? i've re-read and re-read.
      Jack means he gets it. It's "not complicated" with him because he understands the hurt all too well.
      The password is fishing...


        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
        On FFnet or AO3

        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


          Great drabbles everyone! Can't green anyone, it seems, so here's some virtual green. SJ_green.gif
          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
          On FFnet or AO3

          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


            *looks around for hlndncr*
            My vids Sig made by me


              My seeking Solace contribution.



                I'm getting another late start today because of the night I had. But I'll post this next prompt first before Chemmy gets mad at me.

                Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

                Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene/story in 100 words or less. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days.

                Drabble Prompt #6
                A Moment in Time


                  Reason I didn't get home until almost 1 am last night:

                  I have a dance class in Alexandria every Wednesday night and then I go out with my friends for a late meal. We have a friend who doesn't have a car so we take turns driving her home. This is not an inconvenience as she live only about 15 min from the restaurant in Rosslyn.

                  So we are talking in the car (I've just given her S1 Stargate DVDs and she's very excited - new shipper being converted as we speak!) and I get to the light where I'm almost certain it's a right turn toward her apartment, but she says turn left. I'm confused, but figure it's her place, maybe she knows a shortcut.

                  We promptly end up on the beltway heading across the river toward Andrews AFB. Wrong direction! I get us turned back around and onto a different, slightly longer route to her apt.

                  Everything is fine until we reach the exit that will take us past the Pentagon parking lot. I over shoot and have to back up on the ramp to avoid actually going into the Pentagon lot (you should never do that, really). There was a security/police car there but thankfully he either didn't spot my highly illegal maneuver or decided it was best that the dippy lady was leaving the area.

                  So we are heading in the correct direction once again - we think - until we see a sign directing us over the memorial bridge. This is not good. So we swiftly make a left turn and arrive at the Air Force Memorial (very pretty in the moonlight). Are you seeing the pattern here?

                  We go around the memorial and find our way back to Pentagon Row and Army-Navy Drive. This is great because I used to live in that neighborhood and I finally know where we are. I'm certain that all we have to do is drive forward a couple of blocks and turn right and it will be a straight shot to my friend's house.

                  She, however, insists we turn left. (Left turn have not been good for us up to this point, I don't know why I would listened to her!) I turn left.

                  And over the 14th Street bridge into the District. After a quick tour of the Mall, a zip around the Washington Monument, we are on the E Street bridge heading back to Virginia. Once again familiar territory for me as I went to graduate school just down the street.

                  As we pass the Kennedy Center my friend again points to the left split in the highway. I put my foot down at this point, on the gas and go right. I do know where I am and she's not talking me out of it!

                  Five minutes later we are at her front door. And that 15 min journey only took a little over an hour.

                  But that's not all! I can't entirely blame my friend for getting hopelessly lost last night because leaving her place I took another wrong exit (the streets in this area are badly marked and really confusing) and instead of getting on the 66W I ended up on the George Washington Parkway North. Man it dark on that road at night!!

                  Another detour through McLean and finally I'm home. It's almost 1 am. I fall into bed exhausted.


                    Getting caught up on my drabbles, this one is way over 100 words, but necessary I believe.

                    In honor of my misadventures last night:

                    It's Complicated

                    Sam took a commercial flight into Regan and rented a car because she wanted this first visit with Jack since their new arrangement to be nothing but personal.

                    She hadn’t spent much time in Washington in years, but she had lived here and worked at the Pentagon at one time and was confident she could still navigate her way around.

                    Wrong turn after wrong turn had her rethinking. Around the Air Force Memorial under construction, past the Marine Corp Memorial, over the bridge; when she spotted the Navy Memorial on Constitution Avenue she decided the universe had a perverse sense of humor.

                    Turning around on Pennsylvania Avenue she considered stopping at the White House and asking President Hayes for directions.

                    Finally arriving at the Pentagon parking lot where Jack was waiting, getting into the car he asked, “Why didn’t you let me know your flight had been delayed?”

                    “It’s complicated,” was her grumbling reply as she followed his directions to a nearby restaurant to begin their romantic weekend.


                      Because I always think there's enough newbies to make the excuse to bring it back year after year, I once again give you . . .

                      Countdown to Ship Day!


                        Ten Days 'til Ship Day!

                        Carter, I need you!

                        No, not like that. . . . Well, yeah like that too.

                        But right now I just need you to come take a look at something for me.

                        Sir, this is a storage closet.

                        I know. What do you think?

                        I’m thinking why are you dragging me into a storage closet, Sir?

                        Because there’s only ten days until Ship Day Carter.

                        . . . And?

                        I thought this would be the perfect place!


                          Ten Days 'til Ship Day!

                          Sir, we can’t spend Ship Day in a storage closet.

                          Why not? The Shippers are always talking about us hanging out in here.

                          Yeah. Sir, that’s the Gutter Gals,
                          and making Ship Day posts is not exactly the activity
                          they have in mind when they imagine us in here.

                          Well what do they think we’re doing in here?

                          Eyes - Check

                          Hands - Check

                          Neck - Check

                          Lips - Check

                          Arms -Check

                          Rear - Check

                          Tongue - Check

                          Abs - Check

                          Sidearm - Check

                          Handcuffs - Check

                          Uh . . . Taking inventory?


                            Ten Days 'til Ship Day!

                            Carter, you’ve got to be kidding me?!

                            No, Sir.

                            What is wrong with these Shippers?

                            I’d much rather be fishing.

                            So would I.

                            Wait . . . really?


                              TEN DAYS?! Arrrrgggghhh! Can't believe it's so close!
                              The password is fishing...


                                Hlndncr, brilliant montage.
                                Fics | Art | Tumblr

