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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    PDL does note, in his own unique way, that it was suggested that Sam and Jack had been kissing too much that season. I don't think he specifically mentions the shoulder lean though but he does say the kiss was left out for that reason. Annoyingly, at this point there's been one kiss that season. Hmph!

    Ah I thought I had the commentary exceprts as a .doc I could cut and paste but alas I didn't save that one.

    I've got Lost City and Small Victories though, if anyone wants me to repost them.
    LOL, I can just imagine the list of kisses we'd have if they'd kept that kiss in. Kissing while infected with an alien disease, kissing an alternate version of Carter, kissing in a resetting timeloop, kissing in hallucination, alternate timeline kissing, and finally, kissing while believing that you're somebody else.
    The Return of King Arthur
    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6










              Anywho, whilst I'm here.... does anyone know off-hand which episodes in Stargate had scenes or dialogue edited out that were shippy? Like a kiss, or something where one of them mentions feelings for the other? I vaguely remember listening to a commentary where there was supposed to be a kiss... but can't for the life of me remember what episode it was.
              I don't know if this is too late for you, but in "Lost City" there was also a scripted kiss that Jack and Sam decided not to do (I guess it would be AT and RDA). It was in front of the flashy light thing in the cargo ship (engine? is that what that things was?) after Jack resigned. I think. Maybe someone else has more information on that one.
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              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!




                  I checked them all as I went along, but if I spelled anyone's name wrong, pm me and I'll change it for you

                  Hope everyone had a blast during Ship Day!


                    So does anyone have the list of the number of postings by individual person for the Ship Day Thread? Or else where do you find it?
                    The Return of King Arthur
                    Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                    acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                      If you go to the Characters & Relationships forum, click on the number of Replies for the Ship Day Thread. It'll open up a new window with all the posters and number of posts they made


                        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                        Oma -1 You bring such delicious goodies with you. You should play around here more often
                        Thanks Tammy I would love to spend more time playing here, I just need a time dilation device But... I could at least drop by with shippy pics when I make them.


                          SamJackShipper93; hedwig; XFchemist; SnowWhite; Cagranosalis; Akamaimom;

                          ~*~ Thanks for your help with my question ~*~

                          Think I've greened you all but if not let me know - I'm half asleep

                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          PDL does note, in his own unique way, that it was suggested that Sam and Jack had been kissing too much that season....
                          Too much kissing my ar$e we needed more kissing

                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Ah I thought I had the commentary exceprts as a .doc I could cut and paste but alas I didn't save that one.
                          I've got Lost City and Small Victories though, if anyone wants me to repost them.
                          I'd be grateful for the reposts

                          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                          I don't know if this is too late for you, but in "Lost City" there was also a scripted kiss that Jack and Sam decided not to do (I guess it would be AT and RDA). It was in front of the flashy light thing in the cargo ship (engine? is that what that things was?) after Jack resigned. I think. Maybe someone else has more information on that one.
                          Not too late at all This is the ep I was initially thinking of, but obviously the more examples the better
                          ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ my fanfics ~ my twitter ~ teslen thread ~ * ~ * ~ * ~


                            Just a lil' question.. I may be a bit behind, but what's up with the storage room on level 24?
                            I love the running gag, but last time I cheched there's the MALP room.. sounds not so shippy to me.. did I miss something?? *confused*


                              Originally posted by lastrequest View Post
                              I'd be grateful for the reposts


                              Lost City

                              Shippy Excerpts from Lost City Commentary

                              Commentary by:

                              Martin Wood (MW), Robert C. Cooper (RCC) and Amanda Tapping (AT)


                              RCC says he’s representing brad Wright by proxy and says Brad asked him to say how great he thought S7 was. (I agree!)

                              The crossword puzzle at the start contains references to Stargate throughout. If you have a good freeze fram on your DVD it’s worth pausing and having a look (on my little laptop screen I could only really make out a couple of words.  )

                              The script was first written as a movie following on from Seaosn 5 and to launch the spin off. At the time it was thought S5 would be the last season. When they finally decided to go ahead with Atlantis after S7, they realised they had to make this to make the jump off into Atlantis.

                              The previous episode - Innauguration - came about as a way of saving money to put towards this one to make is as bit and special as possible.

                              (Sam turns up and Jack’s after a sleepless night)

                              MW: Oh this is a great scene. I like this scene so much.

                              RCC: This is the sort of scene that we believe the fans would love; that this is something they’ve been hunkering for for a long time. There isn’t a lot of the guys just sitting around talking, I mean it’s been one of those things that the fans have been asking for for a long time, I mean, can’t they just hang around and have a beer at O’Neill’s house and…

                              MW: *agreeing*

                              AT, It was so much fun to play this.

                              RCC: talk about stuff.

                              MW: It really is.

                              AT: And the awkwardness.

                              MW: And you and I (to AT) talked about this a number of times and there’s a fine line that we’ve been dealing with for years about the Sam and Jack relationship and how far do you go. And it’s always a game to try and figure out how far you can go with the awkwardness, and both of you play this awkwardness so well so well.

                              RCC, Yeah you know a lot of this came from you guys I don’t know if you remember this but there’s a shot from um…

                              MW: Out Of Mind…

                              RCC: …Out Of Mind where Rick kind of hugs.. O’Neill hugs Carter and I remember seeing the dailies for that for the first time and Brad looked at the screen and looked and me and I looked back at the screen and kind of huh…

                              AT *giggles*

                              RCC: And that was the genesis of the sexual tension between Carter and O’Neill so you can’t blame the writers.

                              MW: And he looks at her naked back too, that was… when she sits up.

                              AT *agrees*

                              MW: And that moment in the hallway when you were took close to him…

                              AT: Yeah.

                              MW: And we decided we were going to play it.

                              AT: *agrees*

                              MW: You know where the comes from, a lot of times that comes from you and Rick rehearsing and playing around and when I see something like that I say, hey let’s do that.

                              RCC; And we do these big big intricate science fiction stories and at the end of the day all anyone ends up talking about is the Carter O’N…

                              AT: Oh that not all…

                              RCC: Oh I know what’s true once there was the whole Daniel leaving Daniel coming back thing that was a big splash for a while…

                              MW: Then there was the Daniel O’Neill thing.

                              RCC: Yeah which we’ll deal with at the end of season 8.

                              MW / AT *chuckling*

                              (MW regales how Jack hit him on the head when he flicked his bottle cap and then some discussion about Amanda looking very tanned).

                              MW: This is good. Just this silence, just this beat, and when I was sitting in the edit suite the first time I remember, Can’t remember (to RCC) if it was you or Brad came over and I said I really feel that tension so we drew out every second of tension here. All the looks in between.
                              The lines are there but what ends up happening is, Amanda you and Rick play this out and sometimes it’s funny to watch because it’s really very touching to see the way these two characters have been together for seven years and can be together like this. There’s a comfort without being comfortable, know what I mean?

                              AT: But if Rick and I look at each other too long in a scene we both we burst out laughing. So there’s a lot of looks away.

                              Commentary notes:

                              (Sam and Jack on the ship making it go faster)

                              MW: I like this scene.

                              RCC: It’s great except for the fact I have a headache.

                              AT: I actually like it.

                              RCC: The flashing? Do you?

                              AT: Yeah I do. I think it plays it nicely.

                              MW: You know when you go to the shot in the middle, which is called the fifty fifty, this one right here..

                              AT: he just resigned I should have kissed him. What was I thinking.

                              RCC: It was in the original script.

                              MW: Yeah?

                              RCC: It was

                              MW: Yeah.

                              AT: But we’ve got this crystal panel in between us which is …

                              MW: Intentional.

                              AT: Yes absolutely. Don’t let them get too close.

                              RCC: In the original script there was a kiss and we cut to the front and Teal’c looks at Bra’tac and says “this ship is going much faster that it’s supposed to”.

                              AT: the combined power.

                              Commentary notes:

                              (The end bit )

                              MW: you did a great job on this Amanda, I think this is, from me, of the two of you, the final end of this. Is one of my very favourite scene so of the two of you.


                              AT: She calls him Jack, sorry that’s important.

                              (talk about the music and Joel Goldsmith’s score.)

                              MW: This one, you know, with nothing else happening, its such a beautiful goodbye.

                              RCC: And a nice performance too from Rick; it’s very understated.

                              MW: You called him Jack.

                              AT: (quietly) I did call him Jack.


                              RCC: Why did we cut to Carter twice?

                              AT: because I have so much going on.

                              RCC; It’s always, always something to cut to with Amanda.

                              MW: It really is.


                              AT: (putting her hand on the stasis chamber) I questioned when I read this if that was too over the top cheesy but it actually works.

                              MW: It worked nicely.

                              AT: And he’s looking at her.

                              RCC: Well in the script you actually put your to it and it sticks right, but you didn’t want to do that.

                              AT So Rob in season 8, is he going to ask me to go fishing and am I going to say yes?

                              RCC: Well actually no, what happens is O’Neill and Pete go fishing and

                              AT: And he kills him.

                              RCC: you’re working on the Naquada generator.

                              AT: But Pete’d love to go.

                              RCC: I can’t wait to read all the letters I’m going to get for that. O’Neill and Pete go fishing.

                              *Lots of giggling accompanies this*

                              Small Victories

                              I won't bother spoilering this since it's just one bit really:

                              Martin Wood: One of the things that happens in Small Victories is that we perpetuate a…. relationship that actually for the first five shows of the season it actually builds to show five, Divide & Conquer where we have the relationship between O’Neill and Carter. In Nemesis there’s a scene where he came into her lab here and asked her if she wanted to go fishing. So what we decided to do here is come back into this lab which I love shooting in, and Jim you do too. It has the most blinky lights of any set, but decided to shoot this all in tight shots. Just single shots of the two of them, no big wide shots, just the two of them, keep it intimate.

                              I can't remember if I did D&C too but I didn't save it if I did. I may have a look for that when I get time.

                              Originally posted by SnowWhite View Post
                              Just a lil' question.. I may be a bit behind, but what's up with the storage room on level 24?
                              I love the running gag, but last time I cheched there's the MALP room.. sounds not so shippy to me.. did I miss something?? *confused*
                              The more guttery among us like to image they have a secret place on base where the security cameras have been disabled and there's some strategically placed boxes of matresses and such. I don't think there's any specific relevance of it being level 24. Just someone plucked a number out of thin air.


                                I love this comment:

                                MW: You know where the comes from, a lot of times that comes from you and Rick rehearsing and playing around and when I see something like that I say, hey let’s do that.

                                RCC; And we do these big big intricate science fiction stories and at the end of the day all anyone ends up talking about is the Carter O’N…

                                AT: Oh that not all…

