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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Hi picardythirds! Us probies need to stick together
    Cake - an AU tale of secrets, lies, intrigue and Jack's favourite thing.

    Chapter 1


      Short excerpt from SG1, "City of the Gods". Sam was separated from the rest of her team while bringing a group of children back to the SGC. For an entire week, she has to deal with the notion that she left her team behind and they're all dead. On the other side of the coin, the rest of the team was rescuing a whole bunch of people and wound up taking a detour to get back to the SGC, and for one reason or another think that Sam and all the children are dead. Sam has turned in her resignation at this point and has been packing up lab, when this happens:

      Excerpt from City of the God:

      Hammond’s unashamed delight at seeing Jack O’Neill, Daniel Jackson, Teal’c and Dr. Robert Abruzzi stroll through the liquid blue event horizon was tempered by the way Jack carried himself. It was exactly how Major Carter had been when she returned through the gate a week earlier. He had a fair idea of what was going through the Colonel’s mind. Hammond reached down to the microphone and called into the PA, “Major Carter, to the gate room, on the double!”

      Jack’s head shot up with whiplash speed. His eyes bored through the glass, demanding. Hammond smiled and crossing his arms, nodded slowly. “Stand down,” he ordered the SFA’s.

      By the time Hammond reached the gate room, Major Carter was hugging Teal’c, whose smile had broadened markedly. Jack caught Hammond’s eye, silently, not asking permission for something he would never admit to. Hammond nodded once; the only acknowledgement he would ever give. O’Neill opened his arms and held Major Carter like a drowning man clinging to a life raft.

      As he held her close, Sam felt something stir between them. She jerked in surprise. The Colonel looked at her with a crooked grin, reached into his pocket and pulled out the black Chihuahua, Xipe. It was the first time she’d seen the animal when it wasn’t shivering.
      Last edited by hedwig; 12 January 2012, 12:10 PM. Reason: fixing spoiler tags


        Cool, Hedwig, thanks for that. I'll have to try to continue reading the story to get that far.

        Also, here's a pic I snapped in the rear-vid of my X-302 when I took it up yesterday. Sam's piloting this time, Jack is flying Second. You can't see them well, but the moon behind them is awesome, eh?

        And these are pics of my X-302 on the runway,, my desk.

        After our flight, Jack invited me back to their place for some dinner and we watched a TiVo'd Canucks game. Nice evening was had by all. <grin>
        Last edited by Pol; 12 January 2012, 10:02 AM.
        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


          Originally posted by Pol View Post
          [COLOR="#000000"]Cool, Hedwig, thanks for that. I'll have to try to continue reading the story to get that far.

          Also, here's a pic I snapped in the rear-vid of my X-302 when I took it up yesterday. Sam's piloting this time, Jack is flying Second. You can't see them well, but the moon behind them is awesome, eh?

          Reminds me a bit of the lovely story "Come Fly With Me".


            Thanks for posting such nice things today, people.

            I'm crabby today. . .

            My husband bought me a brand spanking new minivan (which fits the whole family, which my other one didn't) and someone hit it in a parking lot on my birthday! So, today I took it to the fix-it shop, only to have the rental car company show up 45 minutes late with the rental car. By then, my two year old was bouncing off the walls and the baby was screaming because she was hungry and there wasn't any place discrete to feed her. So, I packed them up in the rental van (which is SOOOO ugly! My new one is beautiful and I miss it already!), breaking three fingernails getting their car seats in. We drive to stop #2 which was to the Weight Watchers place to sign up so I can lose the baby weight. Of course, I miss three quarters of the meeting because Mr. Two Year Old decides he needs to go potty for half and hour. And now, of course, I'm accountable for the food I eat and I have to weigh in every week--which is the only thing that keeps me on track--so I haven't had anything good to eat today, it's all been healthy. And before someone tells me that healthy food can also be delicious, know that I know that--I'm just crabby because I really want some chocolate! AAAARRGHHH!!!!

            So, can I just say I REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate all of you making/posting/thinking such nice things? I needed some fun today! Gateworld will just have to be my chocolate for the time being.

            My Stories: FFdotNet
            My Stories AO3
            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
              Thanks for posting such nice things today, people.

              I'm crabby today. . .

              My husband bought me a brand spanking new minivan (which fits the whole family, which my other one didn't) and someone hit it in a parking lot on my birthday! So, today I took it to the fix-it shop, only to have the rental car company show up 45 minutes late with the rental car. By then, my two year old was bouncing off the walls and the baby was screaming because she was hungry and there wasn't any place discrete to feed her. So, I packed them up in the rental van (which is SOOOO ugly! My new one is beautiful and I miss it already!), breaking three fingernails getting their car seats in. We drive to stop #2 which was to the Weight Watchers place to sign up so I can lose the baby weight. Of course, I miss three quarters of the meeting because Mr. Two Year Old decides he needs to go potty for half and hour. And now, of course, I'm accountable for the food I eat and I have to weigh in every week--which is the only thing that keeps me on track--so I haven't had anything good to eat today, it's all been healthy. And before someone tells me that healthy food can also be delicious, know that I know that--I'm just crabby because I really want some chocolate! AAAARRGHHH!!!!

              So, can I just say I REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate all of you making/posting/thinking such nice things? I needed some fun today! Gateworld will just have to be my chocolate for the time being.


                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                [COLOR="#000000"]Cool, Hedwig, thanks for that. I'll have to try to continue reading the story to get that far.
                Is it that you don't have much time for reading? Or maybe you aren't too interested in it? (I'm just curious.)

                I'll have snippets from some of the other books as well. There's a couple from "Survival of the Fittest" that just made me laugh right out loud when I read them, in spite of the dire situation everyone was in. There's some good humor in these stories, as well as all the action, danger, etc.


                  Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                  Thanks for posting such nice things today, people.

                  I'm crabby today. . .

                  My husband bought me a brand spanking new minivan (which fits the whole family, which my other one didn't) and someone hit it in a parking lot on my birthday! So, today I took it to the fix-it shop, only to have the rental car company show up 45 minutes late with the rental car. By then, my two year old was bouncing off the walls and the baby was screaming because she was hungry and there wasn't any place discrete to feed her. So, I packed them up in the rental van (which is SOOOO ugly! My new one is beautiful and I miss it already!), breaking three fingernails getting their car seats in. We drive to stop #2 which was to the Weight Watchers place to sign up so I can lose the baby weight. Of course, I miss three quarters of the meeting because Mr. Two Year Old decides he needs to go potty for half and hour. And now, of course, I'm accountable for the food I eat and I have to weigh in every week--which is the only thing that keeps me on track--so I haven't had anything good to eat today, it's all been healthy. And before someone tells me that healthy food can also be delicious, know that I know that--I'm just crabby because I really want some chocolate! AAAARRGHHH!!!!

                  So, can I just say I REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate all of you making/posting/thinking such nice things? I needed some fun today! Gateworld will just have to be my chocolate for the time being.

                  That sucks. Might I recommend getting a box of devil's food cake mix and a 15oz can of pumpkin (nothing else needed - mix 'em together and bake yourself twelve chocolately muffins, add in a few chocolate chips if you'd like). Sans chocolate chips, they were (on the old point system) 3 points apiece (and they were soooo gooood).

                  And if that fails there's always:

         - which I can't embed because it's too many MBs or KBs or whatever. SO click and enjoy


                    There's an angel food/pineapple cake that's great (got the recipe from WW) all I remember was a box of angel food mix and a 20 oz can of pineapple with juice. Mix, bake, delish.

                    I always filled up on a ton of veggies. Lost 50 pounds with WW. They were great for keeping me "honest" by keeping a diary.

                    Hmmm, how would Sam deal with post-pregnancy weight?


                      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                      Thanks for posting such nice things today, people.

                      I'm crabby today. . .

                      My husband bought me a brand spanking new minivan (which fits the whole family, which my other one didn't) and someone hit it in a parking lot on my birthday! So, today I took it to the fix-it shop, only to have the rental car company show up 45 minutes late with the rental car. By then, my two year old was bouncing off the walls and the baby was screaming because she was hungry and there wasn't any place discrete to feed her. So, I packed them up in the rental van (which is SOOOO ugly! My new one is beautiful and I miss it already!), breaking three fingernails getting their car seats in. We drive to stop #2 which was to the Weight Watchers place to sign up so I can lose the baby weight. Of course, I miss three quarters of the meeting because Mr. Two Year Old decides he needs to go potty for half and hour. And now, of course, I'm accountable for the food I eat and I have to weigh in every week--which is the only thing that keeps me on track--so I haven't had anything good to eat today, it's all been healthy. And before someone tells me that healthy food can also be delicious, know that I know that--I'm just crabby because I really want some chocolate! AAAARRGHHH!!!!

                      So, can I just say I REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate all of you making/posting/thinking such nice things? I needed some fun today! Gateworld will just have to be my chocolate for the time being.

                      That's tough but hang in there. You can do it.

                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      Is it that you don't have much time for reading? Or maybe you aren't too interested in it? (I'm just curious.)

                      I'll have snippets from some of the other books as well. There's a couple from "Survival of the Fittest" that just made me laugh right out loud when I read them, in spite of the dire situation everyone was in. There's some good humor in these stories, as well as all the action, danger, etc.
                      Thanks for posting the one earlier. I really enjoyed it

                      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                      That sucks. Might I recommend getting a box of devil's food cake mix and a 15oz can of pumpkin (nothing else needed - mix 'em together and bake yourself twelve chocolately muffins, add in a few chocolate chips if you'd like). Sans chocolate chips, they were (on the old point system) 3 points apiece (and they were soooo gooood).

                      And if that fails there's always:

             - which I can't embed because it's too many MBs or KBs or whatever. SO click and enjoy
                      Nice. I'm sure Sam felt that way too many times to count

                      Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                      There's an angel food/pineapple cake that's great (got the recipe from WW) all I remember was a box of angel food mix and a 20 oz can of pineapple with juice. Mix, bake, delish.

                      I always filled up on a ton of veggies. Lost 50 pounds with WW. They were great for keeping me "honest" by keeping a diary.

                      Hmmm, how would Sam deal with post-pregnancy weight?
                      She would breast feed, expressing when necessary, jog around with baby O'Neill in tow, weights while Jack's baby sitting and sex to burn off those pesky lingering calories.
                      sig by Mada
                      As a matter of FIC


                        Random Q: (wow, it's been a while)

                        What advice would Magnus give Sam about Jack?
                        sig by Mada
                        As a matter of FIC


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          Is it that you don't have much time for reading? Or maybe you aren't too interested in it? (I'm just curious.)
                          Every time I start to read one of the Fandamonium novels I'm hit was A) I want to read fanfic 'cause I know I'll find ship in it, and B) I want to write a Fand... novel. LOL. The only reasons, honest.

                          Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                          Random Q: (wow, it's been a while)

                          What advice would Magnus give Sam about Jack?
                          Carpe diem already!

                          Sharon: Love!!!! Much love to you. Hang in there, honey!


                          *whisper* Jack, I just felt the baby move.
                          Ooh, lemme! This is my second-favorite place to be!
                          You two do know that I am right here.
                          quiet daniel
                          You know, cribs shouldn't be this hard to put together!
                          I think I found a word here that might help us figure out that drawing.
                          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                            Okay, quick question... Does anyone know where I can find a list of Sg-1 novels sorted by *publish date*? I thought the second book was Sacrifice Moon, but now I'm not sure. I know that they were published out of canonical order, so to speak, but I'd prefer to read them in order of publish date.... *sigh*

                            Any one know?


                              Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                              She would breast feed, expressing when necessary, jog around with baby O'Neill in tow, weights while Jack's baby sitting and sex to burn off those pesky lingering calories.
                              Breastfeed with her schedule? LOL. I'm guessing that after she gets back to work after three months, she goes to formula and because of military weight requirements she ends up running, and other such things to get back into shape...


                                Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                                Okay, quick question... Does anyone know where I can find a list of Sg-1 novels sorted by *publish date*? I thought the second book was Sacrifice Moon, but now I'm not sure. I know that they were published out of canonical order, so to speak, but I'd prefer to read them in order of publish date.... *sigh*

                                Any one know?

                                Stargate Novels

                                I don't know that it was published first, but "Sacrifice Moon" takes place four days after the death of Charlie Kawalski in "The Enemy Within". Each book is a stand-alone story. Two of SGA's stories - "Nightfall" and "Angelus" - were published with "Nightfall" first, even though that story took place after "Angelus".

                                You can find the dates of publication for each book on these two sites.

