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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
    I'll have to catch it tomorrow afternoon. I'll be re-posting my 100 Looks of Jack (hopefully) LOL -
    You better! I loved it, and you inspired me to do 100 Looks of Sam. (Hope that's OK? Don't want to stomp on your turf.) It's not nearly the masterpiece that yours is, though.


      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
      BrenRen...hope you'll repost some of this great stuff in the party thread when it opens!

      It's gonna be fun!

      Definitely! I bookmarked a couple of those old ABC's lists we compiled many moons ago as well as my lovely *99 Pictures of Ship* Caption-song... Oh, and this one...

      Stargatin’ Across the Universe!

      Sam, Jack, Daniel, Teal’c, General Hammond:

      Stargatin’ across the Multiverse!
      With the team of SG1, led by Colonel O’Neill!
      Stargatin’ across the Multiverse!
      Boldly going forward ’cause wormholes don’t reverse…

      {Major Sam Carter, Report!}

      There’s Jaffa coming at six o’clock!
      Six o’clock!
      Six o’clock!
      There’s Jaffa coming at six o’clock!
      Six o’clock, Colonel!

      {Announcing Doctor Daniel Jackson! Yay!}

      Hey Jack! Look at that! That’s an amazing Ancient rock!
      An Ancient Rock! An Ancient Rock! An amazing Ancient rock!


      There’s Jaffa coming at six o’clock!
      Six o’clock!
      Six o’clock!
      There’s Jaffa coming at six o’clock!
      Six o’clock, Colonel!

      Sam, Jack, Daniel, Teal’c, General Hammond:

      Stargatin’ across the Multiverse!
      Only going forward ’cause wormholes don’t reverse!
      Stargatin’ across the Multiverse!
      With the SG1 team right through the next verse…

      {Former First Prime Teal’c}

      They are false gods indeed.
      They are false gods indeed.
      It’s time to set my people free.


      Hey Jack! Look at that! That’s an amazing Ancient rock!
      An Ancient rock! An Ancient rock! An amazing Ancient rock!


      There’s Jaffa coming at six o’clock!
      Six o’clock!
      Six o’clock!
      There’s Jaffa coming at six o’clock!
      Six o’clock, Colonel!

      {And the Leader of SG1, Colonel Jack O’Neill!}

      I’ve got a big gun and I know how to use it.
      Just give me an excuse.
      Any excuse.
      I have a big gun and I know how to use it.
      Go ahead, make my day!

      General Hammond:

      SG1, you have a go.
      I repeat,
      You have a go.
      SG1, you have a go.
      Take those snakeheads down.


      I have a big gun and I know how to use it.
      Go ahead, make my day!


      They are false gods indeed.
      It’s time to set my people free.


      Hey Jack! Look at that! That’s an amazing Ancient rock!


      There’s Jaffa coming at six o’clock!
      Six o’clock, Colonel!

      Sam, Jack, Daniel, Teal’c, General Hammond, and Thor:

      Stargatin’ across the Multiverse!
      Only going forward ’cause wormholes don’t reverse!
      Stargatin’ across the Multiverse!
      With the SG1 team right through the next verse…

      General Hammond:

      SG1, you have a go.
      Take those snakeheads down.


      They are false gods indeed.
      It’s time to set my people free.


      Hey Jack! Look at that! That’s an amazing Ancient rock!


      There’s Jaffa coming at six o’clock!
      Six o’clock, not grab my six, Colonel!


      We’re just in time to save the day!
      Save the day!
      Save the day!
      We’re just in time to save the day!
      Don’t you just love our little gray butts!


      Hey! Where’s my wrench?

      Sam: Reverse the polarity! I said *REVERSE!

      Daniel: Hey, look, Jack! I can Flyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      {*Cue Chorus Loop*}

      Jack: Oh my God, you killed Daniel! You *******s!

      General Hammond:

      Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


      The false gods are dead and my people are free.
      This is a good day indeed.


      The good guys won and the bad guys are dead.
      At least I didn’t have to stay dead again this time.


      The war is over and we’re finally free!
      Dammit, Jack! Screw the regs! Why aren’t you kissing me?!

      Daniel, Teal’c, General Hammond, and Thor:

      Go on and kiss the girl!


      And here’s my official resignation!

      Daniel, Teal’c, General Hammond, Thor:

      Stargatin’ across the Multiverse!
      Sam and Jack and the Ship will set sail ’cause only true love will break the black widow curse!
      Love and hot fudge,
      Bren Ren
      My stories!



        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        At the risk of being self-serving, I wrote one too; although in my Per Aspera ad Astra young Mr. Carter O'Neill had not yet arrived.
        You are so right, and I'm sorry for not mentioning it. Your reminder prompted me to re-read it (a total pleasure, BTW). I also left a review from when I read it the first time last year. It's actually one of my favourite Pregnant Sam stories.


          Bren! So great to see you! Love all of these songs! So awesome! Hehe...Why aren't you kissing me?!


            What was that again...Squee the Musical?


              i won't be attending the ship day festivities, so i'll say now, happy ship day.

              to the max!



                Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                [FONT=Times New Roman][SIZE=4][COLOR=DarkOrchid]
                Definitely! I bookmarked a couple of those old ABC's lists we compiled many moons ago as well as my lovely *99 Pictures of Ship* Caption-song... Oh, and this one...
                [LEFT] [B]Stargatin’ Across the Universe!
                OMG, this is so great! Very creative -- love it!


                  Who's opening the Ship Day Thread???? And when does it staaaaaaaaaaaaarttt?
                  Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                    me too asking where is Ship Day thread???

                    avatar and sig by flidget


                      lol just read on the page before that it starts in 3mins (then it was an hour and a half away) and Melissa's gonna post the linkie
                      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                        I feel like a kid at Christmas.
                        I want the Ship Day to star now. XDDD
                        Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
                        My Livejournal. | My fanfictions. | My videos. | My twitter.
                        Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                          It's almost time . . . .

                          The Return of King Arthur
                          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                            Just in case anybody missed it (as if) Ship Day is Here!!

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                              Howdy Campers! Been a while! Miss me?

                              Thought I'd drop by on the Ship Day Eve, get my head back into Sam & Jack mode for the big festivities tomorrow... I'm trying to dig up that little run of the "99 Pictures of Ship" song I threw together in that vie for my custom avie some several donkeys years ago, and I stumbled across this cute little list we compiled quite some time back. Figured y'all would enjoy seeing it again!

                              • The ABC's of Scenes Left on the Editing Room Floor...
                              • A - Affinity - At the end of the infamous lab scene, Jack says, "I'd be here," and kisses Sam senseless.
                              • B - Broca Divide - where, instead of dragging Sam off to the infirmary, Jack drags her to the nearest closet where much noise and growling and stuff is heard, but nobody can find the key to the closet.
                              • C - Chimera - Jack visits in the hospital and warns him to never attempt contact with anyone involved in the sting opperation crashed, with extra emphasis on the consequences of such an action.
                              • D- Divide and Conquer - Sam says they can leave it in the room...Jack say's he doesn't want to
                              • E - Ex Deus Machina - "Not exactly... I just got back from my honeymoon with General O'Neill."
                              • F - Fail Safe - see Two Hours of Life Support
                              • G - Grace - When Sam wakes up and calls him "Jack", he answers "I'm right here, Sam." And then they re-enact that hallucinatory kiss-- for real and in slow motion!
                              • H - (A) Hundred Days - Jack tells Laira he's saving himself for his true love (Sam), then takes Sam in his arms in that last scene and kisses her senseless because he's missed her so terribly.
                              • I - It's Good To Be King - The last scene was originally scripted to be King Harry's wedding to his two brides, and those flowers Jack and Sam were holding were the brides' bouquets they had caught... You know what that means!
                              • J - Jolinar's Memories - When Sam cries out in agony while using the memory recall device, Jack rushes to her side and wraps his arms around her in a classic Jack-hug.
                              • K- Death Knell- Jack does lean over and place a kiss on her head and she wraps her arms around him and he hugs her tight.
                              • L - (The) Light - When Jack grabs Sam on the beach and she grabs him back, they stare into each other's eyes for a moment, then kiss each other senseless! (sensing a theme here?)
                              • M - Moebius - After realizing they are trapped in Ancient Egypt, Sam and Jack agree that Regs really don't matter anymore.
                              • N- Nemesis - Sam accepts that fishing invite from Jack...and Thor doesn't interrupt
                              • O - Out of Mind - Jack gets an eyeful when Sam's blanket slips a little too low...
                              • P - Paradise Lost - Sam's on the rescue ship and she runs straight into his arms, knocking him to the ground and kisses him senseless.
                              • Q- Quest Part 2- After she punches Ba'al she says "That's for what you did to my husband"
                              • R - Ripple Effect - Sam slaps Alter-Marty for trying to kiss her and informs him in no uncertain terms that she is very happily married to Jack.
                              • S - Serpent's Venom - when Jack rests his face against Sam's tummy under the bomb from the minefield ... uh ... er ... need help here ... what to do with this????
                              • T - Threads - Sam tells Jack she broke up with and asks Jack to take her *Fishing*
                              • U- Upgrades- Once they get back Jack wraps her in a hug
                              • V - (Point of) View - (Cheating, I know...) AlterSam tells our Sam all about being married to Jack.
                              • W - Window of Opportunity - After the awesome dip kiss loop, Sam realizes the "no consequences" benefit of the time loops and drags Jack into the nearest empty storage closet.
                              • X - eX Deus Machina. sam tells barrett to back off, she's a married woman now.
                              • Y - (The Devil) You Know - (I know, *really* *really* cheating there!) Still under the influence of the Blood of Sokar, Sam turns to Jack for comfort and they share a passionate kiss right in front of both Marty and Dad.
                              • Z- Zero Hour- Sam follows Jack into the locker room and helps as he changes into his clothes that he abores...and suddenly they're his favorite clothes
                              Loved this!!!
                              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                                Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                                I'm usually not a fan of slide show vids, but NOW I AM! I absolutely love the style and technique you used to create a flow of movement with the screencaps. The music and pics you used are great, and just had a nice flow to them. As the song peaked at the end, you had the BD scene. It was orgasmic! Can I say that? I have no idea what the end said though. Uploading to my iPod.
                                Thanks a lot for noticing my vid ) I have registered just to say it and also to ask what does "BD scene" mean? could you expain, please?

