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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Wow... thanks a bunch everyone for all the links. Feel free to keep 'em comin' but I already have enough bookmarked to keep me busy for a while, which is sweet

    Originally posted by Pol View Post
    I'll be sure to send over a little care package, you'll need sustenance. Make sure you leave breadcrumbs so you can find your way back!
    Just make sure there is chocolate... Jack is always better with a little chocolate *drops first breadcrumb* And I'm off to shippy fanfic land!!! *eyes glaze over in joy*
    sigpic Gets better with age!

    Creation Vancouver SG Con 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
    GateCon Vancouver 2011
    Creation Chicago SG Con 2013 - 2014


      Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
      I love it! I have a secret for everyone here... this the the 1st fanfic I have EVER READ!!!! THanks for sharing and I'm glad this was the first I've read... I'm off to a good start
      Thank you for reading! I've been writing fic for a long time, and it's something I really enjoy. It's a lot of fun to explore these characters in new ways.
      sigpicsig by Isolde


        Originally posted by siles View Post
        This is great! I chuckled at quite a few of them, but laughed right out loud at #40 - the one about "Death Knell".


          Originally posted by Artie View Post
          Thank you everybody for the nice hellos! I appreciate it!

          I've done a Jack/Sam story over on livejournal, which I bring as sort of a casserole to the potluck. I hope it's ok to post the link here, and that you guys like it.
          Great fic. Really nice flow and rhythm. I'm not a fan of the fanfic trend of writing in simple present tense, I find it distracting and it's not a good model for young writers.

          That said, this was well done and handled beautifully. Great job. Thanks for sharing and welcome to the family.
          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


            Originally posted by siles View Post

            Video project update:
            gater62 can't find a way to record her voice, I'm so sorry but probably I'll have to give her sentences to someon else.
            I have no news of BrenRen...where did she disappear?
            So, is there someone else interested to join this project? You just must have a microphone and a program to record your voice.
            Let me know!
            Last edited by XFchemist; 05 March 2010, 10:54 AM.
            My vids Sig made by me


              Originally posted by Pol View Post
              Great fic. Really nice flow and rhythm. I'm not a fan of the fanfic trend of writing in simple present tense, I find it distracting and it's not a good model for young writers.

              That said, this was well done and handled beautifully. Great job. Thanks for sharing and welcome to the family.
              Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm not exactly a young writer though! *g*
              sigpicsig by Isolde


                Sorry for the double post

                But since I still don't have all the voice recs, I made a vid with my dear friend Camilla. It's again a trailer for our favourite fic writer. I know that almost nobody here speaks French, but the English version will be ready very soon.
                Btw, since she is French and we are Italians...and here there are a lot of amazing there someone who wants to be a Beta reader for her? Please!

                The fic is called Collide

                My vids Sig made by me


                  Originally posted by Fluffy17 View Post
                  Too right - addiction warnings should be given especially for those really long ones when it's a case of "just one chapter more then I'll go"
                  I love the really long ones! I just noticed that my 'Need to Read' folder is really full, after bookmarking a few fics of Jenn's that I haven't read.
                  I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                    Originally posted by Artie View Post
                    Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm not exactly a young writer though! *g*
                    Sorry, I didn't mean that you're a young writer. You clearly said in another post (and your writing reflects this) that you've been writing for a while. More, but it's OT to this thread
                    I merely meant that the "simple present" tense is a habit a lot of new writers pick up from fanfic (I'm a professor, I see this a LOT). It's also a trend that has recently spilled over (uncorrected) into the media during news coverage - which makes me nuts.

                    If used properly, it can be an effective too. Unfortunately, a lot of young writers (those with no read "edited" experience) tend to slip and shift tenses. That's all I meant.

                    And, for the ON-topicness,and because I am writing about it in this week's Campfire...Pretense caps.

                    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                      Sorry for the double post

                      But since I still don't have all the voice recs, I made a vid with my dear friend Camilla. It's again a trailer for our favourite fic writer. *snip*

                      The fic is called Collide

                      I really like this vid. Wish I had the talent to do this kind of stuff cause I got some great ideas (especially with regards to Jack and Sam ) but its totally beyond my abilities right now!
                      sigpic Gets better with age!

                      Creation Vancouver SG Con 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012
                      GateCon Vancouver 2011
                      Creation Chicago SG Con 2013 - 2014


                        Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
                        I would love some suggestions i anyone has any.
                        Well, I'm sure by now you've got tons to read, but I'll pimp my fic anyway.
                        A Sam and Jack Christmas. It's not finished as my SJ muse has completely left me, and my Bones muse has moved in.
                        and this, which was written by me and my good buddy (shel, as she is known by here on GW) Click me... and review... please?
                        Originally posted by siles View Post
                        Love this! If it was on I would put it in my faves.


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          This is great! I chuckled at quite a few of them, but laughed right out loud at #40 - the one about "Death Knell".
                          How brilliant is this! How true it is! Laughed a lot on this

                          well that makes sense - too may this's - ah the trials of writing after coming in from a night out
                          Last edited by Fluffy17; 05 March 2010, 01:55 PM.


                            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                            Yes, and also what would have happened if Cooper had remained a writer and not showrunner.
                            is it wrong to squee at this idea?



                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              is it wrong to squee at this idea?

                              So, I got distracted for a while by RL but I shall continue watching SG-1 tonight even though I should be doing homework
                              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                                I got this...idea today. A fic idea. A...challenge...if you will. I was walking to class this afternoon and spotted two of my students. They were having a fun, rather lighthearted discussion when he suddenly bent and kissed her. She looked so shocked and then delighted, it was rather sweet.

                                I'm going to be flat on my back for the next two days, anyone wanna write a "first kiss" story? A 'how it came about' kind of thing? No limits, try to steer away from clichés, but...anyone?
                                Pol came up with this idea a few days ago, and I couldn't help but do something with it, so I thought I'd share:

                                Nothin' but Fluff, baby! Two first kiss stories rolled into--well--one, but it's two chapters. . .

                                Two Sheets, One Blanket

                                I hope you enjoy. . .
                                My Stories: FFdotNet
                                My Stories AO3
                                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!

