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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Pol View Post
    I honestly don't think TPTB give a rat's a$$ (to quote Sam Carter in Continuum) if our thread is hopping or not. I care; therefore I post. :::shrug again:::
    Plus, you know, they have lives too and probably, especially given SGU started up again Friday, almost certainly have other things to do with any time they do spend on GW this weekend then worry about how many posts the S/J thread has.

    But I could be wrong.

    OTOH, if any TPTB are strolling along, I feel the need to publically state that I absolutely adored SGU and I love the depth and complexity of the situations and characters. I'm left wondering what Sam and Jack both as characters and in a relationship would have been if TPTB had been as willing (or able...) to embrace character instead of explosion back 'in the day'. *sigh*

    /dodges *more* tomatoes

    EDIT: But, more importantly, Happy Easter!!
    Last edited by JenniferJF; 04 April 2010, 03:33 AM.


      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
      Plus, you know, they have lives too and probably, especially given SGU started up again Friday, almost certainly have other things to do with any time they do spend on GW this weekend then worry about how many posts the S/J thread has.

      But I could be wrong.

      OTOH, if any TPTB are strolling along, I feel the need to publically state that I absolutely adored SGU and I love the depth and complexity of the situations and characters. I'm left wondering what Sam and Jack both as characters and in a relationship would have been if TPTB had been as willing (or able...) to embrace character instead of explosion back 'in the day'. *sigh*

      /dodges *more* tomatoes

      EDIT: But, more importantly, Happy Easter!!
      I was discussing this with my husband this weekend - that I felt like RDA and AT added so much depth to SG-1 that just wasn't written on the page and that if they had been allowed the freedom SGU has to explore those hidden sides of the character it would have been more angsty and more prevalent on the show.

      But I live in the angst cavern with you... so I'll hang out and dodge tomatoes with you. Maybe we can turn them into a lovely lasagna? You bring the pasta... I bring the spices... anyone got the garlic bread?

      Happy Easter!


        In Remembrance

        A short little Easter one shot - set post S.10 S/J established - One Easter Sunday, Sam remembers.


          In Remembrance

          A short little Easter one shot - set post S.10 S/J established - One Easter Sunday, Sam remembers.
          Thanks for sharing--it was lovely!
          My Stories: FFdotNet
          My Stories AO3
          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
            Correct me if I'm wrong, but he didn't accept it when Pete tried in Threads, did he?
            No, he didn't accept it. But I have a tad different notion of why Pete said "Dad". I don't think he was actually addressing him as "Dad". I think he was so startled to be introduced to Jacob, he said "Dad" as a question, like "You are Sam's Dad?" I think he was in shock over this, because he hadn't been told ahead of time that he was going to meet his future father-in-law, and reacted out of complete surprise.

            But that's just my opinion.

            And Jacob didn't know Pete didn't know he was about to meet "Dad", and he likely thought Pete was being flippant by calling him "Dad", thus saying Pete couldn't do that until he actually married Sam.

            So don't throw tomatoes or fish or anything like that, pwetty please. I'm perfectly happy to go along with the traditional way of viewing that scene and how most everybody else sees it.


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              No, he didn't accept it. But I have a tad different notion of why Pete said "Dad". I don't think he was actually addressing him as "Dad". I think he was so startled to be introduced to Jacob, he said "Dad" as a question, like "You are Sam's Dad?" I think he was in shock over this, because he hadn't been told ahead of time that he was going to meet his future father-in-law, and reacted out of complete surprise.

              But that's just my opinion.

              And Jacob didn't know Pete didn't know he was about to meet "Dad", and he likely thought Pete was being flippant by calling him "Dad", thus saying Pete couldn't do that until he actually married Sam.

              So don't throw tomatoes or fish or anything like that, pwetty please. I'm perfectly happy to go along with the traditional way of viewing that scene and how most everybody else sees it.
              I always thought of it more like he was trying to lighten the situation a little. I think there's definitely an undercurrent where Jacob is thinking "Really? This guy?" but I've always thought of him trying to be... diplomatic...

              :: headdesk :: What a painful scene...

              Meeting Dad OT
              My husband didn't meet my dad until a week before the wedding and they really did hit it off. One hilarious story though - for my bridesmaids I was getting them all gift cards to Victoria's Secret. So apparently my dad volunteered to pick them up and decided to do this on the day my husband and him had planned to spend the day together. Things were going great when my husband looks up and sees - right VS LOL. They both walked in - they didn't look at each other, they didn't say a word... my dad purchased the gift cards...

              And made my husband carry the bag :: giggles ::

              The worst part was that I knew about it the day before.


                No, he didn't accept it. But I have a tad different notion of why Pete said "Dad". I don't think he was actually addressing him as "Dad". I think he was so startled to be introduced to Jacob, he said "Dad" as a question, like "You are Sam's Dad?" I think he was in shock over this, because he hadn't been told ahead of time that he was going to meet his future father-in-law, and reacted out of complete surprise.

                But that's just my opinion.

                And Jacob didn't know Pete didn't know he was about to meet "Dad", and he likely thought Pete was being flippant by calling him "Dad", thus saying Pete couldn't do that until he actually married Sam.

                So don't throw tomatoes or fish or anything like that, pwetty please. I'm perfectly happy to go along with the traditional way of viewing that scene and how most everybody else sees it.
                That's exactly how I viewed that moment with Pete and Jacob, too, but it's so much more satisfying to view it the other way. The romas in the vegetable drawer of my fridge are safe!
                My Stories: FFdotNet
                My Stories AO3
                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  No, he didn't accept it. But I have a tad different notion of why Pete said "Dad". I don't think he was actually addressing him as "Dad". I think he was so startled to be introduced to Jacob, he said "Dad" as a question, like "You are Sam's Dad?" I think he was in shock over this, because he hadn't been told ahead of time that he was going to meet his future father-in-law, and reacted out of complete surprise.\
                  Oh, I agree with this part completely. Pete wasn't calling Jacob 'Dad' but was, in fact, surprised to find Sam's Dad there and was simply repeating what she'd said as a question, as you said, Sam introduced "Dad" and he was repeating as a question in shock, "Dad?!?"


                  I think Jacob intentionally misunderstood what Pete was saying as an opportunity to stress the point Pete still hadn't passed the 'Dad' test. Pete might have been accepted by Sam, but he still hadn't by Jacob. What's interesting is that, given how tense Sam was already about the meeting, Jacob was throwing oil on the proverbial fire by making the situation more awkward rather than less. This tells me Jacob was already predisposed to dislike Pete - which I believe is because Jacob knew perfectly well how Sam and Jack felt about each other and also suspected what Sam was doing with Pete and so was effectively throwing down the gauntlet to Pete and making it *quite* clear in 'guy-talk' that Sam wasn't Pete's yet. Even the way Jacob says the line has a challenge in it: "You have to actually marry my daughter first."


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    Oh, I agree with this part completely. Pete wasn't calling Jacob 'Dad' but was, in fact, surprised to find Sam's Dad there and was simply repeating what she'd said as a question, as you said, Sam introduced "Dad" and he was repeating as a question in shock, "Dad?!?"


                    I think Jacob intentionally misunderstood what Pete was saying as an opportunity to stress the point Pete still hadn't passed the 'Dad' test. Pete might have been accepted by Sam, but he still hadn't by Jacob. What's interesting is that, given how tense Sam was already about the meeting, Jacob was throwing oil on the proverbial fire by making the situation more awkward rather than less. This tells me Jacob was already predisposed to dislike Pete - which I believe is because Jacob knew perfectly well how Sam and Jack felt about each other and also suspected what Sam was doing with Pete and so was effectively throwing down the gauntlet to Pete and making it *quite* clear in 'guy-talk' that Sam wasn't Pete's yet. Even the way Jacob says the line has a challenge in it: "You have to actually marry my daughter first."
                    Does anybody think somebody told Jacob about the stake-out fiasco where Pete showed up and got injured? I'm thinking if he knew, that would also affect his attitude toward Pete and pre-dispose him to not liking him. Just wondering. (Maybe Hammond told Jacob about it - since I still don't think that whole thing would have been dismissed or brushed aside with Pete not getting in trouble for what he did.)


                      Happy Easter everyone
                      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                        My two cents...

                        The first cent-I've never viewed Pete as saying 'Dad' because he was surprised, but it has been a while since I've seen that...and I guess I could see it both ways. Either way, I don't think Jacob was too pleased.

                        The second cent-While I wouldn't have minded TPTB going into more depth with the feelings, reactions, emotional fallouts, etc. of SG-1 characters, I am quite happy SG-1 was not like SGU. I just have so many SGU issues.

                        Anyway, Happy Easter! And speaking of Pete, I recall one Easter having Pete the Peep, and his wonderful adventure with the microwave.


                          Happy Easter everyone!!


                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            No, he didn't accept it. But I have a tad different notion of why Pete said "Dad". I don't think he was actually addressing him as "Dad". I think he was so startled to be introduced to Jacob, he said "Dad" as a question, like "You are Sam's Dad?" I think he was in shock over this, because he hadn't been told ahead of time that he was going to meet his future father-in-law, and reacted out of complete surprise.

                            But that's just my opinion.
                            I see it exactly the same way.

                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            And Jacob didn't know Pete didn't know he was about to meet "Dad", and he likely thought Pete was being flippant by calling him "Dad", thus saying Pete couldn't do that until he actually married Sam.

                            So don't throw tomatoes or fish or anything like that, pwetty please. I'm perfectly happy to go along with the traditional way of viewing that scene and how most everybody else sees it.
                            I don't think Jacob considered Pete as being flippant and I don't know "how most everybody else sees it." What I see is Jacob holding the stance of "father knows best" to this jamoke who fell apart before Sam finished the introduction. All the while Sam is anxious and embarrassed.

                            I can't help comparing this to Jacob's first meeting with Jack. I also think Jacob was doing a little comparing as well. I realize the situations are different but first impressions do stick with a person. The two stay squared off with each other, unbroken eye contact, voices unwavering. I'm quite sure Jacob made note of Sam perking up (sipping her drink along with Jack and then jutting out her chin) when Jack didn't back down to Jacob's remark about the deep space program. So, even if Sam might not have been aware of any feelings, I think Jacob was clued in right away.


                              Bringing the Challenge entries over from the Artwork Thread

                              CHALLENGE WEEK 82
                              from Jumble

                              Next Thursday, 1st April, is the SECOND BIRTHDAY of the

                              SHIPPY HIPPY INSANITY PARTY

                              So the Challenge is to make Hippy Artwork!!

                              Size: Any
                              Pics: Any
                              Text: Any

                              As long as it's bright and colourful









                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                Absolutely! One of the finest flicks ever.

                                And I'm writing an Easter fic--I'll post as soon as it's up. It's a Glinda story. . .so, therefore, as fluffy as baby chicks.
                                And it was a perfect Easter treat.

                                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                                In Remembrance

                                A short little Easter one shot - set post S.10 S/J established - One Easter Sunday, Sam remembers.
                                This, too, was lovely.

                                Happy Easter or Good Passover to all and sundry.

                                I count this community among my many blessings.


                                Easter kisses:
                                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."

