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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by UhSir View Post
    Carter, what is that?
    I think it's some sort of transport system, sir.
    Well, whatever it transports smells like...
    That's it, sir!
    This is where they put Clifford's poo!
    Hilarious, Uhsir! I was scrolling down and was wondering where you were going with it and then bam, I was hit with the poo joke.
    I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


      Originally Posted by Pol
      Which brings me to you all (those who write) read your own fanfic? For fun, I mean. Just wondering.
      I appear to be in the minority here but, no, I really don't go back and routinely re-read old fic I've written. When I'm done, I move on to something else. Not that I've written anything Stargate in a while, or anything fanfic related, but, I'm not one to go back and re-read and re-read.
      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


        *Walks into thread*

        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

        Carter, how do Teletubbies reproduce?

        Sir...we're in a briefing. Try to concentrate.


        EDIT: *Wakes up* Eh? What happened? *Sees pic*
        Last edited by Valerie_Jackson; 08 March 2010, 08:27 AM.


          On the topic of re-reading fic!

          Own fic: Only when it is needed and to see how crappy I write! Plus to make sure I'm not redoing stuff

          Other fic: I have a few in my favorites that get read over and over again when it is needed!


            Hmmm. Oops. By "my archive" I mean the page where I've got zillions of OTHER people's fic.

            LOL. Oops.
            Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


              Thanks for everyone's thoughts on reading your own fic. I, like many of you (Tammy excluded, it seems <g>), read my own fic, and for mostly the same reasons. I write what I want to read.

              I was just curious and I appreciate your answers.

              And...because we all know and love them...and know they're together, a little pic from Zuz.
              Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                Thanks for everyone's thoughts on reading your own fic. I, like many of you (Tammy excluded, it seems <g>), read my own fic, and for mostly the same reasons. I write what I want to read.

                I was just curious and I appreciate your answers.

                And...because we all know and love them...and know they're together, a little pic from Zuz.

                Ohh. Drool. Is that a posed shot or did Zuz manip them together?

                I re-read all my original may-make-money-someday stuff usually because someone I've asked to read it has made notes! But fic. Meh. Nope. Never see a reason to, really. Though I do re-read other's fic that I particularly like.
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  On the topic of reading my own fic -- yes, I do go back and reread things, especially when I'm writing the same characters. I tend to have an internal continuity -- in other words, if I think something happened a certain way and write it that way, then later fics assume that's how it happened. For example, my Threads tag, Warp and Weft (here: is in my head as how I think Jack and Sam got together, and so stories that are set later take that into account.

                  I'm sure everybody and their brother has done a Threads tag. What are the best ones you've seen?
                  sigpicsig by Isolde


                    Hey Shippers

                    Originally posted by Pol View Post
                    Thanks for everyone's thoughts on reading your own fic. I, like many of you (Tammy excluded, it seems <g>), read my own fic, and for mostly the same reasons. I write what I want to read.

                    I was just curious and I appreciate your answers.

                    And...because we all know and love them...and know they're together, a little pic from Zuz.
                    Yes I do read my own fic. I figure if I don't want to read it who will

                    Like others I also write what I'd like to see but I do kinda write some of it to justify some things in my own head ie why/how could this happen.

                    And when I get a really nice review I may reread it to remember the story and pick up the reviewer's pov.

                    So it's a yes from me as well

                    Of course there are authors (from this thread and others) fics I've saved and read and reread and reread again because they're just that good!
                    sig by Mada
                    As a matter of FIC


                      I'm sure everybody and their brother has done a Threads tag. What are the best ones you've seen?
                      That's precisely why I'm not sure I'll ever write one. Or a Divide and Conquer tag. I did write the entire story between Heroes and Threads once(Passing Time), and addressed the issue--but it wasn't specific to Threads. It was a huge multi-chaptered story exploring that entire space of time from Jack's perspective. So--not a tag. (And did I mention that it's long?)

                      Jenn's "Being There" is nice, too--and the Threads tag chapter there is "Disentangle" (am I right? I think I'm right. . .) I haven't read any recently, though--so I'm not really the best one to be answering that.

                      So, I'll shut up.
                      My Stories: FFdotNet
                      My Stories AO3
                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        FYI, Grace is on SciFi!


                          FYI, Grace is on SciFi!
                          Runs to change channel!!!!!
                          My Stories: FFdotNet
                          My Stories AO3
                          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                            FYI, Grace is on SciFi!


                              There's reason enough to watch right there! But, when you see the kiss in real time, it's too fast! *loves slo-mo*


                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                                There's reason enough to watch right there! But, when you see the kiss in real time, it's too fast! *loves slo-mo*
                                im doing to de-lurk to say i agree with this so very much! The slo-mo version is *so* much better than the original version cuz that one goes to fast
                                thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic

