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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    If they filled in all the gaps and didn't leave us wondering would we be here?
    And it provides the fodder for so many interesting stories.
    Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
    My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


      Originally posted by Zoser View Post
      If they filled in all the gaps and didn't leave us wondering would we be here?
      And it provides the fodder for so many interesting stories.
      A friend on Tumblr posted this quote yesterday:

      "Fandom, after all, is born of a balance between fascination and frustration; if media content didn't fascinate us, there would be no desire to engage with it; but if it didn't frustrate us on some level, there would be no drive to rewrite or remake it." (Henry Jenkins)

      This EXACTLY states how I feel about all the fandoms in which I actively participate. Shows where things are all neatly wrapped up in tidy little packages don't make me want to talk, or discuss, or write about them. The shows where I am both totally intrigued, but constantly teased or provoked, are the ones I can't stop thinking about.

      It's the lack of neat, tidy, little packages that motivates me to stick around.
      Last edited by Akamaimom; 23 September 2015, 07:10 PM.
      My Stories: FFdotNet
      My Stories AO3
      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        A friend on Tumblr posted this quote yesterday:

        "Fandom, after all, is born of a balance between fascination and frustration; if media content didn't fascinate us, there would be no destire to engage with it; but if it didn't frustrate us on some level, there would be no drive to rewrite or remake it." (Henry Jenkins)

        This EXACTLY states how I feel about all the fandoms in which I actively participate. Shows where things are all neatly wrapped up in tidy little packages don't make me want to talk, or discuss, or write about them. The shows where I am both totally intrigued, but constantly teased or provoked, are the ones I can't stop thinking about.

        It's the lack of neat, tidy, little packages that motivates me to stick around.
        Yes, yes, yes! I love this quote, and I think it really shows shows that have been over for quite some time continue to hold our interest.

        Though I will admit that my frustration outweighs my fascination more than I would like!
        The Return of King Arthur
        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


          For me the whole reason I'm in fandom is for the 'what if's'

          If a show is really good it makes you wonder, it makes you imagine. You find yourself thinking 'what if this happened?', 'what if that happened?' and for me that's what led me to start googling my favourite TV shows and engaging in fandom in the first place.
          Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


            Originally posted by sueKay View Post
            For me the whole reason I'm in fandom is for the 'what if's'

            If a show is really good it makes you wonder, it makes you imagine. You find yourself thinking 'what if this happened?', 'what if that happened?' and for me that's what led me to start googling my favourite TV shows and engaging in fandom in the first place.
            That's how I found this place years ago.
            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
            My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


              1. Helmets! They all should probably really wear them but they're actors not soldiers.
              2. Those are not Mongol ponies
              3. Shoulda listened to Daniel and go back home
              4. Don't listen to Daniel and stay.
              5. The lure of drugs
              6. The 'proper attire' shows off more of Sam's attributes than her BDU's
              7. "It kinda works for me" and "Samantha" compliments or is Jackgiving her a hard time?
              8. Split up the team - big mistake
              9. There are two guys kidnapping Sam. Abu had help
              10. Using to make or cement bond was not unusual in our not too distant past.
              11. Paying a bride price or conversely a dowry again not unusual in our not too distant past.
              12. warrior and scholar - yea Carter!
              13 Seems like a awful fancy dress to be chopping veg in
              14. Sam after the escape attempt is in a different dress - muddy? or was she assaulted?
              15. Food on the spit does not look appetizing
              16 "Oh there's not a chance in hell"
              17. They burned the flat bread.
              18. "She is difficult" yes!
              19. "Carter is a woman of power" yes!
              20. "You have nothing I want" "Oh yeah" Deal! Does Jack own Sam? Don't tell her.
              21. They brought her uniform.
              22. "Since when are you a politician?" Sam does not knuckle under to the Colonel.
              23. Was there an agreement before hand that Sam would fight? If not I'm surprised Jack would permit it.
              24. If any of those knives (I know they are rubber) were sharp there would be blood, lots of blood.
              25. They have obviously been on quite a few missions already.
              26. The fact that the guys left Sam alone to go to a party. They've been together a couple of months by now, and even if they are still new to each other, they should know better (especially Jack should know better) than to leave one of his team alone for any reason.


                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                1. Helmets! They all should probably really wear them but they're actors not soldiers.
                2. Those are not Mongol ponies
                3. Shoulda listened to Daniel and go back home
                4. Don't listen to Daniel and stay.
                5. The lure of drugs
                6. The 'proper attire' shows off more of Sam's attributes than her BDU's
                7. "It kinda works for me" and "Samantha" compliments or is Jackgiving her a hard time?
                8. Split up the team - big mistake
                9. There are two guys kidnapping Sam. Abu had help
                10. Using to make or cement bond was not unusual in our not too distant past.
                11. Paying a bride price or conversely a dowry again not unusual in our not too distant past.
                12. warrior and scholar - yea Carter!
                13 Seems like a awful fancy dress to be chopping veg in
                14. Sam after the escape attempt is in a different dress - muddy? or was she assaulted?
                15. Food on the spit does not look appetizing
                16 "Oh there's not a chance in hell"
                17. They burned the flat bread.
                18. "She is difficult" yes!
                19. "Carter is a woman of power" yes!
                20. "You have nothing I want" "Oh yeah" Deal! Does Jack own Sam? Don't tell her.
                21. They brought her uniform.
                22. "Since when are you a politician?" Sam does not knuckle under to the Colonel.
                23. Was there an agreement before hand that Sam would fight? If not I'm surprised Jack would permit it.
                24. If any of those knives (I know they are rubber) were sharp there would be blood, lots of blood.
                25. They have obviously been on quite a few missions already.
                26. The fact that the guys left Sam alone to go to a party. They've been together a couple of months by now, and even if they are still new to each other, they should know better (especially Jack should know better) than to leave one of his team alone for any reason.
                Are we adding to this? Because one thing that sticks out to me EVERY time I watch it is that, when Jack hands Turghan the gun, he says something about there being only "five more rounds in the clip".

                A gun person knows that the thing inside the weapon that feeds ammunition to be fired is a "magazine" and not a "clip". The "clip" is used to rapidly feed ammo into the magazine.

                According to "":

                "Clip vs. Magazine
                You know that boxy rectangular thingy that holds cartridges and slides into the bottom of your semi-auto pistol? It’s not a clip — no matter how often the term is misused. It’s a magazine.

                A magazine holds shells under spring pressure in preparation for feeding into the firearm’s chamber. Examples include box, tubular, drum and rotary magazines. Some are fixed to the firearm while others are removable.

                A cartridge “clip” has no spring and does not feed shells directly into the chamber. Rather, clips hold cartridges in the correct sequence for “charging” a specific firearm’s magazine. Stripper clips allow rounds to be “stripped” into the magazine. Other types are fed along with the shells into the magazine — the M1 Garand famously operates in this fashion. Once all rounds have been fired, the clip is ejected or otherwise released from the firearm.

                In essence, clips feed magazines. Magazines feed firearms."

                So Jack, being a Colonel in the US Air Force, wouldn't call the apparatus holding the ammunition inside his weapon a "clip". He would know that it's a "magazine".
                My Stories: FFdotNet
                My Stories AO3
                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                  Originally posted by Nerwen View Post
                  That makes sense.

                  Michael Shanks also once said, I believe around season 7, that Jack and Daniel are the core realtionship on Stargate. Regardless of the slash thing, do you agree?

                  Imo during the first 3 season that could apply but them it seems that the "core relationship" became the Sam and Jack thing. When I think of the scene with all of them fishing and Sam and Jack were at the dock and Teal´c and Daniel were seperate.
                  Coming out of the premise of the movie, I can see how he could get this idea going in, but the show became so much MORE than the original a good way.

                  Originally posted by sueKay View Post
                  For me the core of the show was always ALL the interactions between the 4 members of the team, and it wasn't just the loss of Jack in later seasons that muted my enjoyment of the show, it's when other characters outside that team dynamic suddenly got more time devoted to them. I didn't really care much about Vala, and Landry got more to do in 2 years than Hammond got in 7. Oh well.
                  SO. MUCH. THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                  I love the teaminess of this show. I love the little family they built together. I cared when one went missing, or was hurt. Just because a certain episode may have focused on expanding the backstory of one of them didn't diminish the ep in my eyes -I took the long view: once you string all the eps together, you get a broader picture of ALL the characters.

                  Look at Walter, for Pete's sake!!!

                  Did Gary Jones complain about the under utilization of his character?!?

                  ...and yet, I fell in love with Walter Harriman. I was so glad to see him still there after 8, 9, 10 seasons, and to see him in SGU as Jack's aide. I love fanfic where fans flesh his character's backstory out.

                  This is the wonderful thing that makes SG-1 special IMO.

                  Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                  A friend on Tumblr posted this quote yesterday:

                  "Fandom, after all, is born of a balance between fascination and frustration; if media content didn't fascinate us, there would be no destire to engage with it; but if it didn't frustrate us on some level, there would be no drive to rewrite or remake it." (Henry Jenkins)
                  That's beautiful. I love it.
                  sig by Ikorni

                  "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                  "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                  SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                    Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                    Are we adding to this? Because one thing that sticks out to me EVERY time I watch it is that, when Jack hands Turghan the gun, he says something about there being only "five more rounds in the clip".

                    A gun person knows that the thing inside the weapon that feeds ammunition to be fired is a "magazine" and not a "clip". The "clip" is used to rapidly feed ammo into the magazine.

                    According to "":

                    "Clip vs. Magazine
                    You know that boxy rectangular thingy that holds cartridges and slides into the bottom of your semi-auto pistol? It’s not a clip — no matter how often the term is misused. It’s a magazine.

                    A magazine holds shells under spring pressure in preparation for feeding into the firearm’s chamber. Examples include box, tubular, drum and rotary magazines. Some are fixed to the firearm while others are removable.

                    A cartridge “clip” has no spring and does not feed shells directly into the chamber. Rather, clips hold cartridges in the correct sequence for “charging” a specific firearm’s magazine. Stripper clips allow rounds to be “stripped” into the magazine. Other types are fed along with the shells into the magazine — the M1 Garand famously operates in this fashion. Once all rounds have been fired, the clip is ejected or otherwise released from the firearm.

                    In essence, clips feed magazines. Magazines feed firearms."

                    So Jack, being a Colonel in the US Air Force, wouldn't call the apparatus holding the ammunition inside his weapon a "clip". He would know that it's a "magazine".
                    Not having much knowledge of guns and such, I didn't know that. You would think the military advisers on the show would have caught that and corrected it. But I guess being so early in the show, they just let some things slip.

                    I just added me gripe to the list, because I thought it was a rather big error on their part. I like to think Hammond read them the riot act when they got back to the SGC, but who knows.

                    I also figure that if there's anything missed in that list, it should be added.


                      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                      A friend on Tumblr posted this quote yesterday:

                      "Fandom, after all, is born of a balance between fascination and frustration; if media content didn't fascinate us, there would be no desire to engage with it; but if it didn't frustrate us on some level, there would be no drive to rewrite or remake it." (Henry Jenkins)

                      This EXACTLY states how I feel about all the fandoms in which I actively participate. Shows where things are all neatly wrapped up in tidy little packages don't make me want to talk, or discuss, or write about them. The shows where I am both totally intrigued, but constantly teased or provoked, are the ones I can't stop thinking about.

                      It's the lack of neat, tidy, little packages that motivates me to stick around.
                      Great quote! And so very accurate.

                      So many insightful posts! Love the discussion here and so many perspectives on Jack ans Sam Being still fairly new to SG, I tend to forget that the show is 'old'. If you're a fan, you're up to date with all the little details, but for the actors, it's their past rather than present, so I guess they see it different ways.

                      I have a question about the Campfire fic series... does it end on season 4 or are there more stories? I can't find any information about it


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        Not having much knowledge of guns and such, I didn't know that. You would think the military advisers on the show would have caught that and corrected it. But I guess being so early in the show, they just let some things slip.

                        I just added me gripe to the list, because I thought it was a rather big error on their part. I like to think Hammond read them the riot act when they got back to the SGC, but who knows.

                        I also figure that if there's anything missed in that list, it should be added.
                        I'm not sure they had military advisers at the start considering all the saluting (and some fellow with sergeant stripes and a major's insignia) or they just weren't listening.
                        8 and 26 are the same... sorta
                        Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                        My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                          Just 'cause...

                          This was taken in Wells, England at Avalon 2006, a gathering just for fans of Rick and Amanda (Dan Shea shows up too!). The con report (located here) is super long, but it was fun to read.

                          There weren't any real awkward/inappropriate questions, which is my convention pet peeve, because the questions were submitted and screened in advanced, and I'm thinking why don't they do that all of the time? Also, some stories appear multiple times because the attendees were split up into smaller groups and they each went to one Q&As session. This was done in part because Rick really gets uncomfortable with large groups, and it definitely seems like it was a nicer atmosphere.

                          Lots of nice pictures, too!
                          Last edited by SamJackShipper93; 24 September 2015, 05:52 PM.
                          The Return of King Arthur
                          Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                          acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                            Oh, and while I'm sharing goodies...

                            One of the stories Amanda told at Avalon was that her childhood nickname was Sam, because when she was born, her father wanted to name her Samantha. He lost the battle, but in defiance he called her Sam all through her childhood.

                            And that jogged my memory because I remember her telling that story (plus a lot of others) in this TV interview post Season 4.

                            The Return of King Arthur
                            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                              25 September is Nolamom's birthday!!!

                              HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOLA!!!
                              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                                Happy birthday Nolamom! Hope it's filled with !
                                My Stories: FFdotNet
                                My Stories AO3
                                Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!

