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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    i just started reading this one fic - 'slow dances', by Gail R Delaney - and i read this part: She hadn't said anything to Jack since that one day in the elevator when he called her on her humming… and the crazy days following. He didn't know that a month after Osiris was captured and Sarah was freed, Sam told Pete they had no future. Whether she could do anything about it, or not – admit it, or not – she loved Jack and it just wasn't fair to Pete to try and deny it.

    why couldn't the series had done that!!
    That would have been way better!
    No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
    It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
      I just wish they could have created a character that was naturally likeable Someone we would have felt a little sorry for instead of rooting for him to disappear in the television oblivion.
      I think the nature of the relationship and that we felt that Sam should be with Jack instead would have made us hate every guy who came along. Could have been Brad Pitt or Pierce Brosnan... we would have found flaw with the character, simply because he wasn't Jack. I have no illusions about that...

      However, I agree, the writers could have done better. Also, they shouldn't have dumped the viewers into it so unexpectedly. If they wanted to focus on Sam's private life, why not start from the beginning? Let us watch her meet the guy for the first time, and let us see how she got to the 'having a relationship' part. But Pete was somehow just suddenly there - completely out of the blue. Maybe that is also why I never really got into him.

      I still felt a bit sorry for him at the end when she dumped him. (Yes, sue me.) I mean, he was operating under the impression that he would have a life with her, and he was really happy about it. I know, it was a necessary relationship for Sam's character development, and I understand why she did what she did - but Pete's world was basically crushed.

      Then again, he also says when she breaks up with him that he had known from the start and that he should have expected it to come down to it. I don't know what he's referring to here: her feelings for Jack? The fact that she didn't love him as much as he loved her? Not sure... but if you feel something like that from the beginning, you would be a bit more cautious about really getting into the relationship - which he wasn't. So not sure....


        WOS "A person in a place with a problem" challenge entry:



          Love it, SCIMM
          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
          On FFnet or AO3

          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


            Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
            I think the nature of the relationship and that we felt that Sam should be with Jack instead would have made us hate every guy who came along. Could have been Brad Pitt or Pierce Brosnan... we would have found flaw with the character, simply because he wasn't Jack. I have no illusions about that...

            However, I agree, the writers could have done better. Also, they shouldn't have dumped the viewers into it so unexpectedly. If they wanted to focus on Sam's private life, why not start from the beginning? Let us watch her meet the guy for the first time, and let us see how she got to the 'having a relationship' part. But Pete was somehow just suddenly there - completely out of the blue. Maybe that is also why I never really got into him.

            I still felt a bit sorry for him at the end when she dumped him. (Yes, sue me.) I mean, he was operating under the impression that he would have a life with her, and he was really happy about it. I know, it was a necessary relationship for Sam's character development, and I understand why she did what she did - but Pete's world was basically crushed.

            Then again, he also says when she breaks up with him that he had known from the start and that he should have expected it to come down to it. I don't know what he's referring to here: her feelings for Jack? The fact that she didn't love him as much as he loved her? Not sure... but if you feel something like that from the beginning, you would be a bit more cautious about really getting into the relationship - which he wasn't. So not sure....
            Personally I think Pete was one of those needy guys who has to be in a relationship but tries to force it rather than just seeing where it goes. I mean, who proposes after less than a year when you've lived in a different place for most of that year when you've already had one failed marriage. He doesn't take things slowly. I think he was attracted to Sam and made her into something in his head that she wasn't. In that respect I think he was no better than Martouf. I think he loved the idea of Sam more than the reality of who she really is. But then, how could he love someone he never really met? Sam never showed Pete much of her personality from what we saw.
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              Absolutely brilliant SCIMM


                Thank you very much, fems and cyced


                  Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                  Personally I think Pete was one of those needy guys who has to be in a relationship but tries to force it rather than just seeing where it goes. I mean, who proposes after less than a year when you've lived in a different place for most of that year when you've already had one failed marriage. He doesn't take things slowly. I think he was attracted to Sam and made her into something in his head that she wasn't. In that respect I think he was no better than Martouf. I think he loved the idea of Sam more than the reality of who she really is. But then, how could he love someone he never really met? Sam never showed Pete much of her personality from what we saw.
                  I'm not sure if he has to be in a relationship, but I agree, he was certainly pushy. And I think we don't have to talke about how stalkerish and out of line his little surveillance stunt was. If a guy pulled that crap on me, I would him.
                  I just always felt that he was head over heels into her, and just put everything else back. There are those guys, who will put a relationship and family above everything - the problem was, Sam isn't one of those women who would be able to do that. She loves her job, and any relationship she has would have to perfectly co-exist with her working life.

                  And her work life is extreme, and requires absolute understanding and support. It is, per se, a condition which excludes guys who putrelationship and family above everything - because that type will also demand that you do the same. And in a way, I think, that is what Pete did.
                  It still amazes me that, instead of backing off a bit (which is the natural reaction if you realize that a potential love interest might have shady secrets, or is not that much into the relationship), he pressured and started the little surveillance stunt. Now some people might say that's cute, and he's really into courting her and putting effort in... Alright... but there's a line, and to me that line is drawn with the stalking. He should have accepted that Sam couldn't talk about it the instant she told him that not only would she get into trouble for telling him, but she might endanger his life as well. It comes down to trust... he thought he loved Sam - but apparently he didn't trust her.

                  And as you said, in the end I think, he fell in love with the ideal of her that he had in his head. And that may have been partly Sam's fault, because she played along for so long. She shouldn't have agreed to the proposal, but I always felt that she did it also to get rid of the pressure. It was the safe bet - and Pete kept asking her if she had made a decision yet. Apparently, it never even occured to her, that she had the option to say "Sorry, but I don't think we're quite there yet. It's going grat, but marriage is just too big for me at the moment.". She felt like she only had the option between 'Yes' or 'No'.


                    Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                    Personally I think Pete was one of those needy guys who has to be in a relationship but tries to force it rather than just seeing where it goes. I mean, who proposes after less than a year when you've lived in a different place for most of that year when you've already had one failed marriage. He doesn't take things slowly. I think he was attracted to Sam and made her into something in his head that she wasn't. In that respect I think he was no better than Martouf. I think he loved the idea of Sam more than the reality of who she really is. But then, how could he love someone he never really met? Sam never showed Pete much of her personality from what we saw.
                    I completely agree with this.


                      No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                      It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                        Thinking about Pete crashing the Osiris op is to me a sign of contrived writing or Pete somehow planting a tracking beacon on Sam.

                        I mean Pete waited outside of Sam's house and followed her. In the episode Sam was talking to Jack before they set up outside Daniel's house and they were using a van with receivers for all the surveillance gear. How did Pete know that Sam was in the van?

                        Sam drove to the mountain in her own car and left for the op in an unmarked van. If Pete loitered around the gate to the base a SF would have approached him and asked what he was doing. Plus the team would have loaded up the van in the tunnel and driven out with either Jack or Teal'c at the wheel. Sam would have been at the back setting up the monitors and such.

                        Pete must have some super detective powers or something to be able to follow Sam to the op at Daniel's house. Pete's never met any of guys so how would he know to go there. If called his FBI buddy looking for more info it would definitely raise some flags if the first one didn't already. It could even get the Pete's buddy on an extended assignment to some punishment office.
                        No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                        It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                          Here's a little something I made this weekend. I used one of my Secret Santa pressies that Muse gave me as a basis for the piece.


                          FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                            Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                            Thinking about Pete crashing the Osiris op is to me a sign of contrived writing or Pete somehow planting a tracking beacon on Sam.

                            I mean Pete waited outside of Sam's house and followed her. In the episode Sam was talking to Jack before they set up outside Daniel's house and they were using a van with receivers for all the surveillance gear. How did Pete know that Sam was in the van?

                            Sam drove to the mountain in her own car and left for the op in an unmarked van. If Pete loitered around the gate to the base a SF would have approached him and asked what he was doing. Plus the team would have loaded up the van in the tunnel and driven out with either Jack or Teal'c at the wheel. Sam would have been at the back setting up the monitors and such.

                            Pete must have some super detective powers or something to be able to follow Sam to the op at Daniel's house. Pete's never met any of guys so how would he know to go there. If called his FBI buddy looking for more info it would definitely raise some flags if the first one didn't already. It could even get the Pete's buddy on an extended assignment to some punishment office.
                            So true. Would green you if I could.
                            Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                            Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                            On FFnet or AO3

                            My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                              Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                              Thinking about Pete crashing the Osiris op is to me a sign of contrived writing or Pete somehow planting a tracking beacon on Sam.

                              I mean Pete waited outside of Sam's house and followed her. In the episode Sam was talking to Jack before they set up outside Daniel's house and they were using a van with receivers for all the surveillance gear. How did Pete know that Sam was in the van?

                              Sam drove to the mountain in her own car and left for the op in an unmarked van. If Pete loitered around the gate to the base a SF would have approached him and asked what he was doing. Plus the team would have loaded up the van in the tunnel and driven out with either Jack or Teal'c at the wheel. Sam would have been at the back setting up the monitors and such.

                              Pete must have some super detective powers or something to be able to follow Sam to the op at Daniel's house. Pete's never met any of guys so how would he know to go there. If called his FBI buddy looking for more info it would definitely raise some flags if the first one didn't already. It could even get the Pete's buddy on an extended assignment to some punishment office.
                              i wonder how all of this storyline would have went if it had been done before season 7, when cooper took over? or would this story even have been done if brad wright had stayed in charge? i don't think joe mallozzi would have done it, seeing as he's an s/j shipper and would have found a better way of dealing with the s/j issue.

                              all plot holes and wtf's are courtesy of rob cooper. i honestly don't think he wanted to do this story anymore than we wanted to see it, but did it for amanda. but did he do it good? NOPE.



                                Well, I should have clarified, obviously it wouldn't have mattered who Sam was dating, because S/J forever LOL. However, it just could have been done even half way decently. As an angst lover, I would have adored a good side story for Sam with some romance just to keep on milking those angsty moments with her and Jack. Elevator scene - gooooold. The ring scene - very pure angst. The stuff that my shippy motor runs on In other words, Sam's "other" exists solely for drawing out the pleasure of S/J for me

