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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
    I just have to worry about my writing.
    Luckily, there are no rules or restrictions for that yet.

    Although I read an article just the other day about a British fanfiction author getting sued over a story that he wrote, that was called to be spreading of violent material. But that had more to do with the fact that he didn't base it on fictional characters, but rather on actually existing people, I think.


      Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
      WHOOPS!! I didn't know that! Will remove it right away, Sorry!!!

      I didn't mean any disrespect.

      Can anybody tell me why it is not allowed? Do the actors actually sue people for doing that? Just asking because if the actors are actually opposed to it, it would probably be wise to take it off the web completely?
      It's probably more to prevent AT's head being superimposed onto a naked model, for example. There are quite a few disturbing images on google of AT which are clearly manips.
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
        Luckily, there are no rules or restrictions for that yet.

        Although I read an article just the other day about a British fanfiction author getting sued over a story that he wrote, that was called to be spreading of violent material. But that had more to do with the fact that he didn't base it on fictional characters, but rather on actually existing people, I think.
        All the characters I use in my fanfics are fictional. But one always does put a bit of yourself into OC's.
        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
          It's probably more to prevent AT's head being superimposed onto a naked model, for example. There are quite a few disturbing images on google of AT which are clearly manips.
          You'd be surprised how many of those aren't manips. AT did some racey modeling back in the day. Not exactly Play Boy stuff, but still.


            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            You'd be surprised how many of those aren't manips. AT did some racey modeling back in the day. Not exactly Play Boy stuff, but still.

            I sure hope, all the pics that pop up for me in google image search right now, are manips! >.< (Except the ones with the flags on the bed, or the pink negligée, but come on! That's actually tasteful erotica - which actress hasn't had pictures like that done, especially television actresses. I know some people oppose even that, but I don't think those are too bad.)


              I hope you haven't come across the one with Thor, I think my eyes are scarred for life.
              Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
              If you want something in life, you have to work for it

              Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                Just feel the need for another gutter splash now, for some strange reason...

                Sam: Oh Jaaacckkk...
                Jack: Oh boy... I'm in trouble...
                Sam: I'm not quite feeling myself right now... may I feel you?
                Jack: Ummm... Here? Now? In the locker room? We're not exactly alone, you know!
                Sam: Shut up and kiss me!

                Sam: Maybe we should take this somewhere a little more private.
                Jack: I'd love to, but...
                Sam: But...?
                Jack: I seem to have lost my towel.
                Sam: Why do you think I made the suggestion in the first place?

                I can't believe I let Sam talk me into re-enacting that little locker room incident six times last night...
                Love and hot fudge,
                Bren Ren
                My stories!



                  *shudders at the mental image of Sam and Thor*
                  sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
         Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                    Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                    I hope you haven't come across the one with Thor, I think my eyes are scarred for life.
                    Um... nope, nope... a lot of this stuff is quite enough without that disturbing mental image now, thank you very much!

                    But you gotta give it to some of these people: DAMN can they photoshop! I have to admit, I'm mildly jealous. With those kinds of skills you can basically create any Sam/Jack scene that you want - not porn!!! Just romance-wise! Why do they use it for porn?

                    I'm telling ya, somebody should take their photoshop powers away from them if they don't use them wisely.


                      Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post

                      I sure hope, all the pics that pop up for me in google image search right now, are manips! >.< (Except the ones with the flags on the bed, or the pink negligée, but come on! That's actually tasteful erotica - which actress hasn't had pictures like that done, especially television actresses. I know some people oppose even that, but I don't think those are too bad.)
                      There are some awful x-rated manips which are clearly p0rn! I doubt they were made by anyone who would be on this forum, they're pretty disgusting.
                      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                      My fanfic


                        Amber, I point to the Thor image - that is beyond disgusting, it's truly wrong. Cross-species gate room porn. No other words for it. I thought I'd seen the image wrong so I enlarged it from the thumbnail, I regretted it immediately.

                        I have to wonder about those people, what possesses them to make such images.
                        Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                        If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                        Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                          Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                          Amber, I point to the Thor image - that is beyond disgusting, it's truly wrong. Cross-species gate room porn. No other words for it. I thought I'd seen the image wrong so I enlarged it from the thumbnail, I regretted it immediately.

                          I have to wonder about those people, what possesses them to make such images.
                          I would take a guess and say horny men? Judging my the fact that most of the horrid ones I've seen are heterosexual p0rn and quite degrading to the women in them.
                          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                          My fanfic


                            Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                            I would take a guess and say horny men? Judging my the fact that most of the horrid ones I've seen are heterosexual p0rn and quite degrading to the women in them.
                            Yeah, I'd agree with that.

                            I also find the femslash manips disturbing too, because its too OOC.
                            Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                            If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                            Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                              Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                              Yeah, I'd agree with that.

                              I also find the femslash manips disturbing too, because its too OOC.
                              WTH!!! What do you google to find that stuff? That stuff doesn't even come up for me when I put in rather explicit search terms.

                              But as for the femslash - hey, AT herself gave the idea for fanfic there in the beginning of August on a convention when somebody asked what she thought about Carter/Magnus slashfiction. She seemed pretty cool about, and just commented something like "Don't know if Jack would be okay with that... well, he'd wanna watch."

                              But generally, yes. It's OOC. I even find some of the fanfiction in that regard very OOC (esp. Sam/Janet), but then again it's slash. It's almost always OOC unless the relationships are explicitly intended on-screen. At least IMO.


                                Originally posted by Kimberley Jackson View Post
                                WTH!!! What do you google to find that stuff? That stuff doesn't even come up for me when I put in rather explicit search terms.

                                But as for the femslash - hey, AT herself gave the idea for fanfic there in the beginning of August on a convention when somebody asked what she thought about Carter/Magnus slashfiction. She seemed pretty cool about, and just commented something like "Don't know if Jack would be okay with that... well, he'd wanna watch."

                                But generally, yes. It's OOC. I even find some of the fanfiction in that regard very OOC (esp. Sam/Janet), but then again it's slash. It's almost always OOC unless the relationships are explicitly intended on-screen. At least IMO.
                                I was at that convention and she did not say Jack would want to watch. Nor was it her idea. She brushed it off as a joke because she is very gracious with the fans, but there was no indication she was encouraging or endorsing it.

