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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
    I'm an August baby too. August 27, to be precise.
    You've got the prize for closest birthday then
    Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
    If you want something in life, you have to work for it

    Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


      Originally posted by Starship Trooper View Post
      Yes! We can form our own little group.

      *throws glitter*

      I feel like I've gone a little OT... Jack to the rescue!
      Yes, yes we can!
      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


        Happy Birthday, SaraB!



          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          Woo-hoo, August calendar just in time! Thanks for keeping my desktop happy, hlndncr!!


            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            let's not forget the grand empress, miss amanda tapping!

            ~august 28th~
            How about that, I just got notice for jury duty on August 28.
            What a way to spend Amanda's bday!

            Mine's not until October. Which is Jack's birthday month!


              Question to the augusties (or anyone that can answer) did being born in August make you one of the youngest or oldest in your academic year?
              Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
              If you want something in life, you have to work for it

              Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                Question to the augusties (or anyone that can answer) did being born in August make you one of the youngest or oldest in your academic year?
                It depends. If your parents decide to put you in with the grade year before September 1st, you're one of the youngest. If they decide to hold you back, you'll be one of the oldest.
                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                  Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                  It depends. If your parents decide to put you in with the grade year before September 1st, you're one of the youngest. If they decide to hold you back, you'll be one of the oldest.
                  I must have been one of the youngest then.


                    I don't believe I just LOST all my multi-quotes.



                    *takes deep breath*

                    Sparky Amanda's called the Grand Empress of SyFy because she jokingly said, at one of the fan events, that's what she preferred and it stuck.

                    I'm on the middle (age) of the spectrum 40+

                    Nola, loved the gifs.

                    Sara, glad you enjoyed the cake. Did you try the marble with white frosting *yum*

                    I'm also August born, the 31st to be exact which is our Independence Day in Trinidad and a national holiday. Therefore I never have to go to work on my birthday, which I LOVE.

                    I think it's great that we're basically all different ages on this thread but we come together so well on this thread. All for the love of Sam, Jack and SG-1.

                    Who says SG-1 never had a super power LOL.
                    sig by Mada
                    As a matter of FIC




                        Off to bed.

                        Nighty night Shippers.
                        sig by Mada
                        As a matter of FIC


                          Originally posted by neverendingimagination View Post
                          Question to the augusties (or anyone that can answer) did being born in August make you one of the youngest or oldest in your academic year?
                          I was one of the youngest, if not the youngest in my class. I was only 17 when I graduated from high school and I started college just 2 weeks after turning 18. And, even though my husband and I are the same age, I am 4 months older, so I graduated a year before he did

                          FFN ----- AO3 ----------


                            On the subject of birthdays I'm 30th August. Ikorni wins... it was Ikorni right?I'm using my phone to send this before I head off to work soon... so its awkward to check... woohoo. Lets see if I finish on time today. My manager forgot about me yesterday because he was watching the storm.

                            Which thanks to J4S, storms now remind me of Jack and Sam. Thanks for the mental image babes!
                            Sig made by Nola
                            Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                              let me know when you guys get to octobers. me and (even though he's fictional) Jack share the same birthday month so that's pretty cool.


                                here is a story i wrote and posted on for ship day. it's a little on the angst/drama side. it's entitled Twilight.


                                Clutching her knees to her chest, she waited for him. As the dim light above the porch illuminated her, and the serenity of the night escorted her, while the moon hung in the gray skies above her, she waited. While her husband slept, while the world was still, he brought tranquility to her like a gift.

                                The instant she saw him, her fears were calmed and the rapid beat of her heart slowed. Like a mirage in the barren desert, he materialized when she needed salvation. Except he was real. And he was here.

                                “I was scared you wouldn’t come.”

                                Jack smiled lazily and walked up to the porch, sitting next to her on the swing. The creak of the wood was the only sound in the dead of night, and somehow it brought her a comfort like no other. He was exactly how she remembered, tall and handsome in a white colored shirt under his black leather jacket. He never changed except to only appear younger and more handsome every time she saw him.

                                “I always do. Every year.”

                                She nodded. “I know, but the fear is always there.”

                                He understood and didn’t reassure her. He didn’t know how long this would last between them, knew that life could change course without any explanations or reasons. He knew these visits could stop at any given moment. As the fall of winter snow began, he knew their situation was unexplainable, hindered and yet granted by unseen forces, kept to the shadows of the night.

                                “Where’s Daniel?”

                                Sam tucked her feet under her, placing gloved hands onto her lap. Her cheeks were pink from the cold, partially hidden under the thick scarf she wore. She was bundled in winter clothing, fighting off the cold he no longer felt.

                                “He’s inside. Sleeping.”

                                “How is he?”

                                “Hurting just as much as I am. Feeling an insurmountable amount of guilt because of the situation.”

                                “He shouldn’t. You shouldn’t,” he said softly.

                                “We know. Deep down, we know. But it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with.” White puffs of air fell from her lips when she spoke, a visible reminder to herself that maybe, just maybe there was some life inside her left. Moving on, Janet called it. It seems more like a betrayal than anything else.

                                “It’s not, Ca-,” he began, but quietly remembered that was no longer the case. “Sam, it’s not a betrayal. I know that, and so do you. All I want is for you to be happy.”

                                “I haven’t been in a long time,” she answered.

                                He hesitated before continuing, wondering if maybe these visits were right. He ran a hand through his grey hair and stared at the ground. “Do you want me to stop coming?”

                                Turning to him, her eyes were filled with glistening tears that were dangerously close to falling. Her eyes held a sorrow that hadn’t diminished over the years, no matter how many times he told himself these visits were important for her. The pain cut through him and he was amazed at the emotion he felt. It had been a long time since something had touched him so deeply.

                                “No.” It was soft, barely imperceptible over the silence of the night. A whisper. An answer to his silent request.

                                Without a sound, he took her hand, removing the glove first so he could feel her. It was warmth he never felt, except with her. Holding steadfast to her hand, joy unfurled inside him slowly, giving him life and strength. Filling him with sadness and joy at the same time because these moments were significant, but so few and far between.

                                “I’m only here if you want me to be here.”

                                “I want you here, Jack. I need you here.”

                                Reminded again of how precious little time they had together, he trudged on. “How’s Gracie?” he asked, although he already knew. These questions were more for her benefit than his, a need to share the experiences of the past year with him, to draw him back into her life. Because it was what she needed, he allowed her to draw him back in, to hurt as much as she did. One night out of the year, she had him. Because he let her.

                                Sam rolled her eyes and smiled. “Dating.”

                                “Oh, God.”

                                “You should see him. He reminds me of you.” Their daughter shared the same relationship with David that her mother and father had shared. Sarcastic comments, devious smirks, and arched brows were a constant companion to the teens. However, Sam saw a glimmer of the bond she had shared with Jack between them, and knew that given time, her daughter could have someone as amazing as her father.

                                “I’ll check up on him later,” he told her. Nodding, she looked out at the winter sight as the snow blanketed the yard and the walkway. It was blinding white in the darkness, a light on the darkest night of her life.

                                She looked at him when he began asking questions about David, like a father deathly afraid of his daughter taking up with someone unsuitable. They talked easily about the young man and Grace, and she smiled at the way his eyes sparkled whenever Sam mentioned her. Conversation drifted to all the things the past year had brought and soon, the cold no longer bothered Sam. It was quickly forgotten as she got lost in him, watched the eyes the color of the sky consume her.

                                In the blink of an eye, the night began to disappear. Their time was ending and he had to leave her again.

                                “I need to go.”

                                Extending his hand, he helped her up. Their lips were cold when they first touched, but soon the heat spread and warmed them both. Pulling away, he took a long time studying her. He saw what the passage of time had done to her, saw what if failed to do with him.

                                “Stay,” she whispered.

                                “I can’t.”

                                Shaking her head, she released him and pulled away, sitting down on the porch swing. Sam looked down at her hands, hands clapped together tightly. “Please. Just a little longer?”

                                He kneeled before her and covered her hands with his. Although he had no real warmth to offer her, she felt it nonetheless. Because it was him.

                                “We have forever, Sam,” he told her. “Someday.”

                                Her voice was shaky when she spoke, fighting the emotion surging inside her. “Why not now?”

                                “Because it’s not the right time.”

                                The goodbyes were always the hardest. Every year she vowed to herself she’d be strong, but when she would see him approach, the strength she possessed disappeared and in its place was quiet desperation. The longing ache she felt vanished at his appearance, but it came rushing back when the eventuality of him leaving came to mind.



                                She nodded. The answers were familiar, the pain in his voice evident. Leaving her was just as difficult for him, maybe more so because he had nothing to go back to. He was alive for this one night only, just for her. She was his lifeline, the way he was and always would be hers.

                                Jack kissed her one more time before turning away and entering the cold. Fear gripped her when her thoughts turned to facing another year without him. Another year because it was her fault. Grief stricken and terrified, she ran to him out in the snow. She tugged his arm and whirled him around to her. The tears were no longer glistening in her eyes, but falling down her cheeks. Every emotion was evident on her face.


                                “I’m sorry, she blurted out, crying hysterically. “I’m sorry I didn’t swerve quickly enough. I’m sorry that I fumbled with the cell phone while your blood was on my hands. I'm sorry that Dr. Lam didn't do more to save you. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I was so emotional I couldn’t say I love you back. But I do love you.” Her voice broke and the shudders moving over her body wouldn’t stop. “If I could do it all over again, I wish it had been me. I wish I could have told you. I’m sorry…” she chanted the last sentence as he wrapped his arms around her.

                                “Shhh, shhhhh.its okay, Sam.” His hands smoothed her hair back and she sobbed into his chest uncontrollably.

                                Her cries continued and his hands soothed her, quietly consoling her in his arms. In time, the sobs eased somewhat and her breathing returned to a near normal state. “I’m sorry Grace had to grow up, will continue to grow up without you.” She paused. “I’m sorry I married Daniel.”

                                Jack took a sharp intake of breath before releasing it. “You don’t have to be. I never blamed you for anything. I don’t blame you for anything now.”

                                “B-but you’re…”

                                “Yeah, I know.” He bent down and kissed a cold cheek, moving a strand of hair back from her face and gently placed his hands on her. “But you’re not. And you have no idea how thankful I am for that. That night, Sam. I knew. Even when you didn’t say it, I knew. The way you held me, the emotions in your eyes.”

                                And he did know. He always had. Jack wasn’t sure what power allowed him to visit her, allowed her to see him as if he were real on this night of all nights, but he was appreciative beyond measure, grateful that she was real, and breathing, and alive.

                                “I love you, Jack.”

                                “I know. I love you, too.”

                                For a long time they held one another, sheltered from the cold in each other’s arms. A feeling of calm settled over Sam and along with it, a twinge of happiness she hadn’t felt during the past few years. He allayed her fears and the stillness of the night filled the silence, while she held on tightly to him.

                                Jack reluctantly left their embrace, lingering longer than he should have. “I need to go.”

                                She nodded, understanding on her face. He gave her so much on these nights, gave her everything she needed.

                                A smile stayed on his lips after he kissed her again. Slowly, he walked away, his shoes crunching in the white snow, leaving footprints as the only evidence of his existence. His tall form disappeared when the skies above her went from dark to light, changing just as quickly as he had vanished. Sam smiled to herself and wrapped her coat tightly around her body.

                                “Goodbye, Jack.”

