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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by fems View Post
    But Jack has died. Maybe that's how he escaped her curse.

    Jack probably died more times than Daniel has.

    There was the Nox. And then all the times in Abyss when Ba'al killed him and revived him. Did I forget any?


      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
      I think of the other guys being dead. They are dead permanently.

      Has anyone done a fic on Sam's thoughts on being what some may call a "black widow"?
      I think Skydiver did one, where the two of them got into a huge fight and Jack threw the black widow thing in her face, she hauled off and slapped him (he really, really deserved it) and walked out on him. When he caught up with her at her house, she was making out a list of all the men that died because of being associated with her (at least she thinks it was from being associated with her). Really good story. I'll try to find it.


        The 'abc's of *made up* episode titles of sam/jack

        a - 'always' - jack confesses his love to sam before he thinks she's going to die.
        b - 'broca undivided' - jack and sam catch a virus that brings out the animal in them.
        c - 'chimera' - sam finds out her annoying neighbor is actually a figment of her concussion induced imagination.
        d - 'dream a little dream of me' - a rare offworld plant causes the team to fall asleep and enter the world of dreams, unleashing their hearts true desires.
        e - 'evasive maneuvers' - sam and jack needs to stay close together while hiding from humanform replicators.
        f - 'for a reason' - sam meets an AU jack with an important, eye-opening message for this reality's jack and her.
        g - 'gone fishing' - hammond arrives at his office finding a cryptic message written in jack's handwriting, only to discover that sam is missing too.
        h - 'hero for a day' - a deranged human who has amazingly accurate information on the Stargate kidnaps sam and jack and demands info.
        i - 'invisible colonel' - Colonel Carter becomes invisible and shows General O'neill all her knowledge on stealth maneuvers
        J - 'jellogate' - the team bring back a gelatinous plant. Too late, they discover it is a sentient being, and it starts to take over the SGC covering everything in a jello-like goo.
        k - 'knights and maidens' - stranded in a medieval society, sam and jack has to do their best to blend in.
        k - 'Kiss of truth' Sequel to 'dream a little dream of me' After experiencing each others' dreams, Sam and Jack are forced to discuss why they both practically had the same dream, involving a kiss that neither of them can forget, leading to them actually kissing in their our reality.
        l - 'link' - having escaped from imprisonment Sam and Jack discovers that their emotional bond is stronger than ever even though the alien brain implants have been removed.
        m - 'Mediation' - The SGC help to relocate refugees after an enormous Volcanic eruption makes their planet inhabitable. After a naquadah reactor explodes killing a almost half of the refugees they accuse Sam of murder and according to their laws, sentence her to death without trial. It's up to the rest of the team to prove her innocence and capture the real culprit before time runs out.
        n- 'Never now begins' After returning from a mission members of SG1, with the exception of Teal'c begin acting completely out of character, doing things people would never expect them to do. Teal'c, Hammond and Janet are the only ones capable of figuring out what's wrong and how to fix it.
        o - 'only every minute' - in the future, jack thinks back to when he lost sam to another man. but he comes up with a plan to reverse the outcome...
        p - 'Perception' - The team explore an apparently abandoned and ruined complex. When the entrance suddenly vanishes, they realise that each of them can see something completely different. Who can see the real exit and who could lead them to their death?
        q - 'Quarks and Leptons' - Sam is giving a science lecture when she is kidnapped. Is this the work of one of Baal's clones? Can Jack and the team save her in time?
        r - 'rings' - jack decides to pop the question to sam, by showing her his grandparents wedding rings.
        s - 'stay' - its the middle of the night and Jack can't sleep. He knows that Sam is awake too. He drives over and lets himself in. He finds her crying in her dark bedroom, sitting on her bed with her fathers dress uniform jacket in her hands. Post threads.
        T - 'time will wait for us' - Sam and jack are separated from the rest of SG-1 on a mission and find themselves imprisoned in a time dilation field. With days passing by for every minute that passes in the outside world, will they stick to their escape efforts or will they give in?
        U - 'underneath' - the team meet a new race of aliens, who have had more than their fair share of bad luck with enimes. To determine if SG-1 are as friendly as they say, the aliens want to find out for certain by hooking the team up to their version of a lie detector. But are the aliens telling the truth? And how far will Jack go to protect Carter when she is singled out?
        V - Viva Forever - Two time travelers pay an impromptu visit to the SGC. Their strikingly familiar appearances and personalities force Jack and Sam to consider the possibility they may be soul mates destined to be reborn and find each other for centuries to come.
        w- 'wishing we were fishing' - SG-1 discovers a device that allows them to see their one true wish. Sam and Jack are surprised and pleased to discover their one true wish is the same... to go fishing (with each other) at a cabin in Minnesota!
        x - 'X's' - the gang have a team night at jack's, and they start discussing their ex's of the past.



          I might do a "Sam as a black widow" story myself.
          sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
 Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


            Originally posted by Simlead View Post
            T - 'time will wait for us' - Sam and jack are separated from the rest of SG-1 on a mission and find themselves imprisoned in a time dilation field. With days passing by for every minute that passes in the outside world, will they stick to their escape efforts or will they give in?
            Give in! GIVE IN!!!!

            Originally posted by roque872002 View Post
            Can I just say how much I'm loving this set of abc's?!
            majorsal, you are brilliant for coming up with this! And I love you for it.
            But I have so many plot bunnies running around my head right now its not even funny! I dislike you // that much for it, although dislike is probably far too strong a word for it..... My poor wee brain can only concentrate on one fic at a time. I'd hate to think of how many ideas are running around crazy in my head.

            GW won't let me green you so ... VIRTUAL GREEN!


            Fems' back.

            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            i'm VERY much enjoying reading everyone's ideas!!

            Couldn't green you either Sally, but this was a brilliant idea. Thanks for coming up with it. Between you and Shanda the thread's in great hands.
            sig by Mada
            As a matter of FIC


              The 'abc's of *made up* episode titles of sam/jack

              a - 'always' - jack confesses his love to sam before he thinks she's going to die.
              b - 'broca undivided' - jack and sam catch a virus that brings out the animal in them.
              c - 'chimera' - sam finds out her annoying neighbor is actually a figment of her concussion induced imagination.
              d - 'dream a little dream of me' - a rare offworld plant causes the team to fall asleep and enter the world of dreams, unleashing their hearts true desires.
              e - 'evasive maneuvers' - sam and jack needs to stay close together while hiding from humanform replicators.
              f - 'for a reason' - sam meets an AU jack with an important, eye-opening message for this reality's jack and her.
              g - 'gone fishing' - hammond arrives at his office finding a cryptic message written in jack's handwriting, only to discover that sam is missing too.
              h - 'hero for a day' - a deranged human who has amazingly accurate information on the Stargate kidnaps sam and jack and demands info.
              i - 'invisible colonel' - Colonel Carter becomes invisible and shows General O'neill all her knowledge on stealth maneuvers
              J - 'jellogate' - the team bring back a gelatinous plant. Too late, they discover it is a sentient being, and it starts to take over the SGC covering everything in a jello-like goo.
              k - 'knights and maidens' - stranded in a medieval society, sam and jack has to do their best to blend in.
              k - 'Kiss of truth' Sequel to 'dream a little dream of me' After experiencing each others' dreams, Sam and Jack are forced to discuss why they both practically had the same dream, involving a kiss that neither of them can forget, leading to them actually kissing in their our reality.
              l - 'link' - having escaped from imprisonment Sam and Jack discovers that their emotional bond is stronger than ever even though the alien brain implants have been removed.
              m - 'Mediation' - The SGC help to relocate refugees after an enormous Volcanic eruption makes their planet inhabitable. After a naquadah reactor explodes killing a almost half of the refugees they accuse Sam of murder and according to their laws, sentence her to death without trial. It's up to the rest of the team to prove her innocence and capture the real culprit before time runs out.
              n- 'Never now begins' After returning from a mission members of SG1, with the exception of Teal'c begin acting completely out of character, doing things people would never expect them to do. Teal'c, Hammond and Janet are the only ones capable of figuring out what's wrong and how to fix it.
              o - 'only every minute' - in the future, jack thinks back to when he lost sam to another man. but he comes up with a plan to reverse the outcome...
              p - 'Perception' - The team explore an apparently abandoned and ruined complex. When the entrance suddenly vanishes, they realise that each of them can see something completely different. Who can see the real exit and who could lead them to their death?
              q - 'Quarks and Leptons' - Sam is giving a science lecture when she is kidnapped. Is this the work of one of Baal's clones? Can Jack and the team save her in time?
              r - 'rings' - jack decides to pop the question to sam, by showing her his grandparents wedding rings.
              s - 'stay' - its the middle of the night and Jack can't sleep. He knows that Sam is awake too. He drives over and lets himself in. He finds her crying in her dark bedroom, sitting on her bed with her fathers dress uniform jacket in her hands. Post threads.
              T - 'time will wait for us' - Sam and jack are separated from the rest of SG-1 on a mission and find themselves imprisoned in a time dilation field. With days passing by for every minute that passes in the outside world, will they stick to their escape efforts or will they give in?
              U - 'underneath' - the team meet a new race of aliens, who have had more than their fair share of bad luck with enimes. To determine if SG-1 are as friendly as they say, the aliens want to find out for certain by hooking the team up to their version of a lie detector. But are the aliens telling the truth? And how far will Jack go to protect Carter when she is singled out?
              V - Viva Forever - Two time travelers pay an impromptu visit to the SGC. Their strikingly familiar appearances and personalities force Jack and Sam to consider the possibility they may be soul mates destined to be reborn and find each other for centuries to come.
              w- 'wishing we were fishing' - SG-1 discovers a device that allows them to see their one true wish. Sam and Jack are surprised and pleased to discover their one true wish is the same... to go fishing (with each other) at a cabin in Minnesota!
              x - 'X's' - the gang have a team night at jack's, and they start discussing their ex's of the past.
              y - 'Yes' Jack's visits the SGC and is thinking of how to propose to Sam. He's in her lab practising what he's going to say when behind him he hears.....
              sig by Mada
              As a matter of FIC


                Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                y - 'Yes' Jack's visits the SGC and is thinking of how to propose to Sam. He's in her lab practising what he's going to say when behind him he hears.....



                  The 'abc's of *made up* episode titles of sam/jack

                  a - 'always' - jack confesses his love to sam before he thinks she's going to die.
                  b - 'broca undivided' - jack and sam catch a virus that brings out the animal in them.
                  c - 'chimera' - sam finds out her annoying neighbor is actually a figment of her concussion induced imagination.
                  d - 'dream a little dream of me' - a rare offworld plant causes the team to fall asleep and enter the world of dreams, unleashing their hearts true desires.
                  e - 'evasive maneuvers' - sam and jack needs to stay close together while hiding from humanform replicators.
                  f - 'for a reason' - sam meets an AU jack with an important, eye-opening message for this reality's jack and her.
                  g - 'gone fishing' - hammond arrives at his office finding a cryptic message written in jack's handwriting, only to discover that sam is missing too.
                  h - 'hero for a day' - a deranged human who has amazingly accurate information on the Stargate kidnaps sam and jack and demands info.
                  i - 'invisible colonel' - Colonel Carter becomes invisible and shows General O'neill all her knowledge on stealth maneuvers
                  J - 'jellogate' - the team bring back a gelatinous plant. Too late, they discover it is a sentient being, and it starts to take over the SGC covering everything in a jello-like goo.
                  k - 'knights and maidens' - stranded in a medieval society, sam and jack has to do their best to blend in.
                  k - 'Kiss of truth' Sequel to 'dream a little dream of me' After experiencing each others' dreams, Sam and Jack are forced to discuss why they both practically had the same dream, involving a kiss that neither of them can forget, leading to them actually kissing in their our reality.
                  l - 'link' - having escaped from imprisonment Sam and Jack discovers that their emotional bond is stronger than ever even though the alien brain implants have been removed.
                  m - 'Mediation' - The SGC help to relocate refugees after an enormous Volcanic eruption makes their planet inhabitable. After a naquadah reactor explodes killing a almost half of the refugees they accuse Sam of murder and according to their laws, sentence her to death without trial. It's up to the rest of the team to prove her innocence and capture the real culprit before time runs out.
                  n- 'Never now begins' After returning from a mission members of SG1, with the exception of Teal'c begin acting completely out of character, doing things people would never expect them to do. Teal'c, Hammond and Janet are the only ones capable of figuring out what's wrong and how to fix it.
                  o - 'only every minute' - in the future, jack thinks back to when he lost sam to another man. but he comes up with a plan to reverse the outcome...
                  p - 'Perception' - The team explore an apparently abandoned and ruined complex. When the entrance suddenly vanishes, they realise that each of them can see something completely different. Who can see the real exit and who could lead them to their death?
                  q - 'Quarks and Leptons' - Sam is giving a science lecture when she is kidnapped. Is this the work of one of Baal's clones? Can Jack and the team save her in time?
                  r - 'rings' - jack decides to pop the question to sam, by showing her his grandparents wedding rings.
                  s - 'stay' - its the middle of the night and Jack can't sleep. He knows that Sam is awake too. He drives over and lets himself in. He finds her crying in her dark bedroom, sitting on her bed with her fathers dress uniform jacket in her hands. Post threads.
                  T - 'time will wait for us' - Sam and jack are separated from the rest of SG-1 on a mission and find themselves imprisoned in a time dilation field. With days passing by for every minute that passes in the outside world, will they stick to their escape efforts or will they give in?
                  U - 'underneath' - the team meet a new race of aliens, who have had more than their fair share of bad luck with enimes. To determine if SG-1 are as friendly as they say, the aliens want to find out for certain by hooking the team up to their version of a lie detector. But are the aliens telling the truth? And how far will Jack go to protect Carter when she is singled out?
                  V - Viva Forever - Two time travelers pay an impromptu visit to the SGC. Their strikingly familiar appearances and personalities force Jack and Sam to consider the possibility they may be soul mates destined to be reborn and find each other for centuries to come.
                  w- 'wishing we were fishing' - SG-1 discovers a device that allows them to see their one true wish. Sam and Jack are surprised and pleased to discover their one true wish is the same... to go fishing (with each other) at a cabin in Minnesota!
                  x - 'X's' - the gang have a team night at jack's, and they start discussing their ex's of the past.
                  y - 'Yes' Jack's visits the SGC and is thinking of how to propose to Sam. He's in her lab practising what he's going to say when behind him he hears.....
                  Z - 'Zenith' - trapped on another planet with little to no hope of rescue, Sam and Jack resign themselves to their situation - will they make a new life together or stay loyal to the rules they've been strictly adhering to all these years?
                  Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                  If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                  Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                    Okay, so my Z is pretty much simleads T - anyone else got an idea for z?
                    Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                    If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                    Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                      Sal, the list is brilliant. Those are fanfic ideas right there. Some already sound like stories that have been done.
                      Fics | Art | Tumblr


                        This also sounds a lot like Gail Delaney's "Twilight":

                        Z - 'Zenith' - trapped on another planet with little to no hope of rescue, Sam and Jack resign themselves to their situation - will they make a new life together or stay loyal to the rules they've been strictly adhering to all these years?


                          what about Jonas Hansen? Sam was previously engaged to him!


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            I can just imagine her doing it too!

                            I love it!

                            Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                            Give in! GIVE IN!!!!
                            Don't tell me, tell them!
                            Your Life Was Amazing Until You Met Me
                            My . My Sci-Fi Art . My Stargate RPG . Sam/Jack Made Up Episodes Project


                              I was just about to mention Jonas, but Nola beat me to it!

                              There was also the guy that hit on Sam in that prisoner ship, the Seberus. What was his name?


                                Originally posted by picardythirds View Post
                                I was just about to mention Jonas, but Nola beat me to it!

                                There was also the guy that hit on Sam in that prisoner ship, the Seberus. What was his name?
                                Corso. Aden Corso.

