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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    The best shippy moment is...

    Season 1: Politics - Jack is stunned when he finds out his alternate reality self was engaged to Sam ("Engaged?!"), and Sam's a little annoyed with his incredulity. (4)


    Season 5: Desperate Measures – Jack will do anything to find Sam, including giving up his National Geographics (1)

    I know the feelings have already been raising there ugly (er...adorable) heads prior to 'Politics', but Jack just seems so darned dumbfounded by this AU fact. He just can't let it go! I think this is the first time he has really isolated this kind of thought and just stared it in the face. It gets my vote...

    ...and a fic that just wouldn't leave me alone:
    Turning Point
    sig by Ikorni

    "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
    "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

    SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


      Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
      ...and a fic that just wouldn't leave me alone:
      Turning Point
      Awww jeez...not a fic distraction! *glances from essay to fic to essay to fic...* Yeah, should NOT have come on today haha Well, I could just say that procrastination is part of my writing process...right? lol
      "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


        The best shippy moment is...

        Season 1: Politics - Jack is stunned when he finds out his alternate reality self was engaged to Sam ("Engaged?!"), and Sam's a little annoyed with his incredulity. (4)


        Season 5: Desperate Measures – Jack will do anything to find Sam, including giving up his National Geographics (2)

        I think the National Geographic magazines are a big deal to Jack, much more than he'd ever care to admit. Which coincidentally reminded me of a fic (can't remember the title or the author) where Jack goes to Ebay and painstakingly bids for all the magazines he had lost. And Sam finally learns why.

        So I'm just going against the grain with the engagement scene and voting for this.
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          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
          How could I forget Jacob?! He's a total shipper!
          Ya know, it's sort of funny in a sad way. When I was re watching "Grace" and Hallucination-Jacob made that comment to Sam -- well, here, it's easier:
          JACOB: No, always. For as long as she was alive, your mother showed me a world beyond just ambition and career. She gave my life meaning and balance and it was my honour to love her for the short time she was with me. And if I were young again and I met her for the first time even knowing her fate, I would do it all again. That is love. Sam, I know you've denied yourself the experience because you think it must inevitably end in pain and loneliness. It's time to let go of the things that prevent you from finding happiness. You deserve to love someone and be loved in return.
          In Sam's concussion damaged head, and after the convo with Hallucination-Jack, she convinced herself that it meant moving on from him. When in reality:
          JACOB: Don't let rules stand in your way.
          JACOB: You can still have everything you want.
          See, even in her head, suffering from a concussion, Jacob still knows his daughter better than she does.

          Originally posted by fems View Post
          Oh and about Cassie's education, don't forget the part of Ripple Effect's original script:


          Scene 26: Green Daniel and Green Teal'c interview Desert Camo Fraiser

          This was a great little scene reuniting Teal'c and Daniel with Fraiser (albeit an alternate version of the good doctor). Again, due to time constraints, we had to lose some references to Cassie. Here is the exchange as originally scripted:

          GREEN ##TEAL'C: You have been greatly missed.

          Suddenly, she realizes -

          DESERT CAMO FRAISER: How's Cassie?

          GREEN DANIEL: She's fine. She moved in with Sam after it happened.

          DESERT CAMO FRAISER: I can't imagine what she must have gone through.

          GREEN DANIEL: It was tough for her -- but she got through it. She managed to deal with her loss by focusing on her studies.(beat) She's majoring in Biochemistry at UCLA.

          Desert Camo Fraiser can't help but smile.

          DESERT CAMO FRAISER: She's doing well back home too.(then, catching herself) I mean -- my home.

          GREEN TEAL'C: Hopefully you will be able to return to her shortly.

          DESERT CAMO FRAISER: Hopefully?

          GREEN DANIEL: For the moment, it looks like your trip here was only one-way.
          Interesting! Thanks for sharing!

          You're not confusing the two; Sam gives that as her reason for transfer to Barrett in Ex Deus Machina.


          What's new?

          Uh, let's see…I was leading R&D for a while there.

          Well, I never figured you the type to settle for a desk job.

          I needed something with more flexible hours. Janet's adopted daughter, Cassie, was going through a hard time.
          I wonder if Cassie having a hard time was due to her adopted father moving so far away and college taking her away from the rest of the family that she had left. Even if the original script said she was at UCLA, it's still closer to there from Area 51 than from Colorado Springs. *wonders*

          And because she knows Barrett has a thing for her she obviously leaves out the part about her transferring to get together with Jack!
          Great minds. I actually have this idea in my head where Sam transferred to Area 51 just so she would be out of Jack's CoC (which my working knowledge of the military ain't that great, so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this point). And if anybody asked, it was to have a better schedule to be there for Cassie. Which renders my earlier idea moot, but oh well. It's sci fi: I'll work around it or pretend like it never existed. And then Jack gets transferred to DC, cause nothing can ever be easy for them.

          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

          Season 1: The Nox - Sam makes friends with Nefrayu, but Jack tells her, "No, you can’t keep him" (7)


          Continuum: Jack and Sam leave the Tok'ra extraction ceremony smiling and bantering about a "moonbase"(13)

          I have to go with the "moonbase." All those scenes at the extraction ceremony just scream shippy to me. Sam and Jack are standing next to each other, but a little apart from the rest. There's all these smiles and glances going on. Sam is so totally in control of Jack as only a woman who wields the power of intimacy with a man can be.

          Tonight's winner: Continuum and Sam and Jack's little moonbase love nest!
          The instance where the list of crimes is going on and on and on, and Sam looks down at her watch and makes this face:

          That has Jack written all over it.

          And then there's this one:

          Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
          The best shippy moment is...

          Season 1: Politics - Jack is stunned when he finds out his alternate reality self was engaged to Sam ("Engaged?!"), and Sam's a little annoyed with his incredulity. (4)


          Season 5: Desperate Measures – Jack will do anything to find Sam, including giving up his National Geographics (1)
          Ooh, gonna hafta do some research. And by that, I mean rewatch the eppys.

          ...and a fic that just wouldn't leave me alone:
          Turning Point
          Ooh, fic!!!


            The best shippy moment is...

            Season 1: Politics - Jack is stunned when he finds out his alternate reality self was engaged to Sam ("Engaged?!"), and Sam's a little annoyed with his incredulity. (5)


            Season 5: Desperate Measures – Jack will do anything to find Sam, including giving up his National Geographics (2)

            As much as Jack loves his Nat Geo magazines, the engagement scene wins for me. I just love Jack's face, he just momentarily looks like he's enjoying the idea and then realises that's bad.
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              The best shippy moment is...

              Season 1: Politics - Jack is stunned when he finds out his alternate reality self was engaged to Sam ("Engaged?!"), and Sam's a little annoyed with his incredulity. (6)


              Season 5: Desperate Measures – Jack will do anything to find Sam, including giving up his National Geographics (2)


              ENGAGED! Need I say more??
              Sig made by Nola
              Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                Found this whilst browsing Google images

                My answer.... I wouldn't have lasted that first meeting! Those eyes.... *fans herself and melts*
                Sig made by Nola
                Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                  Originally posted by roque872002 View Post
                  Found this whilst browsing Google images

                  My answer.... I wouldn't have lasted that first meeting! Those eyes.... *fans herself and melts*
                  I agree! I think I would've struggled to make it 5 minutes lol. The briefing room table looks pretty study, right?
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Originally posted by avp60685 View Post
                    Hey Sparky!

                    I was thinking, in the Continuum movie, Jack is on the scene and rescues Sam, Cam and Daniel while in the Arctic, I listened the commentary for that movie and they said they had Jack remove his scarf from around his face so we would know it was him, I wonder why they decided on a white snowsuit though?
                    Jack was supposed to run an arctic warfare exercise for some special forces types before he was diverted by activation of the gate being picked up by surveillance satellites. For the exercise he would wear something obvious so that the exercise participants would know where he was at all times.

                    Since the diversion this meant a 'for real' mission and he would be facing the unknown. Thus Jack and his team would need to take all precautions including the use of arctic camouflage until such time as it was deemed safe to reveal themselves. Jack probably had Sam and Cam under observation for at least half and hour before revealing himself.

                    Also, the cooperation and advice of the US DoD is very obvious for this movie as the production used an actual US Naval Station (albeit a temporary one) as their base for filming as well as getting an actual nuclear powered US submarine to come up through the ice and for interior shots. The advisers probably told Brad Wright to have Jack in arctic camouflage for his scenes on the ice.

                    Normally for the shots of Sam and Cam walking across the ice they would use stand-ins but because of the location it was actually Amanda and Ben doing all the walking. In fact the Major with Jack when he greeted Sam and Cam was actually the director Martin Wood.

                    And now back to our regularly scheduled shipping.

                    So married,
                    No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                    It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                      i always wanted to get a pair of those black bdus jack wore in Continuum. they looked so rad.


                        The best shippy moment is...

                        Season 1: Politics - Jack is stunned when he finds out his alternate reality self was engaged to Sam ("Engaged?!"), and Sam's a little annoyed with his incredulity. (7)


                        Season 5: Desperate Measures – Jack will do anything to find Sam, including giving up his National Geographics (2)


                        I just love how Daniel and Sam are getting into a multi-universe theory meets reality discussion and Jack looks up, makes his hang on gesture, looks at Daniel, and points between them, 'let me get this straight, engaged?' And Sam's expression, hehe. It's the start of him properly recognizing that she's not just his 2IC and a soldier, she's a woman too, and acknowledging the fact. (Although he had probably spotted that in Solitudes too.)

                        Thanks for sharing iiradned, that's really interesting. I knew about the US sub coming through the ice, thought it was amazing that they'd do that for a film.
                        Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                        If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                        Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                          I was browsing Joe M.'s blog looking to see the "S/J dinner scene" note, and I stumbled across a picture that Joe posted that I thought was awesome.

                          Here's the link cause the file is too big.


                            Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                            I was browsing Joe M.'s blog looking to see the "S/J dinner scene" note, and I stumbled across a picture that Joe posted that I thought was awesome.

                            Here's the link cause the file is too big.

                            Dedication at its best
                            Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                            If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                            Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                              The best shippy moment is...

                              Season 1: Politics - Jack is stunned when he finds out his alternate reality self was engaged to Sam ("Engaged?!"), and Sam's a little annoyed with his incredulity. (8)


                              Season 5: Desperate Measures – Jack will do anything to find Sam, including giving up his National Geographics (2)
                              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                                Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                                I was browsing Joe M.'s blog looking to see the "S/J dinner scene" note, and I stumbled across a picture that Joe posted that I thought was awesome.

                                Here's the link cause the file is too big.
                                Oh my.
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