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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by fems View Post
    I actually kinda dislike the scene with Cam because the way he said it made it sound like he had no idea what had happened there and what Jack's death (and in that way) meant to Sam...
    I'm in complete agreement. I don't think Cam had a clue. I'm of the opinion that only Daniel, Teal'c, Hammond, Cassie and Hayes know about Sam and Jack's relationship. I see no reason for Sam to tell Cam or Vala since they don't know Jack and they're not "family" so to speak. If Cam knew about their relationship then it's a good bet he'd know about Sam and Jack going fishing and he would've reacted to Sam's password in "Line in the Sand".
    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

    My fanfic


      But Continuum is after S9 & 10...years later.

      Even if Cam had no idea at the time of episode 200, I believe by this point, the fact that Jack and Sam are married (or together, depending on your persuasion), would be known to him.
      sig by Ikorni

      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


        I am not sure if Cassie knew about Jack and Sam though, I think she liked Daniel better than she did Jack in my personal opinion!
        Fate makes our relatives; choice makes our friends-quote I found in my dad's senior year of high school under his name

        "Give me a pen and I'll write the words"


          Originally posted by avp60685 View Post
          I am not sure if Cassie knew about Jack and Sam though, I think she liked Daniel better than she did Jack in my personal opinion!
          This is one of those times that you'd give anything to read the characters' minds. At least, for me.
          Your Life Was Amazing Until You Met Me
          My . My Sci-Fi Art . My Stargate RPG . Sam/Jack Made Up Episodes Project


            Originally posted by avp60685 View Post
            I am not sure if Cassie knew about Jack and Sam though, I think she liked Daniel better than she did Jack in my personal opinion!
            I think she maybe liked the idea of Daniel as a second dad with Janet. After all I think she secretly saw Sam as her first "Earth mom" and Jack as her father figure
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              I always saw Daniel as her "Earth Father" and Jack as an uncle to her
              Fate makes our relatives; choice makes our friends-quote I found in my dad's senior year of high school under his name

              "Give me a pen and I'll write the words"


                Originally posted by avp60685 View Post
                I always saw Daniel as her "Earth Father" and Jack as an uncle to her
                I don't think it helps that we don't see Cassie much onscreen. Makes it harder to tell. Same with Janet and Sam re girly chats
                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                My fanfic


                  Indeed it does make it complicated!
                  Fate makes our relatives; choice makes our friends-quote I found in my dad's senior year of high school under his name

                  "Give me a pen and I'll write the words"


                    Just popping in for a moment:

                    I think that Cassie, Daniel, and Teal'c would've known from the getgo about Jack and Sam's relationship. And George, definitely. In my canon, he's the one who walked Sam down the aisle for Jacob. But Hayes? Yeah, I guess he would've had to have known with Jack's and Sam's positions afterwards. Boy, I can just imagine the look on his face reflecting on Kinsey's earlier accusations in "Inauguration":

                    Hayes: So when Kinsey was throwing a fit about an alleged improper relationship between Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter, there was nothing going on. Now he's dead, they're promoted, and married. Bob's probably turning over in his grave.

                    I need dinner. Have a good night, everybody!


                      OK this is OT, but I have to give my Cassie rant here:

                      I read so much fic (fan and "official") that completely ignores the evidence we do have about Cassie and it drives me up a wall.

                      We never have a scene with Daniel and Cassie together. The only thing that comes close is Daniel supporting Sam when she's looking after Cassie in Singularity and he is swinging her again with Sam in the park at the end.

                      We do see Cassie getting a dog from Jack. Cassie calls Jack when she thinks Sam is a goa'uld in ItLoD. He's the only one she trusts and she curls up next to him for protection and reassurance. At the end of that episode she is with Jack, sitting on his lap while she's waiting to go in and see Sam.

                      In Learning Curve we discover that Jack is a regular visitor to Cassie's school and knows all her teachers.

                      In Rite of Passage she talks about playing chess with Jack (he calls the knight a horse). Jack is the one who comes to the infirmary to check on her and he stays with her when they are sweeping the base for Niirti.

                      After Janet dies the first thing Jack asks when Sam comes to visit him is how Cassie is doing.

                      I'm not saying that Daniel doesn't also have a connection to Cassie because I think it is logical to assume that he does, but from the evidence I am of the opinion that Jack and Cassie are very close and Jack plays a very active, fatherly role in her life.

                      And while I'm on a Cassie rant, I also do not buy the fannon concept that Cassie became a teacher or a sociologist or an anthropologist (ie followed in Daniel's footsteps). I don't know where these ideas come from but I read them all the time.

                      I'm a little more likely to believe she became a doctor because of Janet's influence and maybe to honor her. Also her own experience with Niirti's genetic manipulations and the biological agent that killed her natural parents good be a motivation for Cassie to study biochemistry and medicine. It's a bit of a stretch, but at least it's evidence based.

                      I guess the fact that we see her coloring and finger painting might lend some support to the notion that she became an artist; although I can't say I've ever read that one. Children do tend to color, draw and paint a lot regardless of talent or inclination; so I don't consider it a strong possibility, but at least it's not entirely out of left field.

                      One theory I have never seen explored, even though I think it has evidentiary support, is that Cassie went into physics, like Sam. We know Cassie adores and idolizes Sam. We learn that she is fascinated by a prism she used in class (I'm presuming a science class). So much so that her boyfriend gets her one for her birthday. She is studying from a physics textbook when Sam comes to see her at the end of Rite of Passage.

                      So in conclusion, I think Cassie is a scientist who sees Sam and Jack as her parental figures.

                      Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It's been bothering me lately, and I've needed to say it for some time.

                      Now back to your regularly scheduled shipping.


                        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
                        Just popping in for a moment:

                        I think that Cassie, Daniel, and Teal'c would've known from the getgo about Jack and Sam's relationship. And George, definitely. In my canon, he's the one who walked Sam down the aisle for Jacob. But Hayes? Yeah, I guess he would've had to have known with Jack's and Sam's positions afterwards. Boy, I can just imagine the look on his face reflecting on Kinsey's earlier accusations in "Inauguration":

                        Hayes: So when Kinsey was throwing a fit about an alleged improper relationship between Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter, there was nothing going on. Now he's dead, they're promoted, and married. Bob's probably turning over in his grave.

                        I need dinner. Have a good night, everybody!
                        Enjoy your dinner!
                        Hayes is a shipper. He says, and I quote, "They have a right to their feelings!". As long as nothing actually happened, which it wouldn't until they were allowed, I don't think he minds about them caring for each other more than they should as long as they don't break the rules.
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          In my world everyone's a Sam/Jack shipper, except Kinsey and !


                            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                            In my world everyone's a Sam/Jack shipper, except Kinsey and !
                            sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                   Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              OK this is OT, but I have to give my Cassie rant here:

                              I read so much fic (fan and "official") that completely ignores the evidence we do have about Cassie and it drives me up a wall.

                              We never have a scene with Daniel and Cassie together. The only thing that comes close is Daniel supporting Sam when she's looking after Cassie in Singularity and he is swinging her again with Sam in the park at the end.

                              We do see Cassie getting a dog from Jack. Cassie calls Jack when she thinks Sam is a goa'uld in ItLoD. He's the only one she trusts and she curls up next to him for protection and reassurance. At the end of that episode she is with Jack, sitting on his lap while she's waiting to go in and see Sam.

                              In Learning Curve we discover that Jack is a regular visitor to Cassie's school and knows all her teachers.

                              In Rite of Passage she talks about playing chess with Jack (he calls the knight a horse). Jack is the one who comes to the infirmary to check on her and he stays with her when they are sweeping the base for Niirti.

                              After Janet dies the first thing Jack asks when Sam comes to visit him is how Cassie is doing.

                              I'm not saying that Daniel doesn't also have a connection to Cassie because I think it is logical to assume that he does, but from the evidence I am of the opinion that Jack and Cassie are very close and Jack plays a very active, fatherly role in her life.

                              And while I'm on a Cassie rant, I also do not buy the fannon concept that Cassie became a teacher or a sociologist or an anthropologist (ie followed in Daniel's footsteps). I don't know where these ideas come from but I read them all the time.

                              I'm a little more likely to believe she became a doctor because of Janet's influence and maybe to honor her. Also her own experience with Niirti's genetic manipulations and the biological agent that killed her natural parents good be a motivation for Cassie to study biochemistry and medicine. It's a bit of a stretch, but at least it's evidence based.

                              I guess the fact that we see her coloring and finger painting might lend some support to the notion that she became an artist; although I can't say I've ever read that one. Children do tend to color, draw and paint a lot regardless of talent or inclination; so I don't consider it a strong possibility, but at least it's not entirely out of left field.

                              One theory I have never seen explored, even though I think it has evidentiary support, is that Cassie went into physics, like Sam. We know Cassie adores and idolizes Sam. We learn that she is fascinated by a prism she used in class (I'm presuming a science class). So much so that her boyfriend gets her one for her birthday. She is studying from a physics textbook when Sam comes to see her at the end of Rite of Passage.

                              So in conclusion, I think Cassie is a scientist who sees Sam and Jack as her parental figures.

                              Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It's been bothering me lately, and I've needed to say it for some time.

                              Now back to your regularly scheduled shipping.
                              I agree and it's not really OT. Sam and Jack are "mom" and "dad". Yes, Janet adopted her but, to me, Cassie always seemed to have much more of a connection with Sam for obvious reasons. Daniel seems more supportive of Janet in Rite of Passage than close to Cassie. Especially after Janet dies and Danny disappears, Sam and Jack are the constant parents. Sam even moves to Nevada to be closer to Cassie doesn't she or am I confusing fanon with canon?

                              I always saw Cassie as the kid Sam and Jack never had (because I don't see them ever having kids of their own at this point due to their ages and jobs.)
                              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                              My fanfic


                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                                OK this is OT, but I have to give my Cassie rant here:

                                I read so much fic (fan and "official") that completely ignores the evidence we do have about Cassie and it drives me up a wall.

                                We never have a scene with Daniel and Cassie together. The only thing that comes close is Daniel supporting Sam when she's looking after Cassie in Singularity and he is swinging her again with Sam in the park at the end.

                                We do see Cassie getting a dog from Jack. Cassie calls Jack when she thinks Sam is a goa'uld in ItLoD. He's the only one she trusts and she curls up next to him for protection and reassurance. At the end of that episode she is with Jack, sitting on his lap while she's waiting to go in and see Sam.

                                In Learning Curve we discover that Jack is a regular visitor to Cassie's school and knows all her teachers.

                                In Rite of Passage she talks about playing chess with Jack (he calls the knight a horse). Jack is the one who comes to the infirmary to check on her and he stays with her when they are sweeping the base for Niirti.

                                After Janet dies the first thing Jack asks when Sam comes to visit him is how Cassie is doing.

                                I'm not saying that Daniel doesn't also have a connection to Cassie because I think it is logical to assume that he does, but from the evidence I am of the opinion that Jack and Cassie are very close and Jack plays a very active, fatherly role in her life.

                                And while I'm on a Cassie rant, I also do not buy the fannon concept that Cassie became a teacher or a sociologist or an anthropologist (ie followed in Daniel's footsteps). I don't know where these ideas come from but I read them all the time.

                                I'm a little more likely to believe she became a doctor because of Janet's influence and maybe to honor her. Also her own experience with Niirti's genetic manipulations and the biological agent that killed her natural parents good be a motivation for Cassie to study biochemistry and medicine. It's a bit of a stretch, but at least it's evidence based.

                                I guess the fact that we see her coloring and finger painting might lend some support to the notion that she became an artist; although I can't say I've ever read that one. Children do tend to color, draw and paint a lot regardless of talent or inclination; so I don't consider it a strong possibility, but at least it's not entirely out of left field.

                                One theory I have never seen explored, even though I think it has evidentiary support, is that Cassie went into physics, like Sam. We know Cassie adores and idolizes Sam. We learn that she is fascinated by a prism she used in class (I'm presuming a science class). So much so that her boyfriend gets her one for her birthday. She is studying from a physics textbook when Sam comes to see her at the end of Rite of Passage.

                                So in conclusion, I think Cassie is a scientist who sees Sam and Jack as her parental figures.

                                Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. It's been bothering me lately, and I've needed to say it for some time.

                                Now back to your regularly scheduled shipping.

                                O/T - Totally agree with that, I've never got the impression Daniel was close to Cassie. Due to all that evidence you've stated I've always seen Jack as a father figure for her.

                                I have a suspicion that the report Kinsey had Woolsey write about the inappropriate relationships within SG1 continued to grow and is probably a 1000 page document with its own appendices of mission reports and statements locked away in some safety deposit box Kinsey paid for before his unfortunate, sorry I meant, timely demise.
                                Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                                If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                                Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.

