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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    I'm looking forward to it!
    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


      a little OT here but does anyone know when that episode of "Don't trust the B**** in apartment 23" that RDA was going to be on was going to air?



          Originally posted by fems View Post
          I have no doubt they could make the kiss look good. All of their kisses have been great and, to be honest, I think they're some of the best TV kisses for non-established relationships. For example, I was watching an old episode of JAG last week in which Rabb and Mac made out during her engagement (to another man) party and I winced at the visual. It looked awful, like they were trying to eat each other's face (yet no tongue) and be passionate etc, but it just made me shake my head. It was far too much and it's not the kind of kiss I like to watch. In contrast, I can watch all the S/J kisses over and over again; some are more romantic or passionate yet it's not too much or a face-eating contest.

          I remember watching that episode, and feeling so disappointed! I always thought when Harm and Mac would (almost) get together, it would be great. IIRC the PTB commented on the comfort level between the two (or some such thing). Personally, I think it's just because of David James Elliott's "kissing style", because I've watched him on other shows, also lol.

          Spoilered for OT.


            Originally posted by Jolinar_of_Malkshur View Post
            Spotted this on facebook just now and it made me think of Sam and Jack, haha:

            Gah! After digging through the darn thread for half an hour finally found this post! I used this in my last FF chapter.

            Also mention of wackyjacqs "Step in a Puddle and Splash your Friend Day".

            The only thing that had come close was when she had found candy hearts in her locker on Valentine's Day and somehow managed to convince herself that Colonel O'Neill could stoop to such ridiculously sweet levels.

            They had just returned from a three day mission to what the Colonel had dubbed "Planet Nowheresville".
            Sam couldn't help but feel that was an entirely accurate title. He'd also thrown out "One horse planet without the horse", which also seemed quite fitting.

            Even Sam had found herself devastatingly bored as she'd watched Daniel become enamoured with a pile of rocks, which he seemed to think were entirely significant. As Jack had said "They look an awful lot like the many insignificant rocks I've come across in my time." Sam couldn't help but smirk and wholeheartedly agree.

            She didn't like to think of it, but the fact she was spending Valentine's Day watching Daniel play with rubble made her feel a tad pathetic, and that had probably contributed to the negative attitude she had towards the unassuming planet.

            Once they had returned home, and she was done submitting herself to the usual exam in the infirmary, she headed straight to the locker room - intent on getting home in time to at least enjoy a bubble bath with some candles.

            She may not have had anyone special in her life, but that didn't mean she shouldn't at least try to enjoy Valentine's Day.

            As she flung open her locker in a huff, the overwhelmingly pink envelope had fallen to the ground with a gentle thud.

            She stood there and stared at it for a moment, wondering if this wasn't a mistake of some sort.

            Her heart felt absurdly energized as she'd bent down to retrieve it.

            She studied it for a moment, letting her fingers trace around the edges of the envelope before she turned it over.

            Her eyes immediately fell upon the three simple letters – written in holographic silver stickers – on the centre of the card….


            It appeared as if whoever sent the Valentine may not have wanted to run the risk of using their handwriting. She was fairly certain she would recognize Colonel O'Neill's barely intelligible scrawl anywhere… Probably the only handwriting in the world she would recognize other than her own…

            Sam immediately reprimanded herself, telling herself it was impossible for it to have been Colonel O'Neill when he had been with her for the past three days, and this certainly hadn't been in her locker the day they had left. Not to mention the fact he was her CO and that would be totally inappropriate by military standards.

            Sam would have been more than okay with it however.

            The envelope felt heavy in her hand – much heavier than a simple card – and quite bulky. Sam carefully pulled the envelope open, not wanting to damage it in any way if it did happen to be something deeply meaningful and not some pity Valentine from Daniel or Janet as she expected.

            That was one thing she could be grateful for on Valentine's Day – she had wonderful friends.

            She peered into the envelope - her suspicions about it not being just a card confirmed.

            She could see what appeared to be candy hearts in the bottom of the envelope - the ones that usually came with romantic sentiments such as "BE MINE" and "KISS ME" written on them.

            Sam slid her fingers into the envelope and slid one out with her fingertips. She flipped the pink candy over in her palm to see whether it had anything written on it.


            For a moment Sam considered the letter may have come from Teal'c, who unlike Daniel and Janet seemed far less likely to send her a consolation Valentine. Then again… Teal'c did some pretty odd things when it came to participating in Earth's customary celebrations. National Step in a Puddle and Splash your Friend Day had resulted in some very amusing antics… Colonel O'Neill had come out of that day a little worse for wear.

            Sam smiled to herself remembering a drenched Colonel as she reached into the envelope to pull out a blue candy.


            Sam wondered if it hadn't meant to read "Cute", and it just hadn't been printed correctly. She examined it closely, but could see no trace of a poorly printed "te" on the heart.

            As she placed the blue candy on her palm next to the pink one, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place.


            Sam smiled to herself, although still a little confused as to why they had written one message on two hearts.

            She poured out a few more hearts from the tiny package into her hand, only to find they were all blue "Cu's" and pink "Te's". Satisfied she'd solved the mystery of the bizarre candies, she placed them back into the envelope.

            Sam's insides hadn't felt so alive in a long time - she'd forgotten what it felt like to feel cared for. Not that candy hearts spoke of undying love - but it did say there was someone out there she mattered to.

            Her heart skipped a beat as she pulled out the Valentine's Day card. She was jubilant as she pondered the meaning of the message on the front.

            Are you made of copper and tellurium?

            The picture on the front showed two periodic table boxes side by side. Element number 29 next to element number 52 - copper and tellurium. Beside one another the boxes read…


            Sam was grinning so hard she wondered how she'd ever stop smiling! This pretty much explained the mysterious candy messages!

            Sam flipped the card open - excited to see what was inside.

            Because you're cute!

            There was no writing whatsoever in the card - confirming her earlier suspicions about her secret candy-giver not wanting to use their handwriting. The card itself though, and the message printed inside went a long way to make her smile… A very long way.

            Her mind was racing at the possibilities. She couldn't help but wonder who would go to this trouble.

            The overall geekiness and blatant cuteness of the Valentine seemed to refute any connection with Colonel O'Neill - he was anything but a geek, and while he was abundantly cute, he certainly liked to pretend he wasn't.

            If it was from Daniel, Janet or Teal'c there would be no need for it to remain anonymous or to go to the trouble of sneaking it into her locker.

            Sam placed the card back into its envelope, still smiling to herself as she did. Whoever it was from had certainly managed to remove her from her bad mood.
            The password is fishing...


              Hmmm. I multi quoted a few people but the window is blank!

              Well, the only two things I can remember that I wanted to comment on:

              Infinity cartoon was set in the future and it couldn't hold my interest. And I love sci-fi, cartoons, and the 'Gate so it should not have been hard to keep me watching.

              The "unleashed" video game images seems to have a problem with noses especially. And in focusing (over emphasizing) on lines and wrinkles, they manage to make Jack and Daniel look haggard. There is absolutely nothing haggard looking about Daniel whether you're looking at him at 26 or 36. (Not a big Daniel fan so that is an unbiased observation, not seen through a lovesick fan's glasses).
              sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                Originally posted by brendini View Post
                I remember watching that episode, and feeling so disappointed! I always thought when Harm and Mac would (almost) get together, it would be great. IIRC the PTB commented on the comfort level between the two (or some such thing). Personally, I think it's just because of David James Elliott's "kissing style", because I've watched him on other shows, also lol.[/spoiler]
                Spoilered for OT.
                Harm and Mac scenes are so cheesy. I love them but they are nevertheless. Not like Sam/Jack which is much more realistic. That said, I do think their final conversation in the last episode put in the mouths of Sam and Jack would have been gold!

                (Mac walks into Harm's apartment as he's packing boxes to move)

                H: hey
                M: hey yourself! ... There's something so final about a packed suitcase.
                H: yep, not to mention an entirely packed apartment. (Mac sighs heavily) how about you? You packed?
                M: not completely. (Harm turns his back on her as he is moving boxes) ah, let's talk about you and me.
                H: neither one of us-
                M: wants to be the first to say goodbye. I know the song, we've been singing it for years.
                H: Mac... I don't think I will ever feel about anyone else the way I feel about you.
                M: (blushes and looks at the floor) that's very flattering. One piece of advice - don't share that piece of information with your future wife, whoever she may be. She might not understand.
                H: do *you* understand?
                M: why we can't make it work? Why we've let fate decide our futures? No I don't.
                H: let me ask you a personal question. Of all the men in your life, what was it about them that attracted you?
                M: (sigh) well, they wanted me. And they let me know it.
                H: *I* wanted you. You knew that.
                M: Harm, no woman wants to be a mind-reader. And with you there were always... Complications. Another woman, work...
                H: that's all past.
                M: is it?
                H: Mac, we have 12 hours [before leaving for reassignment]
                M: we've had 9 years!
                H: I guess maybe I needed a deadline
                M: well, you got one sailor (they kiss) What are you proposing? And that wasn't a Freudian slip!
                H: I'm proposing, lets get married.
                (They make out)
                M: in London?
                H: works for me!
                M: well, San Diego works for me
                H: this has always been the 500lb gorilla in the room.
                M: if we get married, one of us has to give up their military careers.
                H: well, we could wait 'till I retire!
                Mlaughs) yeah, that's another decade or so...
                H: I love you, Mac, but neither of us wants to give up our careers...

                There's little bit at the end about fate deciding, flipping a coin etc. but, seriously, if you switch the places for D.C. and Nevada and change the names and take into account that they'll no longer be in the same chain of command so they don't have to leave the AF, it's a conversation I could hear Sam and Jack having!
                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                My fanfic


                  Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                  Harm and Mac scenes are so cheesy. I love them but they are nevertheless. Not like Sam/Jack which is much more realistic. That said, I do think their final conversation in the last episode put in the mouths of Sam and Jack would have been gold!

                  (Mac walks into Harm's apartment as he's packing boxes to move)

                  H: hey
                  M: hey yourself! ... There's something so final about a packed suitcase.
                  H: yep, not to mention an entirely packed apartment. (Mac sighs heavily) how about you? You packed?
                  M: not completely. (Harm turns his back on her as he is moving boxes) ah, let's talk about you and me.
                  H: neither one of us-
                  M: wants to be the first to say goodbye. I know the song, we've been singing it for years.
                  H: Mac... I don't think I will ever feel about anyone else the way I feel about you.
                  M: (blushes and looks at the floor) that's very flattering. One piece of advice - don't share that piece of information with your future wife, whoever she may be. She might not understand.
                  H: do *you* understand?
                  M: why we can't make it work? Why we've let fate decide our futures? No I don't.
                  H: let me ask you a personal question. Of all the men in your life, what was it about them that attracted you?
                  M: (sigh) well, they wanted me. And they let me know it.
                  H: *I* wanted you. You knew that.
                  M: Harm, no woman wants to be a mind-reader. And with you there were always... Complications. Another woman, work...
                  H: that's all past.
                  M: is it?
                  H: Mac, we have 12 hours [before leaving for reassignment]
                  M: we've had 9 years!
                  H: I guess maybe I needed a deadline
                  M: well, you got one sailor (they kiss) What are you proposing? And that wasn't a Freudian slip!
                  H: I'm proposing, lets get married.
                  (They make out)
                  M: in London?
                  H: works for me!
                  M: well, San Diego works for me
                  H: this has always been the 500lb gorilla in the room.
                  M: if we get married, one of us has to give up their military careers.
                  H: well, we could wait 'till I retire!
                  Mlaughs) yeah, that's another decade or so...
                  H: I love you, Mac, but neither of us wants to give up our careers...

                  There's little bit at the end about fate deciding, flipping a coin etc. but, seriously, if you switch the places for D.C. and Nevada and change the names and take into account that they'll no longer be in the same chain of command so they don't have to leave the AF, it's a conversation I could hear Sam and Jack having!
                  Yeap, Sam and Jack are my OTP, but I love Harm/Mac too and I think they've got a much better resolution in the end even if the specifics are left to viewers' imagination.


                    the general they got to replace Admiral chegwidden in the final season of JAG reminded me so much of General Landry. but yeah i agree about how a scene like that could've been nice to have seen had RDA stayed on for another year or so.


                      Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                      Harm and Mac scenes are so cheesy. I love them but they are nevertheless. Not like Sam/Jack which is much more realistic. That said, I do think their final conversation in the last episode put in the mouths of Sam and Jack would have been gold!

                      (Mac walks into Harm's apartment as he's packing boxes to move)

                      H: hey
                      M: hey yourself! ... There's something so final about a packed suitcase.
                      H: yep, not to mention an entirely packed apartment. (Mac sighs heavily) how about you? You packed?
                      M: not completely. (Harm turns his back on her as he is moving boxes) ah, let's talk about you and me.
                      H: neither one of us-
                      M: wants to be the first to say goodbye. I know the song, we've been singing it for years.
                      H: Mac... I don't think I will ever feel about anyone else the way I feel about you.
                      M: (blushes and looks at the floor) that's very flattering. One piece of advice - don't share that piece of information with your future wife, whoever she may be. She might not understand.
                      H: do *you* understand?
                      M: why we can't make it work? Why we've let fate decide our futures? No I don't.
                      H: let me ask you a personal question. Of all the men in your life, what was it about them that attracted you?
                      M: (sigh) well, they wanted me. And they let me know it.
                      H: *I* wanted you. You knew that.
                      M: Harm, no woman wants to be a mind-reader. And with you there were always... Complications. Another woman, work...
                      H: that's all past.
                      M: is it?
                      H: Mac, we have 12 hours [before leaving for reassignment]
                      M: we've had 9 years!
                      H: I guess maybe I needed a deadline
                      M: well, you got one sailor (they kiss) What are you proposing? And that wasn't a Freudian slip!
                      H: I'm proposing, lets get married.
                      (They make out)
                      M: in London?
                      H: works for me!
                      M: well, San Diego works for me
                      H: this has always been the 500lb gorilla in the room.
                      M: if we get married, one of us has to give up their military careers.
                      H: well, we could wait 'till I retire!
                      Mlaughs) yeah, that's another decade or so...
                      H: I love you, Mac, but neither of us wants to give up our careers...

                      There's little bit at the end about fate deciding, flipping a coin etc. but, seriously, if you switch the places for D.C. and Nevada and change the names and take into account that they'll no longer be in the same chain of command so they don't have to leave the AF, it's a conversation I could hear Sam and Jack having!
                      The only thing I would have an issue with would Sam called O'Neill "Jack" or sir during it? I know Jack would call her Carter


                        Valenship is getting closer and closer...

                        How are everyone's contributions coming along? The project I'm working on with A Karswyll is probably a little behind on schedule (we didn't actually make a schedule ) so we're racing against the clock. We'll probably have to finish it on Valenship itself but we'll do our damn best to get it finished!

                        I'll also share all the first time pics I started collecting a while ago and hopefully will manage to get some writing in on the day itself. Hmm. Maybe I should do my groceries tomorrow instead of on Saturday!
                        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                        On FFnet or AO3

                        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                          The only thing I would have an issue with would Sam called O'Neill "Jack" or sir during it? I know Jack would call her Carter
                          I think she would avoid calling him anything because she wouldn't know what to call him so she would address him without calling him anything. Though I reckon "Sir" would slip out somewhere lol. Old habits die hard!

                          I like it when he calls her Sam but Jack has a way of saying "Carter" that makes me weak at the knees, never mind Sam lol!
                          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                          My fanfic


                            GateWorld says that we're having a Farscape theme this weekend.
                            No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                            It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                              Originally posted by iiradned View Post
                              GateWorld says that we're having a Farscape theme this weekend.
                              Hehe much more important holiday than that!

                              I just re watched the Daniel descension scene from threads and I only just noticed the good 2-3 seconds we get of Sam and Jack just gazing into each others' eyesafter Sam mentions the auto destruct!! It's like they've forgotten that Teal'c and Bra'tac are even in the room until Bra'tac speaks and breaks the moment. Jack looks like he's been caught with his hand in the cookie jar and immediately looks down at his hands and starts fidgeting. Sam visibly shakes herself when she turns to Bra'tac, I'd love to have seen the look on her face coz she looks like she's really embarrassed/catching her breath (hehe, Jack made her swoon!) and doesn't know what to say before Teal'c answers for her. I was so busy trying to watch them both I never actually noticed their individual reactions lol!

                              It's not just me, right?

                              Last edited by AmberLM; 14 February 2013, 01:36 PM.
                              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                              My fanfic


                                Sam and Jack celebrating Valentine's Day...


                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

