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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


      Been kinda dead around here lately. Hopefully Valenship brings out the love.
      The password is fishing...


        Hope everyone has/had a wonderful Valentine's Day.

        The password is fishing...


          is the 'stargate: legacy' atlantis novels considered canon within the mythology of stargate? i ask, b/c there's quite a lot of ship in them, and mgm *did* okay this, right?



            By Ikorni

            Here's my ficlet response to Ikorni's art submission. It's got some Sam!whump, with dashes of angst and fluff. I'm not really sure what to make of it. All I know is that I took one look at that art and this idea popped in my head. And ONLY this idea. Which is weird. For me. *shrug*



            Jack stared dauntlessly into the heart of the abyss. He’d always thought of jungles as voracious beasts, and this one was no different. Its bright yet shadowy depths consumed the sound of a dozen shouting voices, all searching for Major Carter. Though it was the Stargate that had stranded her here five weeks ago, it was the jungle that had swallowed her.

            She’d spent some time by the Gate, as evidenced by the half-gutted DHD with its innards trailing to the damp earth, but it was apparent she had long abandoned it. Now SG-1 stepped into the hungry maw of the jungle once more, together with Colonel Reynolds whose team comprised the second half of their search and rescue party.

            The trail they followed was strong, deliberately marked by Carter with stacks of stone and branches, and arrows pointing them in the direction she’d gone. But then the markers came fewer and farther between, before they vanished completely. With a brisk hand signal Reynolds took his team and spread out to the east; Jack nodded for Daniel and Teal’c to head west.

            He didn’t know how many hours they searched, or how many miles they traveled. All he knew was when he spotted the irregular pattern of forest-green BDUs against the backdrop of the jungle, his heart nearly thudded out of his chest. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, speeding him towards the blouse draped over a mass of tangled, arching roots with a shout to alert the others.

            “Over here!”

            Hot air stuck to his skin, pouring into his lungs. His breaths came in heavy rasps, burning. He snatched the blouse to him without hesitation—it was tacky to the touch, the fibers swollen from too many days’ exposure in the heavy humidity.

            “Carter!” His shout was unanswered, but as he moved he saw the open space beneath the bed of roots; a shelter, perhaps large enough for one person. “Carter!”

            The narrow beam of his flashlight revealed the limp form of his Major, unresponsive. Her smudged skin was pale beneath the ruddy remnants of old sunburn, and one cheek sported a dirty scrape. But most concerning was the crude bandage strapped across her thigh, and the stench of human rot that billowed up to greet him.

            He looked up to Danny and Teal’c who stood sweaty and rigid in the oppressive heat. Jack passed off his weapon, and quickly located the gap Sam must have used to gain access to the hideaway. Only his head would fit; it was barely large enough for Carter, let along anyone else. Biting back a curse, he looked to Daniel. “Get Reynolds over here with the med team,” he ordered.

            For a moment, the archaeologist’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, but small miracle of miracles, he didn’t protest, or ask any questions. He turned away, taking the moment to pull himself together as he relayed their position to SG-3. Jack turned back to the base of the tree, and their prize within it. There would only be one way to do this.

            Grasping the boot of her good leg, Jack swiftly pulled Carter through the gap and out into the open. His gut clenched at the sound of the cry that accompanied the abuse, but the consequent fluttering of her eyes came as a relief.

            “Carter?” Jack moved to her head, and sharply patted her cheek. “Carter!”

            Teal’c presented him with a canteen of fresh water, and without a word Jack unscrewed the top and tipped it to her lips. For moment, there was nothing, and then, suddenly, she sputtered, eyes flaring.

            “Drink, Major,” he issued firmly. “That’s an order.” He watched the alarm flicker across her features, followed quickly by recognition and heartfelt relief. She blinked lethargically, then obediently sipped the water he offered.

            She finished with a groan, and when her head tipped back Jack thought for sure she’d drifted away again. But then bloodshot eyes opened and focused blearily on him. “Colonel,” she croaked. She cleared her throat ineffectually.

            “Hi.” There were several other things he could have said—wanted to say—but ‘hi’ was safe. Neutral. Didn’t hint at all at the panic that had haunted him for five weeks.

            “What took you so long?”

            Jack grinned, then shrugged. “Oh, you know… had to wait for the friendly neighborhood Tok’ra to let us borrow one of their rides.” She let out a huff of air; either a laugh, or a grimace of pain. The moment of levity shattered, and gravity pulled Jack back down to Earth. “Major, I need to know your injuries.”

            Her lids were already slamming, but popped back open again when Jack shook her shoulder. “Ah… uh, just…” She inhaled sharply. “Just my leg, it’s… not good, sir.”

            Yeah. He’d gathered that. The stink of infection issued distinctly from the dirty bandage, which he could now see was crusted and discolored. “Was it a branch? Rock?”

            “No, ah…” Her sunburn deepened ever so slightly. “Actually, it was… a boar, I think. Some kind of… alien, wild pig, sir.”

            Despite himself, Jack felt his eyebrows creeping towards his hairline. “A pig?”

            “It had big teeth, sir,” she replied diligently, before cringing at another wave of pain. “Tusks… gored me. I tried… didn’t have enough supplies… in my pack…”

            “Take it easy, Major,” Jack softened, patting her arm gently in reassurance. “Don’t worry about it. Doc Frasier sent her best med team with us. They’re on their way. They’ll take good care of you.” Her eyes started to slip shut. “I just need you to stay awake for me now, okay Carter?”

            Blue eyes fought to stay open. “Yes… sir…”

            But for all her efforts, she fell back unconscious before Reynolds showed up with SG-3 and the med team. Turned out they didn’t need her to be awake. They slipped an oxygen mask over her nose, and threaded an IV into her hand. Within minutes they had her loaded on a stretcher, and a pair of SG-3 Marines were carting back towards the cargo ship that would take them home.

            Jack moved to follow, pausing only just small enough to issue a single request to Colonel Reynolds.
            “If you guys see any kind of boar-looking thing… kill it really, really dead, wouldja?”

            Reynolds nodded without question, leaving Jack to go with the rest of his team to the ship. SG-3 would bring up the rear, and make sure nothing tried to follow them home. SG-1 hadn’t encountered anything on their initial visit, but there would be no more risks today.

            Only once the Goa’uld vessel was fully loaded and back in the air did the med team address the bandage secured to Carter’s left thigh. They’d given her morphine, and as they began to peel the stained bandage away, Jack was glad for it. The bandage had become soaked through at some point, whether by rain or seepage they would never know, and had become cemented to the edges of the wound. Pus-spotted blood oozed sluggishly from the gaping gash in her thigh, eventually spilling onto the flat bench she was laid out on.

            The medics said it wasn’t too deep, and the infection wasn’t septic—yet. If they got her back to the SGC infirmary soon enough, there wouldn’t be any lasting damage. But it wasn’t until she was installed in the clean confines of the infirmary that Jack was able to ease the knot of worry in his gut. Frasier said Sam would be all right—so she would be. She’d be on bed rest for a few weeks, and on light duty for weeks beyond that, but she’d make a full recovery.

            Teal’c and Daniel joined Jack in his vigil at her bedside. Her rise to consciousness was slow, and peppered with false-starts, but when tired blue eyes finally focused on him, and smiled, he was assured she was on the mend.

            “How long?” she asked.

            “Five weeks.” Five weeks since the wormhole closed on her before she could step through to Earth. Five weeks of Jack not knowing whether she’d been en route when the wormhole disengaged. Five weeks of knowing she was on her own, with limited resources, in an unforgiving environment. Five of wondering whether he would get to her in time.

            Sam smiled tiredly, her thin fingers squeezing his. “Thank you,” she said. Simple gratitude, meant honestly; a lump climbed in Jack’s throat.

            He offered her a thin smile. “Always.”

            She progressed steadily after that, to the point that their three-man vigil was quickly reduced to a part-time schedule. He managed to catch her alone one night, a few days before she was due to be released on her own recognizance. Their conversation was superficial, light and easy. Right before she nodded off to sleep, Jack had only one last thing to say about the entire affair.

            “Y’know, next time Carter, I’ll give you a Gameboy to keep in your pack.”

            Eyes half-closed, Carter lifted a sleepy brow. “Hmmm…?” She was barely listening; it was all the opening he needed.

            “That way, the next time you get stuck on an alien planet… you won’t end up boared to death.”

            Her giggle was well worth the wait.



              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              is the 'stargate: legacy' atlantis novels considered canon within the mythology of stargate? i ask, b/c there's quite a lot of ship in them, and mgm *did* okay this, right?
              None of the novels are considered canon, anymore than fanfiction is. In fact, the Legacy series is really fanfiction in novel form that is sold to readers. It did have to go through MGM's approval, though, before publication. All the Stargate Novels must go through MGM before being published. However, apparently in this series, a fair amount of shippy stuff got through the scrutiny by MGM, or maybe they just don't care anymore.


                Originally posted by selene0789 View Post

                Here's my ficlet response to Ikorni's art submission. It's got some Sam!whump, with dashes of angst and fluff. I'm not really sure what to make of it. All I know is that I took one look at that art and this idea popped in my head. And ONLY this idea. Which is weird. For me. *shrug*



                Jack stared dauntlessly into the heart of the abyss. He’d always thought of jungles as voracious beasts, and this one was no different. Its bright yet shadowy depths consumed the sound of a dozen shouting voices, all searching for Major Carter. Though it was the Stargate that had stranded her here five weeks ago, it was the jungle that had swallowed her.

                She’d spent some time by the Gate, as evidenced by the half-gutted DHD with its innards trailing to the damp earth, but it was apparent she had long abandoned it. Now SG-1 stepped into the hungry maw of the jungle once more, together with Colonel Reynolds whose team comprised the second half of their search and rescue party.

                The trail they followed was strong, deliberately marked by Carter with stacks of stone and branches, and arrows pointing them in the direction she’d gone. But then the markers came fewer and farther between, before they vanished completely. With a brisk hand signal Reynolds took his team and spread out to the east; Jack nodded for Daniel and Teal’c to head west.

                He didn’t know how many hours they searched, or how many miles they traveled. All he knew was when he spotted the irregular pattern of forest-green BDUs against the backdrop of the jungle, his heart nearly thudded out of his chest. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, speeding him towards the blouse draped over a mass of tangled, arching roots with a shout to alert the others.

                “Over here!”

                Hot air stuck to his skin, pouring into his lungs. His breaths came in heavy rasps, burning. He snatched the blouse to him without hesitation—it was tacky to the touch, the fibers swollen from too many days’ exposure in the heavy humidity.

                “Carter!” His shout was unanswered, but as he moved he saw the open space beneath the bed of roots; a shelter, perhaps large enough for one person. “Carter!”

                The narrow beam of his flashlight revealed the limp form of his Major, unresponsive. Her smudged skin was pale beneath the ruddy remnants of old sunburn, and one cheek sported a dirty scrape. But most concerning was the crude bandage strapped across her thigh, and the stench of human rot that billowed up to greet him.

                He looked up to Danny and Teal’c who stood sweaty and rigid in the oppressive heat. Jack passed off his weapon, and quickly located the gap Sam must have used to gain access to the hideaway. Only his head would fit; it was barely large enough for Carter, let along anyone else. Biting back a curse, he looked to Daniel. “Get Reynolds over here with the med team,” he ordered.

                For a moment, the archaeologist’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, but small miracle of miracles, he didn’t protest, or ask any questions. He turned away, taking the moment to pull himself together as he relayed their position to SG-3. Jack turned back to the base of the tree, and their prize within it. There would only be one way to do this.

                Grasping the boot of her good leg, Jack swiftly pulled Carter through the gap and out into the open. His gut clenched at the sound of the cry that accompanied the abuse, but the consequent fluttering of her eyes came as a relief.

                “Carter?” Jack moved to her head, and sharply patted her cheek. “Carter!”

                Teal’c presented him with a canteen of fresh water, and without a word Jack unscrewed the top and tipped it to her lips. For moment, there was nothing, and then, suddenly, she sputtered, eyes flaring.

                “Drink, Major,” he issued firmly. “That’s an order.” He watched the alarm flicker across her features, followed quickly by recognition and heartfelt relief. She blinked lethargically, then obediently sipped the water he offered.

                She finished with a groan, and when her head tipped back Jack thought for sure she’d drifted away again. But then bloodshot eyes opened and focused blearily on him. “Colonel,” she croaked. She cleared her throat ineffectually.

                “Hi.” There were several other things he could have said—wanted to say—but ‘hi’ was safe. Neutral. Didn’t hint at all at the panic that had haunted him for five weeks.

                “What took you so long?”

                Jack grinned, then shrugged. “Oh, you know… had to wait for the friendly neighborhood Tok’ra to let us borrow one of their rides.” She let out a huff of air; either a laugh, or a grimace of pain. The moment of levity shattered, and gravity pulled Jack back down to Earth. “Major, I need to know your injuries.”

                Her lids were already slamming, but popped back open again when Jack shook her shoulder. “Ah… uh, just…” She inhaled sharply. “Just my leg, it’s… not good, sir.”

                Yeah. He’d gathered that. The stink of infection issued distinctly from the dirty bandage, which he could now see was crusted and discolored. “Was it a branch? Rock?”

                “No, ah…” Her sunburn deepened ever so slightly. “Actually, it was… a boar, I think. Some kind of… alien, wild pig, sir.”

                Despite himself, Jack felt his eyebrows creeping towards his hairline. “A pig?”

                “It had big teeth, sir,” she replied diligently, before cringing at another wave of pain. “Tusks… gored me. I tried… didn’t have enough supplies… in my pack…”

                “Take it easy, Major,” Jack softened, patting her arm gently in reassurance. “Don’t worry about it. Doc Frasier sent her best med team with us. They’re on their way. They’ll take good care of you.” Her eyes started to slip shut. “I just need you to stay awake for me now, okay Carter?”

                Blue eyes fought to stay open. “Yes… sir…”

                But for all her efforts, she fell back unconscious before Reynolds showed up with SG-3 and the med team. Turned out they didn’t need her to be awake. They slipped an oxygen mask over her nose, and threaded an IV into her hand. Within minutes they had her loaded on a stretcher, and a pair of SG-3 Marines were carting back towards the cargo ship that would take them home.

                Jack moved to follow, pausing only just small enough to issue a single request to Colonel Reynolds.
                “If you guys see any kind of boar-looking thing… kill it really, really dead, wouldja?”

                Reynolds nodded without question, leaving Jack to go with the rest of his team to the ship. SG-3 would bring up the rear, and make sure nothing tried to follow them home. SG-1 hadn’t encountered anything on their initial visit, but there would be no more risks today.

                Only once the Goa’uld vessel was fully loaded and back in the air did the med team address the bandage secured to Carter’s left thigh. They’d given her morphine, and as they began to peel the stained bandage away, Jack was glad for it. The bandage had become soaked through at some point, whether by rain or seepage they would never know, and had become cemented to the edges of the wound. Pus-spotted blood oozed sluggishly from the gaping gash in her thigh, eventually spilling onto the flat bench she was laid out on.

                The medics said it wasn’t too deep, and the infection wasn’t septic—yet. If they got her back to the SGC infirmary soon enough, there wouldn’t be any lasting damage. But it wasn’t until she was installed in the clean confines of the infirmary that Jack was able to ease the knot of worry in his gut. Frasier said Sam would be all right—so she would be. She’d be on bed rest for a few weeks, and on light duty for weeks beyond that, but she’d make a full recovery.

                Teal’c and Daniel joined Jack in his vigil at her bedside. Her rise to consciousness was slow, and peppered with false-starts, but when tired blue eyes finally focused on him, and smiled, he was assured she was on the mend.

                “How long?” she asked.

                “Five weeks.” Five weeks since the wormhole closed on her before she could step through to Earth. Five weeks of Jack not knowing whether she’d been en route when the wormhole disengaged. Five weeks of knowing she was on her own, with limited resources, in an unforgiving environment. Five of wondering whether he would get to her in time.

                Sam smiled tiredly, her thin fingers squeezing his. “Thank you,” she said. Simple gratitude, meant honestly; a lump climbed in Jack’s throat.

                He offered her a thin smile. “Always.”

                She progressed steadily after that, to the point that their three-man vigil was quickly reduced to a part-time schedule. He managed to catch her alone one night, a few days before she was due to be released on her own recognizance. Their conversation was superficial, light and easy. Right before she nodded off to sleep, Jack had only one last thing to say about the entire affair.

                “Y’know, next time Carter, I’ll give you a Gameboy to keep in your pack.”

                Eyes half-closed, Carter lifted a sleepy brow. “Hmmm…?” She was barely listening; it was all the opening he needed.

                “That way, the next time you get stuck on an alien planet… you won’t end up boared to death.”

                Her giggle was well worth the wait.

                Poor Sam. All that she had to endure. But, Wow! What a great story. More please.


                  Great story, Selene! Glad that the art could inspire something!
                  Fics | Art | Tumblr


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    None of the novels are considered canon, anymore than fanfiction is. In fact, the Legacy series is really fanfiction in novel form that is sold to readers. It did have to go through MGM's approval, though, before publication. All the Stargate Novels must go through MGM before being published. However, apparently in this series, a fair amount of shippy stuff got through the scrutiny by MGM, or maybe they just don't care anymore.
                    i don't know how to feel about this.

                    mgm *did* approve this, so it's either they don't care, like you said, or they're quite okay with the super shippy stuff. really, non canon or not, mgm IS endorsing whatever you read in the novels...



                      Originally posted by fems View Post
                      I have no doubt they could make the kiss look good. All of their kisses have been great and, to be honest, I think they're some of the best TV kisses for non-established relationships. For example, I was watching an old episode of JAG last week in which Rabb and Mac made out during her engagement (to another man) party and I winced at the visual. It looked awful, like they were trying to eat each other's face (yet no tongue) and be passionate etc, but it just made me shake my head. It was far too much and it's not the kind of kiss I like to watch. In contrast, I can watch all the S/J kisses over and over again; some are more romantic or passionate yet it's not too much or a face-eating contest.
                      yes *this*.

                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      Sorry honey, but that was SAM!!!!!
                      Originally posted by fems View Post
                      Sorry, it was Jolinar.
                      JOLIN... *claps hand over mouth*

                      moving on...

                      Originally posted by Sparky She-Demon View Post
                      I don't really know. There seems to be a decent portion of them that read/write fanfic. When I proposed Valenship, they were under the impression that it should remain an S/J only holiday!
                      awww...I never thought it was solely S/J -its associated with Valentine's Day, so any love should be able to build a celebration around it.

                      Originally posted by Jack4Sam View Post
                      Gah! After digging through the darn thread for half an hour finally found this post! I used this in my last FF chapter.

                      Also mention of wackyjacqs "Step in a Puddle and Splash your Friend Day".
                      Originally posted by selene0789 View Post

                      Here's my ficlet response to Ikorni's art submission. It's got some Sam!whump, with dashes of angst and fluff. I'm not really sure what to make of it. All I know is that I took one look at that art and this idea popped in my head. And ONLY this idea. Which is weird. For me. *shrug*
                      WOW...both of you! I am loving the inspiration going around!!
                      I just hope MY Muse is watching!!
                      sig by Ikorni

                      "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                      "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                      SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                        i don't know how to feel about this.

                        mgm *did* approve this, so it's either they don't care, like you said, or they're quite okay with the super shippy stuff. really, non canon or not, mgm IS endorsing whatever you read in the novels...
                        I do not put a lot of stock on MGM's approval process because they've let some pretty sketchy stuff get by that is clearly contrary to cannon. I wouldn't say that they don't care. I just think their focus is more on basic issues of liability and profitability. They check the novels to make sure there is nothing that would endanger the stargate brand and their investment in it.


                          Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
                          By Ikorni

                          Here's my ficlet response to Ikorni's art submission. It's got some Sam!whump, with dashes of angst and fluff. I'm not really sure what to make of it. All I know is that I took one look at that art and this idea popped in my head. And ONLY this idea. Which is weird. For me. *shrug*

                          (snipped story)
                          can't green you, so GREEN thanks instead!!



                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            is the 'stargate: legacy' atlantis novels considered canon within the mythology of stargate? i ask, b/c there's quite a lot of ship in them, and mgm *did* okay this, right?
                            Sam/Jack shippy or other pairings? Do tell, I haven't read that one!
                            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                            My fanfic


                              Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                              Sam/Jack shippy or other pairings? Do tell, I haven't read that one!
                              I would also like to know!!! I assume no kisses or anything...But even feelings are good.
                              The password is fishing...


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                Poor Sam. All that she had to endure. But, Wow! What a great story. More please.
                                Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
                                Great story, Selene! Glad that the art could inspire something!
                                Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                                WOW...both of you! I am loving the inspiration going around!!
                                I just hope MY Muse is watching!!
                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                can't green you, so GREEN thanks instead!!
                                Thanks you guys! Totally made my day. Not that you guys don't usually lift my spirits, but I've been fighting a low-grade fever all this week, and been feeling all-around crappy. Waking up to the kind words this morning was a wonderful boost. Virtual hugs to all!

                                Now, off to sneak in a shippy episode before work.

