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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Hi everyone, hope you’re all well!

    Sorry I haven’t been around much lately, but real life and all that... I was around briefly on Saturday for Valenship, and I managed to get a fic written - both not posted sadly. It’s posted now though, so I guess better late than never, right?

    If any of you are interested in reading a little S/J ship, here’s the link as I couldn’t figure out the ‘spoiler’ thing, sorry! (The fic is rated T, just to be on the safe side, but there’s nothing really in it to warrant that rating).

    Punches And Posies -

    Also apologies if this is posted in the wrong place. Enjoy!

    "I'd rather have died myself than lose Carter... Because I care about her. A lot more than I'm supposed to."
    My Fics | My Twitter


      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      In my opinion this was a story that suggested a fundamental misunderstanding of relationships (and not just romantic relationships). She really believed it was a happy ending for everyone.

      Really I don't want to think about this story anymore, but just so everyone understands and is thoroughly warned:

      The author had Sam and Jack break up but continue living together just like a married couple but with no sex for the rest of their lives and they were supposedly happier that way. So essentially she made Jack gay because why would he agree to that? Or Sam too for that matter?! Then she believed that everyone (Daniel, Teal'c, Cassie, etc.) would be happy for them and almost immediately accept this kind of toxic codependence because they had "never seemed happier."

      There are so many things wrong with this premise it is hard for me to express. I wouldn't wish that kind of disfunctional emotionally stunted relationship on my worst enemy.
      Whoa there! I will be the first to admit I haven't read this one, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE clarification on one of your points!
      not having sex and being gay are two TOTALLY separate, distinct things. Please do not confuse one with the other. It is offensive to everyone who has a great relationship with their spouse without sex for whatever reason - such as medical problems. It is also offensive to everyone who is gay - to equate the lack of a sex life to being gay, or to suggest that just because one does not have sex with one person, that automatically "pushes" them into the arms of another (of the same sex!) Being gay does not happen that way. One either is or is not. You don't "become" or "make someone" gay.

      mood: upset


        Happy Birthday Melissa


          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          Whoa there! I will be the first to admit I haven't read this one, but PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE clarification on one of your points!
          not having sex and being gay are two TOTALLY separate, distinct things. Please do not confuse one with the other. It is offensive to everyone who has a great relationship with their spouse without sex for whatever reason - such as medical problems. It is also offensive to everyone who is gay - to equate the lack of a sex life to being gay, or to suggest that just because one does not have sex with one person, that automatically "pushes" them into the arms of another (of the same sex!) Being gay does not happen that way. One either is or is not. You don't "become" or "make someone" gay.

          mood: upset
          Thank you Nolamon!


            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            was the one where they just deciding they're better as friends called "We're Growing Apart But We Pull It Together"? cause i just read that one myself and it left this hurting feeling in my heart after i read it.
            I was taken in by this story as well. The title (IMO) suggests they get back together in the end, so I just thought they'd find their way back into each other's arms through their friendship... but they didn't.

            So then I read the 2013 Valenship collection that Selene posted and I was a happy shipper again!


              Too bad they never married in the movies!
              Fate makes our relatives; choice makes our friends-quote I found in my dad's senior year of high school under his name

              "Give me a pen and I'll write the words"


                Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                so on another topic, and one that's OT...

                my sister said to me today, 'what would you think if i gave you richard dean anderson, made out of chocolate?'

                separately they're both wonderful, but together....
                A chocolate RDA? or chocolate covered RDA... I'll take either!


                  Time for a change of subject I think.

                  I am planning on doing another Shippy Madness competition this year and I would welcome suggestions for the brackets.

                  Here's an example of a previous contest:


                    Could you do maybe a young Sam/Jack and see how it would play out?
                    Fate makes our relatives; choice makes our friends-quote I found in my dad's senior year of high school under his name

                    "Give me a pen and I'll write the words"


                      Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                      A chocolate RDA? or chocolate covered RDA... I'll take either!
                      I'd take the latter!
                      Fics | Art | Tumblr


                        I bet the guys would love to see Carter/Sam covered in chocolate!
                        Fate makes our relatives; choice makes our friends-quote I found in my dad's senior year of high school under his name

                        "Give me a pen and I'll write the words"


                          Originally posted by avp60685 View Post
                          I bet the guys would love to see Carter/Sam covered in chocolate!
                          I'm sure Jack would, too!


                            LOL yep!
                            Fate makes our relatives; choice makes our friends-quote I found in my dad's senior year of high school under his name

                            "Give me a pen and I'll write the words"


                              how many more weeks until Unleashed gets....well Released?


                                Originally posted by avp60685 View Post
                                I bet the guys would love to see Carter/Sam covered in chocolate!
                                i think you have just given me some nice dreams for the next oh week or so.

