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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by fems View Post
    I was never really a Woolsey fan and after the way he dismissed Sam and stripped her of her command, I totally lost interest. SGA also didn't have the same pull on me as SG-1, I mostly gave it a chance because of the guest appearances and thus didn't bother much with season 5. I can't even recall if I watched it or if I just read about it.

    Although I also think Sam would've probably wanted to go back home to Jack, I just didn't like the way they handled it. It was humiliating and just the final straw on how they'd handled her character since season... 9 or so.
    I also never really got into Atlantis. I liked it alright, but never found it terribly compelling. The characters just never grabbed me. They all seemed quite shallow and lacking in complexity. Plus I need a good ship to really enjoy a show. That's why SG-1 is the ultimate in my book. The Sam/Jack ship is just phenomenal.

    I thought Woolsey was actually a better fit for the role of Atlantis commander than Sam just because the writers completely lost interest in her character after Season 8. This meant that she was badly misused and even sometimes abused as a character and it really made me mad.

    I thoroughly dislike Sanctuary (for so many reasons that are so beyond topic I just won't get into it here). But I think AT made the smart choice in abandoning Stargate for her own series, as uncertain as that may have been at the time.


      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
      Okay so I made these for a challenge in the writing comm (writerverse) that I run with a Jen (she's on AO3 as justanotherjen). It's her birthday and we had to come up with greeting cards and so I made an S/J one for her and I thought you all might get a kick out of it (click to make bigger):
      Love it!

      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post

      Isn't that just always the way?

      How could Sam and Jack not kissed more with such a great excuse ready at hand?!
      I know right!

      I never got into SGA, I've only seen a few episodes, but I do like Woolsey in SG-1 and SGU
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        I maintain that Woolsey is a shipper, whether he knows it or not.

        While he didn't like that the SGC never operated "by the book" to his satisfaction, I think he did admire how committed Sam and Jack were to taking an honorable course and not acting against regs for all those years they served together.

        When Woolsey did bring up problems with the closeness of personal relationships at the SGC While briefing the President in Inauguration he didn't seem happy that Kinsey was tried to imply that Sam and Jack had acted innapropriately.

        Maybe hedwig is on to something when she says that Woolsey may have pointed out that Sam was serving in a different galaxy from her husband for over a year. The AF does try and keep families together when possible. I think Woolsey's motivations for making the argument would have been rather self-serving, but the effect did bring Sam back home to Jack.

        I think there's a bit of a little shipper heart that beats in there.

        Hey Sara, maybe Woolsey is the Grinch!


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          Hey Sara, maybe Woolsey is the Grinch!
          LOL There's a thought. All you need is a little bit of


            "And all shipper hearts grew THREE TIMES this day!"


              Hey guys, I need help, and all you need to do to help me is watch a cool S/J video!

              I can't for the life of me remember which episodes at at 1:50-1:53 in this video. Anyone know?
              The Return of King Arthur
              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                The one where she's running past those barrels is Season 5, "Beast of Burden".

                The previous one is Season 2, "Message in a Bottle", where they're unhooking the orb to try to get it back to the gateroom?

                Love, love, love that song.
                Last edited by hedwig; 10 December 2011, 06:02 PM.


                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  The one where she's running past those barrels is Season 5, "Beast of Burden".

                  The previous one is Season 2, "Message in a Bottle", where they're unhooking the orb to try to get it back to the gateroom?

                  Love, love, love that song.
                  Of course! *That's* it! Thank you!
                  The Return of King Arthur
                  Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                  acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                    It’s 6 Days To Shipmas
                    Look What I Received

                    Sam: Dr. Felger, I’m not sure I understand what all this data is about. Why are you showing me this?

                    Felger: Well, Major, as you know General Hammond agreed to let me make a careful study of various television ships, focusing especially on the one between yourself and Colonel O’Neill.

                    Sam: Yes, the Colonel was thrilled when he heard that.

                    Felger: Really?!

                    Felger: Right. Anyway, as you can see from this data on average most popular on screen ships receive some kind of resolution in around five years.

                    Sam: And for us it’s been much, MUCH longer than that.

                    Felger: Yes. And this continued waiting and longing for resolution has led to a condition I’ve identified as Shipper Envy.

                    Felger: Basically, the shippers see some kind of resolution or overt shipping on another show and they come onto the Sam/Jack thread and complain. Take for example this show . . . Sanctuary.

                    Sam: Never heard of it.

                    Felger: It’s a show some Sam/Jack shippers seem to be attracted to for some reason I have yet to understand. Anyway, whenever this Helen Magnus character has some kind of shippy moment the Sam/Jack shippers all seem to go nuts.


                      It’s 6 Days To Shipmas

                      Sam: I understand what you’re saying Dr. Felger, and believe me things would be different if I were the one in charge, but I’m not sure what we can really do with any of this data you’ve collected.

                      Felger: See that’s where my brilliant idea comes in!

                      Felger: You know about Shipmas … of course you do. And you can see that while participation in this and other shipper celebrations doesn’t eliminate shipper envy it does provide the Sam/Jack shippers with some relief and support.

                      Felger: So why not add more celebrations to the shipper calendar!

                      Sam: It’s an interesting idea. I’ll take it to Hammond.

                      Felger: Yes! I knew you’d like it.

                      Sam: Now wait a minute here. We’re going to have to give this some serious thought before we move forward with this. You have about 30 new shipper holidays here and I’m sure not all of them will be approved.

                      Sam: For example, I don’t think Colonel O’Neill is going to be too thrilled with . . . Sidearm Appreciation Day or Member Operation Butt (MOB) Day?!

                      Felger: OK, see I may have kind of, just totally by accident, already sent out the invitations.

                      Sam: What?!

                      Jack: Carter, you know I love a good party, especially if there’s cake, but we can’t just have Felger making this stuff up.

                      Sam: I know, Sir. Don’t worry, I’ll fix it before you get back from this meeting with the rebel Jaffa.

                      Jack: I know I can count on you Carter. Just, keep an eye on Felger.

                      Jack: I’ll see you back here for Shipmas.

                      Sam: Can’t wait.

                      Sam: *Hmmm? Felger may have a point about MOB Day.*

                      by Oma-1


                        by XFchemist


                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          It’s 6 Days To Shipmas

                          Sam: *Hmmm? Felger may have a point about MOB Day.*[/size]

                          by Oma-1


                            Only on missions?


                              ^^ What hedwig said!!!!!!!!!!!

                              sig by Ikorni

                              "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                              "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                              SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                                Beautiful Advent art, Chemmy!
                                sig by Ikorni

                                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3

