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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
    When the episode originally aired, remember all the threads about how awful Pete was as a character. There was an uproar, and not just from shippers. Many non-shippers and anti-shippers hated the character too.
    Also remember that Robert Cooper then had a childish tantrum and told us we all had 'issues'. This is why, what would have been a one-episode character, was brought back for more.

    As for 2010, one has to remember when the episode was filmed, and the general fashions of the time. I like the outfit Sam wears at Jack's cabin. (although I don't really think much of the date dress in Chimera).
    At least she didn't have to wear anything like Janet's outfit in 2010, which I think was supposed to be sort of Aschen-like.


      Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
      At least she didn't have to wear anything like Janet's outfit in 2010, which I think was supposed to be sort of Aschen-like.
      Sam's gray dress wasn't much better.


        I loved the wardrobe in "2010"! It was futuristic, but subtle. I could totally see us shifting that way should we be influenced by the Aschen. Absolutely.

        Now, a more appropriate comment might be "At least it wasn't anything like Teal'c's 'Leader of the Free Jaffa Nation' robes", because that would have obscured AT's lovely figure completely from us viewer's views. That would have been terrible!

        Heheheh... I'm a doofus. Forgive me. It's been a long day!


          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          I'm pretty sure that sacrificing character integrity can be blamed on shifting show runners, since I very much doubt that Brad Wright would have done that sort of thing had he still been in charge of SG1 (he'd moved over to SGA by that time). (*ooops! did I say that?*)
          I totally agree that that was a major factor in the decrease in quality of the last two seasons *sigh*

          Originally posted by mamageek View Post
          So after watching Death Knell and thinking about Grace today, I made something.
          I'm new at photoshop, so it's not really all that great, but I'm fairly happy with how it came out so I thought I'd share

          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            *WOW* My wireless was down yesterday, so I come back on this evening to 5 pages! Topics have come and gone, beautiful art was posted, and fun "12 Days till Shipmas"! {{{S/J SHIPPERS}}}

            On the "jean" topic I'm surprised no one mentioned the jeans Sam was wearing when they rushed the Trust warehouse where they discovered the symbiote poison. I liked that look on her, with the black Tshirt and shoulder holster. Daniel also looked good sporting the same look
            Last edited by Lucycat; 06 December 2011, 05:06 PM.


              ENDGAME... and Okay, it was a thigh holster


                Thigh holsters are sexy. LOL

                I worked Pete into my personal canon this way - Sam doesn't have the best taste in guys (except Jack, but even then, he's unattainable). Hanson was nutty (yes he was nuttier in his episode, but Sam almost *married* him...controlling, manipulative...wait, who were we talking about again?? LOL).

                Her attractions also fell into weird and/or creepy (Martouf "You Look Like My Dead Girlfriend", Orlin "I Haven't Seen a Girl In A Thousand Years", Joe "By The Way Honey, It Was Only Supposed to Be A Small Percentage of the Population" Faxon).

                I'm just sayin'.


                  Originally posted by yessika View Post

                  Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post

                  Sam doesn't have the best taste in guys

                  Her attractions also fell into weird and/or creepy (Martouf "You Look Like My Dead Girlfriend", Orlin "I Haven't Seen a Girl In A Thousand Years", Joe "By The Way Honey, It Was Only Supposed to Be A Small Percentage of the Population" Faxon).

                  I'm just sayin'.
                  LMAO! It's so true.
                  "I didn't leave...because I'd have rather died myself than lose Carter." (Divide and Conquer)
                  My Facebook//My fanfic (LJ)


                    Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                    [SIZE=4][COLOR="#0000FF"] *tackle hugs Iggy* where have you BEEN!

                    Nooooo!! you don't like the coat?! I didn't notice anything else she was wearing because I LOVED the coat! I thought it emphasized her long, lean form...
                    Thanks for the welcome back! I've been popping in from time to time, but RL has prevented me from hanging around here as much as I would like. But, I have a couple of weeks off coming up, so I'm looking forward to spending more time here.

                    Yeah, that long coat... not my favourite (sorry!), but I do love how everyone has different ideas about style. Having different opinions really keeps this place lively!

                    Originally posted by Pol View Post
                    Betsy OT
                    We met her one day in Santa Fe. We were there and our Megan said, "Oh my God, it's Betsy Johnson!" And I said, "Who?" While my partner and daughter looked at me as if I were an idiot. She (Betsy) was walking her Old English Sheepdog and, I swear, LOOKED EXACTLY LIKE HER DOG! She wore a long, grey, shaggy coat with a furry hat that hung over her eyes. I couldn't stay long as I had a hard time keeping a straight face." Too funny.

                    And no, I can't see Sam in anything Betsy designed. AT, however...sure.
                    That reminds me of a commercial that once aired here in Canada. It featured various dog owners who looked their dogs. It was very clever and funny. I tried to do a search for it to show you guys, but couldn't find it. I just wish I could remember what the ad was actually for, but it's been a few years since I've seen it.

                    Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                    I ended up not being taller than him. Our first photos, I was taller because we were on a slant on the asphalt. The second photo, I grabbed him before he left and stood side by side on a more level ground. He was taller than me. He says that he is 6'1.5", it's on his driver's license (not actually 6'2"). He was more than 1/2" taller in the second photo. He did have those black shoes on he always wears. They had a thick sole...that had to be it.

                    Now when I see Sam and Jack together...that is one tall couple. Wow!
                    So jealous!! I would love to meet RDA or AT someday! What was he like, personality-wise? Would you be able to post a pic here?

                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    That too. Yes. I heard the same thing. However, I still blame the writers for giving her what we got in "Chimera". They could still have done "Chimera", but had Sam dump Pete at the end of the episode for his poor behavior. I would have much preferred to see some fall-out from Pete's "stalking" and background check than having it just be ignored.
                    Yes, I totally agree that it would have been really satisfying to see some kind of consequence to Pete's stalker behaviour, instead of having it ignored, or worse yet, rewarded by Sam overlooking it and maintaining a relationship with him.


                      Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                      ENDGAME... and Okay, it was a thigh holster
                      If that's Daniel crouched down behind her, it looks like Sam is slamming the car door against his head.


                        Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
                        That reminds me of a commercial that once aired here in Canada. It featured various dog owners who looked their dogs. It was very clever and funny. I tried to do a search for it to show you guys, but couldn't find it. I just wish I could remember what the ad was actually for, but it's been a few years since I've seen it.
                        If it's the same one I'm thinking of, was it for Fido?

                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        If that's Daniel crouched down behind her, it looks like Sam is slamming the car door against his head.
                        *snort* it totally does look like that. hahaha
                        "I didn't leave...because I'd have rather died myself than lose Carter." (Divide and Conquer)
                        My Facebook//My fanfic (LJ)


                          Originally posted by fems View Post
                          I think you're missing the point here... It was early in the morning and Sam had to go to work - to Jack! She was looking all nice and shiny for him
                          Nice point -never thought of it that way!

                          Originally posted by mamageek View Post
                          And yet more proof of the love of Sam and Jack:
                          I'm continuing my watch through. I'm watching Death Knell now and I'm right at the end, after Jack saves Sam. And then snuggles her. Right there. On the battlefield. He knows she's dating a professional stalker. He doesn't care. She needs him and he loves her and that's all that matters to him. Ok and now I'm all teary because Jacob just told Sam he can't come back for awhile. Sheesh. This show.
                          This ep is such a great example of the complexity of their relationship. You can see his concern as her her friend, and layered underneath is that *something* that he keeps at a cautious distance (I don't think he denies it...he just seems to try desperately not to let it pull him in). LOVE IT.

                          Originally posted by mamageek View Post
                          So after watching Death Knell and thinking about Grace today, I made something.
                          I'm new at photoshop, so it's not really all that great, but I'm fairly happy with how it came out so I thought I'd share
                          Cool!! good job!

                          Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                          Thigh holsters are sexy. LOL
                          I worked Pete into my personal canon this way - Sam doesn't have the best taste in guys (except Jack, but even then, he's unattainable). Hanson was nutty (yes he was nuttier in his episode, but Sam almost *married* him...controlling, manipulative...wait, who were we talking about again?? LOL).
                          Her attractions also fell into weird and/or creepy (Martouf "You Look Like My Dead Girlfriend", Orlin "I Haven't Seen a Girl In A Thousand Years", Joe "By The Way Honey, It Was Only Supposed to Be A Small Percentage of the Population" Faxon).
                          I'm just sayin'.
                          10 points to Griffindor! Ooops...wrong fandom! ** Good point, Eve.

                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          If that's Daniel crouched down behind her, it looks like Sam is slamming the car door against his head.
                          Bwahahahaha! it DOES!
                          sig by Ikorni

                          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                            It’s 10 Days to Shipmas
                            Look What I Received

                            Daniel: Why have you brought me here?

                            Doci: The Ori will no longer tolerate your lack of faith. The humans of your galaxy will be made to submit and follow the ways of Shipmas.

                            Daniel: You know we’re going to fight you, right?

                            Daniel: Wait a minute, what? I thought you wanted to force us into following Origin.

                            Doci: Shipmas has been added to the Book of Origin. Sam/Jack shipping is the true path.

                            Daniel: Yeah, OK. I’m all for Sam and Jack being happy together, but I just don’t think a forced conversion to their ship would go over real well.

                            Daniel: As difficult as it may be to fathom there are actually some people who don’t think Sam and Jack should be together. Now I’m not saying I agree with them, but we do have to respect them.

                            Daniel: The Mods tend to insist upon it.

                            Doci: Once the unbelievers have read the Book of Origin, they will understand and walk in the true light.

                            Daniel: I don’t recall anything about shipping being in the Book of Origin.

                            Doci: Soon the stories in the Book of Origin will all be replaced with Sam/Jack fanfic from the Shipmas fic list.

                            Daniel: I’m sure the shippers will enjoy that, but I don’t think that’s going to change anyone’s mind.

                            Doci: Worshipers will be required to go on the Gateworld Characters and Relationships Thread from the hours of 12 midnight to 12 midnight U.S. Eastern Time on Saturday, December 17, 2011 in shippy prostration.

                            Daniel: I don’t think Jack and Sam would want you to force anyone to attend Shipmas.

                            Doci: Worshipers will no longer say, “Hallowed are the Ori.”

                            Daniel: You’re not really listening to me are you?

                            Doci: Hallowed are Sam and Jack.

                            Doci: The One True Ship.


                              by Nolamom


                                "Hallowed are Sam & Jack!"
                                sig by Ikorni

                                "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                                "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                                SaraBahama FanFic; AO3

