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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by smurf View Post
    Lots of hands in Speck, but mostly because he smokes like a chimney in this film.


    Also there are some short clips here and here.
    More smoking?

    Cheers smurf. Once again the lovely smile is utilised for the purpose of evil serial killerdom. It really is a habit On a more serious note, his quiet, subtler way of delivering dialogue is back, and used very effectively. And despite him not being exactly easy on the eye, we have further proof that the man has a very good figure and a great back...and looks oddly attractive in a vest and cowboy hat

    Courtesy of smurf, as always


      Originally posted by nell View Post
      Corin has the greatest smiles!

      Excuse the poor quality. I didn't have a tripod to steady the camera.
      The quality is fine and again he's too cute by far

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Oh man.......Corin and that smile and those killer dimples! Thanks for posting the pics, Nell.



          Originally posted by smurf View Post

          I wonder if we can get him 11th.

          I'm sure we can get him to 11th... I'll be switching every 12hrs between him and Martouf...

          Thanks for the site, only saw it this morning though, was having wireless troubles last night So I'd already made a few banners. They're the same with different words.

          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          More smoking?

          Cheers smurf. Once again the lovely smile is utilised for the purpose of evil serial killerdom. It really is a habit On a more serious note, his quiet, subtler way of delivering dialogue is back, and used very effectively. And despite him not being exactly easy on the eye, we have further proof that the man has a very good figure and a great back...and looks oddly attractive in a vest and cowboy hat
          Really though... about 80% of men look good in that LMAO... maybe that's just the hick in me talking though... LMAO

          Made by Me!



            Made by Me!


              Speck pics?


                Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post

                Really though... about 80% of men look good in that LMAO... maybe that's just the hick in me talking though... LMAO
                Maybe its because I seem to know the 20% that don't that I'm surprised ...and of course because its mostly the lean torso and angular face in those pics. Although CN himself seems unnaturally attached to those kind of shirts (plaid, etc), as it witnessed in nell's con pics

                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                  More smoking?

                  Cheers smurf. Once again the lovely smile is utilised for the purpose of evil serial killerdom. It really is a habit On a more serious note, his quiet, subtler way of delivering dialogue is back, and used very effectively. And despite him not being exactly easy on the eye, we have further proof that the man has a very good figure and a great back...and looks oddly attractive in a vest and cowboy hat
                  It's a period piece.

                  Yes, lovely smile, "little boy lost" look, charm, charisma, and psychotic murderin'... that's our boy.
                  The vest is nice, I'm not entirely convinced by the cowboy hat.
                  Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                  I'm sure we can get him to 11th... I'll be switching every 12hrs between him and Martouf...

                  Thanks for the site, only saw it this morning though, was having wireless troubles last night So I'd already made a few banners. They're the same with different words.

                  Really though... about 80% of men look good in that LMAO... maybe that's just the hick in me talking though... LMAO
                  I love "The Brains of the Operation"
                  Makes me think of Unnatural Selection; "Right guys, here's the plan..."
                  Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                  Chicago Massacre: Richard Speck related stuff


                    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                    Maybe its because I seem to know the 20% that don't that I'm surprised ...and of course because its mostly the lean torso and angular face in those pics. Although CN himself seems unnaturally attached to those kind of shirts (plaid, etc), as it witnessed in nell's con pics
                    haha ya, I know quite a few who don't too, but that 80% is just so darn purdy to look at!!

                    Originally posted by smurf View Post
                    I love "The Brains of the Operation"
                    Makes me think of Unnatural Selection; "Right guys, here's the plan..."
                    hahah Ya!! It really does!!

                    The "Brains" one was my idea. The credit for "Man's best friend" though goes to Eve (replicarter).

                    Made by Me!


                      We haven't seen this one in atleast one page....


                      Made by Me!


                        Originally posted by smurf View Post
                        It's a period piece.

                        Yes, lovely smile, "little boy lost" look, charm, charisma, and psychotic murderin'... that's our boy.
                        The vest is nice, I'm not entirely convinced by the cowboy hat.
                        That is a terribly accurate description *imagines further banner possibilities- smile pic for the first bit, then the pic from BK with him with knife for the second*
                        I think he pulls it off. Just about. Luckily when he's in character for that role there's no way that you can really make any 'camp' cowboy jokes

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post

                          Thanks for the site, only saw it this morning though, was having wireless troubles last night So I'd already made a few banners. They're the same with different words.

                          Didn't comment on this. Both great, 'Brains' is *so* true, although unfortunately it made a certain TV show from the seventies pop into my head unwittingly...

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                            That is a terribly accurate description *imagines further banner possibilities- smile pic for the first bit, then the pic from BK with him with knife for the second*
                            I think he pulls it off. Just about. Luckily when he's in character for that role there's no way that you can really make any 'camp' cowboy jokes
                            Hmm, maybe this weekend.
                            I think I might need to make some nice CN sigs to offset the bad boys.


                              Reminder that, despite recent forays into CN 'bad boydom' and HAWT Thor fetish, smurf can make perfectly nice banners...

                              ...although often heavy on the elbow porn side. Which as its his good side, I'm not complaining

                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                Ya know, I love that sig. Can't possibly think why...

