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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    New movie:
    "The Bollywood Boys"

    The movie, written and to be directed by James L. Bills, will be shot on various locations in Hollywood and feature American and Indian actors in both leading and supporting roles.

    According to Producer Al Gomez (writer of the classic 80's video game comedy "Joysticks"), "The Bollywood Boys" is the story of a couple of down on their luck Hollywood filmmakers, Tom Berrymore (Faustino) and Jerry Brightman (Nemec), who try to rekindle their dying careers by making the first Hollywood-Bollywood musical with the help of Mumbai mob money, and an aged, has-been, Bollywood star".


      Since it's mentioning DF and CN together, thoughts on recent webisode:
      A bit of a so-so one I thought. I did like
      CN trying to dissuade them from selling off his memorabilia, and very childishly his final word reaction to Mom saying she knew what to do - it's the was the way he said it.
      And his very distracting attempts to load the gun in the back of the car.

      If we could start moving away from the
      poop jokes
      soon that'd be nice.


        The sheer randomness of CN's films, especially when you add DF into the mix, never fails to bring a smile to my face (even when I've spent most of today feeling totally and pathetically emo)

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          The sheer randomness of CN's films, especially when you add DF into the mix, never fails to bring a smile to my face (even when I've spent most of today feeling totally and pathetically emo)
          I'm just hoping it'll end up looking better than Robodoc.

          Aw, res


            Originally posted by smurf View Post
            I'm just hoping it'll end up looking better than Robodoc.

            Aw, res
            I'm not sure that that's particular difficult to do, to be honest

            Robodoc will be available to rent in the UK soonish, apparently, and the bit of me that is made of morbid curiosity did sort of want to check it out...only to be slapped down hard by my ruthlessly rational side. I can only suffer so much!

            Thank you

            Dull work shift, not-so-fun hormones, overdosing on tea, no job prospects, dull day at home, almost feeling my intelligent being sucked away by monotony and a sickly guinea pig does not make for a happy res. And my daft little pet keeps making noises as if his nose is bunged up, which is a relatively simple thing to sort out if you're a human, but not when you're a guinea pig. My life, eh?

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Originally posted by smurf View Post
              Oh dear.....

              Originally posted by smurf View Post
              Since it's mentioning DF and CN together, thoughts on recent webisode:
              A bit of a so-so one I thought. I did like
              CN trying to dissuade them from selling off his memorabilia, and very childishly his final word reaction to Mom saying she knew what to do - it's the was the way he said it.
              And his very distracting attempts to load the gun in the back of the car.

              If we could start moving away from the
              poop jokes
              soon that'd be nice.
              Ya.. I wasn't a huge fan of that epi either... And I agree
              about the poop jokes.. though it's better than seeing DF or anyone else... umm... doing things to themselves... Noone needs to see that LMAO

              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
              I'm not sure that that's particular difficult to do, to be honest

              Robodoc will be available to rent in the UK soonish, apparently, and the bit of me that is made of morbid curiosity did sort of want to check it out...only to be slapped down hard by my ruthlessly rational side. I can only suffer so much!

              Thank you

              Dull work shift, not-so-fun hormones, overdosing on tea, no job prospects, dull day at home, almost feeling my intelligent being sucked away by monotony and a sickly guinea pig does not make for a happy res. And my daft little pet keeps making noises as if his nose is bunged up, which is a relatively simple thing to sort out if you're a human, but not when you're a guinea pig. My life, eh?
              Call me crazy, but I actually want to see Robodoc LOL...

              Aww!! Poor Res! Umm.. this may be gross... but you can get a syringe-type thing to suck boogers out of babies noses.. would that work for a guinea pig?

              Made by Me!


                Hello everyone
                Today is my One year anniversary on GW
                Champagne for everyone


                  Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
                  Hello everyone
                  Today is my One year anniversary on GW
                  Champagne for everyone
                  Oooh! That's snazzy!! Congrats! And thanks for the champagne!!!

                  EDIT: One year and you already have 10,000 posts! Wow!

                  Made by Me!


                    Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                    Oh dear.....

                    Ya.. I wasn't a huge fan of that epi either... And I agree
                    about the poop jokes.. though it's better than seeing DF or anyone else... umm... doing things to themselves... Noone needs to see that LMAO

                    Call me crazy, but I actually want to see Robodoc LOL...

                    Aww!! Poor Res! Umm.. this may be gross... but you can get a syringe-type thing to suck boogers out of babies noses.. would that work for a guinea pig?

                    Yes. Yes, you are

                    He seems OK today, as he's a fairly resilient little blighter. I suspect that he'd be a bit small for your suggestion, though

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Originally posted by aquagirl View Post
                      Hello everyone
                      Today is my One year anniversary on GW
                      Champagne for everyone

                      Cake and champagne within the space of a few days? I'm enjoying this

                      Courtesy of smurf, as always


                        Did someone say champagne?

                        I could use some.....RL is such a PITA lately.

                        Thank you for some pics of Teh Dimples of Yum. That made me smile.



                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

                          Yes. Yes, you are

                          He seems OK today, as he's a fairly resilient little blighter. I suspect that he'd be a bit small for your suggestion, though
                          heh heh I am pretty crazy....

                          ya, I wondered if it would be too small.. Didn't know though, never had a pet that small LOL!

                          Made by Me!


                            Hello peeps! Contrary to popular belief, I have not disappeared off of the face of the Earth. I have been very busy with RL and working on a new writing project but I wanted to pop in with a spare minute and say HELLO TO ALL and express my long missing quota of CN/Jonas love! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! Hee hee hee! I think I've ized you guys enough so I'm gonna jet! Later peeps!

                            Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

                            This is me sitting on the Stargate Blanket I made. Stargate #1.

                            Please spread the love. Help a fellow GWer. Click this thread link!


                              Hey, remember that Sci Fi Channel movie I thoughtfully renamed?

                              Well it's got a new title, and a Sci Fi Channel air date of Saturday March 14th @ 9pm.
                              Click for Terror of the Mutant Frog Zombie Creature from the Deep!!!!*

                              Just for fun, said beastie(s) looks like this. Awesome.
                              A little more info here.

                              *or Sea Beast as Sci Fi sometimes likes to call it.


                                Heh, heh! Good find Smurf!!!! I can't wait to see it!! I love the cheese that is cheaply made sci-fi!!!

                                Made by Me!

