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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Morning McKay Chick! How are you today?


    Made by Me!


      Further 'Steven' stuff (now I've actually finished watching it):

      By some miracle, the picture either improved or sometimes evened out completely whenever Corin had a major scene. I may consider renouncing my atheist beliefs A very mature performance and one that I thought was very believable- conveying the confusion, frustration, anger and fear that this guy went through not only because of what he went through, but because he's a teenage male. Maybe its because I'm used to his adult performances, but my first thought was 'God, he's such a teenager.' That state and all those feelings are skewed and confused by his kidnapping and abuse, and I think that's where he took it from. They haven't tried to sugarcoat what Steven was actually like, and Corin contributes to that, and really moves you in some places. That said, it is of course an eighties TV movie and we have to allow certain things-terrible music in places, etc- and of course, not my usual choice of entertainment. But worth it for Corin. I do wish I'd been able to watch it in better quality.

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        And whilst rewatching 'Cure' (she was cooking last time and missed bits) we got to the bit where he goes into her tent to apologise for the subterfuge ("We weren't...?" "Not so much" ) and of course is charming and adorable, and mum was complimentary. It made me stupidly happy

        "He's nice, isn't he?"
        "Oh Jonas is nice, yes" (Casually, of course )
        "Does everyone like him?" (Possibly detected something in my voice, she's scary like that)
        "Er, no..."
        I then got to dismiss the small, p***y minority in about three words. Good fun

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
          Forgive me if this has been posted...

          Debbie Rochon interview...she is asked what it was like to work with CN.
          Nice catch Addy.
          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          And whilst rewatching 'Cure' (she was cooking last time and missed bits) we got to the bit where he goes into her tent to apologise for the subterfuge ("We weren't...?" "Not so much" ) and of course is charming and adorable, and mum was complimentary. It made me stupidly happy

          "He's nice, isn't he?"
          "Oh Jonas is nice, yes" (Casually, of course )
          "Does everyone like him?" (Possibly detected something in my voice, she's scary like that)
          "Er, no..."
          I then got to dismiss the small, p***y minority in about three words. Good fun
          Waiting for that moment were we?

          I was going to say something about Steven, but unfortunately the brain isn't quite up to it at the moment. The level I can manage right now is;
          I have to admit I was somewhat distracted by some of the eyebrows in it.

          Intelligent discussion to be held at some later date.


            At least I can manage this though:



              Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around much but I have limited internet access for the next week. Long story, but I hope to be back soon!


                Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                HAHAh Even Teal'c can't pull his eyes away from the lovely... elbows....

                The directors/camera crew also seem to have a bit of a elbow fixation as well...

                With tea. That shot with the cute tea-drinking and eating stuff? Clearly on-set thunking going on.

                Some might say that the length of this shot was to re-establish the wonder of the Stargate and also how that ep's plot revolved around it as a physical object, as seen through Jonas' fresh eyes. We know its all about the elbow porn.

                I mean, he's literally bouncing down the corridor. There is no way that's not intentional elbow pornage. At least in my mind

                Originally posted by smurf View Post

                I was going to say something about Steven, but unfortunately the brain isn't quite up to it at the moment. The level I can manage right now is;
                I have to admit I was somewhat distracted by some of the eyebrows in it.

                Intelligent discussion to be held at some later date.
                I'm assuming that's not a euphemism, so I'm wondering about whether its a scary eighties hair grooming, badly-dyed hair that doesn't match the eyebrow colour thing. Or not. Because can you tell I'm strange and babbling today?

                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                At least I can manage this though
                And that's what really important in this world.

                That and bananas, of course. And as Jonas and bananas go together, it all works out fine

                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  morning thunkers
                  Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                    Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
                    morning thunkers
                    Hey. Things going a little better today?

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                      Hey guys, sorry I haven't been around much but I have limited internet access for the next week. Long story, but I hope to be back soon!
                      That's OK. See you soon, ff

                      Not that anyone seems to be around much anyway *pokes empty thread*

                      Courtesy of smurf, as always


                        Afternoon Thunkers!!

                        Hope all is well with everyone today!

                        mmmm.. lunch!!

                        Made by Me!



                          Ben & Jerry's for lunch? Jonas for lunch? Ben & Jerry's-covered Jonas?

                          Mum and I saw that ep yesterday. That scene and the one preceding it made her laugh

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            hahah either/or for me for lunch!! (although the veggie subI had was pretty good too.... it would have been better with a side of Jonas though LMAO)

                            Made by Me!


                              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                              hahah either/or for me for lunch!! (although the veggie subI had was pretty good too.... it would have been better with a side of Jonas though LMAO)
                              A side of Jonas and some tea, perhaps?


                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                *More poking*

                                Yep, thread is still dead

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

