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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    The bottom line is this:

    Every viewer and fan is going to read into the storylines what they want to see. If you want a romance, you will see romance between Daniel and Vala. If you want platonic friendship (brother/sister), then you see a platonic friendship.

    All of it's good, and none of it has detracted from enjoying the storylines - at least not that I have seen. It will be interesting to see how ALL of it plays out by the end of Season 10.

    On a side note, I really hope that the writers and Sci-Fi channel are considering a 2-hour series finale. After ten years, SG-1 certainly deserves it. For me, personally, I don't want the last episode of the series to be told in a quick hour.


      I can agree to everything said in the above post!

      As to the finale. I heard that the last episode is being wrapped up as we.. uh, type. I'm -pretty- certain they have had to change the ending somewhat to accommodate the cancellation, but by how much? I would love a 2 hour series finale also, but what if they have to keep to previously established shooting schedules?

      Of course, -everything- I've heard are just rumors and speculations. I'd PAY for any substantiated news from the set


        I still hope and think they'll end it with a open end .. so they can do a movie or a miniserie after it and give it a good end .. not that it is like: oooh it's cancelled eh? well just rush thing up all together .. there finished ! I would find that really really really bad ... cos it's a good show and if this is really the end .. well so be it but don't screw it up ! I'd like to say when it's done : that was a good show and they ended it good...

        not like star trek enterprise really I hated it and still do and I don't want that to happen with stargate sg-1 ...


          Originally posted by Maxum
          The bottom line is this:

          Every viewer and fan is going to read into the storylines what they want to see. If you want a romance, you will see romance between Daniel and Vala. If you want platonic friendship (brother/sister), then you see a platonic friendship.

          All of it's good, and none of it has detracted from enjoying the storylines - at least not that I have seen. It will be interesting to see how ALL of it plays out by the end of Season 10.

          On a side note, I really hope that the writers and Sci-Fi channel are considering a 2-hour series finale. After ten years, SG-1 certainly deserves it. For me, personally, I don't want the last episode of the series to be told in a quick hour.
          Right, that's pretty much what I was trying to say. As long as they keep it subtle enough I don't think anyone will have a problem with it. That isn't what detracts from myself enjoying the storylines - it's when they constantly pair the same people up in every episode, especially when one pair seems to dominate the screen. It gets pretty old after a while and I miss seeing everyone interact on a fairly equal basis. But that's a whole other ball of wax...

          I do agree that it would be nice to see a 2-hour series finale, although I've heard that they'll probably keep things somewhat open on the chance that they get to do some tv movies in the future.


            Originally posted by JessM
            But my ideal way for the show to go out is to have them all as friends together. I don't really see what is so bad with keeping everyone friends. And such a big deal has been made that it's not a good idea for people on the same team to be romantically involved that it would seem kind of weird for them to suddenly do it. But that is just me, I know others feel differently and I respect that.
            I definitely agree with that. As you said, if anything they could put some subtext in there for the shippers if they really need to but of course, if they did that, I can bet that there would be shippers demanding something more concrete still. But my ideal ending would be for them acting all as friends and to do some kind of team end without any kind of romantic spin going on but I guess I'll have to wait and see.

            Someone said something on another website that really bugged me. When they were discussing Memento Mori, they said something like, "Awww there is going to be a Daniel/Vala romance!" and said that Daniel had a "cute worried look" on his face when he was talking about her. The person also said "I never saw him look that worried about Sam or Teal'c." So Daniel has never been worried about Sam or Teal'c.......The point is that Daniel has always been worried/concerned for his friends, even for people he hardly knows. It's in his nature.
            Wow, I mean I guess people can see what they want to but I can't help but wonder if anyone who feels that way are the people who only started watching the show in S9-10 for Claudia and/or Ben. Because if this is the way they think then IMO they've missed out on not only the team friendships but also Daniel as a character. So I guess if Daniel's "cute worried look" towards Vala translates into a D/V romance then Jack must have been romantically in love with Daniel in S2 Need when he faced Daniel holding a gun on him and Jack looked worried and then hugged a crying Daniel. (Kidding, kidding.)

            As for Teal'c and Sam, you and Callista mentioned Crystal Skull, Nemesis, Solitudes, Cor-Ai, 48 Hours, Avatar, Death Knell, New Order. I'd also add the look on Daniel's face when he thought Jack and Teal'c were going to die in Small Victories. The fact that Daniel risked angering the other ascended beings when coming back to help out with Jack in Abyss and Teal'c in The Changeling (not to mention what he did in Full Circle). The way he worried about Sam in Entity and still stuck up for her when Jack and Teal'c questioned her decision to touch the machine. The fact that he still destroyed Thor's Hammer for Teal'c despite thinking it was the only way to save Sha're. Or the way he looked when Sam and Jack were being electrocuted in their cages in New Ground. The worry on his face when seeing his friends infected in Legacy, being worried about Sam (and Cassie) when she didn't come out of the elevator in Singularity, etc. I could go on to more examples but I bet mine combined with the ones you guys already mentioned are more than enough. Though listing all those things have made me want to go and re-watch those episodes again especially the earliest seasons.

            You also make a great point about Daniel always being worried/caring over his friends and even those he doesn't really know. I mean he gave his life for the people on Jonas' planet and he didn't even seem to like them overall since they wouldn't listen to his logic about what they were doing. He even showed compassion for Apophis' host in Serpent's Song even though there are plenty of people who wouldn't have been able to look beyond the fact that he still looked like the evil being who brought so much pain to them.

            These are all things I love about Daniel and honestly it's one thing for someone to read into a scene what they want to see (i.e. possible romance between Daniel and Vala) but it's a whole other thing to act as though Daniel wouldn't do the exact same thing he did in that scene if it was Sam or Teal'c involved (because he so would if that happened).
            Last edited by Racingtime; 07 October 2006, 11:22 AM.


              Originally posted by Racingtime
              I definitely agree with that. As you said, if anything they could put some subtext in there for the shippers if they really need to but of course, if they did that, I can bet that there would be shippers demanding something more concrete still. But my ideal ending would be for them acting all as friends and to do some kind of team end without any kind of romantic spin going on but I guess I'll have to wait and see.
              Oh, I definitely agree. There will always be some people who will never be happy amd will want more - even though I think just having some subtext would make the majority of people happy. It would be great to have some kind of team ending. The end scene to Moebius Part 2 wasn't too bad. The whole team was pretty much together at the end, and I wouldn't mind something a bit similar to that. But you're right, we're going to have to wait and see.

              Wow, I mean I guess people can see what they want to but I can't help but wonder if anyone who feels that way are the people who only started watching the show in S9-10 for Claudia and/or Ben. Because if this is the way they think then IMO they've missed out on not only the team friendships but also Daniel as a character. So I guess if Daniel's "cute worried look" towards Vala translates into a D/V romance then Jack must have been romantically in love with Daniel in S2 Need when he faced Daniel holding a gun on him and Jack looked worried and then hugged a crying Daniel. (Kidding, kidding.)
              LOL! Hey you have a point there! The thing that annoyed me was that I couldn't reply to this person because I can't seem to register for the website after countless times. If I was I'd definitely bring that up to them. I wouldn't be surprised if they were a new viewer. I've come across some who were Claudia fans who followed her from Farscape into SG-1 and have made comments very much like that.

              As for Teal'c and Sam, you and Callista mentioned Crystal Skull, Nemesis, Solitudes, Cor-Ai, 48 Hours, Avatar, Death Knell, New Order. I'd also add the look on Daniel's face when he thought Jack and Teal'c were going to die in Small Victories. The fact that Daniel risked angering the other ascended beings when coming back to help out with Jack in Abyss and Teal'c in The Changeling (not to mention what he did in Full Circle). The way he worried about Sam in Entity and still stuck up for her when Jack and Teal'c questioned her decision to touch the machine. The fact that he still destroyed Thor's Hammer for Teal'c despite thinking it was the only way to save Sha're. Or the way he looked when Sam and Jack were being electrocuted in their cages in New Ground. The worry on his face when seeing his friends infected in Legacy, being worried about Sam (and Cassie) when she didn't come out of the elevator in Singularity, etc. I could go on to more examples but I bet mine combined with the ones you guys already mentioned are more than enough. Though listing all those things have made me want to go and re-watch those episodes again especially the earliest seasons.
              Same here. I almost forgot about Small Victories. You could see how worried he was about Jack and Teal'c there - and then there was that huge smile on his face at the end. And he was also quite worried about Jack in Brief Candle, as seen by his little outburst in the briefing room when Hammond wanted them to basically give up on Jack. I think I'm going to have an early season episode marathon now.

              You also make a great point about Daniel always being worried/caring over his friends and even those he doesn't really know. I mean he gave his life for the people on Jonas' planet and he didn't even seem to like them overall since they wouldn't listen to his logic about what they were doing. He even showed compassion for Apophis' host in Serpent's Song even though there are plenty of people who wouldn't have been able to look beyond the fact that he still looked like the evil being who brought so much pain to them.

              These are all things I love about Daniel and honestly it's one thing for someone to read into a scene what they want to see (i.e. possible romance between Daniel and Vala) but it's a whole other thing to act as though Daniel wouldn't do the exact same thing he did in that scene if it was Sam or Teal'c involved (because he so would if that happened).
              Exactly. He was also concerned about the Nox even though I'm sure he was frustrated by the fact that they didn't want SG-1 to defend them from Apophis (that "we were just trying to help!" line to which Anteaus said "Goodbye, Daniel" ... Daniel looked pretty frustrated there). I don't see why a possible D/V romance should mean that Daniel wouldn't act the same way if any of his friends were in a similar situation. Seems like wishful thinking to me (and maybe the person thinks that if he does act concerned for his friends, it will be a threat to a possible romance...).


                Originally posted by Maxum View Post
                The bottom line is this:

                Every viewer and fan is going to read into the storylines what they want to see. If you want a romance, you will see romance between Daniel and Vala. If you want platonic friendship (brother/sister), then you see a platonic friendship.

                All of it's good, and none of it has detracted from enjoying the storylines - at least not that I have seen. It will be interesting to see how ALL of it plays out by the end of Season 10.

                On a side note, I really hope that the writers and Sci-Fi channel are considering a 2-hour series finale. After ten years, SG-1 certainly deserves it. For me, personally, I don't want the last episode of the series to be told in a quick hour.
                Well said.

                I'd like to see a 2 hour finale too. Although with the news of the movies and...

                that the first one will deal with concluding the Ori storyline my expectations of the Season finale are somewhat at a low.

                Given the subject matter for the first movie though that has to mean a lot of Daniel as he's been a major protagonist in the Ori storyline to date.
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                  I'm sure we'll see plenty with Daniel in both films. Reading that the television show cast was not signed on yet made me a bit nervous, as, obviously, I want to see my Daniel, the one portrayed by Michael and whom I adore so, on there. Actually, I wouldn't even buy the movies if different actors were in there, because it's not really our SG-1 at all, you know? It'd be too weird for me. However, I know the show actors have enjoyed doing the series, and I don't see why they wouldn't want to do the movies as well. The statement that they are "very eager" to continue eases my mind about that even more.


                    Well, since I dind't get to see Quest until... Friday, I'm here a bit late. Daniel edition, I referred to it in my post in Quest thread, methinks.

                    While I agree Daniel was much more spot on this episode, I suspect my key moment for it was the "faith" bit - walking through the fire. Now that's old Daniel. He's been through so much in the past 4 years, that at some point - at least to me - it seems as if he lost his ability to have that faith. And here he was, not hesitating, jsut walking through that fire. It reminded me - a lot - of the Daniel of Maternal Instinct - much more than anything that's happeend with him since Meridian. Out of everything that I would connect Daniel Jackson with, it is this ability of his to give that faith that defines him the most, methinks. Also, I don't know if it was intentinoal... mind that while all the rest of the virtues are shared by the entire team - hell, even Adria throws in one of the answers - it's Daniel alone who goes through "faith". A lovely touch, both of the character and the relationships and definitions between the characters... of all the rest if might have been Teal'c who'd be willing to have that leap of faith - but it's always the thing that defined Daniel.
                    Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                    Yes, I am!
                    Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                    Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                    Peter Pan R.I.P


                      I've always enjoyed daniel's archaeology/discovering adventures. I also like those puzzle like challenges he works on and when he's translating the language of the ancients.


                        Ooh, so do I! He loves learning and I love watching him learn (actually, I love learning as well, but that's beside the point); when he realises something cool, that look he gets, I adore that! I hope we see just a bit more of that, at least, before SG-1 is pretty well over.


                          This thread just fell off of my User control Panel... oh my!

                          Any who... return to the convo... please?
                          Before you met me I was a fairy princess
                          I caught frogs and called them prince
                          And made myself a queen
                          Before you knew me I traveled 'round the world
                          I slept in castles and fell in love
                          Because I was taught to dream

                          I found mayonnaise bottles and poked holes on top
                          To capture tinkerbell
                          They were just fireflies to the untrained eye
                          But I could always tell

                          I believe in fairytales and dreamers dreams like bed sheet sails
                          And I believe in Peter Pan and miracles
                          And anything I can to get by
                          And fireflies...

                          "What's the point of being grown-up if you can't act childish sometimes?" -- Doctor Who


                            Hehheh... sure!

                            Um... well I love seeing Daniel whenever he's "in his element" so to speak... episodes like Torment of Tantalus, Thor's Chariot, and more recent examples like Arthur's Mantle and Morpheus (and I'll concede on The Quest Part 1 as well). I just love how he gets excited whenever he's presented with a wealth of information or a puzzle.


                              Originally posted by JessM View Post
                              Hehheh... sure!

                              Um... well I love seeing Daniel whenever he's "in his element" so to speak... episodes like Torment of Tantalus, Thor's Chariot, and more recent examples like Arthur's Mantle and Morpheus (and I'll concede on The Quest Part 1 as well). I just love how he gets excited whenever he's presented with a wealth of information or a puzzle.
                              I do adore Daniel in Archeologist/Linguist mode, geeking it out with that inspired and exited look on his face *takes a moment to turn into a puddle of goo*... I also love it when he interacts with the different members of the team, I like to see what kind of relationship he has developed with each of them as this, in part, is something that tells us about the kind of person he is. My favourite Daniel/other interaction will probably always be Daniel and Jack. I see their relationship as a journey evolving into a deep understanding and respect of each other's differences and simularities. In the movie they had the initial bonding which allowed them to see that two personalities which on the surface seemed to be complete opposites could share similar core values. In addition allowing the obvious breaking down of steriotypes such as Jack seeing the 'sneezing civilian geek' as also brave and competent and the Daniel seeing the 'stiff military grunt' as also intelligent and fallible. When the series started I consider their journey to have continued, not without it's ups and downs e.g. Scorched Earth, Shades of Grey etc but eventually Jack being able to say when Daniel asks him to trust him 'I can do that' and Daniel to beleive Jack is worthy of ascention (Abyss).

                              Anyone disagreeand think I've been taking too many of those happy pills? or want to describe how they feel about Daniels relationship with members of his team?


                                *crawls through desert* *coughs, chokes, tries to talk through dry throat and sandpaper tongue* "Spoilers! I'm dying. I need Daniel spoilers!"

                                Er, uh, sorry. I agree Sprinkles with your assessment of Daniel and Jack's relationship which has always been my favorite.

                                Daniel and Sam? Science Twins. They speak the same language, although Sam's dialect is technical and Daniel's is cultural. And, one of my favorite scenes is in an early episode where Daniel is teasing Sam about someone having a crush on her, and the person can overhear and he says, "whoops!" but with no real sign of regret. It was just kind of cute how mischievious he was. And, Sam was part of the scene that made me fall in love with Daniel in Singularity. The relationship with Sam is probably the easiest one. There's not a lot of angst or having to rethink initial impressions.

                                And, the one with Teal'c I imagine was the most difficult although they didn't show most of that difficulty. For all intents and purposes they should have been enemies. Twice. But, I think they both admire the wisdom and the desire to learn more that the other has. And, the integrity.

                                I refuse to discuss Daniel and Vala here. So, on to Daniel and Mitchell, which unfortunately, there isn't much to be said (mainly because of the aforementioned unmentionable). I guess they like each other as team members and aquaintances but they didn't explore it much (and I don't think 10 episodes in the last half of the last season will afford any exploration, so I'm pretty confident in writing that the time to do that has passed.
                                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate

