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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Daniel's shadow
    Me too.

    I think it is wonderful that Daniel and Cameron got along with each other and the good thing is the basis of the friendship is different from Daniel and Jack's.

    Daniel and Jack friendship has developed from supporting each other when the other needs it. It is highly personalised and definitely intuitive.

    Daniel and Cameron on the other hand have a type of formal workplace friend type of friendship. My apologies for not expressing this well enough but the reason why I said this is because the two actors have purposely call each other by their last names despite the efforts of the writers to stop it.

    I will be interested to see how the friendship evolves this and next season.

    Me too. I feel that Daniel and Cameron interact as equals, workmates and future friends.
    Jack and Daniel had a deeper, more angst driven relationship influenced by pain and loss, love and affection and eight long years together.
    But I look forward to the Daniel/Cameron relationship growing too.



      Well, if you read my posts on the episode thread, I hated the placement of the banter in the last episode. But, other times I do like their rhythm. It is different from Jack and Daniel. As it should be. Jack and Daniel had a complicated antagonistic/I'd do anything for you/you get on my last nerve/I'm closer to you than anyone vibe. That can't be duplicated. Daniel and Mitchell have a nice buddy thing. They're pals. Plus, I always had a big brother/little brother feel with Jack and Daniel. Daniel and Mitchell are on more level footing. I hope to see some serious bonding sometime, but I like seeing them just being pals, too.
      I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

      Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

      Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

      Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

      Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


        in the SGA epi Aurora, Mckay said something bout him and Shep getting into the habbit of saving one another and it was his turn.... and after what Dani said, it seems like the perfect way to sum up Jack and Daniel's friendship

        and i agree, daniel and cameron's relationship is different, but in a few ways it's the same.... can't wait to see how they develop together....
        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


          There's always been an element of angst too with the friendship between Daniel and Jack. There have seen each other not only at their best but also at their worst too.

          The relationship between Daniel and Cameron is also different in the sense that he is now the one passing on his gate travel experience to Cameron. Cameron might be the leader of SG1 but in reality he is depending heavily on Daniel to help him to settle in as SG1 and SGC member. Sam is very much busy with her doohickeys in her lab and Teal'c is busy with the problems arising from the Free Jaffa Nation. So the person I can imagine Cameron can talk to is Daniel and the person he could shoot hoops with. Also I guess Cameron treats Daniel more like a respected close colleague hence maybe the reason why he calls him Jackson.

          Any thoughts?


            Originally posted by Daniel's shadow
            There's always been an element of angst too with the friendship between Daniel and Jack. There have seen each other not only at their best but also at their worst too.

            The relationship between Daniel and Cameron is also different in the sense that he is now the one passing on his gate travel experience to Cameron. Cameron might be the leader of SG1 but in reality he is depending heavily on Daniel to help him to settle in as SG1 and SGC member. Sam is very much busy with her doohickeys in her lab and Teal'c is busy with the problems arising from the Free Jaffa Nation. So the person I can imagine Cameron can talk to is Daniel and the person he could shoot hoops with. Also I guess Cameron treats Daniel more like a respected close colleague hence maybe the reason why he calls him Jackson.

            Any thoughts?
            I pretty much see it the same way, I think it's possible thats Daniel's been lonely. Jack's been the busy general, Sam seems to be very busy with her sceince projects and Cassie and I get the impression that teal'c even when he's not busy with the Jaffa is not someone Daniel would hang out with much socially and just for the sake of it. Mitchell maybe a nice change for him, where Daniel can be 'one of guys' and someone he can deal with on an equal footing.

            Thanks everybody for their thoughts on this subject, it's really interesting read, I really looking forward to seeing The forth Horseman pt 2 tomorrow!


              Originally posted by Sprinkles
              I pretty much see it the same way, I think it's possible thats Daniel's been lonely. Jack's been the busy general, Sam seems to be very busy with her sceince projects and Cassie and I get the impression that teal'c even when he's not busy with the Jaffa is not someone Daniel would hang out with much socially and just for the sake of it. Mitchell maybe a nice change for him, where Daniel can be 'one of guys' and someone he can deal with on an equal footing.

              Thanks everybody for their thoughts on this subject, it's really interesting read, I really looking forward to seeing The forth Horseman pt 2 tomorrow!
              I don't agree that Teal'c isn't somebody that Daniel would hang out with socially. I could totally see them getting together for donuts. I do think the characters are good friends but I also think that Daniel really does miss Jack. It was a completely different relationship than Daniel and Teal'c. I would like to see Daniel and Sam's friendship explored more. There have been a few really nice bits with them over the years but not enough IMO.

              It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                I think the relationship that Daniel have with Teal'c is one of deep unbreakakble friendship despite the deep loss and angst impacting on both when Sha're first got taken and then dying so tragically. They trust one another implicitly and will continually to do so and be there for one another.

                On the other hand I think Daniel's relationship with Sam is more like brother and sister. They can be geeky and goof off with one another and they can can bounce ideas off each other. Daniel might be an only child but he certainly has a sister in Sam.


                  I actually see Daniel and Sam as having a brother/sister type relationship too I just wish it could be shown a bit more.

                  It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                    Yeah, I can see the brother/sister type thing. Especially when Daniel teases Sam like when he said Lt.(?) Graham had a crush on her. And, their scenes in Space Race.

                    And, I think Daniel and Teal'c probably hang out by having serious discussions about things. Which I think they enjoy.

                    But, yeah, I like to think Daniel misses Jack.
                    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                      It's nice to see Daniel didn't have to 'break this one in' with the new colonel
                      and I'm enjoying Daniel and Cam's relationship. It definitely feels like a workplace friendship rather than the close friendship the original four have, but that's okay, a bit of a change is nice. And with cam being the leader but daniel being the veteran they do have less friction in their relationship than Daniel and Jack. Close as they were, Jack and Daniel frequently had to deal with their difference in approach and that Jack was in charge but daniel didn't like buckling under, and Jack had known Daniel since he was a skinny geek and never stopped treating him like a skinny geek cos he so liked to rib him. Cam's happy to learn from Daniel and the others so daniel seems to be feeling like the bridle's suddenly off. After ten eps of s9 he seems as at ease with Cam's leadership as he did with Sam's last year. I wonder if that'll change if Cam ever takes a more proactive role in the team?

                      When was the last time we really had a Sam~Daniel ep? I'm trying hard to remember, but the best I can come up with are Meridian and Fallen. And before that there wasn't much other than Jolinar's Memories, was there? We've had some corking J~D, fab T~D, and already plenty of D~V... it's time for some decent S~D heart-to-heart stuff.

                      I do think Teal'c and daniel do hang together. What I don't know is how much talking is involved - obviously if there's a great deal of nattering it's mostly Daniel but I think they probably do quiet things like playing backgammon or darts or something.



                        I think even when Cameron takes on a more serious role on the team their relationship would still be based on equality. Ok maybe it would evolved to a friendship like the one Cameron have with Sam (maybe at that point Cameron and Daniel will be "Daniel and Cameron" to each other instead of "Jackson and Mitchell"). I think they are at the point where they know what their strengths are and they are there to back each other up. In fact I think this friendship has done wonders for Daniel as it opens up another type of relationship to him, to have someone who respects him like an equal, who respects his decisions, who takes his advise seriously and a person who does not forced him to go screaming in frustration to find his happy place like many other military minded men and women he had met on the SGC base.

                        Hmm I think the last episode with real Daniel-Sam interaction would be Engame in season 8. However, there was no chance to have a heart to heart chat was there? I love the scene in Zero Hour when Daniel with Teal'c in tow was trying to get Sam to go to lunch. That is such a brother-sister thing.

                        As for Daniel and Teal'c I suddenly have this image in mind that they probably have serious dicussions on the book of the month on Oprah's Bookclub. Seriously I think they probably do have philosophical discussions but I think Teal'c will just as well feel comfortable to goof off with Daniel if they both felt like letting off steam.


                          Originally posted by Daniel's shadow
                          (maybe at that point Cameron and Daniel will be "Daniel and Cameron" to each other instead of "Jackson and Mitchell").
                          Nah. I think it'll be last names til the end of the series. Which sets my teeth on edge, but if they continue to act like buddies and hopefully grow in the friendship, I'll put up with it. (Okay, I'm fine with hearing Mitchell. It's just "Jackson" that gets me.)

                          In fact I think this friendship has done wonders for Daniel as it opens up another type of relationship to him, to have someone who respects him like an equal, who respects his decisions, who takes his advise seriously and a person who does not forced him to go screaming in frustration to find his happy place like many other military minded men and women he had met on the SGC base.
                          Although, it is fun sometimes watching him having to find his happy place

                          Hmm I think the last episode with real Daniel-Sam interaction would be Engame in season 8. However, there was no chance to have a heart to heart chat was there? I love the scene in Zero Hour when Daniel with Teal'c in tow was trying to get Sam to go to lunch. That is such a brother-sister thing.

                          Well, Joe did say there would be a nice angsty scene with both of them in season 10.

                          Seriously I think they probably do have philosophical discussions but I think Teal'c will just as well feel comfortable to goof off with Daniel if they both felt like letting off steam.
                          When I picture them together, I do picture a lot of long discussions that would have Jack screaming for his happy place.
                          I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                          Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                          Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                          Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                          Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                            Originally posted by Dani347
                            Nah. I think it'll be last names til the end of the series. Which sets my teeth on edge, but if they continue to act like buddies and hopefully grow in the friendship, I'll put up with it. (Okay, I'm fine with hearing Mitchell. It's just "Jackson" that gets me.)
                            I think you are right about the last name staying. It is something that the writers have tried to detract the actors from unfortunately it is something that MS and BB are determine to continue to carry on.

                            Well, Joe did say there would be a nice angsty scene with both of them in season 10.[
                            I read about this too so it will be something nice to look forward to.

                            When I picture them together, I do picture a lot of long discussions that would have Jack screaming for his happy place.
                            I love your phrasing of this because it is so apt and absolutely dead on about Daniel and Teal'c.

                            The other thought that I have was that as we all know the SGC was under civilian management under Weir for a short period. Do you envision that the SGC would one come back to civilian control under Dr. Jackson? He has the capabilities, and we have seen more and more military SGC personnel response to his orders and command as the seasons developed. We also know that although he has not lost the need to explore the universe and what it has to offer, he has proven that he has the guts to make the hard decisions (for example in Protoype) that comes to leadership and management.

                            Any thoughts?


                              Originally posted by Daniel's shadow
                              I think you are right about the last name staying. It is something that the writers have tried to detract the actors from unfortunately it is something that MS and BB are determine to continue to carry on.
                              Men! They can be such pains sometimes. Good thing they have their looks

                              The other thought that I have was that as we all know the SGC was under civilian management under Weir for a short period. Do you envision that the SGC would one come back to civilian control under Dr. Jackson? He has the capabilities, and we have seen more and more military SGC personnel response to his orders and command as the seasons developed. We also know that although he has not lost the need to explore the universe and what it has to offer, he has proven that he has the guts to make the hard decisions (for example in Protoype) that comes to leadership and management.

                              Any thoughts?
                              Hmm, even if the SGC did come under civilian management (and somehow I don't think it will again) I don't know that Daniel would want to be in charge.
                              I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                              Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                              Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                              Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                              Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                                Daniel wouldn't want to be in charge just for the sake of being in charge.

                                But he might take the job if it gave him the chance to do something he thought was important. Say, like, protect alien cultures from the depredations of the Pentagon. Situations like Spirit and Enemy Mine would never arise with Daniel in charge -- he'd say 'No' and that would be it. And since he'd be reporting directly to the President, the President would have to fire him before anyone laid hand on an Unas or booted the native population off their home planet.

