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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Suspicious Nellie taking over duties for Dani347 for a second.

    About RDA's second appearance
    Something happens to Daniel. That has to be the becoming a prior thing. I just hope it's not that something happens to Daniel while he's off screen. Like, he's missing and that's the something and he shows up - in a different episode without RDA- as a prior. Or, the something is, he is a prior and RDA is there for that episode, but isn't there for him turning back. And, considering the way the Daniel/Sam scene was built up by Joe in his blog, I wonder if they have it in them to do an Abyss or Need type thing anymore. I'm staying on an even keel, and if they do something fantastic, I'll be pleasantly surprised. If not, I won't be too disappointed.

    *smacks Suspicious Nellie*
    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


      Originally posted by Rachel500

      Not sure if anyone's posted this here yet but there is a spoiler for RDA's second appearance in S10 (if you're interested in being spoiled) in this AT/DH interview right at the end which may be of interest to Daniel fans:}

      Looks like we could get something similar to Abyss
      In regards to your S10 spoiler......

      I was thinking the same thing!!!!!!

      As soon as I heard about Shroud I just knew that Jack had to be in it. They couldn't do something this angsty and not have him be there for Daniel. I was hoping that every since RDA left the show, that he would come back in an ep similiar to Abyss, where this time Jack is there for Daniel. I am so excited about this!!! I can't believe we will have to wait until the second half of the season in 2007 before we get to see this.
      Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


        My Daniel-centric Pegasus Project review -fairly long
        Okay, I have to say that the majority of people on every board I've been to loved it -still have one more to lurk at. A few exceptions, and I'm one of those. Not going to get into the non Daniel stuff. Nothing bad, just boring there. But, first, I was disappointed with Daniel's reaction to seeing Atlantis. I felt that I was being told how excited Daniel was. I was told that Daniel stayed up all night talking about it, that he was in Daniel Disneyland, even from Daniel himself I heard the words, but the expression wasn't there. It felt to me like he was seeing something that was supposed to be wonderful, that he had built up in his head so much and then it wasn't quite as great, and he was putting on a brave face. I wish he could have gotten there before the Ori threat. Or, at least, that we could have seen him the night before, probably talking at superspeed, bouncy, the others grinning at him. He's been more giddy excited before, in Avalon -first figuring out Merlin was an Ancient, then seeing the holgram in the cave talking about truth of spirit, and his awe there, also the big old kid in a candy store grin when he saw Hammond on the Prometheus. Or, heck, his grin in Enemy Mine when he played proud papa, telling everyone that Chaka wanted to talk to Unas from other worlds. I wanted the grin.

        It didn't seem like much interaction between Daniel and the Atlantis cast. It doesn't really bug me, since I don't care about the Atlantis cast, but it was kind of weird that it seemed they blocked things so that Daniel had Weir as his special Atlantis person. Even when they were all sitting around the table thing at the beginning, and they were going back and forth verbally, it didn't really feel like he was interacting with anyone else. I'm not sure how to explain it, and I can't even tell who his remark about a second gate was directed to.

        The Daniel and Vala stuff. Nothing about it itself was bad, and I don't mind people getting impatient with him, really -I still get a kick out of how Landry was getting fed up with Daniel's own method of getting to the point in Avalon- but her interrupting him seemed like "okay, this is what Daniel and Vala do, she says something, he gets annoyed, it's their schtick." It didn't feel organic or natural. I also think if they didn't have to go through the "lets look for Vala and see she isn't causing trouble" they might have been able to do a little more "Daniel's dream has come true" shots.

        But, the good. The best part. Daniel giving his impassioned speech to Morgan le Fay. First, him getting sick and tired of the Ancients tip toeing around things. I love how his voice first was understanding and gentle as he said he believed her, but then je got more and more forceful, calling out to the Others. And, he was just so impassioned. Yes, I used that word before, but it fits. Trying to convince them to change their policy of non interference, to help themselves, again, the tone of his voice when he said that he didn't know what the war would look like between them and the Ori, because he'd be dead. And, I love that he must have made an impression on them, because Morgan le Fay remembered him from his ascended time. And, I could just picture him making a pest of himself (as I think they would call it), asking them to get involved when he saw people in trouble, until he figured out it wasn't going to work, and then he did his covert interference himself. That's one of the things I love about Daniel.

        And, the end was sad, but I thought it was a nice moment between Daniel and Vala -no, not shippy- her trying to comfort him, asking him to smile because of what they managed to do, but him still feeling bad that Morgan was taken away and that they weren't going to get any help.

        But, I wish we could have had an ending scene with everyone. I don't care if it is corny, I think every episode should end with the team gathered around somewhere just together.
        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


          lol, so there you are. I was wondering where you went to. As to the episode itself:

          I know he seemed a little down.. and Sam picked up on that. I totally loved the little shoulder tap and her asking what's wrong. They have such a good friendship (siblings, yes, I can really see that actually). The explanation given was that the circumstances responsible for him being there was so dire. I guess one can't really be happy and excited when, figuratively, the weight of the entire galaxy is on one's shoulders.

          Although it'd have been nice to see him as he was during PU or Avalon in getting to Atlantis at last. Maybe when all this is over, he can spend true quality times there.

          Yes, the speech! I could watch an entire episode based on Daniel's passionate debates. Like I said in the episode thread, when he pratically hissed "I'm so sick of this" I really did do a double take. I was just so surprised since he was so calm and patient while Vala just prattled on. I love seeing Daniel so, to borrow your word, impassioned. MS is truly amazing when it comes to emotionally charged scenes. So so so glad MS got the role. Shallow moment: not to mention he is totally (hate to say this word) HOT.

          Did we ever see Daniel so.. melancholy during those Goa'uld years? He seem so disappionted knowing the Ancients would not help them. Here's a man who really believe their hope in defeating the Ori are next to none. I guess, from his point of view, things ARE a bit bleak.

          And I also wrote a lil' blurb in the 'Shroud' thread regarding him
          turning into a Prior. Could one possible reason be that he is trying to force the hands of the Ancients into stepping in to stop the Ori? His subconcious carries their knowledge and turning to the enemy's side and possibly sharing those knowledge could hold certain ramifications against the Ancients directly. Thus, would it be all right then for them to interfer? Just a possible explanation.. among the hundreds of possible scenario from others!

          Hmm.. now's the test to see if I can put spoiler within spoiler.


            Originally posted by nyxlily
            lol, so there you are. I was wondering where you went to. As to the episode itself


            Yes, the speech! I could watch an entire episode based on Daniel's passionate debates. Like I said in the episode thread, when he pratically hissed "I'm so sick of this" I really did do a double take. I was just so surprised since he was so calm and patient while Vala just prattled on. I love seeing Daniel so, to borrow your word, impassioned. MS is truly amazing when it comes to emotionally charged scenes. So so so glad MS got the role. Shallow moment: not to mention he is totally (hate to say this word) HOT.[/SPOILERS]

            Dani speaks:
            I think it's one thing to be talking to a hologram and knowing it's supposed to take a long time, and he's probably used to fending off Vala's prattling. But, I think it was just really frustrating to be so close to what he needed, to have an Ancient come just so far, and then pull back again. It was like she knew it was bad, she was willing to bend the rules, she obviously saw his point, but she still wouldn't give him bupkis. I think it just pushed him over the edge, beautifully. And, I also have a problem with the "hot" word.

            Did we ever see Daniel so.. melancholy during those Goa'uld years? He seem so disappionted knowing the Ancients would not help them. Here's a man who really believe their hope in defeating the Ori are next to none. I guess, from his point of view, things ARE a bit bleak.
            More Dani speak:
            I don't think so. We've seen him sad over specific losses -mainly Sha're, and I don't really remember Meridian (not an episode I like watching over and over) but I guess he was feeling sad and a bit useless about his own ability to make a difference, but I can't recall any time he really felt that there wasn't hope.

            [SPOILERS]And I also wrote a lil' blurb in the 'Shroud' thread regarding him
            turning into a Prior. Could one possible reason be that he is trying to force the hands of the Ancients into stepping in to stop the Ori? His subconcious carries their knowledge and turning to the enemy's side and possibly sharing those knowledge could hold certain ramifications against the Ancients directly. Thus, would it be all right then for them to interfer? Just a possible explanation.. among the hundreds of possible scenario from others!

            Hmm.. now's the test to see if I can put spoiler within spoiler.
            Still more Dani shooting her mouth off:
            Hmm, I don't know. He'd have to assume that he could access that knowledge, and that after turning into a Prior, he'd still be enough of himself to want to get the Ancients in the fight to help them.

            And, your spoiler in a spoiler worked fine.

            For some reason my spoilers and yours are all tangled up, so I put little tags on my part to help make it clearer.
            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


              I did not like that, Daniel having to become angry. It pisses me off how the Ancients do that to him! Also, I don't see Daniel as a "role", but that's another kettle of fish. As for the Prior thing: I can't imagine he would ever consider that an option.
              Last edited by 1DanielForMe; 26 August 2006, 12:25 AM.


                About Pegasus Project
                Originally posted by Dani347
                Or, at least, that we could have seen him the night before, probably talking at superspeed, bouncy, the others grinning at him. He's been more giddy excited before, in Avalon -first figuring out Merlin was an Ancient, then seeing the holgram in the cave talking about truth of spirit, and his awe there, also the big old kid in a candy store grin when he saw Hammond on the Prometheus. Or, heck, his grin in Enemy Mine when he played proud papa, telling everyone that Chaka wanted to talk to Unas from other worlds. I wanted the grin.

                I hear ya on wanting the giddy, superexcited Daniel. I mean, come on, this is ATLANTIS. This is what he has been searching for, the real deal, all the Ancients' knowledge and culture. True, he does seem a little less enthralled with the Ancients after descending, knowing they wouldn't interfere to help, the Oma and Anubis thing, etc. While it might not fall completely into the "meaning of life stuff" he was looking for since Ernest's planet, it is one of the four races, the race that brought life to Earth. He shouldn't have been able to sleep or eat or stand still when they were landing and should have bounded out, as you say, like a kid in a candy store.

                Originally posted by Dani347
                The best part. Daniel giving his impassioned speech to Morgan le Fay. First, him getting sick and tired of the Ancients tip toeing around things. I love how his voice first was understanding and gentle as he said he believed her, but then he got more and more forceful, calling out to the Others. And, he was just so impassioned. Yes, I used that word before, but it fits. Trying to convince them to change their policy of non interference, to help themselves, again, the tone of his voice when he said that he didn't know what the war would look like between them and the Ori, because he'd be dead. And, I love that he must have made an impression on them, because Morgan le Fay remembered him from his ascended time. And, I could just picture him making a pest of himself (as I think they would call it), asking them to get involved when he saw people in trouble, until he figured out it wasn't going to work, and then he did his covert interference himself.

                Originally posted by nyxlily
                I could watch an entire episode based on Daniel's passionate debates. Like I said in the episode thread, when he pratically hissed "I'm so sick of this" I really did do a double take. I was just so surprised since he was so calm and patient while Vala just prattled on. I love seeing Daniel so, to borrow your word, impassioned. MS is truly amazing when it comes to emotionally charged scenes.

                Oh, the speech! Yes, it was amazing. I truly love this side of Daniel, and we don't see it often enough. When he gets into an argument and he knows he is right, he's like a dog with a bone. He's great at it. If anyone could change the minds of the Ancients, it would be Daniel. In fact, he did when he convinced Oma to deal with Anubis. Here, he made logical arguments, about how the Ori will come after the Ancients, it is about survival. Trying to appeal to that side, to logic, not the emotional one, since the Ancients clearly don't care about the emotional, passionate side. Then, when he finally got frustrated and lost it a bit.
                He knows what he is asking. He knows what he is asking of her and any who might try to help them. He might not have all the memories of his time as an ascended being, but thanks to Replicarter, he remembers being stopped by Oma when he tried to stop/kill Anubis. The Ancients who feel as he does are scared, afraid to be punished. He makes a good point. Given the problems at hand, what could and will happen if they fail to stop the Ori, isn't it worth the risk? Isn't it time to cross that imaginary line? How can they turn their backs on life they created and nurtured, and also not do anything to stop their destruction?
                One thing that I didn't like about the early scenes with the hologram/ascended being is that Vala seemed to take charge. She spoke more with Morgan than Daniel, even though it was his show and his field of expertise. All Daniel did was roll his eyes, and make futile attempts to grab Vala and pull her down off the stage, but he kinda just stood there.
                It was good to see Daniel sad at the end over what happened. Morgan took the risk because of him and his pleas. He knows it was the right thing for her to try and help them, but he isn't just saying, oh well, too bad we couldn't get any info from her, let's move on and get over it.

                On an aside, I have to say that I really love that thing that Daniel does with his face and body when he gets into his argument. When he is frustrated and trying to get his point across. His eyes sort of scrunch closed, his eyebrows together, face down, sort of shaking his head a bit. He kinda gets tense, like he's holding in all sorts of energy and if he lets go, he might explode from the tension. Then when he makes his most important point, he looks up into the other person's eyes with that look, those clear impassioned eyes. He's done it before. He had a similar look when arguing with Jack in Abyss, telling his ascension was his only option. We don't see it often, and it makes it all the more powerful when we do. I'm not trying to sound shallow by bringing in the physical. Just saying that it shows Daniel's passion and drive and as nyxlily says, MS just does it so well. I completely believe it.

                Originally posted by nyxlily
                Re Shroud
                Could one possible reason be that he is trying to force the hands of the Ancients into stepping in to stop the Ori? His subconcious carries their knowledge and turning to the enemy's side and possibly sharing those knowledge could hold certain ramifications against the Ancients directly. Thus, would it be all right then for them to interfere?

                Originally posted by Dani347
                Hmm, I don't know. He'd have to assume that he could access that knowledge, and that after turning into a Prior, he'd still be enough of himself to want to get the Ancients in the fight to help them.

                I haven't a clue either. That is a pretty drastic step for Daniel to take, but who knows how desperate they will be by that point? (that's in the second half of the season, right?) Maybe since he was ascended before, he has the ability to keep the part of his brain with the Ancient knowledge separate from the part that becomes Prior-ized. That he can keep part hidden without the Ori seeing into it, so can bluff the Ori into thinking he's a loyal follower without actually totally being one. I had a similar thought when reading spoilers for Counterstrike (damn, I caved and read spoilers). GW qoute: "Adria herself soon captures Daniel and Vala, demanding that they tell her what happened to her new followers on this planet. Clearly she has powerful telepathic and telekinetic abilities, and attempts to forcibly wrestle the information from Daniel's mind." Maybe she can't get at the info in his mind. I know Replicarter did, but she also unlocked some of the information for Daniel to see, and perhaps he has found a way through that knowledge to block it from happening again. Or maybe I am reading too much into the wording of the report ...attempts to forcibly wrestle...
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                  Originally posted by Mickey23
                  About Pegasus Project


                  One thing that I didn't like about the early scenes with the hologram/ascended being is that Vala seemed to take charge. She spoke more with Morgan than Daniel, even though it was his show and his field of expertise. All Daniel did was roll his eyes, and make futile attempts to grab Vala and pull her down off the stage, but he kinda just stood there.
                  It was good to see Daniel sad at the end over what happened. Morgan took the risk because of him and his pleas. He knows it was the right thing for her to try and help them, but he isn't just saying, oh well, too bad we couldn't get any info from her, let's move on and get over it.

                  I agree with both these points. At first, I thought Vala was going to be the one to do everything, and be the one to get through. Glad that it changed. And, yes, I'm glad that Daniel felt grief over Morgan taking a huge risk and being found out. He doesn't think that fear should stop you from doing the right thing, but he feels bad when your fears are played out.

                  On an aside, I have to say that I really love that thing that Daniel does with his face and body when he gets into his argument. When he is frustrated and trying to get his point across. His eyes sort of scrunch closed, his eyebrows together, face down, sort of shaking his head a bit. He kinda gets tense, like he's holding in all sorts of energy and if he lets go, he might explode from the tension. Then when he makes his most important point, he looks up into the other person's eyes with that look, those clear impassioned eyes. He's done it before. He had a similar look when arguing with Jack in Abyss, telling his ascension was his only option. We don't see it often, and it makes it all the more powerful when we do. I'm not trying to sound shallow by bringing in the physical. Just saying that it shows Daniel's passion and drive and as nyxlily says, MS just does it so well. I completely believe it.
                  I didn't notice the physical aspect, but I'll look again to see what you're talking about. And, I don't think it's shallow. You're not going "ooh, look how hot he is" but talking about how his expressions and body language form the character and the scene. It's more than just words (which are given to him by a writer) or tone of voice. I think it's a very interesting observation.
                  I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                  Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                  Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                  Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                  Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                    I wonder if in
                    the Shroud it wasn't Daniel but another member of the team turned prior instead, what would Daniel do and say to get them back?

                    I'm very curious what the scenes will be like on screen that have SG1 arguing with prior Daniel! He was so strong in debate against prior in TPTB I have to wonder what reasoning the others could use in debating with Daniel when he's a prior!

                    I have learned
                    the next episode has Ba'al in it but with no MS means no Daniel in that episode. I would have liked to see what scenes would be like with Ba'al and Daniel. Have they ever been in scenes together? I don't think they have, which is a shame the two characters could have interesting snark what with all the things Ba'al has done to Jack in the past... it's been ages since we've seen Daniel snark against a Goa'uld (I know he snarks with Vala but it's not quite the same level he used to have with Goa'ulds it it?)...

                    “it makes an interesting hula hoop” Mr Shanks’ opinion of the gate January 2004


                      Originally posted by LoopyMowse
                      I wonder if in
                      the Shroud it wasn't Daniel but another member of the team turned prior instead, what would Daniel do and say to get them back?

                      I'm very curious what the scenes will be like on screen that have SG1 arguing with prior Daniel! He was so strong in debate against prior in TPTB I have to wonder what reasoning the others could use in debating with Daniel when he's a prior!

                      Great point there Loopy!!!!

                      To see Daniel as Prior debating as passionately for the ORI as he did against them would be so COOL!!! Have seen the new spoilers about Shroud on the GW homepage? If true then to see those two go against one another in a scene might just make the wait until 2007 worth it.
                      Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                        Oh, number of posts. Was confused as to what accomplishments I shared with all these other people. Yay us!

                        Shroud spoilers
                        I really can't speculate too much on this, because I can't really fathom it. All I know is I want his friends to go through hell and high water to get him back. I'd love it if Jack did. I'd like all of them, but especially Jack. If Jack is there and he has no hand in trying to bring Daniel back, or if they skimp on it, or RDA doesn't sell it, or if they try and just have him just suddenly wake up and say, "oh, yeah, Ori bad" and then there's a humorous scene at the end, with Jack cracking jokes and no emotional payoff I will be so freaking disappointed. I still can't stand Threads. Flags? Bah! Give me real, absolute, I care about this person moments.

                        At least from reading around other places, it seems this will not be a long dragged out story arc. I'm glad, because I don't want it to end the season with Daniel on the opposite side. But, if it's only for one episode (like I've read) then I'm not sure how much angst or how well the story can be told. Maybe they'll actually really get into the aftermath. Instead of a big old thing during his time, the focus will be on what happens after. Although, I don't know if that's their type of thing. It's all really self contained.

                        Er, am I crazy, or was there a post congratulating a group of us on our post count right above mine?
                        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                          Originally posted by Dani347
                          Oh, number of posts. Was confused as to what accomplishments I shared with all these other people. Yay us!

                          Er, am I crazy, or was there a post congratulating a group of us on our post count right above mine?
                          Yes. I'm so sorry! Major embarrassment here! Just wound up on the wrong thread and I guess I'm a little more tired than I thought and - geesh! That was supposed to go to the Daniel Thunk Thread and I did a quick check of the last page for new 100 milestones and... okay, rest assured I am very red faced at the moment!

                          Slinking back into the shadows!


                            Originally posted by Scarym1
                            In regards to your S10 spoiler......

                            I was thinking the same thing!!!!!!

                            As soon as I heard about Shroud I just knew that Jack had to be in it. They couldn't do something this angsty and not have him be there for Daniel. I was hoping that every since RDA left the show, that he would come back in an ep similiar to Abyss, where this time Jack is there for Daniel. I am so excited about this!!! I can't believe we will have to wait until the second half of the season in 2007 before we get to see this.
                            It's funny, when I first looked at it, I didn't think of that, but now that I've looked at it again, you could very well be right. And I definitely would not mind seeing that.
                            We are overdue for some angst between Daniel and Jack. It would be great to see something similar to Abyss. I guess it's obvious that Jack won't be in the ep where Daniel changes back, although I really like the idea of him being the one who gets Daniel to come back.... actually him and the other original members of SG-1. That probably won't happen though... but I guess that's why there's fanfic.


                              Originally posted by Dani347
                              Oh, number of posts. Was confused as to what accomplishments I shared with all these other people. Yay us!

                              Shroud spoilers
                              I really can't speculate too much on this, because I can't really fathom it. All I know is I want his friends to go through hell and high water to get him back. I'd love it if Jack did. I'd like all of them, but especially Jack. If Jack is there and he has no hand in trying to bring Daniel back, or if they skimp on it, or RDA doesn't sell it, or if they try and just have him just suddenly wake up and say, "oh, yeah, Ori bad" and then there's a humorous scene at the end, with Jack cracking jokes and no emotional payoff I will be so freaking disappointed. I still can't stand Threads. Flags? Bah! Give me real, absolute, I care about this person moments.

                              At least from reading around other places, it seems this will not be a long dragged out story arc. I'm glad, because I don't want it to end the season with Daniel on the opposite side. But, if it's only for one episode (like I've read) then I'm not sure how much angst or how well the story can be told. Maybe they'll actually really get into the aftermath. Instead of a big old thing during his time, the focus will be on what happens after. Although, I don't know if that's their type of thing. It's all really self contained.
                              I agree with all of this.
                              As I said in my last post, I'd loe it for all of them to get him back, and especially Jack. I don't want it to be one person, like, say, Vala, be the one who eventually gets him to come back and rejoin them. I think the others should be involved, particularly Jack, Sam, and Teal'c, mostly because they have been his friends for so long, know him well and have developed very close friendships with him. I would be extremely disappointed if none of these characters had any hand in getting him back.

                              As for the length of the story arc, do you mean that getting Daniel back would only last for one episode, or Daniel being a Prior? Lines in the Sand comes after The Shroud, and from what I remember they said that SG-1 continues on a mission without Daniel. I could just be confused, though (it's still pretty early in the morning here, lol).


                                This may be alittle OT but:

                                In the spoilers for the Shroud Daniel is decribed as using the 'soft sell' method to preach Origin to people. This makes me wonder, what would be wrong with Origin if this was what they all did as their standard operating procedure without all the threats? i.e. just preach and use ther advanced powers and their teachings to convince their followers to worship the Ori? You would think the more 'primative' would be more willing to believe because they would be getting the benefits with no consequences and the Ori would still get their followers. Just a thought

