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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by blingaway
    Not a silly idea! A brilliant one!! Will there be an entry deadline?
    Some time before *cough* some of us are too spoiled to participate fairly...erm, if it isn't too late already.

    In the 'Other Categories' catagory, I suggest "Forcible Abductions". It's not like he hasn't been snatched before...
    Did he break a seasonal record for that last year? I think he might have.

    'Loss of Consciousness' could be a category unto itself, perhaps any time he's laid out in an infirmary bed (fetching hospital attire and all, even better if there are machines, tubes and/or wires involved), and any punches/slaps while not tied up. He might be due for a year off from having anyone close to him die or be possessed by evil (or both), but you never know.

    Y'know, there's probably a drinking game in here somewhere...but a Sweepstakes is likely healthier for all of us.

    Except Daniel, that is.



      Originally posted by Madeleine_W
      How about the "Daniel in s9 Sweepstakes"?

      ... eg Deaths: 2. Occurrences of loopiness:1. Handcuffs/rope: 3. Punches/slaps while tied up: 4.

      Winner gets a rep point from everybody else. Would it work? Should there be other categories?
      Originally posted by blingaway
      In the 'Other Categories' catagory, I suggest "Forcible Abductions". It's not like he hasn't been snatched before...
      Originally posted by Tucker Case
      'Loss of Consciousness' could be a category unto itself, perhaps any time he's laid out in an infirmary bed (fetching hospital attire and all, even better if there are machines, tubes and/or wires involved), and any punches/slaps while not tied up. He might be due for a year off from having anyone close to him die or be possessed by evil (or both), but you never know.
      I also think that is a brilliant idea!

      Let's see...
      1. Death(s)
      2. Insanity (/Possession/Alien Influence)
      3. Bondage (/Imprisonment -- not sure if this would require its own category)
      4. Beatings While Bound
      5. Forcible Abductions
      6. Loss of Consciousness
      7. General Beatings (/Torture -- again, not sure if requires own category)
      (8. Confinement to Sick Bed -- this encapsulates any bed whatsoever that he needs to recuperate in, SGC or Offworld)
      (9. Being Shot by Any Form of Weapon)

      Note: sections in (red) are my suggestions.

      That's all the suggestions we have so far. Any other ones?
      Oh yes, as Bling said, what would be the deadline? Also, would this go by episode or would we wait for the whole season to be done with? Who would be the judge? Someone will have to keep track and make a judgement call on the categories. The Rep Points sounds like a good reward.

      I'm not making this too difficult am I? I haven't done one of these before.
      Do we have/Should we make another thread for this?

      ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


        Originally posted by GateWarrior
        I also think that is a brilliant idea!

        Let's see...
        1. Death(s)
        2. Insanity (/Possession/Alien Influence)
        3. Bondage (/Imprisonment -- not sure if this would require its own category)
        4. Beatings While Bound
        5. Forcible Abductions
        6. Loss of Consciousness
        7. General Beatings (/Torture -- again, not sure if requires own category)
        (8. Confinement to Sick Bed -- this encapsulates any bed whatsoever that he needs to recuperate in, SGC or Offworld)
        (9. Being Shot by Any Form of Weapon)

        Note: sections in (red) are my suggestions.

        That's all the suggestions we have so far. Any other ones?
        Oh yes, as Bling said, what would be the deadline? Also, would this go by episode or would we wait for the whole season to be done with? Who would be the judge? Someone will have to keep track and make a judgement call on the categories. The Rep Points sounds like a good reward.

        I'm not making this too difficult am I? I haven't done one of these before.
        Do we have/Should we make another thread for this?
        I love the idea!

        I think you could make a general injury category and combine a couple of those categories.

        lj here if you're interested.


          Originally posted by GateWarrior
          I also think that is a brilliant idea!

          Let's see...
          1. Death(s)
          2. Insanity (/Possession/Alien Influence)
          3. Bondage (/Imprisonment -- not sure if this would require its own category)
          4. Beatings While Bound
          5. Forcible Abductions
          6. Loss of Consciousness
          7. General Beatings (/Torture -- again, not sure if requires own category)
          (8. Confinement to Sick Bed -- this encapsulates any bed whatsoever that he needs to recuperate in, SGC or Offworld)
          (9. Being Shot by Any Form of Weapon)

          Note: sections in (red) are my suggestions.

          That's all the suggestions we have so far. Any other ones?
          Oh yes, as Bling said, what would be the deadline? Also, would this go by episode or would we wait for the whole season to be done with? Who would be the judge? Someone will have to keep track and make a judgement call on the categories. The Rep Points sounds like a good reward.

          I'm not making this too difficult am I? I haven't done one of these before.
          Do we have/Should we make another thread for this?
          Great suggestions everyone. I'd split 'imprisonment' from 'bondage', then there's ten; a nice even number.

          I think we'd have to do it for the season as a whole, and the deadline should be soonish.

          If we have a new thread for it then it could be used initially for everyone to place their predictions, and then after each ep we could tally up. If there's a judgement to be made and we can't agree I could ask one of the non-participating mods to decide.

          I'm off for the weekend soon, I'll make a thread for it when I get back. (Unless one of you fancies doing it... )



            Originally posted by Madeleine_W
            Great suggestions everyone. I'd split 'imprisonment' from 'bondage', then there's ten; a nice even number.
            Okay. Let's try this revised list...
            1. Death(s)
            2. Insanity/Possession/Alien Influence
            3. Bondage
            4. Imprisonment
            5. Beatings While Bound
            6. Forcible Abductions
            7. Loss of Consciousness
            8. General Beatings/Torture
            9. Confinement to Sick Bed
            10. Being Shot by Any Form of Weapon
            Dark Horse Category: General Injuries/Illnesses Not Related to the Above

            I think we'd have to do it for the season as a whole, and the deadline should be soonish.
            Does anybody have a date in mind?

            If we have a new thread for it then it could be used initially for everyone to place their predictions, and then after each ep we could tally up. If there's a judgement to be made and we can't agree I could ask one of the non-participating mods to decide.
            That is a good idea. Should be fair. Would you be the head judge? Would you have a second-in-command to help you with any decisions? Will you be able to participate if you're the judge?

            Boy! Am I full of questions today, or what?!

            I'm off for the weekend soon, I'll make a thread for it when I get back. (Unless one of you fancies doing it... )
            Maybe we should wait a bit until we can get some confirmation on categories. Say, 24 hours? I'd be willing to start the thread. Can I have a suggestion on where to put it? Unless someone else wants to. I'm easy. ( Not that kind of easy! )

            Originally posted by gatehorse
            I think you could make a general injury category...
            That one would be a little tough 'cuz HIS injuries are usually the result of something being done to him. But there was the whole appendix thing. So maybe we could use it as an alternate/dark horse category.

            ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


              Originally posted by GateWarrior
              Okay. Let's try this revised list...
              1. Death(s)
              2. Insanity/Possession/Alien Influence
              3. Bondage
              4. Imprisonment
              5. Beatings While Bound
              6. Forcible Abductions
              7. Loss of Consciousness
              8. General Beatings/Torture
              9. Confinement to Sick Bed
              10. Being Shot by Any Form of Weapon
              Dark Horse Category: General Injuries/Illnesses Not Related to the Above
              Sounds good.

              Maybe we should wait a bit until we can get some confirmation on categories. Say, 24 hours? I'd be willing to start the thread. Can I have a suggestion on where to put it? Unless someone else wants to. I'm easy. ( Not that kind of easy! )
              I'd think in the same folder this one is in, because it's a character thing.

              That one would be a little tough 'cuz HIS injuries are usually the result of something being done to him. But there was the whole appendix thing. So maybe we could use it as an alternate/dark horse category.
              Hmmm, I guess so.

              lj here if you're interested.


                Originally posted by Tucker Case
                (He still learned the hard way, though, that you butter the outside of the turkey after you put the stuffing in. )
                *hehe* Did he have floor seasoning on his turkey?

                Probably not the language that comes easiest to him, having lost his mother so young and, it seems, having had no living grandmothers to speak of.
                LOL. Negotiating with Maternals can be confusing and frustrating.
                But maybe he can use some of his interplanetary/alien negotiation skills on them.

                I suppose that’s why so many fic writers portray him as this coffee-dependent junk food hoarder who needs to be reminded to eat.
                Then what's my problem? I had a very good mother, and I still forget to eat, am dependent on Pepsi, and I won't say anything about junk food.
                And if you say something like, "Tell me about your mother.", I'll strangle you.

                My photographic Goa’uld are usually of the feline persuasion – which might go some way towards explaining their complete dominion over the household.
                I'd love to see your kitty. Can you post a link? I love cats. I used to have one, but I have a bunny now. When he goes to the big-rabbit-hutch-in-the-sky, I'll get another cat. Until then, I like to see other people's cats. Aren't cat people wierd? Uh, meaning me. Unless you want to share the blame? -- That gives me a thought. (I know... uh-oh ) Do you think Daniel's a cat person or a dog person? I think he'd be a cat person. He'd appreciate the independence.

                That sounds like my sister and me. Mum is more my travel buddy – that woman is both the queen of the campfire and an old pro at Dublin pub crawls.
                Mom and I go camping every summer. I'm the former Girl Scout, and she burns the food. I have a fear of anything with more than 4 legs, and she's freaked out by mice and frogs, so we balance each other out. It's always a roit.

                I never leave home without her.
                LMAO! Sounds like a credit card commercial!

                It’s Daniel’s fault.
                Always is.

                Funny, how this next big family shake-up he’s heading into comes, once again, after the eight year mark. Poor lamb's going to start thinking there's a time-limit on these things.
                Hmmm... I didn't make that connection. I suppose you're right. Though I doubt TPTB did it on purpose. I wonder if they'll realize it too and add something like that in one of the eps? *shrug* Guess we'll just have to wait and see.

                Thanks, but it has to be my clunker, the one with the 203,198 km I put on it, the one the deer ... left hubcaps in four provinces...
                LMAO! That's quite a list! I bet there's good stories behind those. Mine's got 205,952+ km on it, and has duct-tape holding the hood together. I try to stay away from animals though.

                His neck, too. Boy, I hope Cameron’s up to this.
                *nods* He's gonna have his hands full. He'll soon find out that he needs to keep a first-aid kit on hand.

                I don't know where you found it, but that is super thunkable! Can I snurch it?

                That depends. Have you got a walking, talking, wise-cracking, butt-watching, self-propelling, independently-powered sense of self-preservation to follow you around and call you Spacemonkey?
                Just waiting for the right applicant to come along.

                If a little touch of nature makes the whole world kin, and a little touch of myth makes the whole world sacred, then a little touch of Daniel makes the whole world a wonder.
                Love that. Can I quote it? Is it you, or a combo of you & someone else?

                Note for the benefit of the Topic-Police:
                Tucker. We should probably take it easy on the off-topic chatter before we get our hands slapped.
                How about we PM each other with personal stuff, and leave the Daniel stuff here.
                My posts are gettin' a little out of control.

                ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                  We should probably take it easy on the off-topic chatter before we get our hands slapped.
                  How about we PM each other with personal stuff, and leave the Daniel stuff here.
                  Good idea. It isn't likely to keep my posts "in control," but "on topic" is still a good start.

                  Love that. Can I quote it? Is it you, or a combo of you & someone else?
                  That one’s a team effort. It’s William Shakespeare in the lead-off position, Deepak Chopra on the follow-through, and me just larking about at the end.

                  I don't know where you found it, but that is super thunkable! Can I snurch it?
                  I picked it up, pre-snurched, here. It "originated" here, though, and GW should have it fairly soon.

                  You know what I’m really liking about a couple of the promo pics that have been released so far? (Aside from such heart-melting, knee-incapacitating wonders as this, and Ms. Mooney’s flights of costuming fancy, that is?) It’s the way that Daniel, in moments like this one and again here, is
                  standing back, hands raised or at least empty, while the others have their weapons raised. He’s looking like the civilian-in-the-warriors’-midst again.
                  I don’t know if it’s really been that long since we’ve seen this, but it feels like it. They’re unspectacular shots, as promotional pictures go, but they feel like coming home again and I find them rather comforting.

                  Can we classify this as the first booty shot of Season 9?.

                  *nods* He's gonna have his hands full. He'll soon find out that he needs to keep a first-aid kit on hand.
                  Or that he should have picked a medic for a fourth.

                  Though I doubt TPTB did it on purpose. I wonder if they'll realize it too and add something like that in one of the eps? *shrug* Guess we'll just have to wait and see.
                  Well, no, I don't suppose they did, or that RDA decided it was time to move on because Daniel had reached his eight-year limit on family stability's just one of those things.

                  I'm looking forward to seeing how Michael plays this. I know Daniel's adaptable, it's one of his calling cards, but Michael's been pretty good at playing the nuances of Daniel adapting to situations, and I'll be looking for a layer of that here.

                  There's more than just breaking in a new colonel to be done.



                    Sorry to put the bulk of this in spoiler space, but it deals with a season 9 episode.

                    I really really hope (although that may be too strong a word. I really really want) Prototype to actually deal with Daniel's feelings about Anubis. I mean, here we have a character who has the DNA and genetic memory of Anubis. Now, one of (out of many) the biggest disappointments I've had was the lack of emotion whenever Daniel dealt with Anubis. I mean come on! It shouldn't have been, ho hum, Nuby's bad. It should have been personal. Not since Apophis (and we did see how Daniel felt about Apophis, back when they did that kind of thing on the show) has their been a Gou'ald that's taken so much from Daniel. I mean, this time, Daniel loses the last of his family -meaning relations, not surrogate SG1 family - and maybe the first place that was home after his parents died. Even finding that he belonged on Earth and with the SGC, there still must have been a place in his heart for Abydos, just knowing it was there and his family was there. And, boom! Gone! And, we get nothing! I'm not expecting to see any of that now. They missed the boat, and it was one of the worst mistakes. But, I want Daniel's reaction to this guy to be more than just "Oh, yeah, he's bad." It does say he suggests it's better to just kill the guy. Could it be more than just strategy making him feel that way? Will they show it? Will there be a glimpse that Daniel hates this guy in the one on one conversation? That if it turns out that killing him is not the wisest course of action, we'll see Daniel fight through his understandable hatred and fear to be able to see that? Or, if killing him is right, that Daniel still has to come to a place where he's doing it because it's right, not because it's satisfying? Is it too much to hope for at this stage in the game that the writers will deal with the inner workings of the character instead of the external? I don't want to get my hopes up. All I'm banking on is if they give him a little to work with, MS will run with it.
                    I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                    Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                    Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                    Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                    Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                      Originally posted by Tucker Case
                      Good idea. It isn't likely to keep my posts "in control," but "on topic" is still a good start.
                      Tucker. I have a place for us to talk without worrying about staying on topic. Go here: Gate Warrior's "Nothing is Off Topic" Thread. Of course, everyone who reads this is also invited to stop by. It's a 'get to know you thread'. Everyone's welcome! (Though I hope Tucker stops by. I've injoyed talking to you here Tucker.)

                      That one’s a team effort. It’s William Shakespeare in the lead-off position, Deepak Chopra on the follow-through, and me just larking about at the end.
                      Very nice job at combining quotes there.

                      I picked it up, pre-snurched, here. It "originated" here, though, and GW should have it fairly soon.

                      You know what I’m really liking about a couple of the promo pics that have been released so far? (Aside from such heart-melting, knee-incapacitating wonders as this, and Ms. Mooney’s flights of costuming fancy, that is?) It’s the way that Daniel, in moments like this one and again here, is
                      standing back, hands raised or at least empty, while the others have their weapons raised. He’s looking like the civilian-in-the-warriors’-midst again.
                      I don’t know if it’s really been that long since we’ve seen this, but it feels like it. They’re unspectacular shots, as promotional pictures go, but they feel like coming home again and I find them rather comforting.
                      Oh Tucker! I could kiss you! I've been wanting to snurch those pix ever since I saw them (the place I first saw them wouldn't let me ), and you gave me the perfect opportunity. Thank you so much! Are you a Daniel thunker? You should stop by The Pond. We have way too much fun there.

                      Can we classify this as the first booty shot of Season 9?.
                      I think that'd be safe.

                      I'm trying to think of something else Daniel-centric to say, but my head is so full of FanFic, and pretty Danny pix, that I can't think straight. *sigh* I'll just have to come back later when I'm thinking straight.

                      ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                        I'm still waiting for any confirmation on any/all of this, so I'm gonna put forth a few things and wait for anyone to object. I'm really excited about the idea and I hope there are still some people out there who are too.
                        Madeleine, aren't you back yet?

                        ~I'd like to keep the list as is. {insert objections here}

                        Originally posted by GateWarrior
                        Okay. Let's try this revised list...
                        1. Death(s)
                        2. Insanity/Possession/Alien Influence
                        3. Bondage
                        4. Imprisonment
                        5. Beatings While Bound
                        6. Forcible Abductions
                        7. Loss of Consciousness
                        8. General Beatings/Torture
                        9. Confinement to Sick Bed
                        10. Being Shot by Any Form of Weapon
                        Dark Horse Category: General Injuries/Illnesses Not Related to the Above
                        ~I'd like to start the thread by Wednesday the 29th with a deadline for predictions to be on Wednesday the 13th. That'll give everyone 2 weeks to log their predictions. {insert objections here}

                        ~I'd like to put said thread in the Characters/Relationships folder. {insert objections here}

                        ~I'd like Madeleine to be the keeper of the thread (if she's so inclined-it was her idea after all). But if she doesn't, and no one minds, I could try to do it myself. Though I will need some help. Volunteers? {insert objections here}

                        If there's anything else, I hope someone will pop by and add their 2 cents. We seem to be running short on time if we really want to do this.

                        *crosses fingers* Here's hoping I didn't step on Madeline's toes.
                        It was her fantastic idea, and I just wanna help.

                        If I don't hear anything by tomorrow, I'll PM Madeleine and hope that brings her out of hiding.
                        Last edited by GateWarrior; 28 June 2005, 04:41 AM. Reason: spelling

                        ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                          Later today i'll do it. busy at the mo. Byeeeee.



                            Great idea! Is this for the whole/half season .... or are we gonna have a new guess after every episode?

                            Cause guessing hoe many times he gets hit during the entire season wont be easy lol


                              So I've made a thread for the sweepstake. Have fun .



                                My sister's not a big fan of TV, but can't help herself to watch SG-1 when Daniel's on. We are both head over heels in love w/ the character. Oh, how I wish I was a Goauld w/ Daniel as my sex slave. I so envied Claudia Black when she got to hold him prisoner.

                                Goa'uld queen in possession of Daniel, Jonas and Martouf clones
                                Lovely signature courtesy of Admiral Q O and Skydiver.

