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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Maybe Oma finally changed his mind on that one. He's been ascended twice now and the first time Oma told him that the only way he could do it was be believing that HE deserved it. So maybe it's finally sinking in that he really IS a good man and he is coming to accept it. And it's not like it's going to his head. I think it still sorta embarresses him, but now he knows that he is needed and he has something to contribute, just like everyone else.
    thankee toasteronfire


      I've never really seen Daniel as overly modest about his abilities. I don't think it was a change for him to be able to accept that he was able to fix the problem using his ability to read Ancient.

      As far as his ascension, I think he didn't think he was good enough in a moral sense. And, not even that he was bad, but at that time, it seemed that you had to be super special good. And, Daniel knew that he was human, he had flaws, he had failed (in his mind) at times. So, he didn't think he was really good enough in that respect. But, good enough as a linguist? I think he's always had confidence in that. Or an archeologist if the problem would have been solved that way.
      I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

      Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

      Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

      Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

      Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


        Yeah, I get what you're saying. KNowing you are good doesn't mean that you're full of yourself.
        thankee toasteronfire


          One thing Daniel is not is full of himself. If anything, he's too modest!


            I really don't find Daniel all that modest. I mean, too modest. He's not a braggart, but I think he has a healthy amount of confidence. I can't imagine he would be able to go up against all the people/creatures he's gone up against, as well as argued his position so feverently without it.
            I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

            Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

            Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

            Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


            Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


              Okay, when I said too modest (and this is my interpretation of the phrase, not saying this is what anyone else meant) I meant I don't see Daniel as this shrinking violet who goes, "goodness me, why would anyone see any good in me or believe I had anything to offer?" I think the reason he didn't take credit for his work when he was ascended was because he was breaking the rules. He had to circumvent them, so it wouldn't be very smart to say he had. I think if the situation warranted someone giving him credit and it wasn't dangerous to accept it, he would graciously accept the credit. And, like I said, I don't think he's a braggart, but I don't think someone who is too modest would get miffed when the Russian lady (Daria?) told him that they'd better speak English. Can't remember the episode. His expression (doing this without rewatching) seemed to say, "Wait. I may not sound like a natibe of Moscow, but I thought my Russian was pretty good."

              I think, again using my definition of the phrase, that it is a bad thing to be too modest. Because I think people need a healthy confidence in themselves. Which I think Daniel has.
              I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

              Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

              Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

              Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


              Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                Personally, I see a difference between confidence and immodesty. Daniel is confident in that he's not afraid to speak out when he knows he's right, but after it's all over, and he's saved the day yet again, he doesn't toot his own horn about it. In fact, there are times (such as when he was ascended and helped Jack and Teal'c) when he doesn't even accept credit. That, to me, says that he's modest.
                Also, when I say that I think he's too modest, I don't actually mean that I want him to change.
                I mean, it would be fine if he did, I love him no matter what, as long as he isn't pompous and junk (not that I see that happening again, seeing as how he'll probably never even go near another sarcophagus, of course, then he isn't really Daniel anymore, so there you go).


                  Hey! I love Daniel!, wasn't your last post in between the last two posts I made back to back, or am I going crazy? I was about to respond to it, and then I realised I already had responded, but it looks like mine came first.
                  I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                  Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                  Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                  Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                  Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                    Originally posted by Dani347
                    Okay, when I said too modest (and this is my interpretation of the phrase, not saying this is what anyone else meant) I meant I don't see Daniel as this shrinking violet who goes, "goodness me, why would anyone see any good in me or believe I had anything to offer?" I think the reason he didn't take credit for his work when he was ascended was because he was breaking the rules. He had to circumvent them, so it wouldn't be very smart to say he had. I think if the situation warranted someone giving him credit and it wasn't dangerous to accept it, he would graciously accept the credit.
                    I saw it that way too, athough I wonder at the end of Threads, when Teal'c says something like 'General O'Neill believes that Daniel Jackson is responsible' (for anubis's defeat) and Daniel pipes up from Jack's office 'It wasn't me'. I guess it's the fact that he actually seems to claim no responsibility for Anubis's defeat, he wasn't 'directly' responsible, but Oma wouldn't have acted without his urging and inspiration, even at this point in his life, to be self effacing not acknowledging or realising the difference he has made (if that makes sense )

                    Originally posted by Dani347
                    And, like I said, I don't think he's a braggart, but I don't think someone who is too modest would get miffed when the Russian lady (Daria?) told him that they'd better speak English. Can't remember the episode. His expression (doing this without rewatching) seemed to say, "Wait. I may not sound like a natibe of Moscow, but I thought my Russian was pretty good.".
                    I think when it comes to book smarts he certainly dose have pride in his work. In 'The Serpents Vemon' when he and Sam are trying to reprogram the 'space mine' and something gose wrong, at one point Sam tries to take his book from him and he firmly takes pulls it back as if to say 'hey, I know what I'm talking about, your not going to understand better than I am'. This is a perfectly reasonable response, he's not overly modest, he knows what he knows.

                    Originally posted by Dani347
                    I think, again using my definition of the phrase, that it is a bad thing to be too modest. Because I think people need a healthy confidence in themselves. Which I think Daniel has.
                    I agree and I love that about his character, he's confident when he needs to be i.e. to get the job done but not in a way that would put him above anyone else.


                      I just wanted to drop in and add a few comments about Daniel. I also wanted to mention how impressed I am with the discussion here--it's very insightful.

                      I really have just started watchign SG-1, but Daniel has quickly become my favorite character. I love his with, intelligence and dedication. He seems to be the moral center of the SG-1 team and that is a hugely important role. Not to mention his undeniable good looks!

                      One of the first eps I saw with him, "New Order" was very enjoyable. I was surprised how cooperative he was with Weir--he is clearly a diplomatic guy. However, he isn't willing to compromise his beliefs which is refreshing. I think your discussion of his modesty is quite interesting in connection with his steadfast resolve. I haven't seen nearly enough eps to make a decision on teh matter, but to me it seems that Daniel can be aggressive when defending what he knows to be right. He also has a confidence in his obvious abilities without going "McKay" on everyone (I don't think the universe is big enough for two McKays lol).

                      Later all, happy discussinng,


                      Signature By Amber Moon


                        Welcome, Royal. Daniel can be very aggressive, true. When he comes up against injustice or when he feels people aren't doing the right thing, he can be a "pain in the ass"

                        Come back soon.
                        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                          True. I love his tenacity!
                          Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                          I just wanted to drop in and add a few comments about Daniel. I also wanted to mention how impressed I am with the discussion here--it's very insightful.
                          Indeed. I greatly appreciate the fact that there are a number of Daniel fans besides myself who truly care about the character, not simply his looks.


                            Originally posted by I love Daniel!
                            True. I love his tenacity!
                            Indeed. I greatly appreciate the fact that there are a number of Daniel fans besides myself who truly care about the character, not simply his looks.
                            Oh, I love his character as much or more than the body.
                            I know this because I don't find Michael Shanks anywhere near as sexy as Daniel.



                              I definately love Daniel more for his mind then for his good looks. He certainly has the best blue eyes in the world, but it is his personality that I love. And it is for his personality that I will always love. And there's that smile which is sort of like a split between both his personality and his good looks because that smile is beautiful, but in conveys so much of what is in his mind.
                              thankee toasteronfire


                                Exactly! That's why I can't understand when someone prefers when he's evil. I mean, he's not even actually Daniel then.

