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Ba'al /Cliff Simon Thunk,Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Easter Lily
    Wonderful! LOL... It's fabulous...
    Seshat... you ARE the photoshop genius... could you make a sig version of that? I really want to give you greens for this but I'm all repped out
    Greenies aren't necessary -- I really made the book cover as sort of a present for you because I've so enjoyed your posts in the Sam/Thor and Fandom threads . And for the glory of our great Lord Ba'al, of course!

    Just tell me how small you need it to be and I'll resize it for you.


      Well, that is just brilliant!
      Originally posted by Easter Lily
      Seshat... you ARE the photoshop genius...
      What E. Lily said.
      Shin ~ def. A device for finding furniture in the dark.


        Originally posted by Seshat
        E.Lily: It took me a couple of days to get to it (RL certainly gets in the way, doesn't it?),
        What Liv and E-Lily said. That's brilliant!

        You picked the perfect photo for the cover - now someone needs to write the book of course.

        Only a few hours until the best Ba'al episode ever.

        P.S. I was going to green you too - but it says I need to spread some around. *curses* I'll catch you later.
        Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


          That is uber-pwnage

          Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


            that's AWESOME seshat!!! totally FAB!! seriously, like they said, you truly the photshop genious and seriously... you couldn't have picked a better picture!! i gave ya green


              That is soo awesome


                Originally posted by emily_reich
                hmmm... personally i'd say he's less genuinely evil than some of the other system lords... certainly less evil than anubis, and i'd say less than apophis... BUT that certainly doesn't make him less power-hungry! thing is, he doesn't care whether people think/believe he's a god... he just wants to power and as long as he's got it he doesn't care... it's when anubis takes over and bumps him down on the scale that he's willing to be NICE to get back there (and save his own skin... not to mention the people of the galaxy... no fun being boss if there's no one left to serve you, ya know! ).... i don't see ANY of the other system lords acting nice in any way or admitting they need help... let alone ASK for it that's where baal's got the real character development and why i love 'im so much that and the lovely smirks, accent, and attire
                I think Ba'al's a practical god. He's smug, he's evil, he's power hungry, but he has a practical side. After all, his secret outpost was something of a lab, wasn't it. Experimental gravity generators, et al. I bet he did a lot of that work himself rather than leave it to his scientists. Happy to torture his own captive rather than leave it to his jaffa. He gets his hands dirty, figuratively speaking. He can't destroy the Ancient weapon himself because Anubis would know, so he's quite willing to go to the people who can. Now, Jack might think this is pride swallowing on Ba'al's side but it's not really. He's just being practical.


                  Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                  Ya know, I'm usually one to loathe any kind of facial hair, but he wouldn't be Ba'al without the goatee. That's part of the attraction. And the evilness.
                  Damn straight, the goatee adds to the smug evilness.


                    Originally posted by Wandering Tamer
                    SaharaGate, what were you on when you thought of that idea? I sorta like it though.

                    I forgot to post this with my question, the goatee definitely makes him feel evilier. So, yeah, goatee.
                    I was on lack of sleep, chocolate, and one of David Hewlett's odd movies, Nothing.

                    An intoxicating combination


                      Originally posted by Seshat

                      E.Lily: It took me a couple of days to get to it (RL certainly gets in the way, doesn't it?),
                      but I combined my image with your ideas (including the Errol Flynn book reference), and designed
                      a little PR for the Great Lord Ba'al in the form of his very own bio (written by himself, naturally ).
                      P.S. I prefer his name with the apostrophe, so that's how I used it. Makes him look more evil.

                      Oh my goodness! That's great!

                      Very witty.

                      Where can I get my copy?

                      When will it be on Amazon
                      Last edited by SaharaGate; 04 March 2005, 04:38 PM.


                        Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                        I'm working on a novel, I don't have time for fanfics. That's why I put it up for adoption. Best of luck to whoever adopts it, though.
                        A novel? Really?

                        Tell tell!

                        Is it an original or are you doing one of those Fandemonium submissions?

                        Either way, think you could work in Baal or lemons?


                          It's completely original. No way to work Ba'al into it, but there's always a chance of lemons...

                          I do have another series I'm toying with where I might be able to work Ba'al as a real god into a story somewhere.

                          Seshat, as others have said, that book cover is fantastic. I hope to see more Ba'alicious wizardry from you in the future.


                            I want this book! And a poster of the cover! Love it.


                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                              It's completely original. No way to work Ba'al into it, but there's always a chance of lemons...
                              not even as a random fly-by reference?? i mean, you could have someone named cliff baal or something (or would that be violating too many copyrights )

                              I do have another series I'm toying with where I might be able to work Ba'al as a real god into a story somewhere.

                              i must say... i'm already intrigued (just as long as ya make him a bit snarkly )


                                Anything with Ba'al in it has to have him smiling and evil and smug.

