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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    think about how it goes with gifts.....she goes to the con, gets the equivalent of a suit case full of trinkets, etc, then has to drag it all home, get it through air port security and customs...and then what? have rooms dedicated to stuff???

    I admit it, i've mailed her a couple of things, such as a dorothy statue...but i don't mail hoping to ever hear anything, because i know i won't. I've never gotten an answer from any actor i've sent something to.

    they just get so much stuff...what are htey going to do with it? they can't be seen just leaving it behind, yet do y ou think they really want to drag it all home?

    Not to mention the dark side of gift giving...those that do it to 'steal' time from the rest of attendees. the whole 'let me give a gift so that everyone else at the con can see how special i am and i can get my 10 minutes of fame' attitude.

    and we won't even go into the security issue and embarrassment issue if an attendee gives something inappropriate

    easier to banish them all than to deal with the fallout.
    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
    I've heard that with some actors, they simply can't travel home with all the gifts they receive and they end up in dumpsters...the gifts not the actors!
    I plan on sending something to Amanda...actually I have been meaning to send it for almost 2 years now...but by sending it, she doesn't have to worry about packing it to take home.
    BTW, is there a mailing address for Amanda???
    OK...gotta be quick...been out all afternoon and am going out again.
    Night all, take care and stay safe. (((Samandans)))
    Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
    I don't think I really considered the actors and musicians I loved when I was a kid as inspirations or heroes. I would have to say that as far as a hero or at the very least someone I could look up to, to admire or be inspired by...Amanda is my first. And that's pretty sad considering how old I am. But on the same token, that's pretty cool coz she is the best person to be inspired by. So I guess it's better late than never!
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    a 'dirty' secret of cons, yeah, sometimes the gifts are carefully taken back stage and just stay there.

    not every con, not every actor, just sometimes.

    I know there was one instance that i heard of where the actor received something that really offended him. He behaved graciously on stage, but back stage tore up the manipulated photo he'd been given and threw it away.
    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post

    Why does it still amaze me that some people just have no brain? Lol.
    I've given Amanda and Chris gifts. I gave Amanda a silly stuffed gazelle at the first Chicago con which I doubt she kept, which is fine it was only becuase I found out her nickname on set was gazelle (because of Teryl's turtle nickname). So it was just for fun. I know Chris kept his, a Chia Teal'c . At the next con I saw him at I asked him if the kids ever grew the grass and he said yes, it was sitting in his kitchen. So, he and the kids had some fun with it. I also mailed some gifts to Amanda, which she kept and we talked about at AT2. I won't be giving any more though, cause I'm sure they just end up with way too much stuff. The ones I gave in those instances were due to irresistible creative impulses on my part. I try to keep those under control now.

    It is amazing how little tact some people can have. It's one thing to play around with characters in manips or fan fiction for the amusement of the fans, but to the actors it's a bit more personal. It's THEIR face and body.
    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
    William Shakespeare

    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


      dropping off a fic rec

      a little sam/kawalsky bonding - pre-ship if you see it that way

      warning for language (ye olde f word)
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by katjoy View Post
        ^ yay

        ive been sending AT bday, xmas, etc wishes since 2004 i think it was...

        we normally get emails with all the details... i wonder if they will still be doing that...
        the e-mails may be coming. I just saw this posted somewhere and since i hadn't seen any e-mails, started to pass it on
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
          Hey Everyone,

          Childhood hero's...I didn't really have any as a kid, although I liked watching Marina Sirtis, as Deanna Troi. But Amanda is the first actor I would call my hero.

          Same here Julia .

          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          spreading the word
          Here we go again . But wait, what happened to the audio birthday wishes? I thought we were doing that again this year.

          Oh well, looks like I've got some thinking to do for Amanda's big b-day .

          As for my first time meeting Amanda, maybe I will do what you've been saying and just donate something in her honor . But I'd still like to give her something to show my fanship, and my thanks for all she is and all she's done . Like sighing my DVD's *YAY*
          Last edited by Rocky89; 26 July 2009, 05:19 AM.


            Photo's from yesterdays Sanctuary panel here. Amanda looks really beautiful, see this pic especially.

            Sky: it's ok to post a link like this right? I found it through a general Twitter search (public). It sais all rights reserved at every pic, but that just means you can't post a specific pic?


              ^ thank you, thank you, thank you the pix are great
              "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                Photo's from yesterdays Sanctuary panel here. Amanda looks really beautiful, see this pic especially.

                Sky: it's ok to post a link like this right? I found it through a general Twitter search (public). It sais all rights reserved at every pic, but that just means you can't post a specific pic?
                Thanks Lies. Great pics.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  slightly on topic
                  Time for a reminder
                  those going to AT3, those that can't, remember to save those postage stamps to go to Hearing Dogs
                  AT3??? What happened to AT4?? Are we going backwards already???
                  I don't have many stamps I'm afraid. We just don't seem to be big users of stamps here. And most people I know either collect them themselves or don't keep the few they get. But I do have some. Just a small handful thus far.
                  OK...I don't have much to share today other than to say that the picks from Comic Con are pretty cool and although I wish I could be there I'm kinda glad I'm not...too many people!

                  So...had a rather busy day today and thought I would share a joke (or two three) with you...
                  What do you call a fish with no eyes?
                  Answer: Fsh!!!

                  What do you call a deer with no eyes?
                  Answer: No idea!

                  What do you call a deer with no legs and no eyes?
                  Answer: Still no idea!!

                  Actually I had a fun day. Laughed with my brothers as we found a final resting place for dad. We'll be scattering his ashes in September.
                  Then we cleaned out dad's shed and found a doohickey that resembled the one Sam used in Crystal Skull to measure the I took that home with me!!
                  Better choof. Night all. Take care and stay safe!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                    Photo's from yesterdays Sanctuary panel here. Amanda looks really beautiful, see this pic especially.

                    Sky: it's ok to post a link like this right? I found it through a general Twitter search (public). It sais all rights reserved at every pic, but that just means you can't post a specific pic?
                    Wow, thank so much for those pics , Amanda and everyone looks great . Btw, I agree with you, Amanda does look great in that specific pic, I also like this one too with her greeting a fan


                      Wow, no one's posted photos yet?

                      Last edited by parsifal; 26 July 2009, 06:19 AM.


                        Linking back to the host site for photos is perfectly fine. the issue comes when you go to that site, save the photos, upload them to soemthing like photobucket then repost them, without the owner's knowledge or permission. That's stealing.

                        also, you cannot hotlink to the photos without the site owner's permission. that's their bandwidth you're stealing and we have a rule against it.

                        Public photos, like parsifal's photos are fine since they're put up by sites like skiffy to promote things, it's privately owned photos that are stolen that have been an issue.
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                          Wow, no one's posted photos yet?

                          <lazy snip>
                          Thanks for the pics.

                          I made two sigs with them.

                          They're snurchable if anyone wants them.


                            Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                            AT3??? What happened to AT4?? Are we going backwards already???
                            I don't have many stamps I'm afraid. We just don't seem to be big users of stamps here. And most people I know either collect them themselves or don't keep the few they get. But I do have some. Just a small handful thus far. <snip>
                            I'm afraid I don't have many stamps saved either. Most of my bills are paid online and what does come in the mail as 'fun mail' is just a handful. I blame technology for my lack. What with email, texting and the like, snail mail hasnt been very popular with me lately. I have been asking friends to save what they can so hopefully I'll have a bit to donate as well.

                            Loving all the pics I'm seeing from Comic Con of Amanda! Can she ever take a bad pic?


                              i know i have only a couple dozen, and most of those came from the christmas card exchange.

                              I won't have very many either. I don't get that much mail and most of what i get is business reply mail, so no stamps
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                                I'm afraid I don't have many stamps saved either. Most of my bills are paid online and what does come in the mail as 'fun mail' is just a handful. I blame technology for my lack. What with email, texting and the like, snail mail hasnt been very popular with me lately. I have been asking friends to save what they can so hopefully I'll have a bit to donate as well.

                                Loving all the pics I'm seeing from Comic Con of Amanda! Can she ever take a bad pic?
                                Never seen one yet, and I'm sorry for the blonde Amanda fans, but I really think that the dark hair suits her more.

                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                i know i have only a couple dozen, and most of those came from the christmas card exchange.

                                I won't have very many either. I don't get that much mail and most of what i get is business reply mail, so no stamps
                                I've got a few, get a lot of fannish mail still, even with t'interwebz. I'll have a go at parting Annie from her stash, as I said, if she wants to empty her house for moving, she will be glad to be rid of them.


