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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
    What Sam episode would you watch as a pick me up after a hard day?
    1969 - just to see the crazy costumes and Teal'c with hair.
    OH and/or that alternate reality one where Sam and Daniel aren't working for the SGC and Sam's this big total geek, glasses and all. What's that one called?
    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


      Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
      What Sam episode would you watch as a pick me up after a hard day?
      Hmmm, I'm not sure if you can call it a Sam episode, but watching Urgo never fails to put a smile on my face no matter how tired/stressed I am. Though it does give me cravings for pie.

      Hope you day gets better! (((jckfan)))



        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
        What Sam episode would you watch as a pick me up after a hard day?
        Avenger 2.0

        A personal favorite, there's comedy, as usual, and possibly my favorite Sam butt kicking action of all time.


          Singularity. It's the sort of episode I love to curl up with and have a good sniffle to. Absolutely adore it. To be honest though, with me it's a case of what Sam episodes would I *not* choose to watch. I'll admit that Grace is not a particular favourite of mine. But I love In The Line of Duty, Hathor, Solitudes, Singularity, Point of View and many, many more.
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
            1969 - just to see the crazy costumes and Teal'c with hair.
            OH and/or that alternate reality one where Sam and Daniel aren't working for the SGC and Sam's this big total geek, glasses and all. What's that one called?
            Moebius Parts 1 and 2?
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


              'enemy at the gate' -

              Originally posted by morjana View Post

              You're looking at Sam being given command of a ship as negative -- why?

              I think that's a coup for Sam! Think of it -- out of ALL the Air Force Colonels -- Sam has been chosen to command one of only a few US Air Force space ships!

              Plus -- Sam is not limited to commanding a stationary base -- she's going to voyage through Space, the final frontier --to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no woman has gone before!

              i'm not having probs with her being a ship commander. i was voting for either sgc commander or ship commander (she was *both* in the ep! ).

              i don't know if going from atlantis commander to ship commander is a step down, military wise, but she's still a commander, she still gets the excitement, and she gets some time off to visit hubby/boyfriend/lover jack.

              sure, i'd have liked her having more screen time in the ep, but i understand the whys of that not happening. secretly, i was hoping she'd be on the balcony at the end with the others, but she's not their commander anymore, so...

              i'm hoping the 3rd sg1 movie with show sam commanding her new ship, 'the general hammond'.




                hey look, it's shippy fic


                'icky het' warning
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  'enemy at the gate' -

                  i'm not having probs with her being a ship commander. i was voting for either sgc commander or ship commander (she was *both* in the ep! ).

                  i don't know if going from atlantis commander to ship commander is a step down, military wise, but she's still a commander, she still gets the excitement, and she gets some time off to visit hubby/boyfriend/lover jack.

                  sure, i'd have liked her having more screen time in the ep, but i understand the whys of that not happening. secretly, i was hoping she'd be on the balcony at the end with the others, but she's not their commander anymore, so...

                  i'm hoping the 3rd sg1 movie with show sam commanding her new ship, 'the general hammond'.

                  Enemy at the Gate -

                  Amen to all that!

                  But regarding the bit in bold...I think it would be the utter height of daftness for TPTB to give Sam the command of the General Hammond and NOT have her in the third movie commanding it otherwise...what's the point of giving her the command in the first place if she's just going back to being Mitchell's 2iC?

                  That's not going to happen. I'm confident that the General Hammond will feature very prominently in the movie so as to give our Sam a good amount of screen time and give us a real feel of what she's like as a ship commander (amazing if The Last Man was anything to go by) and how she is with her new team.

                  THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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                    Originally posted by morjana View Post

                    You're looking at Sam being given command of a ship as negative -- why?

                    I think that's a coup for Sam! Think of it -- out of ALL the Air Force Colonels -- Sam has been chosen to command one of only a few US Air Force space ships!

                    Plus -- Sam is not limited to commanding a stationary base -- she's going to voyage through Space, the final frontier --to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no woman has gone before!

                    Well you see Morjana,
                    like some others have said, Sam going back to SG-1 would seem like a step down. After all, she was in command of Atlantis for a year (a wonderful year) and that was a pretty big step forward in her career. And you made some very good points too, out of ALL the Air Force Colonels, she got the big job of commanding a ship, with a lot of duties and responsibilities .

                    While I still kinda wished she had gone back to SG-1 (her family) I have to look at the bigger picture, she has a chance to push her career even further, and I KNOW she'll do great. Watch out Milky Way Galaxy, Carter's coming your way-- this time by ship, not Stargate

                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    Sam is and will be the first of many, many female commanders of space vessels, and Janeway and all other future female commanders of space vessels will be following in her footsteps. I like the sound of that.
                    You are 110% right, Hedwig .
                    In the Stargate world, that makes her the first female ship captain . So yeah, cool, that really does mean a LOT . Sam's already made a few people at the academy want to follow in her footsteps, so and now who knows how much more popular she'll get. In a way, she's starting something for female officers to inspire to become, so that makes her kinda like a pioneer to them. I also like the sound of that . It's amazing how the Carter character keeps being more of a role model, and an inspiration .

                    Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                    Just to clarify re: Sam in EATG:

                    I am not opposed to the career move of Sam in EATG. Would say temporarily running the SGC and command of her own ship are better than "co-command" of SG1. My concern is that if she is the commander of a ship then she is not part of the team anymore and I love the team aspect of SG1. Also, I'm worried the use of the character will be limited to the same extent all the other ship commanders have been over the years.
                    That was also main concern from the start.
                    In my mind, I didn't really see the problem with her being 2IC of SG-1, I mean, she'd be close to SG-1, the SGC, basically, the real home she's everything she's known for the past 11 years. Oh, and I get forget Jack.

                    But yeah, I also felt that if she'd stayed with SG-1, her role in the 3rd movie would be more substantial, and that her being on a ship would reduce her screen time, and it'd take her away from the action on the fields off-world. But we won't know anything until the 3rd movie. In the mean time, lets be happy for Sam, and that she's found something that will put her skills to good use.

                    Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                    Sam in EATG and beyond:


                    I agree that ship commanders in Stargate have usually seen limited action or were peripheral to the main storyline, like Caldwell, Ellis, etc. But for the next movie, I thinking (and hoping!) that Sam's role as ship commander will be more like Mitchell's role in the Ark of Truth.

                    If I'm remembering correctly, he was put in command of the Odyssey for SG-1's mission, but he still went down to the planet and was in the thick of the action, though granted most of that for him was on the ship.

                    But I think because Sam/AT would be a main character in the ship commander role as opposed to a guest character, she'll hopefully be more involved than Stargate's ship commanders usually are.
                    I never thought of that .
                    I didn't really think much when Cam was put in charge of the Odyssey in AOT, because I knew it wouldn't last, and because all of SG-1 was still together. But as far as we know, Sam will be all alone on the ship, and she'll be a little out of her element, so that was always my biggest problem. But yeah, I hope she's like Cam, and she goes on away missions with her crew. And since she's always been a main character on Stargate, I can't imagine her role in the 3rd movie will be tiny. I hope.

                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    I am hopeful you're right. Despite the fact that
                    ship commanders became a bit of an endangered species on SG1 I don't think Sam will face the fate of Pendergast and Emerson. My idea is that for the next movie, they may bring Sam back from her ship to do a special mission with SG1.

                    I'd like the 3rd movie to be a real team mission so
                    it could be tricky to do that if Sam's ship (love the sound of that! ) is involved. Can she really leave the ship to go off with SG1? Unless the ship's conveniently in for repairs after a big battle or something. But then we won't see her on her ship.

                    Just pondering.
                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    nah, easy peasy

                    movie spec/eatg spoilage

                    they cast Lorne as her second in command, she leaves him in charge, and goes down with her team to fix whatever needs to be fixed

                    or it's to techy that it HAS to be her
                    That's a great idea you two .
                    I would like to see her doing something on her ship, but I would love for her to leave it for whatever reason, and rejoin SG-1 for some important mission . IMO, that would be awesome, I just love that idea, I mean they did it to Kirk in Star Trek 1 and 2. Even though he was an admiral and no longer in command of the Enterprise, they still found a very good way of bringing him back to his ship and crew, and his role was just as substantial and important in the movie, as it was on the show. The also did it for Worf in the TNG movies, even though he was apart of DS9, and not an actual member of the Enterprise crew. So yeah, I very much hope something like that will happen with Sam .

                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    'enemy at the gate' -

                    i'm not having probs with her being a ship commander. i was voting for either sgc commander or ship commander (she was *both* in the ep! ).

                    i don't know if going from atlantis commander to ship commander is a step down, military wise, but she's still a commander, she still gets the excitement, and she gets some time off to visit hubby/boyfriend/lover jack.

                    sure, i'd have liked her having more screen time in the ep, but i understand the whys of that not happening. secretly, i was hoping she'd be on the balcony at the end with the others, but she's not their commander anymore, so...

                    i'm hoping the 3rd sg1 movie with show sam commanding her new ship, 'the general hammond'.

                    I'm also glad she was in charge of the SGC in EatG, and like I've already said, my biggest issue with her being a ship captain is that I don't want to see her stuck on that chair watching all the action on the screen, and not being apart of it. But you're right Sally, action wise it may seem like a step down from being Atlantis commander, and from SG-1, but military and leadership wise, she's top notch.

                    Oh, and I agree Sally, I would also have liked to have seen her on the balcony at the end with the others, but I was just happy she was in the ep. *YAY*

                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    What Sam episode would you watch as a pick me up after a hard day?
                    That would be any ep with Sam. But really, I always like to watch Line in the Sand, to me it was one of Sam's finest episodes. Nuff said...


                      Originally posted by Alan View Post
                      Enemy at the Gate -

                      Amen to all that!

                      But regarding the bit in bold...I think it would be the utter height of daftness for TPTB to give Sam the command of the General Hammond and NOT have her in the third movie commanding it otherwise...what's the point of giving her the command in the first place if she's just going back to being Mitchell's 2iC?

                      That's not going to happen. I'm confident that the General Hammond will feature very prominently in the movie so as to give our Sam a good amount of screen time and give us a real feel of what she's like as a ship commander (amazing if The Last Man was anything to go by) and how she is with her new team.
                      I think knowing that she got a ship of her own is good enough . Besides, like I said up there about Kirk, even though we never saw him doing any "admiral" things in the movies, he still had the job, and fans were just happy to have him back on the bridge of the Enterprise. In fact, some fans were shocked (I've read this on other forums) that he was an admiral, and not commanding the Enterprise anymore. Some were disappointed with that, but they were still glad to see him back. And some fans were very much relieved when he was demoted back to the rank of captain in Star Trek 4, and given back the Enterprise-- Enterprise-A actually .

                      As long as she's somehow working with SG-1 in the next movie, I'm happy.


                        Sam was in it wayyyy more than I expected or even hoped she'd be.

                        That being said, she was used in exactly the same they they used her in S9. She didn't do anything "Sam"ish. The same as in S4, she was there to facilitate the story for the series lead and the series egghead. And I didn't think Rodney was very "brillaint idea"ish this ep. The idea Zelenka inplemented was not an 'on the fly' solution. To me it doesn't count.

                        Always nice to see Sam, but I was disappointed. Yet again.

                        OT: I was momentarily surprised they killed off Ronon. Til I remembered they were on a hive ship Sure 'nuff... <sigh>

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                          Moebius Parts 1 and 2?
                          I believe that is it! Thanks!
                          I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                            I never thought of that .
                            I didn't really think much when Cam was put in charge of the Odyssey in AOT, because I knew it wouldn't last, and because all of SG-1 was still together. But as far as we know, Sam will be all alone on the ship, and she'll be a little out of her element, so that was always my biggest problem. But yeah, I hope she's like Cam, and she goes on away missions with her crew. And since she's always been a main character on Stargate, I can't imagine her role in the 3rd movie will be tiny. I hope.
                            Third movie speculation in relation to EATG:

                            I think it's only speculation at this point whether Sam's new command will even be in the next movie, so we equally have no idea as to how her potential role as ship commander will figure into the plot. They may devise something, like I think Skydiver mentioned of the mission requiring her tech skills, which would mean that Sam would not be left alone on the ship, if her ship is going to be used at all.

                            After her stint commanding Atlantis, it just doesn't make sense to me story-wise for Sam to return to being a member of SG-1, however much she may love that team. As much as SG-1 may be Sam's family, I don't think she necessarily has to officially be part of that team in order to be part of that family; it's the people she'll be with, not the patch she may or may not have on her shoulder that's important.

                            But if the suggestion that the third movie is going to be Jack-centric is correct, then I really don't think Sam needs to be on SG-1 again in order to have a substantial part in the movie, since Jack is no longer an official member either. I get the feeling that any future movies are going to be more 'Stargate' movies rather than 'Stargate: SG-1' movies.

                            And now back to pharmacology for me.



                              Originally posted by morjana View Post

                              You're looking at Sam being given command of a ship as negative -- why?
                              EATG spoilers:
                              Because she stuck on ship! Not an overly enviable job really. Can't imagine how they can utilize her very much for the next movie...a few scenes here and there but what about the action? I dunno...I'd be much happier with her commanding the me that seems like a more highly important position/command than a ship. At least that way, she'd be in the thick of a lot more than the goings on on a ship.
                              I don't necessarily see it though as a complete negative...I do see the plus side to it...but I guess that's just my personal opinion...I just believe that the SGC would have been a huge command for her.

                              Originally posted by antoa View Post
                              Not only that but
                              Considering all of the past commanders of the SGC (except Weir) have been Generals. I doubt they would have given permanent command to a Colonel, even if she previously commanded Atlantis. *shrugs*
                              I think it's fabulous that she has her own ship
                              EATG spoilers:
                              See I don't buy into that whole General versus commanding the SGC thing...Weir was a civilian and she did just fine...and what's the difference from commanding Atlantis to the SGC? Apart from the distance...I don't understand why she possibly can't run the SGC...keeping in mind that this isn't real life either.

                              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                              Just to clarify re: Sam in EATG:
                              I am not opposed to the career move of Sam in EATG. Would say temporarily running the SGC and command of her own ship are better than "co-command" of SG1. My concern is that if she is the commander of a ship then she is not part of the team anymore and I love the team aspect of SG1. Also, I'm worried the use of the character will be limited to the same extent all the other ship commanders have been over the years.
                              Totally agree with you EH-T...
                              it is better than being assigned SG1...although I suspect that she'll always be a member of SG1...but being in command of a ship is very limiting.

                              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                              Sam in EATG and beyond:

                              I agree that ship commanders in Stargate have usually seen limited action or were peripheral to the main storyline, like Caldwell, Ellis, etc. But for the next movie, I thinking (and hoping!) that Sam's role as ship commander will be more like Mitchell's role in the Ark of Truth.
                              Are you in my head or what??!! Today I would have to say that you and I are definitely thinking along the same wave...
                              I am a tad bit concerned over Sam's role in the next movie...I hope it's not going to be snippet scenes from the bridge with Sam predominately sitting in the chair...I'm hoping for some kici butt action the good old days!

                              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                              What Sam episode would you watch as a pick me up after a hard day?
                              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                              1969 - just to see the crazy costumes and Teal'c with hair.
                              Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                              Hmmm, I'm not sure if you can call it a Sam episode, but watching Urgo never fails to put a smile on my face no matter how tired/stressed I am. Though it does give me cravings for pie.
                              Originally posted by Falcon 304 View Post
                              Avenger 2.0
                              Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                              Well, I would have said Urgo but some one who shall not be named who would appear to be somehow linked to my mind....Evenstar!!!...has already said that so I'm going to say Space Race! What's a girl to do!!!

                              Went back to work today...nuff said...but I get tomorrow off then back again til next is going on I it should.
                              So, night all, take care and have fun! (((Samandans)))
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                I am hopeful you're right. Despite the fact that
                                ship commanders became a bit of an endangered species on SG1 I don't think Sam will face the fate of Pendergast and Emerson. My idea is that for the next movie, they may bring Sam back from her ship to do a special mission with SG1.

                                I'd like the 3rd movie to be a real team mission so
                                it could be tricky to do that if Sam's ship (love the sound of that! ) is involved. Can she really leave the ship to go off with SG1? Unless the ship's conveniently in for repairs after a big battle or something. But then we won't see her on her ship.

                                Just pondering.
                                Future shows....

                                Sam can leave. That is what XOs are for

