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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
    Question for all:
    Can you point out any and all episodes where SG 1 wore desert camo BDUs?

    I received a very nice package from Legends yesterday, well, actually had to pick it up at customs. I spent about an hour going through eps last night, trying to match the very unique camo (pants and jacket) to episodes.

    So far I have positive matches for Exodus, Enemies, The Other Guys and Full Circle.

    Window of Opportunity also has them wear desert camo but I haven't been able to match it to the costume items I have.

    Can you guys think of any other episodes where SG 1 wore desert camo, even if it was just for one scene?

    Thanks for your help!
    Ripple Effects? Not the real SG1 team though.


      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
      Ooooo, I like your sig, jasminaGo! Trio is so cool-- i watch it whenever I fold clothes. and my son is like, Mmmoooommm, you're watching this one AGAIN??!! And then I feel like an idiot. but i watch it anyway.
      I love that ep. So much Sam-whump goodness


        is there are more news on Deejay, has anybody heard how she's doing? Just wondering, I keep thinking of her, as I'm sure everybody else on this thread does. xxx
        "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


          Originally posted by wibbling View Post
          is there are more news on Deejay, has anybody heard how she's doing? Just wondering, I keep thinking of her, as I'm sure everybody else on this thread does. xxx
          Yes her brother posted yesterday on the Samanda group.


            Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
            Yes her brother posted yesterday on the Samanda group.
            thanks.. where would I find that? (Being a bit dim today..!)
            "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


              Originally posted by wibbling View Post
              thanks.. where would I find that? (Being a bit dim today..!)
              Right here

              my fanfic


                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

                thanks so much for that!
                "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                  Besides SG1, who do you think Sam has as other work friends? We know she's on a first name basis w/ Dr. Lee by the late seasons (quite a change over the years) but do you think they're friends? Do you think her work friends would be other scientists or military types?
                  jckfan desperately attempts to wrench us over to On Topic
                  who her work friends are? and you mean 'real' friends, not just acquaintances?

                  i think daniel and mitchell for sure, because she's got something in common with both and they're both nice men. vala, if she allows herself to not worry too much about vala's antics, and, if vala shows some depth beyond the puddle that she sometimes shows. teal'c i see as more work, only because he's remained so alien/jaffa even after all these years. jack; he's slipped from military protocol and some tension to a real friendship, as soon as the whole ship issue was resolved.

                  as for doctor lee? i'm not sure. same with doctor lam. the lam i've seen seems to have something stuck up her butt most of the time, so it might be too much work. and besides, i didn't like the remark she (and her dad landry) made about sam being intimate with a child ('the fourth horseman', or whatever the ep was called). i thought her and her dad were in bad taste.

                  i don't think sam would distinguish between military or scientist in choosing friends. i think she'd go with who she was comfortable enough with, with some common interests coming in second.

                  interesting question, jckfan.




                    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                    did some hunting and they are your pics...but with permission. I missed that earlier, very small print said to credit jenni. Well, small to my aging eyes!
                    I'll try to be more careful in the future!
                    No worries, my friend! It just scared me when you mentioned how many there were!

                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    I know we've had people on the thread with military experience--maybe you have an idea?
                    I have married two Navy men, one who was active, and the other not...both were enlisted. They had officer friends, so I do believe it could be done with no issues. I'm pretty sure the AF isn't that different, regs-wise. It's just quite uncommon, I would think, based on who works with whom, where, and eating/sleeping accomodations being what they are. Hard to form a bond when you never see the person.

                    I always thought SG-1 in general was super close. Look how they became a make-shift family for Cassie, even before Janet passed?

                    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                    We do? What kind? I didn't know about this...
                    Um...yeah...I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday...

                    Apparently you've been having problems with your COOKIES reports?

                    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                    I can, however see the women on base getting together for a girl's night out. Or maybe a friendly game of football against the guys. They'd kick butt, of course...
                    Family Ties made me squee with the closeness between Vala and Sam. It was very sweet.

                    Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                    Ooooo, I like your sig, jasminaGo! Trio is so cool-- i watch it whenever I fold clothes. and my son is like, Mmmoooommm, you're watching this one AGAIN??!! And then I feel like an idiot. but i watch it anyway.
                    How old is he?


                      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                      thank you for posting this. Did you guys see the new Atlantis promo pic? With Woolsey standing in for Sam? *shudders*. Ah well, life goes on, but it just looks weird!!
                      no i haven't. i went looking for it, but can't find it. do you have a link?

                      *sigh* it had to be done (she's not on the show anymore), but it's still kind of sad...




                        Ooh, I love the question about Sam's friends. I think she has way more acquaintances than friends, such as Lee and Siler...people she knows a good deal about, and can talk to or ask for small favors, but not people she seeks out on a regular basis. I'll bet Carolyn is another one of those, and Colonel Reynolds as well, and maybe even Walter or Chloe. As for her friends, I don't see her having any at the SGC outside of SG-1 because they're always together. When Janet was alive, Sam had her for the girl stuff, but now she seems to have Vala to fill that role. And post-series, it's my thought that Carolyn and maybe a couple other female officers would join that group. I love fem-frienship.

                        Earlier in the thread there was a discussion about what makes something shippy. As a psych minor, I've studied a good deal about body language, and how easily it can be misinterpreted. One person's interested look is another's longing gaze, and one person's friendly teasing is another's flirting. And a lot of romantic relationships in real life started out as just friendships. So when it comes to shows, it's up to each person's frame of reference and perception as to how they interpret scenes. I know in my life, I've known at least one guy who constantly flirts with me even though I'm 99% positive there's nothing more to it than that. Were we on a show, though, someone would be shipping us. For myself, I go through life unintentionally seeing all sides of most issues, so I'm a multishipper when it comes to shows: almost any scene that could be interpreted as friendship could be interpreted as ship, so unless a certain ship violates my opinion of a character just by existing or has no evidence for it, I'll support it at least a little.

                        ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                        ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                          [QUOTE=LilFerret;8386320]AAAaahahaha Welcome to the dark side. We have cookies.

                          Noooooooooooooooo....not THE DARK SIDE. So you think you can lure me to the DARK SIDE with just cookies, do you? You do not know how strong my will power is to resist your mere offer of cookies......ahhhh what kind of cookies??? Chocolate? Oh no, not CHOCOLATE COOKIES!!!! HHHEEEEELLLLLPPP!!!!!


                            OK GW. Time to get your 'upgrades' working. Sending 'fixing' vibes your way.........Not being able to get on is becoming seriously annoying.

                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            Besides SG1, who do you think Sam has as other work friends? We know she's on a first name basis w/ Dr. Lee by the late seasons (quite a change over the years) but do you think they're friends? Do you think her work friends would be other scientists or military types?
                            jckfan desperately attempts to wrench us over to On Topic
                            Great question. I would say Sam has several friends outside of work. And I would venture to say that she would also have friends outside both the military and science. Her neighbors, at the gym, people she's met in the process of looking for her vintage motorcycles and cars. Everybody's brain needs a break sometime.

                            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                            On the Sam friends issue. A couple of you have said that Sam & Siler are friends. I think they have a friendly relationship, but would the fact that she's an officer & he's enlisted put a barrier between them? I know we've had people on the thread with military experience--maybe you have an idea?
                            Fraternization regulations existed eons before women were in the military and strictly forbid fraternization between officers and enlisted personnel. Hence, separate 'Officers' and 'Non-Commissioned Officers' clubs, quarters, etc. In 1998, the regulations were standardized for all branches of the US military based on Marine Corps regs. Although, the application of the regs may differ depending on the branch, they each say essentially the same thing. Some branches of the service are more noted for being much more strict than others.

                            Interestingly, the specific wording of the regulations say there can be no fraternization between 'officers and enlisted personnel' when they actually say very little specifically about men and women (those phrases are worded more generally and are a very small part of the regulations). What I find unrealistic about Stargate (which I do consider to be quite realistic for the most part, other than wormholes and aliens that is ) is how much they emphasize the regs for Sam and Jack, but not for the closeness of the team and officers/enlisted staff. I think many fans have developed the wrong impression that the regulations just apply to relationships between men and women, when in fact that is only one small part of them.

                            Per regs, Sam and Siler should never be friends outside of a 'professional, working environment'. IMO, I just see them as being friendly on-base and, even though he helped her with her motorcycle, I don't think it would extend off-base. I always thought Sam was installing a naquada reactor so she could win the Pike's Peak road race

                            Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                            And on the Sam friends topic, I don't think she'd be real close to anyone but her team and Janet. I can see her maybe going out for coffee with a girlfriend she met at the gym or something, but I think the secrecy of her job would prevent her from getting close to anyone outside work.

                            I can, however see the women on base getting together for a girl's night out. Or maybe a friendly game of football against the guys. They'd kick butt, of course...
                            I could see sam being friends with people at the gym too, both individually and as a member of sports teams (volleyball, softball, etc.) Got to keep the PT going at all times and spice things up once in a while. I could see Sam, Janet and couple other women officers going bowling or out to eat sometimes. They would at least understand Sam's scheduling.

                            As to the Sam not having friends because it is too hard 'keeping a secret', I personally wouldn't think that would stop Sam. After the initial phase of being scared you'll let something slip as a newbie in your job, most people quickly learn to live complete and full lives without the 'secret' ever entering into the picture. You just don't tell people you have a secret and they never know the difference. Pete being a jerk aside, beyond a quick question about 'what do you do?' most people don't want any more information about somebody else's job.

                            One other place I would say Sam has friends is somehow in relation to her house. As any homeowner knows, houses constantly need repairs and upkeep. I would bet Sam knows the guys down at the local hardware store pretty well They would all turn on the charm falling over themselves to help the 'tall, leggy blonde' who comes in for paint and parts Or maybe she has a 'handyman' or a neighbor who does the work for her or watches for things. Maybe he is a young, handsome lawncare guy who has incredible shoulders and a very nice backside.......oops, I think I'm veering off into fanfic here Or maybe my own fantasy
                            Last edited by hisg1fans; 10 June 2008, 04:57 PM.


                              Originally posted by Edb View Post
                              Noooooooooooooooo....not THE DARK SIDE. So you think you can lure me to the DARK SIDE with just cookies, do you? You do not know how strong my will power is to resist your mere offer of cookies......ahhhh what kind of cookies??? Chocolate? Oh no, not CHOCOLATE COOKIES!!!! HHHEEEEELLLLLPPP!!!!!
                              Ahahaha...Mint Chocolate Chip cookies, Peanut Butter cookies, Oatmeal Raisin cookies...Dog cookies. *brakes screeching*'d that get in there? *glares at Minnie, Smeagle, and Dakota, who sit by wagging tails and asserting their innocense*

                              Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                              Fraternization regulations existed eons before women were in the military and strictly forbid fraternization between officers and enlisted personnel.
                              GAH! OK, so that would explain why my ex and my current husband's friends didn't come over...



                                hey guys!!!!

                                what's happenin' with the lovely Samandas these days?

