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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Guys I forgot in my last post to say:

    Thank You to Ambermoon for my lovely avatar!

    Isn't it pretty? I love it!

    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


      Originally posted by suse View Post
      Biased in the field, biased if you command them (you approve/write appraisals/start the ball rolling for medals and promotions - though promotions are also somewhat based on time served)
      Indeed. Although I think it's safe to say that where SG1 is concerned, that any and all promotions given were because those individuals deserved them. Promotion does depend on time in grade, but it also depends on budget. They'll look at it and say "well how many Colonel's can we afford?" or whatever (obviously not those exact words ) Part of the reason why Jack can "do whatever he wants" now is because he is the man, there aren't hundreds of generals running around that he has to report to. The higher the rank, the more expensive you get. Which also means, just bringing it back to the regs here, that just because an officer is recommended for promotion, doesn't necessarily mean they'll get it.

      For teh shippah's
      Jack's position now really is a case of "the big cheese". He's in a position so rare that it doesn't actually matter any more. Sam doesn't report to Jack in the way she used to. She was directly under him (*cue gutter girlz*). His decisions affected her directly, and hers affected his, which is why they had to be professional. From S9 onwards Sam reported to Landry the same way she used to report to Jack. The regs exist to stop people who work together from getting involved on that personal a level. Jack and Sam no longer work together. The fact that Jack is head of HWS and therefore oversees all things 'gate related is actually more of a technicality in the S/J relationship. There are of course many folks (who are equally entitled to their opinion) who say that the rules affect the status of their relationship even now. But IMHO that's stretching the regs into something they're not.

      The reality of Sam and Jack being together is not an impossible one.. it's far simpler than one tends to believe.

      *shipper hat off*



        So, was I the only one who grumbled when Jack promoted Sam upon being promoted himself? I can totally understand if he offered a strong recommendation, but that act just stung of favoritism to me. Especially since it wasn't even the next episode. I know there's no evidence that Sam's not the most qualified, but there's also no evidence that Jack just doesn't see anyone but SG-1. But then, I've always protested a little to SG-1's clique status...I support the overlooked people.

        ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
        ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          Indeed. Although I think it's safe to say that where SG1 is concerned, that any and all promotions given were because those individuals deserved them. Promotion does depend on time in grade, but it also depends on budget. They'll look at it and say "well how many Colonel's can we afford?" or whatever (obviously not those exact words ) Part of the reason why Jack can "do whatever he wants" now is because he is the man, there aren't hundreds of generals running around that he has to report to. The higher the rank, the more expensive you get. Which also means, just bringing it back to the regs here, that just because an officer is recommended for promotion, doesn't necessarily mean they'll get it.

          For teh shippah's
          Jack's position now really is a case of "the big cheese". He's in a position so rare that it doesn't actually matter any more. Sam doesn't report to Jack in the way she used to. She was directly under him (*cue gutter girlz*). His decisions affected her directly, and hers affected his, which is why they had to be professional. From S9 onwards Sam reported to Landry the same way she used to report to Jack. The regs exist to stop people who work together from getting involved on that personal a level. Jack and Sam no longer work together. The fact that Jack is head of HWS and therefore oversees all things 'gate related is actually more of a technicality in the S/J relationship. There are of course many folks (who are equally entitled to their opinion) who say that the rules affect the status of their relationship even now. But IMHO that's stretching the regs into something they're not.

          The reality of Sam and Jack being together is not an impossible one.. it's far simpler than one tends to believe.

          *shipper hat off*

          Penguin, the regs were just an excuse anyway...


            Originally posted by PengYn View Post
            Indeed. Although I think it's safe to say that where SG1 is concerned, that any and all promotions given were because those individuals deserved them. Promotion does depend on time in grade, but it also depends on budget. They'll look at it and say "well how many Colonel's can we afford?" or whatever (obviously not those exact words ) Part of the reason why Jack can "do whatever he wants" now is because he is the man, there aren't hundreds of generals running around that he has to report to. The higher the rank, the more expensive you get. Which also means, just bringing it back to the regs here, that just because an officer is recommended for promotion, doesn't necessarily mean they'll get it.

            For teh shippah's
            Jack's position now really is a case of "the big cheese". He's in a position so rare that it doesn't actually matter any more. Sam doesn't report to Jack in the way she used to. She was directly under him (*cue gutter girlz*). His decisions affected her directly, and hers affected his, which is why they had to be professional. From S9 onwards Sam reported to Landry the same way she used to report to Jack. The regs exist to stop people who work together from getting involved on that personal a level. Jack and Sam no longer work together. The fact that Jack is head of HWS and therefore oversees all things 'gate related is actually more of a technicality in the S/J relationship. There are of course many folks (who are equally entitled to their opinion) who say that the rules affect the status of their relationship even now. But IMHO that's stretching the regs into something they're not.

            The reality of Sam and Jack being together is not an impossible one.. it's far simpler than one tends to believe.

            *shipper hat off*

            I disagree with the bolded part in the spoiler

            I think Sam was on top


              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post

              Daniel: Geez Sam, it looks like they are licking again.
              Sam: That's okay Daniel, Mandy and Jan said we'd be safe in the hazmat suits.
              where can i get me one of those? a girl needs to protect herself ya know!
              Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
              I do not know! *is curious*

              Spoiler for size...
              total Star Wars flashback!
              Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
              I only just finished watching 200 and was in fits of laughter over the furlings. I still giggle hysterically when I watch that episode
              happends to me everytime too! even just thinking about it... like now.... hahahahahhahaha
              Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
              Yes I love that "Say that again" "No" so good. And the shower scene too great stuff
              SOOOO MARRIED!!!!!!

              sorry, i couldn't resist
              Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
              Lots more at my LJ, though none NEARLY as good as Antoa's. *SO jealous of her camera* HEE

              Here is one of my favorites, even though it's SO blurry. I blame the lighting. *twitches* But she's sooooooooooooooooo cute.

              Here are my other pics from the event:

              Part 1

              Part 2
              awww, Amanda's such a sweetie! i noticed on your LJ that she'll be at Gatecon in august??? IS THAT TRUE CUZ IF IT IS I MIGHT BE ABLE TO GO CUZ I'LL (POSSIBLY) BE IN VANCOUVER!!!!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG I MIGHT GET TO SEE RICK AND AMANDA TOGETHER!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!


                Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                So, was I the only one who grumbled when Jack promoted Sam upon being promoted himself? I can totally understand if he offered a strong recommendation, but that act just stung of favoritism to me. Especially since it wasn't even the next episode. I know there's no evidence that Sam's not the most qualified, but there's also no evidence that Jack just doesn't see anyone but SG-1. But then, I've always protested a little to SG-1's clique status...I support the overlooked people.
                You have to understand just because Jack technically presided over the ceremony, he did not promote Sam her officer promotion packet went to the LT Colonel boards and she had all the qualifications to acheive the rank including time in grade,time in service, education level leadership experience etc to get the rank of LT Col. also given her unique position she was more than likely an early candidate for promotion due to her awards and commendations as well as combat experience. The board publishes the list of officers promoted and then it is up to the command when the actual ceremony and promotion takes place usually a few months later.
                Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


                  Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                  Oh so not true Blonds have more fun hun
                  Wrong, Brunettes have more fun, we just don't have to brag about it like Blondes do.
                  I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                    Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                    Did I mention how much I LOVE that you love Farscape too? And...*snort*...we talkin' about a real dog here? Or THE Rygel...cuz...either applies here...
                    Don't know about no dog named Rygel, I was referring to THE DOMINAR. ;D
                    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                      Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                      So, was I the only one who grumbled when Jack promoted Sam upon being promoted himself? I can totally understand if he offered a strong recommendation, but that act just stung of favoritism to me. Especially since it wasn't even the next episode. I know there's no evidence that Sam's not the most qualified, but there's also no evidence that Jack just doesn't see anyone but SG-1. But then, I've always protested a little to SG-1's clique status...I support the overlooked people.
                      Hmm it didn't bother me - but then again I am just one person lol. Being promoted isn't down to the decision of just one individual - even if he is a big mighty general. His opinion counts, sure, but it doesn't mean the promotions board will agree. They have to look at time served, they have to see if they can afford it, and then they have to ask themselves who deserves the promotions they can grant.

                      Sam's time in grade between her promotion to Major and then to Lt. Colonel is acceptable to the military. Then you have to look at what she's done in that time. A Major saving the planet every other week pretty much beats a Major who may be shifting office supplies in a desk job somewhere. Experience and leadership ability win at the end of the day.

                      I think Jack was excited because he genuinely believed Sam deserved that promotion. I didn't read the situation as him promoting her out of the blue (that just doesn't happen), I read it as he's General now and he gets to be in charge of the promotions ceremony that grants a valued former team mate the rank she justly deserves.

                      Oh my, I am going on a bit today aren't I? I promise I will consider all orders to "zip it" very seriously.. sort of.


                        Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                        Wrong, Brunettes have more fun, we just don't have to brag about it like Blondes do.
                        So true. Has anyone seen the Sanctuary trailer? This is the new one from Sci-Fi channel.
                        After you watch it tell me if you notice the new scenes versus the older ones I noticed the difference based on the wig which is slightly different than her natural hair dyed now. It was wierd seeing the newer scenes because of this did anyone else notice this or did it bother you?
                        Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


                          Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                          Ooh ahaha speaking of Amanda...duh...I love when she says "No" to Marty when he asks her to repeat the technobabble. I love how she says it
                          Lol, one of my favorites is right after the "younger, edgier" scene.... where she's got her head in her hands just shaking her head.... "No." "Nuh-uh."
                          awesome siggie courtesy of jasminaGo


                            Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                            I'm scared....but what a weird and wonderful land. Has a kind of Alice in Wonderland feel about it. I am all for it!
                            It truly is a weird and wonderful land this Samandaland of ours. No Alice but a remarkable woman named Amanda who can take nearly sane and slightly grown up people and morph them into licking, laughing, smacking, noodle chasing, cookie tempting, Gutter dwellers near The Dark Side. She has armed us with humor, compassion, kindness, and generosity to fight the daily battles that life sometimes throws at us and and to live that life to the fullest seeing much beauty and love in it. All Hail Amanda!!! Lead us onward and downward to the Gutter near The Dark Side armed with noodles and cookies, laughing and licking all the way.


                              Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                              I do not know! *is curious*

                              Spoiler for size...
                              LOL - love the pic ... but I was about to ask where it was from when...

                              Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                              I only just finished watching 200 and was in fits of laughter over the furlings. I still giggle hysterically when I watch that episode
                              Mary-Jane kindly explained
                              ...really must watch the rest of the series now (I stopped in season 8 - don't ask) ... I was going to wait b/c my parents are starting from the beginning, but it'll take a long while to get up to the later seasons that way!

                              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                              Re: The regs discussions.

                              Spoilered for length and a real bit of rambling...

                              For those of you who remember JenniferJF, or who were present in the many regs discussions that used to take place on the ship thread, you may remember that her husband used to be in special forces ie. black ops whilst she herself was in the army. She frequently pointed out that this type of unit very rarely follows the strict military formula bound by the regs. It is impossible not to form a strong bond with the small group of people who you place your trust in every day, every mission, so that you come through that task alive, given that each black ops mission would be as dangerous as the next. Jenn often said that her hubby spent time with his unit because they literally were the only ones who understood. They were not just his co-workers.

                              IMHO special forces is very much similar to the SG units. They're small and your life depends on each other every day, every mission. Again, I find it impossible that they could not become as close as they did. Translated into tv language for those who watch Farscape, it's like being part of a retrieval squad. You're still a peacekeeper, but your unit doesn't follow the rigid peacekeeper norm.

                              I don't pretend to be any kind of expert here but I paid special attention to regs between men and women which I suppose can be looked at as general regs too.

                              In the military, a fraternisation case that goes to court martial will very, very seldom result in either party being severely punished. Someone would have to have gotten physically hurt, died etc for that to take place. This is because even though there are rules ie. don't fraternise within your CoC, emotions and feelings are not something that can be conditioned or controlled by rules. They happen. They are human. And being in the military doesn't exempt you from them. Therefore the military accepts feelings, but they also accept that those feelings can cause favouritism or the appearance of it... hence the regs.

                              But those regs can only be called upon after action. Because military officers are not exempt (feelings wise) from falling for each other, if any two officers (and I'm trying very hard here not to say Jack and Sam here ) went to their CO and said that they had feelings for one another it would have resulted in one of them being transferred as per military regulations. It wouldn't have resulted in a court martial, and there would certainly have been no black marks against them. The regs are not designed to stop people from getting together or marrying, they're designed to protect the unit, and to stop feelings getting in the way of the job.

                              The regs exist to stop people who work together from getting involved on that personal a level.

                              Going back to Stargate though, I think that all the members of SG1 were far too honourable and selfless (gah!) to think of themselves first. Yes, they could go to Hammond and one of them could get transferred and they could be together... except that the Goa'uld threat was still very real and they were committed to it. They all had invaluable skills. I don't think any of them would have put themselves before their planet.
                              Thank you for that explanation PengYn! I agree with your assessments - SG1 strike me as a fairly selfless and tight-knit group of people, all in all

                              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                              Indeed. Although I think it's safe to say that where SG1 is concerned, that any and all promotions given were because those individuals deserved them. Promotion does depend on time in grade, but it also depends on budget. They'll look at it and say "well how many Colonel's can we afford?" or whatever (obviously not those exact words ) Part of the reason why Jack can "do whatever he wants" now is because he is the man, there aren't hundreds of generals running around that he has to report to. The higher the rank, the more expensive you get. Which also means, just bringing it back to the regs here, that just because an officer is recommended for promotion, doesn't necessarily mean they'll get it.

                              For teh shippah's
                              Jack's position now really is a case of "the big cheese". He's in a position so rare that it doesn't actually matter any more. Sam doesn't report to Jack in the way she used to. She was directly under him (*cue gutter girlz*). His decisions affected her directly, and hers affected his, which is why they had to be professional. From S9 onwards Sam reported to Landry the same way she used to report to Jack. The regs exist to stop people who work together from getting involved on that personal a level. Jack and Sam no longer work together. The fact that Jack is head of HWS and therefore oversees all things 'gate related is actually more of a technicality in the S/J relationship. There are of course many folks (who are equally entitled to their opinion) who say that the rules affect the status of their relationship even now. But IMHO that's stretching the regs into something they're not.

                              The reality of Sam and Jack being together is not an impossible one.. it's far simpler than one tends to believe.

                              *shipper hat off*

                              I agree. The chain of command is more nebulous once Jack becomes top dawg, so to speak As far as I understood the situation, the regs are in place to affect those in a direct CoC, to avoid potentially dangerous favouritism occurring on the field.

                              I remember having this discussion about Janet - as CMO on base, she had the authority to over-rule everyone, including Hammond. (Yes, we were obviously having this discussion a while ago. Shush.) So how did she fit into the CoC, and how would the regs affect with whom she could have a relationship?

                              Potentially silly (but honestly wondering) q time: do anti-frat regs apply to just romantic relationships, or very close friendships as well? For ex, the obvious (to me, anyway!) connection that Sam and Janet shared - they effectively were two moms to Cassie, so even if you don't ship them, you still have to admit a deep friendship and trust, akin to family. Well, really I see all the (orig) SG1 team as a sort of family unit, but I slightly digress ... were they technically breaking the rules? Okay, so rules would necessarily have to be altered to encompass alien lifeforms, as said beings weren't really an issue when said regs were being written, and there's always the element of command looking the other way, but technically speaking...?

                              Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                              Wrong, Brunettes have more fun, we just don't have to brag about it like Blondes do.
                              *grin* As a natural brunette who went blonde for a while ... I have to say I had fun as a blonde, but that might have possibly had more to do with my age at the time than my hair colour, seeing as I've had a tonne of fun as a brunette as well

                              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                              Hmm it didn't bother me - but then again I am just one person lol. Being promoted isn't down to the decision of just one individual - even if he is a big mighty general. His opinion counts, sure, but it doesn't mean the promotions board will agree. They have to look at time served, they have to see if they can afford it, and then they have to ask themselves who deserves the promotions they can grant.

                              Sam's time in grade between her promotion to Major and then to Lt. Colonel is acceptable to the military. Then you have to look at what she's done in that time. A Major saving the planet every other week pretty much beats a Major who may be shifting office supplies in a desk job somewhere. Experience and leadership ability win at the end of the day.

                              I think Jack was excited because he genuinely believed Sam deserved that promotion. I didn't read the situation as him promoting her out of the blue (that just doesn't happen), I read it as he's General now and he gets to be in charge of the promotions ceremony that grants a valued former team mate the rank she justly deserves.

                              Oh my, I am going on a bit today aren't I? I promise I will consider all orders to "zip it" very seriously.. sort of.
                              No PengYn, this is great Well, I'm enjoying your insights, anyway! Of course, that could be b/c I'm finding myself agreeing with so many of them, but whatever - discussion is good!
                              ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                              SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                              ames on facebook
                              ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                                Originally posted by Edb View Post
                                It truly is a weird and wonderful land this Samandaland of ours. No Alice but a remarkable woman named Amanda who can take nearly sane and slightly grown up people and morph them into licking, laughing, smacking, noodle chasing, cookie tempting, Gutter dwellers near The Dark Side. She has armed us with humor, compassion, kindness, and generosity to fight the daily battles that life sometimes throws at us and and to live that life to the fullest seeing much beauty and love in it. All Hail Amanda!!! Lead us onward and downward to the Gutter near The Dark Side armed with noodles and cookies, laughing and licking all the way.
                                I like you.

                                Hey guys! I'm adopting this newbie, k?
                                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!

